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Headstrong Ch. 03

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Kim and Ted’s loyalty is tested, but their love endures.
17.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/02/2024
Created 02/03/2024
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Hi. Kimmy here. I guess I'd better catch everyone up. It's five weeks later and it's been an amazing time. I still can't believe that I seduced my dad - he told me to start calling him Jim afterward - any more than I can believe that my twin brother, Ted, fucked mom. Well, fucked Kay, I guess. All on the same day. And how all of this came about because of my simple plan to ask Ted to masturbate more quietly. If you haven't read chapters 1 and 2, they're doozies.

As I wrote before, after mom and dad got home late Sunday afternoon from their reunion weekend - during which time Ted and I discovered sex together, fucked like a zillion times and fell totally in love - mom somehow found out. Well, Ted and I were still screwing every night - We just needed to! - and maybe weren't as quiet as we thought.

Anyway, mom decided she'd better talk to Ted about it. Or maybe she had something else in mind... Like me, she's headstrong, just solves any problem she encounters. So that next Saturday she sent dad and me shopping. With a long list. Her plan was to get us out of the house for hours, but we found all the stuff in just a couple stores. So got home early. Earlier than mom expected, for sure.

While Dad parked the car in the garage I took in the first load of groceries. As I put them on the kitchen counter, I heard odd noises coming from upstairs, so went to investigate. OMG! Mom was stark naked on Ted's bed and he was fucking her! Doggie! Hard and fast!

It was so totally horrible that I almost threw up! I couldn't believe how crushed I was at Ted betraying me by screwing another woman. My own mother, for God's sake! They both were moaning and gasping, the bed was thumping against the wall and squeaking, and...

Next thing I knew, dad - whose eyes were locked on the spectacle of his son fucking his wife - bumped into me from behind. It broke me out of my trance and I realized that the only thing worse than us seeing what was happening would be if mom or Ted saw us watching. So I got dad to go into the garage loft with me to wait.

My plan was that we'd hang out for a while, giving time for mom and Ted to quit screwing, then pretend to just be getting back. We had to get out of the house because they'd come downstairs once they finished, and if dad took the car out of the garage again so we could go somewhere else, the door opening might be too loud and mom or Ted might hear. So the loft, which had been my cousin's apartment while he went to college, was perfect.

I was so devastated by what I saw and by Ted's cheating on me - we were SO much in love! How could he? - that I started crying, really wailing. Dad comforted me, holding me as we both sat on the bed. For some reason - maybe to get rid of some guilt - I told him the truth about Ted and me. The way dad held me and stroked me made me feel a lot better.

As it seemed all our family secrets were spilling out, dad then confessed to me that he'd had an affair a few years ago, that mom found out, and it almost ruined everything. Mom cut him off from sex for a year, but then when she forgave him and tried to get him to resume - dad called it making "overtures" to him, which made me giggle - his penis just wouldn't work. Stayed limp and useless.

It broke my heart to see him so sorry, so wounded and sad, and I just needed to comfort him the way he had me. I held him, kissed his forehead, stroked his back, and the next thing I knew he was stroking me again. And I noticed his penis was hard and pushing against his pants.

And we were both horny as heck. I really wanted revenge on Ted, and needed to have some distraction - a penis in my pussy would be perfect! - from the crushing pain I felt, so I basically seduced my father. He tried to resist, but I kept stroking his dick until it took over his brain. And I got what I wanted.

OMG! Did dad fuck me good! Like a wild man! But, after that first fabulous, frenzied fuck, dad seemed really guilty and depressed, so I comforted him again. By putting his hands on my bare tits, which did make him feel better. The next thing I knew he was eating me out! OMG! The most fantastic orgasms ever! I literally screamed!

Then he fucked me again, wonderfully hard and fast, and I squeezed his dick and rubbed my vagina on it over and over. He'd made me come too many times by eating me out, so I made his penis keep shooting long after dad wanted to quit. Until he actually begged me to stop! Whew! I still get hot just thinking about it! Such fabulous sex bonded us, and I felt closer to dad than ever.

Once we could think again, we cleaned up and made a lot of noise as we went back in the house, pretending that we were just getting home. As opposed to being early like before, now we were late, really late, so we hurried.

Those damn groceries! I'd forgotten that I'd left them on the kitchen counter when we first arrived, and now they were sitting right in front of mom and Ted on the kitchen table. And the looks on their faces said it all. After they'd finished fucking, they'd come downstairs, discovered the groceries, and realized that we'd come home early. And caught them screwing. When they looked for us, they found dad and me fucking in the garage. Damn! Pretty unfortunate turn of events, n'est pas?

It was an impossibly awful situation, made worse by mom seeing the big ooze of dad's cum running down my leg. My vagina resizing after being spread and reamed so thoroughly pushed out a big glob just as we were walking into the kitchen and there'd just been no way to wipe it up. This was going to be a horrible scene! The absolute worst!

But then it wasn't. Mom just handled it. She told Ted and me to go upstairs and talk. To sort things out. She and dad were going to talk in the kitchen, and later we'd have a family conference.

When we got to his room Ted had such a pathetic look on his face! I've heard the term, "hangdog," and it sure fit him. From the pain in his eyes, I was certain that seeing me getting screwed by dad, being unfaithful to him, was as awful for him as seeing him fucking mom was for me. His sad face was SO heartbreaking that it made the love I had for him suddenly flood back into me, and I knew how to fix it.

Our hug was so sweet, as was the way his penis - it had had SUCH a workout lately but still seemed up to the task! - started pushing against my fingers as I rubbed it. And if anything, its special scent has was stronger than ever! My pussy was creaming like mad by the time I got his penis out of his jeans and kicked off my shorts and panties, but it didn't matter. My vagina was still coated with dad's cum and so slick that, once I guided Ted's cock to my hole, it slid right in. Mmm.

It just became the best! The slowest, most tender and loving sex we'd ever had. Ted was so gentle and affectionate that I came only from him easing his big penis into me just a couple inches, then taking it all the way out. He'd wait to push in again until I arched to him, wanting his cock, needing it. Just dying for it! Idk, maybe he was still pissed off and wanted to torture me, but he'd make me ask for it, mewl and whimper, before pushing his big hard dick back in. But just a little ways. Such a tease!

Then he'd pull it out. All the way so that my vagina would feel totally empty, terribly deprived and needing to be filled again. I couldn't help but push my pussy up to him, trying to get that cock back in me, but Ted would just pull further away.

Until I begged for it. Sometimes he'd even make me say "please," or even "pretty please" before he'd smile and ease his penis back into me. But just a couple inches, and just for a second before pulling out again.

Then he'd torment me all over again, making me twitch, push, and whimper before he'd give me his dick. Over and over. Endlessly. I've always found the first entrance of his penis - well, now dad's penis, too - stunning, and to have it happen over and over was incredible! Mmm!

My pussy just kept getting warmer - somehow being denied, being left so empty stoked the fire - and, though my mind was lost, eventually waves of heat just swirled out from my vagina and burned me up. So good!

But still Ted wouldn't fuck me hard! Not until he'd made me come again from his slow motion mini-fucking. He did kiss me sweetly each time I came, and I caressed his chest, tweaked his nipples and squeezed his dick head with my vagina each time he gave it to me. So sweet.

Then finally, after I'd begged him to just really fuck me, do me, ream me, he did, driving his cock deep into me, over and over. Still not hard or fast, but it was perfect. I came so wonderfully.

After I quit twitching and gasping, and his penis shot its load deep into my vagina, we lay in each other's arms talking, feeling the love we had for each other grow even stronger. Until I needed to have him inside me again. What can I say? I like fucking! This time I wanted my animal back, for it to just use its cock to ream me, fast and hard, make me thrash and moan, and wow! Did Ted deliver!

We were starving when we finished and went downstairs for a snack. Then crept back upstairs when we discovered mom and dad going at it. Big time! She must really like doggie, as she was bent over the kitchen counter and Jim was really doing her! His grunts were almost as loud as her moans!

Amazing! They're both ancient, nearly 40! Way too old for this stuff! Well, from watching them - Ted and I were so fascinated that we did watch for quite a while - I guess that maybe they aren't too old. Seeing mom's ass jiggle each time dad thrust into her must have had an effect on Ted, and I have to admit that seeing his cock pulling out of mom made my pussy throb, remembering how it felt filling it up. Somehow, heehee, my hand found Ted's erection and I used it to pull him upstairs. You can guess the rest. We had doggies screwing on both floors!

After that things just sorted themselves out. We all talked and found a way forward, a way to deal with our unusual situation. Well, situations. Because they had caused real pain for people we loved, we decided that Ted's "excursion" with Kay, and my "escapade" with Jim would be one-offs. Amazing experiences that left us much closer, but too complicated to continue.

Ted and I agreed we'd go to different colleges next fall after we graduate, where we'd date other people. Give "normal" life a chance. But in the meantime we could be roommates. Maybe even after. Idk what's going to happen. I totally love Ted, and ditto him for me, but we're only 18 and have a lot of living yet to do. Mom and dad - we call them that again since the four of us have paired off - gave us a late birthday present. A queen-sized bed, and we put it to good use, let me assure you.

Evidently, being able to fuck me so well solved dad's problems with erections. Now, based on the sounds we hear coming from their bedroom, his and mom's romance has rekindled. Maybe mom keeps making "overtures."

So, everything has worked out just fine.

Well, except...

Gosh, how to say this. When I went to the gynecologist to get birth control pills, there was a complication. It seems that maybe my calculations that first night Ted fucked me weren't as good as I thought. And perhaps you can get pregnant from your first time.

But I'm a math wiz, and think I figured the timing out right, so what's more likely, as it fits exactly with my cycle, is that it happened the next Saturday when two guys fucked me multiple times within hours of each other. We're still deciding what to do, but everyone agrees that ultimately it will be my decision. As it should be. A woman should be able to choose what is best for her. Just like a man can, right?

It's huge, with so many factors to consider! A baby! That would mean a humongous change in my life! Delaying college, totally changing my focus, just everything. Where would we live, how would we live, who we would live with? Money? Yikes! So many questions... I can't imagine having an abortion, but... I'm struggling to decide what is best, but feel so supported by my family. Thank goodness.

I've done research, and my baby should be just fine, thank you very much. A first instance of incest carries little risk for the child, and history is full of examples of intermarriage. Going way, way back. Meritamun was both the daughter and wife of the Great Pharaoh Ramesses II, and her kids were just fine. Just like so many others since. The Hapsburgs did run into trouble, but only because they kept procreating with their relatives for generations. But my kid will be just fine.

If I choose to have him or her.

Other than my dilemma, we all get along really well and are having some great fun. After the crash courses from our parents - we all jokingly call it home schooling at its best! - Ted and I are getting really good at cunnilingus and fellatio, and mom and dad seem more in love than ever. Can hardly keep their hands off each other. Who's acting like teenagers now?

Ted and I are, for sure. It's a fact that some women get extra horny beginning in the first months of pregnancy, and I'm having a blast. Ted jokes that I'm like a bitch in heat. Well, we ARE fucking a ton! Details, some of them very surprising and juicy, to follow. But first back to catching up.

Everybody seems to be happier than ever, with mom and dad back together, and Ted and me so much in love. So things in the family really do seem good. Well, except that mom missed her period. It's probably just late, but four weeks? And, since she and dad hadn't had sex in years, she quit taking the pill. Can you spell awkward? I'm sure everything will work out, and we're all keeping our fingers crossed.

I love puzzles though, and, assuming mom and I both ARE pregnant from that wild Saturday round robin, and choose to give birth, there are intriguing possibilities. Depending on who is the father of our babies. Or who are the fathers of our babies.

I think I've worked it out and the best possible situation would be if dad is the father of mom's baby, and Ted is the father of mine. That way Ted and I get a cute baby, plus a cute baby sister or brother, and mom and dad get both a grandkid and a baby late in life. The little tykes can play together! Like brothers and sisters. Well, maybe nieces or nephews with uncles or aunts?

However, if that best possible scenario isn't how it works out, things get pretty complicated. If Ted turns out to be the father of mom's baby, and say it's a boy, then here's what I figure. It's Kay's son, for sure, but because he's her son's son, too, he'll also be her grandson.

He'll be Ted's son, obviously, but because they have the same mother, he'll also be Ted's half-brother.

Because that cute little guy will be my brother's son, he'll be my nephew, but because he's the son of my mother, he'll be my half-brother, too.


Dad? Glad you asked. Because dad is Ted's father, his wife's new baby will be dad's grandson.

Hang on, the fun's not over yet.

