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Helga Trains Christopher Ch. 04

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It's a new morning with Helga.
4.5k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys.

Christopher has spent the night locked inside the table, between Helga's legs. A new day is about to dawn. What's next for poor Christopher?


He had been buried alive. He could feel the coffin tight around his body. It was pitch black but that hardly mattered as there wouldn't be much to see. How long had he been here? He remembered hearing cracks in the coffin and he was sure some dirt had already spilled inside.

But who did this, and why? And then his thoughts were interrupted when he felt something on his face. No, maybe he made a mistake. But there it was again. It was something small and thin. And then it moved against his chin.

It must have been a worm. They didn't waste any time did they. And then he felt another. He was noticing more of them now, and they were crawling all over his face. More and more kept slipping and sliding. He was rather disgusted by the sensation.

And then he felt one enter his nose. He tried snorting to blow it away or at least make it want to leave but it didn't work. Instead he felt more worms moving into his nostrils. Others moved across his lip and tried to wiggle into his mouth. He was becoming frantic. He felt them at his eyes, nose, and mouth. It was an invasion! As he opened his mouth to scream, the worms just poured inside filling his mouth and crawling all over his tongue!

And he woke up with a start.

It took Christopher a few seconds to truly collect his bearings. He was still trapped within the massage table, his head above while his body was underneath in a near kneeling position, hands cuffed behind his back and ankles cuffed together. He was thankful for the pillow but now he was reminded of how wet it still was. And of course his head and face were still trapped within Helga's large, hairy crotch as she slept.

He was the reason the pillow was wet. It had taken awhile for Helga to truly fall asleep, and all during that time he had been gently licking her hairy pussy. She had already told him he wasn't allowed to stop licking and sleep until she was asleep, and it was also clear that if she was awake she expected his tongue to be working.

So when she did fall asleep he wanted to be sure she didn't wake up unnecessarily. He already had some concerns that if he could fall asleep and she woke without somehow waking him in the process, how bad that might be for him. So once he felt it safe he tried his best to relax and get some much needed rest.

It wasn't easy, but eventually he drifted off. However he awoke when he had an urgent need to relieve himself. He hadn't been to the bathroom since yesterday afternoon before he had been locked into the table. Since then he had given Enza her second massage. He then fell asleep in the table as soon as she left and was awoken by Helga. Then Helga had put him through the ringer and he had been left in the table as she slept for the night.

And let's not forget he had already been forced to swallow a bottleful of her piss. So it was no surprise that he himself now had to pee. But that was a problem as he was still trapped.

He could of course wake Helga, but he feared that wouldn't be helpful and only make matters worse. She had little compassion for him so he wouldn't be surprised if she denied him any release from the table or went to any effort to care for his situation. And if she was upset at being awakened? Well Christopher already had too much of Helga being upset. It wasn't good for him.

So after some thought while he tried to hold it in, he decided the best course of action was to simply relieve himself where he was. Once he decided, he tried to open his knees and direct his spray away from him and onto the floor. For a moment he felt defiant. Let Helga find his piss on the floor. It was her fault for the way she treated him. But as his stream splashed on the stone he became concerned it might wake her.

He tried to control it but that just led to more problems and erratic spurts. In the end it was more than a few drips that had landed on the pillow. But there was nothing to be done about it now. So once again he tried to drift off to sleep. And eventually he was successful.

Helga squeezed her thighs together and Christopher was entombed in her muscular flesh. It wasn't the crushing vice he knew she could deliver, but the pressure on the sides of his face was still noticeable. Of course such action blocked out any light and gave him very little room to breathe.

She relaxed a little but not quite enough to allow access to fresh air. Another squeeze followed. This one lasted a little longer and then another one immediately followed. By the third squeeze, he was running out of air.

When she finally released her grip on his face and allowed him some air, he sucked it in with such force that he pulled a mouthful of her pubic hair along with the life-giving air he needed. He tried to blow the hair back out of his mouth but wasn't meeting with much success.

While he was still catching his breath and trying to remove the unwanted hairs, Helga stirred on the table and her hairy pussy pulled away from him. Some shifting and creaking of the table and soon Helga had managed to roll over onto her back.

One of the table motors hummed as Helga inclined the table behind her back. Once she was comfortably reclined she relaxed and with the slightest shift, her hairy pussy was once again covering Christopher's face.

"Good morning. Make me happy."

That was all she said and Christopher found himself once again putting his tongue to Helga's hairy pussy. He didn't know if it had to do with the morning hours, the sleep she had, or less likely a compassion for Christopher and all he had already been forced to do, but this time Helga was much more gentle, allowing Christopher to do the work, but without the crushing and smothering of his earlier efforts.

It was hard to envision Helga as gentle, but he couldn't deny a selfish appreciation for making his job at least a little easier. And the puss in his face, while still an overwhelming jungle, still had a much cleaner scent than when he was first forced against it.

It may have taken a longer time to satisfy her, but she eventually reached a somewhat lazy orgasm. While she was gentle for most of his work, she still gave a powerful crush to his face and head just before she reached her zenith.

Now he was licking her as she came back down and hoped she would soon move the hairs from his face. He also still needed out of the table, but he had no idea just what Helga had planned. Unfortunately Helga didn't pull herself and her hairs away, but rather she pushed forward and pressed herself rather hard against his face.

"Fresh wine. You drink. After, we get you out of table."

Christopher wasn't fully prepared when Helga's hot piss began spraying into his mouth and hitting the back of his throat. But while he struggled to swallow the vile liquid as best he could he was relieved to hear that he would finally be allowed out of the table.

The table had been his prison for over twelve hours at a conservative estimation. He wasn't expecting to be 'let go' but even just being released from the table would be a huge relief. He was still Helga's prisoner but being freed from the table was a beginning.

He tried to focus on his table release, but it wasn't easy keeping up with the flow of Helga's piss. This wasn't a matter of drinking from a bottle. This was more like a powerful hose, but he didn't get to just sip from the stream, but rather he was expected to swallow the entire volume.

He did manage to take most of it, but he also found himself coughing and sputtering to keep up and some of the liquid spilled from his mouth and ran over his lip and chin and ran down his neck.

Of course some of the spilled piss also met with Helga's hairy pussy and he was concerned about her reaction. Fearful of what she might do he did his best to take as much of her piss as he possibly could.

"You make mess. You will train for better."

Well he couldn't be happy about the idea of having more of Helga's piss in his future, but she didn't sound angry or upset, she was just relating a chore he needed to do. As he swallowed and cleared his throat he felt a small measure of success that she wasn't threatening him with any violence.

Still, swallowing her fresh hot piss was not an easy task. It was difficult to keep up with the powerful stream. And the heat of the liquid just made it worse. Even now having finished, he felt his face was flush and he was beginning to feel the drops of perspiration on his brow.

"Lick clean."

Another command. Helga wasn't one for small talk. Christopher did his best to lick her hairs clean of the glistening, yellow dew. The smell of urine was strong, but eventually she felt he had done enough or all he reasonably could.

Helga then made her way up and off the table. She wet a washcloth in the sink and after wiping down her crotch she came back to clean the table and his face. As she was wiping up the mess on the table her face contorted into an irritated questioning.

"What is..."

She stopped wiping and he saw her bend over to look under the table. He wasn't happy about having his accident during the night, but now he was afraid of what her reaction would be. It wouldn't be difficult for her to determine what had happened.

"You make mess at night. You mess pillow and mess floor. Maybe you don't need pillow. But you will learn."

Although she wasn't truly angry or enraged, Christopher could sense an aggravation in her voice. At the time he thought any mess he made was something that she deserved, but now he wished he had been able to avoid the problem.

Helga sighed as she did a cursory wipe of his legs and crotch. She gave up trying to clean him up. It would have to wait. She tossed the washcloth into the sink and then stepped out of his sight. Sounds indicated she was rummaging around in a bag or purse.

Then she came beside him and he lost sight of her as she squatted below the table line. He felt her hands in his crotch. Her fingers were fumbling with his shaft and balls and then he felt she had something else in her hands.

It felt similar to the shocking device that had been attached before but this was something different. She squeezed him roughly a few times and he shrank further trying to avoid her assault. Then he felt something like cold metal being placed over his cock.

There was a similar ring locking around the base of his balls and he felt two small bumps underneath his ball sac. A few twists and turns and the sound of a click or two and Helga seemed satisfied. She stood up and looked directly at Christopher.

"You behave. You obey. Or you be punished."

Well that was certainly the message she had been trying to impart since sometime last night. And Christopher was still in no position to argue. He nodded his acceptance of her rules. And then felt a sense of joy as she began to remove the restraints from around his neck.

It took a few minutes to finish the process but Christopher was patient, knowing that release was finally at hand. He also rocked his legs slightly as he knew from long ago that his sore and cramped muscles may not be reliable at first.

Eventually Helga allowed him to pull his head down and out of the table. He was happy to be clear and then for the first time he saw the large throw pillow he had been resting on as well as the small lake of piss he had created on the pillow and floor.

His hands were still secured behind his back and his ankles still cuffed together, so it was a little awkward crawling out from under the table. Helga actually assisted him out and helped him to stand to his feet.

"You free from table, but I can still shuck you."

She pointed down at Christopher's crotch. He looked down and took his first real look at the device that was over his cock and balls. It was a curved metal cage that enclosed his now shriveled cock. There was also a metal ring which ran around the base of his cock and balls.

At the bottom of that he felt a weight but couldn't really see clearly as he didn't have his hands free or full range of motion. However he suspected that from below his balls was a means by which she could 'shuck' his balls. He was quite sure she was referring to the shock that could be delivered but it didn't seem wise to correct her speech right now.

"You want hands free?"

Of course he wanted his hands free, but that she was actually asking meant she was considering it. She had already informed him that his balls were still in jeopardy. And with his ankles cuffed he could barely walk much less make a run. So she had reason to feel comfortable with his hands free.

"Yes I would like my hands free."

"Ask nice."

So it was that she was willing to release his hands but she was looking for something from him first. She knew she had a strong advantage but she wasn't looking for any disruption or disturbance from Christopher. He could accept that.

In another world this would have been his chance to overpower her and put her in her place for her actions. But that was for another world. In this world he now knew Helga was far superior physically and he had little chance in a contest against her.

"Please Helga, will you free my hands. I will behave."

She took a second to consider, but then made her decision. She told him to stand still as she went behind him and retrieved her keys from somewhere. Then he felt a tug on his wrists and the clicking of a lock. A few seconds later and buckles were undone and the cuffs completely removed.

He winced as his shoulders brought his arms in front of him. He never thought he would feel such joy to see his hands and arms. He interlocked his fingers and his knuckles cracked as he stretched his limbs.

"Now you can shower. Small steps. Don't fall."

He was actually being allowed a shower. What a miracle. He had wanted showers in the past but perhaps none so much as the one that awaited him now. Heedful of Helga's warning, Christopher carefully shuffled over to the shower in the corner of the room.

Once there he looked back over his shoulder. He wasn't sure if Helga had any more rules or would make any new demands. But she didn't appear to have much to add. She was actually going to let him take a shower. She simply informed him about his ankles, which was of little surprise.

"Ankles stay on. They can be wet; this time."

So he wouldn't be fully free of his restraints, but he was still getting a chance to get cleaned and to some measure, refreshed. He turned on the water and waited for it to get appropriately warm. