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Headstrong Ch. 01


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Even when I thought of the possible consequences - getting pregnant - I still just didn't want it to end. I knew I should stop it, at the very least tell Ted he had to pull out at the end, but I was too blown away by the feelings and how they changed. As the first, sudden pain faded, heat tinged with ache began to spread upwards through my belly. It was better, becoming almost nice, and I decided. I put my hands on Ted's butt and pulled.

He got the message. As Ted leaned into me again, I couldn't help but wince when his penis pushed in just a bit farther, but I was overwhelmed by the flood of warmth that swept through me as I realized that Ted was being so measured, so gentle. I'd sensed the awesome power of his penis's need, its urge to thrust, to just drive deep into me, but Ted was controlling it, going super slow.

Even with him being so considerate, I felt totally helpless, conflicted, and completely unprepared. But there was no longer any choice. This was happening, now, and Ted forged ahead. He leaned into me again and, though I felt my body twitch and jerk reacting to the intrusion, I was able to suppress my gasp. My entire conscious became consumed by the feel of his dick inside me as it kept pushing in, just a half inch at time. But over and over.

I was SO tense. My head was locked back against the mattress, my mouth drawn into an O, and my abs were clenched. I couldn't believe the impact of getting fucked, how it just paralyzed me.

The pressure of his penis increased and it bore in just a bit more. After Ted rested it there for a bit, giving me time to adjust, I heard my breath rush in as he pulled it out a little then slid it back in. Then he did it again. And again. Soon his cock was sliding in and out of me easily, lubricated by my juice and guided by my stretched-out vagina. I lost count of his strokes and just lay there feeling my pussy being filled, being fucked, as the hot ache spread out from my pussy and warmed my thighs and stomach.

This was much better.

Driven to keep going, Ted started pressing again. Each time he leaned into me, I tensed, feeling his cock stretching me, spreading me, relentlessly boring in. As he kept pushing more and more of his penis into me, he also kept sliding it in and out, over and over, forcing my vagina to expand. Instinctively my hips rolled backwards in response to his thrusts to ease the pressure, the small pain, pulling away when he pushed in, then recovering as he pulled out.

It made it better for me. I liked the in-and-out much more than when it drove in farther, but I guess it wasn't as good for Ted. His hands grabbed my butt and held me still as he leaned into me again. I gasped as much more of his penis thrust in deeper.

With nowhere to go, no way to pull back, his cock just plunged in. Then again and again. Ted kept at it, relentlessly driving his huge hard penis into my soft, tight, virgin vagina. Spreading me, opening me up, forcing me to accept all of it. I couldn't think or move, and all my senses fixated on the feel of his penis plowing into me, driving deeper and deeper.

Finally it was all inside and the sensation was overwhelming. The forward pressure and relentless intrusion was finally over, thank God, leaving just the feeling of being completely filled, completely stuffed.

Ted kissed my neck, my head, my lips, and his hands devoured me. I sighed and tried to relax, to relish everything. First that I'd been able to take all of Ted's penis, then how happy I'd made him. Finally, I reveled in knowing that I'd actually been fucked!

As the pain and burn began to ease, it was replaced by a feeling of warmth which spread out from my pussy all through my body. This was so much better!

Getting fucked had finally become nice and I was ready for it to end, to be complete. I wondered when Ted would ejaculate and was just about to tell him to be sure to pull out, when a new sensation clenched my throat and choked off my words.

I heard my spontaneous sigh when Ted slowly pulled his penis out of me. Feeling my vagina contract, resizing after being so spread, was unlike anything I'd ever felt. Then I moaned in pleasure-pain when it eased back in, stretching my tube, forcing it back open. I sighed as it crept out again, then moaned as it inched back in. Sigh and moan, sigh and moan, over and over. As Ted kept it up, I realized that this, not just having him inside me, was what fucking really was.

And it kept getting better. Each penetration was less painful, less uncomfortable, and the way his penis was rubbing and spreading my tube was beginning to feel good. And each stroke was better than the last. Oh, yes...

I began understand why everyone got so worked up about fucking. Keep going, Ted... Mmm...

But then a sense of uneasiness crept into me. Every time the penis cycled in and out it went a little faster, a little harder. Oh my goodness... It already felt like too much, too soon! Needing an anchor to steady myself in the swirling sea of feeling, my arms clasped onto Ted.

Though I meant it as a signal for him to go easy, to stay slow, it just seemed to encouraged him and he kept going faster. My sighs got louder and became whimpers, finally moans as his penis began vigorously driving into me. Really fucking me. Hard. Fast. Deep. Too hard! Too fast! Too deep! It felt like a pile driver plunging into my body, sending shock waves through me with each thrust. Over and over. Faster and faster.

Though blown away by the sensations, I totally understood what was happening. This was just like when I had jerked him off and at some point Ted had become completely lost, so swept away by the sensations in his dick that his mind just left. Now his penis's overpowering need to fuck me, its compulsion to ejaculate, had just turned off Ted's brain. He'd said he was going to be gentle - he'd promised! - but now Ted had transformed into a wild rutting animal acting on instinct alone. That instinct was to fuck! To fuck me!

Though it seemed impossible, the animal's tempo increased again, as did the length of its strokes. The heat within me blazed higher, began to burn and sear through me. With each thrust a new wave of wrenching fire swept over me, overtopping the last, and the thrusts kept coming ever faster and hotter.

My whimpers, moans and gasps, mixed in the air with the animal's guttural grunts and growls. Still the massive raging penis plunged into me, over and over, stirring the pot as it boiled over.

Even through the storm swirling in my brain, the inferno roaring in my ears, at some point I became aware how the cock changed its pattern, its thrusting, how its motions became quivery, irregular, then stopped. The penis trembled, swelled, pulsed, then spewed. Over and over and over it ejaculated into me.

The penis's completion somehow magnified mine, and I just became lost, swimming in a whirlpool of sensation.


When I came back to my senses I just felt the penis, still filling me. I knew it was a little softer now, not the rock hard, relentless bludgeon that had fucked me so ferociously. When I shifted slightly to get more comfortable I felt it slide, swimming in the flood of ooze that it had injected into me, the cum with which it had filled me.

"Oh my god, Kim, just... oh... my... god..."

Ted sounded as blown away as I was, but his whisper broke the spell I was under and set off a chain reaction inside me. My mind was so destroyed, so obliterated by the power of all that had happened that I just lay there stunned by the feelings coursing through me. Joy, fear, elation, terror, love, ecstasy, regret, exhilaration, distress, and amazement all just flooded me, competing for space in my brain.

Needing to let the overwhelming emotions out before they exploded, to express them somehow, and unable to do anything else, I started crying. I felt amazing, alive, tingling and vibrant all over, but it was just too much. As the flood of feelings burst out, tears began streaming down my cheeks.

Ted was instantly alarmed, distraught, and sounded truly devastated as his words cascaded out. "Oh my God, Kimmy, I'm so sorry that I hurt you! That I came inside you! I didn't mean to... Please don't cry... Please! I'll do whatever you want. I'll fix this... It's going to be okay... I promise..."

Oh Ted! He was totally misunderstanding! It had been fine, even amazing! At least by the end. Yes, he did come inside me, and I was terrified of becoming pregnant. But I could have told him not to. At least early on... Once that penis started seriously fucking me, all I could do was moan and whimper. But I made my choice when I grabbed his butt and pulled his dick further into me.

I had to tell Ted I was OK or his anguish was going to break my heart! I kissed him to still his voice. I hugged him to allay his fears. I stroked his back with my hands, I squeezed his cock with my vagina. My voice was small, quavering, broken by sobs, but I forced myself to speak. "Ted, shush! I'm fine! It's just that it was so amazing, so powerful..." I took his cheeks in my hands and looked deeply into his eyes. "So wonderful."

Later, when I was lying on my bed back in my room, as Ted's semen seemed to keep oozing out of my vagina forever, the dreadful fear that I'd been trying to ignore finally just ripped through me. God! I was SO screwed! I'd gotten carried away and been so foolish! Was I going to be made to suffer, was I going to be punished by getting pregnant?

I nervously, fervently prayed that the rumor that you never got pregnant from your first time was true while I did some furious calculating, picturing the calendar in my head. Counting days. Oh, please, please, please...

Finally I relaxed. Though the nagging doubt would remain until my next period, I was almost certain I was safe. Should be for several more days at least.

Once the terror had passed, my mind began rerunning everything that had happened, but in reverse order. How Ted had finally believed that I was fine, just so extremely moved I had no way to express it. How, when his penis softened and my tight, now once-fucked vagina popped it out, we both laughed a little, then hugged and kissed. How I was still so blown away that I needed to go, to be alone, to have some time to sort it all out.

Next my mind flashed on how Ted's penis felt inside me. How having it first pop in was so stunning, so compelling that everything else just went away. How he kept working it in. How I knew he was trying to be gentle, but how I just kept getting overwhelmed by how big it was, how hard it was. How relentless Ted was. How his penis just kept spreading me, pushing in deeper and deeper.

Then how Ted fucked me. Slowly and gently at first, but as the sensations took over his mind, just as they did when I jacked him off, he became his penis. And that penis just needed to always go faster, harder, deeper.

I'd seen it hard earlier, played with it like it was a fun toy, felt I owned it when I made it shoot and then got it hard again. But getting fucked by it was so different. It just overwhelmed me. Reduced me to being just a sheath for it. A burning, aching, needing, and finally orgasming sleeve for his penis.

And then that penis just kept fucking me, going on and on, and it became so intense, impossibly powerful and ecstatic that I lost it. The fire in my pussy and the sensations it caused just consumed me.

And then the penis shot. Ejaculated. Over and over. So much cum that it filled me up, totally. And its shooting inside me just seemed to finalize everything, complete my first time having sex. Getting fucked. And I had no way to express all I felt except to cry.

I have no idea how my fingers got into my pussy. I'd been using lots of tissues to blot up Ted's cum as it kept oozing out of me, so maybe it was an extension of that. Anyway, as I was lying on my bed reliving everything, my memories of getting fucked were abruptly interrupted by the flash of fire induced by my fingers rubbing my clit.

God! I was suddenly incredibly horny again! Out of habit my fingers sped up, driving for the finish line, but I stopped them. To come would be nice, a relief, but it would be so much less satisfying, so much less amazing than if Ted got me off. Than if Ted fucked me.

I was instantly on my feet and didn't even stop to put on my robe. Headstrong little sister Kim was going to Ted's room and was going to find a way to get her big brother to fuck her again!

"Uhh!" I exclaimed as I ran headlong into Ted in the dim hallway, halfway between our doors. He grunted, too, but then gasped when my hands grabbed his dick. His huge, bare, hard dick. I was overjoyed that it seemed he'd had the same idea as me. Then we were kissing, he shoved me up against the wall, his hands consumed me, and I sank onto my back on the floor.

Ted was on me, over me, after me, hands everywhere, kissing me hard, panting and moaning. Though it was awkward - I was wedged between the floor and the wall - I managed to guide his penis to my hole. "Gaa!" I cried as he drove it into me. Fast and hard. All the way.

It was stunning, but didn't hurt much. My vagina was still slick with his cum, maybe still stretched out, and his cock just slid right in. Perfectly, like Uncle Dave's antique saber slips into its scabbard. My hands frantically clasped at Ted's shoulders, his back, his butt. I needed to express my excitement at having him back inside me, where I wanted him.

As that penis pumped me, always harder, always faster, always deeper, I felt my mind dissolve like before. I just became my pussy, and loved how Ted's dick was spreading it, stretching it, reaming it. Fucking it. Owning it, and with it, me.

When we talked about it later, Ted surmised that because he'd come twice already, massively and so recently, he lasted a long time. Long time? Try forever! He apologized - needlessly - for the carpet burns on my shoulders, back and butt, how my tits and ass were red and sore from how he grabbed them and squeezed them so hard. And, when we made love again just a little while ago, I had to make him go super slow and gentle because my pussy is so tender.

For my part, I said I was sorry for the fingernail scratches in his back and butt. I don't remember doing that, not at all, but kind of like that it did. I guess I was as carried away as he was. Despite all the scratches and bruises, our fuck in the hallway topped the first time. Just blew it away.

I don't remember much about it. Except how Ted's cock just kept fucking me. At one point his hands felt fabulous squeezing my tits, fingers and thumbs pinching my nipples. Then scrunching handfuls of my belly, my sides, my shoulders, my butt. Everywhere.

Another time he was just holding my head in his hands, looking at me, watching me come as he pumped away. I knew that my face had to be a sight - my forehead furled, my cheeks aflame, my wild, wide eyes woozy and swimming, my mouth twitching as gasps and moans poured out of it - but Ted just kissed me. Over and over. And kept fucking me. Then his hands were back squeezing my tits, then my ass, curling my pussy up to him so he could thrust even deeper into it. Into me. Over and over and over.

I do remember how, at one point as it just went on and on, it became so intense that I thought I'd have to ask him to stop. Fortunately my mouth didn't work, and I soon realized that, despite everything - my chaffed backside, bruised tits and ass, and sore pussy - I really didn't want him to stop. Though it was so impossibly powerful that I couldn't stand it, the last thing I wanted was for it to be over.

When it finally did end, when that dick that had blown me away emptied itself deep inside me, then softened and slipped out, Ted carried me into his room, put me in his bed, lay beside me and pulled the covers over us. I felt small, somehow docile, but really good when he protectively pulled me to him and wrapped his big strong arms around me. I certainly didn't object. It felt right. I felt like a woman in the arms of her man.

Things had so changed.

Girls develop faster than boys, and I'd always been ahead of Ted. Felt superior to him. Always actually was better. I'd often been a really snotty brat to him, bossing him, teasing him, and lording over him how I made varsity in tennis and cross country before he did in basketball and track. How my grades were always better. How I was smarter, near the top of our class.

But all that had changed. That thing between Ted's legs changed everything. I now realized that it had real power, awesome power. It could get rock hard, push into me, and make me lose myself. It could make me moan, thrash, shake and whimper. Make me come. And, most incredible of all, it could make me want it. Again and again.

I did when I woke up the next morning in Ted's bed. His penis was hard even though he was asleep, and seeing it took my breath away. He woke up quickly once I started playing with it and you can guess what happened next. He was so sweet and did stay gentle, considerate of my tender tits and pussy.

Then that penis made me want it again just an hour later after I'd cleaned up the breakfast dishes from the scrambled eggs Ted cooked. I guess Ted liked the way I looked in my shorts - I do have a very nice ass - and he just grabbed it. I wasn't sure about fucking again so soon, was pretty reluctant actually, but seeing his hard penis - he'd quickly stripped while I was cleaning up - made me go all gooey inside.

And it wasn't just seeing it. When it gets hard and starts oozing that clear fluid, either Ted or his penis emits an incredible scent. Sort of musky, a little sweaty, but totally amazing. It seems to fill my nose and explode directly into my brain. Next thing I know I go all woozy and my pussy starts creaming. When it happened this morning, Ted kissed me, pulled down my shorts and panties, sat me on the counter and fucked me.

As much as having sex had changed how I felt, had changed me, I saw that Ted, too, had changed. That he knew how fucking me, what his penis could do to me, had altered both of us.

I sensed it all through that most wonderful Saturday. Ted seemed taller, older, smarter, funnier, more graceful and sophisticated, and oh my! did he treat me differently! Not like his bratty little sister, but like a princess, a goddess, a woman. A woman he wanted to fuck.

He was so considerate, which began with him going out to buy condoms once our after-breakfast fuck was over. I was moved and felt protected, even though I was sure I was safe for a few more days. And that we wouldn't use them, at least not immediately. I just loved feeling his penis gush inside me way too much.

But best of all, in addition to protecting me, I got wet again when I realized that Ted's buying condoms meant he really wanted to keep fucking me. And, OMG, how he kept fucking me!



Ted woke "up" with morning wood again. He told me the term, and it's really cute. Once I put my hand on it we were off to the races. As we'd fucked, and made love, quite a few times now, we knew each other, what we really liked - he's become so good at finger fucking me! - and it went quickly.

Not that I wouldn't enjoy a nice slow screw, but our parents were coming home today and we had stuff to do! Laundry, house cleaning, hiding all the evidence and somehow transforming back into the people we were two days ago.

Anyway, our sex went like before. After he had me hot from fingering my pussy, Ted put me on my back and stuck it in. It was as stunning as always, and the spark in my vagina kindled as his penis spread it, stretched it. The warmth became heat, then flame spiraling out from my pussy and just taking my mind, swirling it away. God! Who would have guessed that odd appendage between my brother's legs could do that to me?

Though my mind was lost, consumed by what his dick was doing to me, somehow I was able to make things go a little differently. While I truly did like how Ted had changed, become so much more assured, confident and assertive, I was a little peeved at how he seemed to think he could just fuck me anytime, anywhere, any way he wanted.

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