What if dad's sperm got to my egg first? They did have at least an hour head start on Ted's little swimmers, after all. If it's a boy, then he'll be dad's son, of course. But because I'm his daughter, too, won't he also be dad's grandson?

Mom? The son of her child is her grandson. Whew! Easy peasy for once.

However, dad's and my son will be Ted's half-brother - they have the same dad - but, because the baby is his sister's kid, he'll will be Ted's nephew, also.

And me? He'll be my son of course, but because we have the same dad he'll be my half-brother, too!

Way cool!

And what of the babies? In the best case scenario, mom and dad's kid will be Ted and my kid's uncle or aunt.

If Jim is the father of both the kids, as they have the same father, mom's and dad's kid would be a half-sibling to dad's and mine.

Kay and Ted's son would be Ted and my son's half-brother (same dad), but also uncle (I'm Ted's sister, and his son would be my nephew). Whew.

Finally, dad's and my son would be Kay and Ted's son's cousin. I think.

Pretty complicated, huh.

And finally, what if mom or I, or BOTH of us have twins! Mom already did, so it's possible. I've got her DNA, and fraternal twins are twice as likely in a family that's had them before. Now, given the situation - how both mom and I were fucked by the same two guys on the same day, had sperm from both of them swimming around inside us - if we released 2 eggs at the same time it's possible that we could have fraternal twins, WITH DIFFERENT FATHERS! I don't even want to try to figure out the familial relationships there!

Suffice to say, we're a close-knit family, and will get closer when the babies arrive. Once they're here, the relationships won't matter a bit, I'm sure. We'll all just love the dickens out of those little angels.

Anyway, gotta go now. Writing about all this has really turned me on, and Ted just came home to take care of me. Bitch in heat? Guess so, heehee. I really hope you enjoyed my story so far. The story of how I learned all about sex from by brother. OK, and from my dad, too. I'll be sure to get back in touch with more juicy details when things have progressed.

Ttyl, and love always,



Hi. Kimmy here. Didn't expect to be back in touch so soon, but...

LOTS has happened.

It's August and here's here's an update. My brother has become a total asshole! Just the worst! But I better pick up where we left off. Oh, relax. I'm not going to go through any more genealogical possibilities, though they were totally fun - weren't they? - and are still are on the table. Mom and I both decided we'll have our babies. Whether mine is dad's or Ted's, I just can't wait to meet it!

Back to the end of our high school careers.

Since we were steadies, Ted and Sara, and John and I went to the prom. Hey, prom your senior year is a big deal, and there was no way it would have been acceptable for Ted and me to go together. We did have one dance, and managed to keep our hands to ourselves. Mostly.

I think that every senior feels pressure when their high school days draw to an end. Facing so much uncertainty. Especially after being a big fish in a small pond. Knowing that, regardless of whether we're going to college, trade school, work, or into the military, we're about to be swimming in a much bigger pond. That has much bigger fish. Some with teeth.

Anyway, I know that John felt pretty anxious about moving on, and, as we'd become friends, more than friends I guess since he'd felt up my tits a lot, he talked to me about it. Right after prom! Yeah, his timing could have been better. Anyway, as we were making out, John suddenly started talking about how everything was going to change, be different. Especially us. He seemed really sad and I asked him why.

He kept being evasive, giving plausible reasons, but my bullshit meter - honed through a life spent with Ted, who is an artiste extraordinaire of the male bovine caca - told me that what he was giving me wasn't straight. So I kept probing. I'm considering becoming a lawyer and I cross-examined John.

Eventually he told me. Told me that he was just so sad because, unlike all his friends (the bullshit meter jumped at this one) he'd have to leave high school never having felt a girl's bare tit. Or pussy. Certainly not felt a girl's hand stroking his bare dick. In essence, he was telling me that every single one of his friends had done all that! Well, maybe they SAID they did... But, duh, I knew their girlfriends, and teenage boys have been known to embellish.

And the clincher was that John thought we should break up, right then and there! Because I would never do any of that for him! Can you believe that! Well, it annoyed me! Quite a bit.

We were parked behind our church - our usual make-out spot - and I was about to call him on it, ask how can he just blatantly lie, right within 100 feet of the altar. In the presence of You-Know-Who. But then all of a sudden John was crying. Like a baby. Sniffling, blubbering. Jeez! Cringe to the max!

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