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Heathrow - Arlanda

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A business traveller and stewardess fall in love.
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Flight SK1530 to Arlanda, Sweden, took off from Heathrow, UK, with a reduced cabin crew of just one stewardess, Lena, and a single passenger, Johan. In order to keep their slots at major international airports, airlines sometimes fly to schedule, even if the plane is empty.

Johan worked for a company based in Uppsala, Sweden, with customers all over the world. Now he had visited some of them in the UK. It had been an intense week of presentations, discussions and tricky negotiations. He was tired and longed to get back to his flat in Uppsala. And as the plane took off, he fell asleep.

As the plane approached the North Sea, he was awakened by a pleasant voice:

"Hello. Here is your dinner. What would you like to drink?"

Johan woke up and stuttered, "Oh, thank you. Mineral water, please."

Lena came back with a bottle of mineral water. Johan looked up at her.

"It's so lonely sitting here with my dinner in the long, empty cabin. How about sitting with me and talking a bit while I'm eating?"

The stewardess looked a bit surprised. Then she said,

"Well, you see, it's definitely against the rules to share meals with passengers. I could get a warning for that."

Johan looked at Lena. "But it feels so extremely sad to sit here all alone. Please, can't you sit with me?"

Lena considered the delicate situation. Then she smiled at him.

"OK then. The pilots won't give me away if they see us together. By the way, what's your name?"

So Lena found out that the lonely passenger was Johan, and Johan found out that the stewardess was Lena.

Lena got an extra portion and sat down next to Johan. They ate and talked about Johan's customers, about Lena's flights to places all over the world, about Johan's small three-room flat in Uppsala and about Lena's small two-room flat in Märsta near Arlanda Airport. When they had finished eating, the conversation changed.

Lena said: "Your family must be happy to have you back again.

"I don't have a family," Johan replied. "I've been alone for a year."

"Oh, sorry!"

"But, Lena, you don't need to be sorry. It was an exhausting relationship. I'm glad it's over. She was really nasty and difficult, especially towards the end. And I wasn't always so nice to her either. But now I'm alone.

Johan wiped a tear from his eye. At first Lena was silent. Then she gently stroked his cheek. And Johan put his hand on hers.

"But poor Johan, how are you?"

"Well, not so well, actually. But Lena, you have someone waiting for you, don't you?"

"No, Johan. I haven't. I've been alone too, for two years now. Our relationship didn't work out so well either.

"Do you miss him?"

"No! Not at all. And I was the one who left. Because he wasn't nice to me."

She fell silent and looked down.

"Did he beat you?"

"She looked him straight in the eye.

"Yes. He did."

They both fell silent. Lena's answer had shocked him, even though it was he who had asked the question. Finally, he pulled himself together.

"So that's why you prefer to be alone?"

"No, not really. I don't like being alone at all. I long so much for someone who is kind and loves me."

Johan stroked Lena's hair gently and smiled at her. And she smiled back, tears rolling down her cheeks. Johan took a clean napkin from his tray and wiped the tears from her face.

Then Lena put her arms around him and hugged him tightly. And they sat in silence for a long time.

Johan's pulse accelerated. It had been a long time since a woman had held him like that.

Suddenly there was a click in the cabin loudspeakers and the captain announced that they were now cruising at 9400 metres. And through the left window they could see one of the Statoil platforms.

Silence fell again and they sat back in their seats. A lot of thoughts were running through Lena's head. She was really attracted to Johan. But what kind of man was he? He had told her a bit about himself. And he seemed so nice and kind. But they had only known each other for an hour. And did she really dare to trust a man again after what she had been through with her ex?

Johan took deep, slow breaths to calm down after the intense hugs. But it was difficult. The feeling of Lena's warm body against his was still with him. He wondered what he was doing. Was it possible to get involved with a woman he had only met an hour ago? But yes, apparently it was. Johan had to admit that he had fallen in love with Lena at first sight. Then he wondered how she felt. Would she just say goodbye in the arrival hall and then they would never see each other again?

But Lena had made up her mind that she would not just say goodbye to Johan. She looked into his troubled eyes.



"Would you like to come home for a cup of tea?"

Johan's heart beat twice. "Yes, Lena, I'd love to!"

Lena squeezed his hand. And they continued to talk.


When they landed at Arlanda, it was dark and raining. And the roadsides were covered with wet, dirty snowbanks. Lena and Johan took the bus to Märsta, and after a while they arrived at Lena's flat. They went in and Johan looked around. The flat had good furniture, but it needed a bit of tidying up. It seemed that Lena had been in a hurry when she left for her last shift.

Lena excused herself and went to her bedroom. After a while she came back, dressed in a grey leisure suit. She smiled at Johan.

"You look so dashing in your suit and tie."

"Thank you! And you look so comfortable in your leisure suit."

"You don't think I look dashing, do you? Maybe I should change back into my uniform?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant. You are dashing too..."

Very well, then. But it's not compulsory to wear a tie in my flat. So please take off your tie and jacket.

Lena led Johan into the kitchen. She handed him a watering can and asked him to water her plants while she made tea. And her plants did need watering.

Then they sat down on her sofa, had tea and biscuits, and talked. Johan longed to hug Lena again, but he didn't dare. And it was getting late. Finally he decided to go home while there were still trains to Uppsala.

He got up, and so did Lena. And finally she hugged him. And Johan didn't want to go at all. Lena didn't let go, but held him. And then she kissed him. She opened her mouth and their tongues met. And Johan got a hard-on.

Then suddenly Lena let go of him and stepped back. He sighed and thought she wanted him to leave. But she didn't.


"Yes, Lena?"

"Would you like to... stay with me tonight?"


Lena put on a thin nightgown and slipped into bed. Next to her in bed was Johan, in his underpants.

They hugged and kissed. And Johan enjoyed the feeling of Lena's warm body. She was calm and secure, but also very sexy. He felt as if he had known her for a long time. And Lena felt the same.

Suddenly she said,

"Johan, please, can you help me take off my nightgown? And my panties?"

And so she lay naked next to him. And he took off his underpants and lay naked next to her.

Johan gently stroked Lena's breasts. Then he kissed them. And he could feel her nipples getting hard.

Lena stroked his hair, his shoulders and his back.

Johan put his hand on Lena's moist vagina and kneaded her clitoris, and she put her hand on his penis and squeezed it. Then she lifted one leg and put it over Johan's thigh. Her labia opened slightly and Johan placed his penis against her opening. Then he pushed into her slowly and gently.

Lena undulated her belly to meet Johan's thrusts and her breathing quickened. She put one arm around his neck and the other around his waist. And he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and hugged her tightly. And their mouths met in a long French kiss.

It became a long and intense intercourse. Lena became more and more aroused by Johan's thrusting into her and his arms around her, and finally she had a powerful orgasm. And when Johan felt her vagina squeeze his penis hard in pulsating spasms, he came too, spurting deep inside her.

Then they lay still in each other's arms, breathing heavily.

"Johan, dear Johan," Lena said.

And Johan answered, "Lena, I love you!"

He kissed her again and she stroked his hair.

Lena went to the bathroom, and when she came back, it was Johan's turn. Then they went back to bed, lying close together.

After a while Johan asked, "Lena, I didn't have any condoms and I didn't ask you if you used contraceptives.

"No, I don't. Not after I started living alone."

"But dear Lena, I didn't get you pregnant, did I?

"Oh no, don't worry. It should be a safe time in my cycle now. Were you scared?"

"No, not really. I wouldn't mind if I got you pregnant."

"Oh, Johan, dear, do you really mean that?"

"Yes, dear, I do. It would have felt quite natural to me, strangely enough. But I've never had this feeling before in my life."

"Oh my God, I'm so touched! And happy! But I should still get some contraceptives on Monday. By the way, how long has it been since we met on the plane?"

"Well, maybe five or six hours. Why do you ask?

"Well, and now we are already talking about starting a family!"

And she hugged him tightly.


It was morning and time for breakfast. Lena had been away for three weeks, so there was no fresh food in the fridge. So they had to make do with crispbread, old cheese and jam, tea for Johan and coffee for her.

"We have to go shopping together, Johan. You're staying, aren't you? It's still the weekend, you know."

"Well... I have to go home and take care of my laundry and some other things, but I can do that later."

"But Johan, I've been away for three weeks now, so I've got a pile of laundry. You can add yours if you like."

But first they went shopping for food. Johan insisted on paying half, but Lena refused.

"You're my guest now, Johan. It's your turn to pay when I visit you in Uppsala. Because I may visit you, I hope."

"Of course, Lena!" he replied.

Eventually the washing machine was finished with their laundry, and then they had lunch. Now they had lots of tasty food on the table, and they ate and talked. Lena had a week's leave, and they decided that she should visit Johan in Uppsala after a few days. But first Johan should stay with Lena.

After lunch, Lena told Johan that she had promised her sister in Knivsta that she would babysit for her in the evening. Her sister had two children: a five-year-old daughter and a three-year-old son.

Lena smiled at Johan. "You can come with me if you like. It will give you a feeling of looking after children. But then you might not want to have any."

Johan replied that he would like to go with her and that he didn't think the children would be too much trouble.

Lena still smiled. "Wait and see," she said.


Lena's sister lived with her husband in a big villa in Knivsta, about 15 km from Märsta. A dog barked when they rang the doorbell. Lena's sister opened the door.

"Welcome, Lena!" she said. "You have a new friend with you."

"This is Johan," Lena replied. "Johan, this is my sister Lisa."

Lisa shook Johan's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Johan! And this is my husband, Olof."

The dog went over to Lena and wagged his tail vigorously. He knew Lena well. Then he sniffed at Johan; at first he held back, but then he started wagging his tail again.

Lisa looked at her dog with amusement.

"Yes, and this is Kurre."

Then the children appeared. First a little girl came running. Johan bent down to her.

"Hello! I'm Johan. What's your name?"

"I'm Mia," she replied. And I'm five years and two months old."

"So you are a big girl now?"

"Yes, I am! Much bigger than my little brother."

And then the brother appeared. He walked slowly towards Johan.

"Hello," he said.

Johan replied, "Hello! What's your name?

"Måns," the brother replied.

"And how old are you?" Johan asked.

"I'm three," Måns replied. Then he looked down and fell silent.

But Mia didn't. "Johan, are you aunt Lena's new boyfriend?"

Johan was confused at first. Then he said, "Well, I don't really know."

"What!!! You must know if you're Auntie's boyfriend or not, don't you? Surely he must know, Lena?"

Lisa tried to take control of the situation.

"But, Mia, you can't ask questions like that!"

"Of course I can, Mum. Johan, kiss Lena!"

"But please, Mia," Lisa begged.

Lena realised that the conversation was getting out of hand. To calm Mia down, she gave Johan a quick kiss on the mouth.

"Look! Now you are Auntie's boyfriend!"

Mia jumped up and down and clapped her hands. Måns remained silent and stood there with his eyes downcast.

"Well, we have to go now," Lisa said. "I've put some food in the fridge for you. You can eat it when the children are asleep. If they really are."

When Lisa and Olof were gone, Lena asked the children what they wanted to do. Måns mumbled that they could read a book about Alfons that he had got.

"Alfons is stupid!" Mia shouted. I want to hear about Petsson and Findus. They are much funnier."

"Alfons isn't stupid. He is kind. But Findus is bad. And I don't like that."

Lena tried to resolve the situation.

"First we will read your book about Alfons, Måns. And then, if you don't want to hear about Findus, you can go to bed."

After some tricky negotiations, Mia finally agreed. Lena and Johan sat the children down on the sofa. Kurre huddled at their feet. Johan sat between the children and began to read about the little boy, Alfons. Måns listened attentively, but Mia didn't.

When Johan had finished reading, he noticed that Måns' eyelids were beginning to close. He carried him to the children's room and tucked him in with his dinosaur, Uffe. And soon Måns was asleep with Uffe in his arms.

In the meantime, Mia had fetched her book about Findus, and when Johan came back, he started to read about how the little cat Findus had tricked Petsson's hens. When he finished, Mia ran off to get another book about Findus. So Johan started reading again. Mia commented on the stories all the time, so the reading went on slowly. But after a while it got quiet. Johan looked at Mia. She had fallen asleep.

Lena got the food from the fridge and made some tea. When they sat down at the kitchen table, she asked, "So, what do you think? Do you still want to get me pregnant?"

"Oh, sure! Even more so now that I have met Mia and Måns."

"Oh, dear Johan!" she exclaimed. She went around the table and hugged him. "But I'll get my pills anyway. We don't know each other that well yet. We have to give it some time."

"Well, that seems reasonable, of course. But I feel like I've known you for a long time."

"So have I. But now I hope that Lisa and Olof will show up soon, so that we can go home and....

"And what?"

"I'll let you guess...."


They were back in Lena's bedroom. They hugged, kissed and undressed. Soon they were pressing their naked bodies against each other. Johan lifted Lena and dropped her onto the bed. Lena giggled. Johan tried to grab one of her breasts. But Lena grabbed his hand and giggled, "Tut tut!" Then he tried to touch her vagina. But again Lena grabbed his hand and said, "Look, but don't touch".

Then he felt Lena's hand move towards his penis. He grabbed her hand. "No, my dear, tit for tat!"

They made out for a while. And it got hotter and hotter.

"Suck my tits," Lena whispered. Now!"

"No, my love. Not yet."

"Then caress my vagina."

"No, not yet."

"But come on, you lazy bastard. Fuck me now!"

Johan grabbed her thighs and pulled them apart. Then he placed his penis on her vagina and ploughed it back and forth along her labia and clitoris. Lena pressed against him and sighed with pleasure. Then she grabbed his penis and placed it against her opening. He lay on top of her and pushed his penis inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed hard against him. And then he thrust deep into her. And after a while, Lena came in an intense orgasm, and Johan came too, shooting his sperm into her vagina.

Then they rested side by side, quiet, breathless and exhausted. After they had recovered a little, they began to caress each other tenderly. Lena found Johan's tongue and slowly stroked his hair and chin.

"You're so wonderful, Johan."

"You too, Lena. I love you so much."

"Johan, my love!"


Johan had to go to work on Monday, so he had to go home on Sunday evening. Lena stayed in her flat to tidy up, water the plants and pay her debts. But on Wednesday she took the local train to Uppsala.

Johan met Lena at the station. The two days without Lena had been the longest of his life. It had been impossible to get her out of his mind. And it had been difficult to concentrate on the tasks that followed the customer meetings. His boss had looked in and wondered how he was getting on. He seemed to think Johan was unusually slow.

But now Lena had arrived. When she got off the train, she got a big hug. And Johan gave her a big bunch of flowers.

"Oh, what lovely flowers!" she said. "Although it should have been me who gave you the flowers, since I'm the one who visits you."

They took the bus to Johan's flat in Eriksberg. He opened the door and said, "Well, this is my home for now.

They took off their coats and a new round of kissing and hugging began. Then Johan showed Lena his flat.

"What a luxury! You have one more room than me."

"Sure. Living room, bedroom and children's room."

"Whoa, slow down, you haven't managed to get me pregnant yet. And I'm on the pill now, so that'll make it harder for you.

"Well, well. I guess I have to propose first. But I won't get down on my knees for you. That's not really my style."

"Nor mine."

"Good. How about dinner?"

"Yeah, I'd love to, but...

"But what?"

"First of all, I would love to have you. I haven't had sex with you in two days, remember?"

"As they entered the bedroom, Lena exclaimed:

'What a nice, wide bed you have! Do you use it to receive ladies?"

"No, not really. In fact, you will be the first woman in this bed. And the last, I hope."

"Johan, you say such nice things to me."

They hurried to undress and then fell naked into each other's arms.

"Johan, I have longed for you so much!"

"You know, Lena, I've hardly been able to do any real work these past few days. I've been thinking about you all the time."

They lay on their sides, facing each other, caressing each other's bodies. Johan had one leg between Lena's and he pressed his thigh against her vagina. Then he turned over on his back with Lena on top of him. She got up on her knees and slowly lowered herself onto his penis. When he had filled her completely, she closed her eyes, moaned and sat still on him.

"Lena, does it hurt?"

"Oh no! It's just that it feels so extremely good."

Lena rested her hands on Johan's chest and began to slowly move up and down on him. With his penis still buried inside her, she rotated her vagina on top of him. After a while she saw that Johan was on the wedge. First she stopped moving. Then she lifted herself up a little so that Johan could better thrust into her. And he did, slowly at first, but soon faster.

"Oh Johan, I'm coming!"

"Me too!" Johan moaned. He pushed his penis into her as far as he could, and then he shook his hips so that she slid on top of him. And then they both came.


Then Johan cooked dinner. It was fish gratin with broccoli and ice cream with plum jam for dessert. And then coffee.

It was late, and they crawled into Johan's bed. Lena lay with her back to Johan, and he put an arm around her and cupped one of her breasts, and Lena felt his breath on her neck. Before she fell asleep, she thought that she wasn't alone anymore. But would her relationship with Johan last? She sincerely hoped it would.

* * * * *


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