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Headstrong Ch. 01

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Twins Kim and Ted were always close, but... Wow!
13.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/02/2024
Created 02/03/2024
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Damn! Damn Ted! Despite my asking - really nicely! - he was doing it again! Jerking off!

The nerve! This time I'd read him the riot act!

I leapt to my feet and clomped across my room, flung open my door and then threw open his. OMG, what a sight! Ted's hand was wrapped around his dick, which seemed huge! The shaft was really red and the head almost purple. And seemed wet!

If only I'd waited another couple seconds, maybe I would have seen it shooting!

As Ted stared at me in horror, and I stared at his penis, I flashed back on how all this had come to pass.


Ted and I are twins, had our 18th birthdays just a month ago, and because we're the same age everything should be equal. Right? But it's never worked out that way. My parents - pretty religious and strict - have always had a double standard. It's based on how society thinks guys and girls should act differently, and it totally pisses me off.

Take dating. Ted and I both have steadies, but dad insists that my curfew has to be earlier than Ted's. Even though all of us are over 18 and legally adults. Totally unfair! But there's nothing, not a thing, that I can do about it. Until I go away to college next fall, that is.

Anyway, dating is nice, and John's OK, but he's certainly not Mr. Right. I really like kissing and how I get all tingly when he feels me up. I let him do that a little, feel my tits, my ass and between my legs some, and I really like how excited he gets. How excited I make him, I guess.

John's put my hand on his dick a few times, but I've always pulled it off. Even though I'm interested, well, actually totally interested, in penises. The only downside to making out is that I get so worked up - OK, horny - that I have to take care of it.

So I do. Everyone does. It's only natural.

I assume that Ted and Sara make out, too, as he comes home from his dates really turned on. And deals with it the same way. But here's the problem. I'm usually in bed when Ted masturbates, and he really gets into it, makes noises that I can hear, and his bed squeaks and thumps against our common wall. It makes it hard for me to concentrate - to imagine John's fingers are in my pussy instead of mine - and it's very frustrating.

Mom always says that I'm headstrong, and I am a decisive person. When faced with a problem, I come up with a solution. In this case, I decided that I'd just ask Ted to be quieter. That's not a biggie, is it? I was sure that, once he knew it was obvious to me what he was doing, that he'd be more subtle. Problem solved. But finding the right time to talk to him proved difficult.

At breakfast maybe. "Good morning, Ted. How are you? And btw, when you jerk off, could you make less noise?" You betcha. That would get the job done. Over dinner? At lunch break at school? Write him a nice little note? Send a text?

No. I decided that I had to talk to him when we'd be alone, just the two of us, so I could read his reactions and modify what I said accordingly. But still, no opportunity presented itself.

Until tonight. Friday. Date night. As usual. Except that our parents had left to go to their college reunion. Alumni parade, spring football game, parties, Sunday brunch, a big deal. As it's far away and they were going to stay over till Sunday with fellow alums, Ted and I were on our own. No problem. They'd left us before, we're both seniors and 18. The army thinks were adult enough, so duh.

Anyway, I kept my promise to mom and dad and made John bring me home at the usual time. I had my plan, the one to solve that problem that's getting steadily worse, so I stayed up watching some movie, waiting for my big brother. Even though we're the same age, Ted sometimes calls me his "little sister." Well, he does have 8 inches on my 5' 6," and it's sometimes handy to have a big brother looking out for me, so I don't mind.

When Ted came home, I could tell that it had been an especially heavy night with Sara, as his face was red, he was totally distracted, and... OK, I'll come clean. I checked out his dick and it was really big, pushing against his tight jeans.

As usual. See, Sara gets Ted going, really worked up, but then doesn't do what I know he'd like her to do. You know, a hand job, or something like that. Give him some relief. So Ted comes home, goes right upstairs and takes care of it. Jerks off. Masturbates. Whatever. Tonight when he made a beeline for his room, I went immediately to mine, got undressed except for my panties - I like the sexy feeling of the sheets on my naked body when I sleep - and into bed. All according to my plan.

Once I heard Ted making the usual noises, I summoned up all my courage and went for it. It was perfect that my parents were away, as I didn't need to worry about them catching me when I went to his room.

Yeah, that's what I did. Whenever I see a problem I just do something about it. So I got up, put on my robe, and walked to his door. Just to ask him to be quieter. You know, have a little consideration.

Well, when I got to his door, something was different. It was open, just a crack. I was going to knock anyway, but then I saw inside. The sheet was down and Ted had his dick - God! It was SO much bigger than I'd imagined! - in his hand and was stroking it.

It was amazing to finally see a guy's erect penis! I was so fascinated that I just had to keep watching. Anyone would, right? Though I knew it wasn't cool to be peeking, I couldn't tear my eyes off it and TOTALLY wanted to see it ejaculate!

Then, big oops, I guess while trying to get a better view I must have leaned against the door, and it creaked really loudly when it swung wide open. Ted heard the noise, saw the motion, and the next thing I knew he was staring at me. As I stared at him.

OK, I was really staring at his penis.

"What the fuck, Kim! I can't believe..." Ted's voice cut out when he grabbed the sheet and quickly covered up.

I didn't know what to do or say, so just opted for the truth. Sort of. "Ted, I'm really, really sorry! I didn't mean to spy. I was just coming to ask you something, a favor, and the door was open. I'm sorry..." I lost my train of thought when my eyes were drawn to his penis as it shifted, pushing the sheet higher.

"Dammit, Kimmy! I can't believe this! What the heck were you going to ask me, anyway?"

"It's sort of a long story. Can I come in?"

"Oh shit. Well, I guess..."

I started walking towards him as I said, "You see Ted, I know that you and Sara make out on your dates and that you come home feeling really aroused..."

"How the hell do you know that?"

"Well, it's pretty obvious..." I kept walking.

"What the heck do you mean?"

"I mean that your face is always really red, just like John's gets when he feels me up..."

"You let John feel you up?" I could tell that Ted had never thought about that. But a part of him liked thinking about it, as the sheet twitched.

I stopped just a few feet from him. "Of course I do, silly. But not too much. His face gets really red, like yours does."

"So my face is red? Big fucking deal! That doesn't prove a thing!"

"Well, there's more..."

"More? More what?"

Mrs. Olson, my tennis coach, always says that to really succeed, you have to totally go for it. Commit and go all out. I did. "I can see that your penis is really big, pressing against your pants."


I started talking fast, as he seemed to be getting really mad and I wanted to smooth things over. "And then, Ted, after you go up to your room, I can hear you jerking off. When you really get going, you make noise and the bed squeaks and bumps against the wall. And my bed's just on the other side. It's really distracting."

Ted didn't say anything, but had a WTF! look on his face.

Did I tell you that I'm an imp, maybe a devil. "I just came to ask you that when you stroke your penis," I looked again, and yay! another twitch, "to be a little quieter. It's hard for me to go to sleep when you make so much noise." I probably should have said, "It's hard for me to get off," but what's a little white lie between siblings? Having said what I intended, I softened it by giving him a cutesy girly face.

It didn't work like I'd hoped.

"Goddam it, Kim! This is none of your fucking business! Get the hell out of my room! Now!." His face was red. I could tell he was really embarrassed. Like totally. Not what I'd hoped for.

I tried to fix it. "But, really Ted, there's no reason to be embarrassed..."

"Get out!"

"Don't be such an idiot!" His getting really angry started getting me mad, too.

"You totally invaded my privacy! You had no right! I want you gone. Now!" After he looked at my eyes he added, "And quit staring!"

Well, I couldn't help it! Really I couldn't. His penis was standing up at an angle off his stomach, tenting the sheet like a lean-to, higher and further than I imagined was possible. And there seemed to be a wet spot at the tip. I reluctantly tore my eyes off it and gave him both barrels. "Okay, have it your way! I'll leave! But you better..."

"Better what?"

"Better be good!" I slammed the door as I stomped out.

I sat on my bed and clenched my fists. Trembling in anger. He could be SO STUPID! I didn't mean to embarrass him. He should know that. We've been best buds all our lives. Geez, I wanted to fix this so bad! I wondered if I should talk to him again. Maybe I could convince him. It's not unreasonable to ask him to be quieter, is it? I was talking myself into going back to his room when I heard it.

His bed was thumping against the wall! Ted was making noise jerking off again! How dare he! I knew he was doing it just to annoy me! Well, it sure worked!

Having embellished my plan - I was now going to tell him off, big time - I leapt to my feet and clomped across my room, flung open my door and then threw open his. OMG! Ted's penis seemed bigger, really red and was maybe throbbing. And the tip was definitely wet! Ooh!

"What the fuck are you doing here! Get out!" Ted screamed. His voice was strained, raspy. He looked at me with a mixture of rage and horror as he ripped his hand off his thing and pulled the sheet up over him.

He was about to yell at me again but I beat him to it. "Ted! You're doing it again, making a lot of noise jerking off even after I asked you not to! This time it's just to piss me off! I know it! How could you!" I shook my finger at him and kept walking towards him as I hurled my accusations.

"Get the fuck out!"

"Not until you tell me why you're being so mean to me!"

"Me! Mean to you!!! You're the one who invaded my privacy!"

"But only because you're doing it again, after I asked you..."

"I can do whatever the fuck I want! Get out!"

"Not until you explain why you're doing it again!"

"Goddam it!" Ted shivered and took a deep breath. "Of course I am! I NEED to! Don't you get that, Kim? My balls are aching, totally blue, and I need some relief! Sara gets me so worked up..." Ted shook his head vehemently and his breath hissed in and out between clenched teeth.

I was blown away! "Geez, Ted! I'm sorry! I never thought about that..." The devil imp, having liked seeing his dick, revised my plan again. It told me to sit on the side of his bed and came up with the next lines. "Okay, I understand now. So, go ahead, do it. But Ted, I, uh, um, er..." I called on Mrs. Olson's help again to get the words out.

"Ted, I want to watch."


I talked fast again, racing to get everything out. I really, really wanted this to happen, so gave it my best shot. "I'm very curious about it. How a penis works. What it even looks like. I haven't seen yours since we were really small. Well, except for just now..." I smiled at him. Then looked at how his penis was tenting the sheet. It jumped. "Ooh! That's SO cool, Ted. I'd really like to see it. Could I, please?"

Ted had an incredulous, bewildered look on his face, but at least he didn't seem as pissed off anymore. I liked this new turn in our conversation. A lot. I also liked how it seemed to make Ted incoherent. Rather than argue or mount an objection, he just cleverly quipped, "Uhh, er, um... Re... Really?"

"Yes, really, Ted. I'm very curious about penises." Yay! The sheet jumped again! "Now, I know that I could get John to show me his, how it gets hard and then how it shoots out its stuff, but I'm afraid that if I did that, he'd get the wrong idea, and want to do things to me. But if I could see yours it would be just like when we were little, wouldn't it? We're brother and sister, so it wouldn't be a big deal, just fun." I smiled at him again, then looked down. The sheet was definitely wet at the tip of his dick. Oooh!

When Ted's brain still couldn't form words, I used my best, most sincere little girl voice. "So Ted, can I please see your penis?"

Ted closed his eyes. His breathing was really fast and he seemed confused, totally disoriented. His body was trembling, almost shaking. He was obviously conflicted, and I was really afraid he was going to make me leave. I wanted this SO much that I pulled out the big gun. "Oh, please, Ted, pretty please..." Pretty please had been magic, had always worked when we were kids.

He still just lay there, quivering. I was about to ask again, to try to convince him when he finally stammered, "Well... um... er... I... guess..."

"Oh goodie!" I clapped my hands in glee. "This will be SO cool, Ted." That was the understatement of the century! Though my original plan was to just get him to masturbate quieter, once I saw his penis, I really, really wanted to see it again. Up close.

However, Ted didn't do anything, just lay there and I was certain he was about to change his mind. Remembering Mrs. Olson's admonition, I reached out, pulled the sheet out of his hands, and started lowering it. I saw that my hands were shaking a bit. I guess I was excited, or nervous. Or something. Turned on, for sure, as I also noticed that I was getting damp down there, like I do when John has his hands on my tits.

Really worried that Ted would get so embarrassed that he'd stop this, which was unbelievably exciting and fun, I thought I'd better say something, distract him while I kept lowering the sheet. "I certainly don't mind that you do it - masturbate - as I know it's normal. Everyone does it. In fact... Well... Do you want to know a secret?"

The distraction worked, and Ted answered on my question. As cogently as ever. "Uh, um, er... sure..." I had the sheet down below his chest now... Gosh, I thought, lifting weights has really done something for his physique. He looks so strong, really ripped...

"I do it, too."

I liked how Ted gasped at that, and how, when he did, his abs bunched up and got so defined. Ooh. Ted's eyes were saucers when he looked at me and asked, "You... You do? Uh... Er... Really?" One more tug on the sheet...

"Of course, silly. Everyone does. It's totally natural and a good thing. No one should be embarrassed about it."

I threw the sheet down off the bed.

OMG! I was so thrilled to see it up close that I just blurted out the truth. "Ted! It's amazing!" It was. Big. I mean seriously big! The shaft was dark pink with big blue veins, and the head was a deeper red, almost purple. It was angled up off his stomach and curved a little towards his chest. And the tip definitely seemed wet. I shivered and my fingers twitched as I starred at it.

Ted didn't say anything, just lay there, breathing hard. He looked really uncomfortable and I was afraid he'd get cold feet, so I took charge. My plan changed again when I realized what I wanted next.

Mrs. Olson would have been proud. "Ted, I want to touch it. Can I? Please?" I kept pretty please in reserve, just in case.

Evidently Ted couldn't talk anymore. But he did nod his head. Maybe... I could have imagined it... Well, he didn't say no, did he?

Having never touched a penis before, I didn't know how, but reached out with one trembling finger. And touched it, right in the middle. It was hot and we both gasped when it lurched up against me. So cool!

Ted was really tense. His head was locked back, his eyes shut tight and his fists balled at his sides. He was biting his lower lip and his breathing was shallow and fast. Still worried that he'd back out and stop me, I distracted him by sliding my finger up and down just a bit.

Ted gasped, and his whole body jerked as his penis pushed up against my finger.

Totally amazing! Even though he'd reacted so intensely, I knew it was good. I slid my fingertip up and down again.

Ted winced and gasped once more, and this incredible feeling of joyous anticipation swept over me, just like when I heard the ice cream truck coming when I was little. I loved how I was able to get Ted so excited, to have such an effect on him! It gave me a thrilling sense of power, of control. Again, and then again I slid my finger up and down his dick. Each time I was rewarded with a twitch and a groan.

Then I started to play around, making small circles with my fingertip as I gradually moved up and down its length. Ted seemed more and more dazed, really out of it, and started moaning, "Ahh," over and over.

I was thrilled! Who'd have guessed that it would be so easy and fun to turn him on, to make his penis twitch and jump, and keep him transfixed with just my finger. So exciting! My pussy throbbed - it seemed as excited as I was - and I knew the crotch of my panties was really wet, just like after my best dates.

As I kept playing with his penis, it seemed to get even bigger and stiffer, the blue veins stood out more, and it began pulsing, bobbing up and down. Drops of clear liquid kept appearing at the tip. I was curious about that, so smeared it all over the head. It was very slick and my finger slid easily as I circled the tip. Then, just as I traced the opening, another big drop appeared. Ted's squirming intensified, and his moaning "Ahhs," became excited, "Ahs!"

I fingered the slit again, and when his penis lurched against me, to keep Ted distracted I whispered, "That's so neat, so cool, Ted." It wasn't necessary. It was like Ted didn't even hear, and I was amazed at how he seemed to be lost, completely unaware of me or what was going on. Just totally consumed by the feelings in his dick. I shuddered when I realized how powerful this was, this sex stuff, how the sensations from his penis could just take over his entire mind and body.

I wasn't worried at all now that he'd get embarrassed and stop me. His penis was in charge. And it wanted everything to continue. I totally loved how the actions of just my one, itty bitty finger could do this to him! I ran it down and up again and giggled as his penis rose up and pushed against my fingertip. This was totally fun.

But then I knew it was time. Time to finally hold an erect penis.

I giggled again at Ted's gasp and shudder when I wrapped my fingers around his cock and began stroking it. Slowly, lightly, first down and then up, just like I'd seen him doing when I first barged in. I paused between each cycle to assess his reaction. This was so wonderful that I didn't want it to end. And Ted seemed, well, very excited.

His cock was incredibly hot and rigid but the skin was soft and I was fascinated by how it slid up and down the hard inner core. I leaned close so I could see better and noticed that his penis seemed to emit a particular, sort of pungent but very sexy scent, sort of like my pussy's perfume when it gets wet. The smell made me feel even more tingly.

As I stroked it down and up again, I loved how Ted groaned and twitched, and how his penis throbbed. So cool! I also loved that I was in control. How, even though Ted's penis was really big, imposing, and even kind of scary - the thought of this huge thing getting inside a girl made me shudder - little sister Kim was in charge of it. Owned it. Could make it do what she wanted.

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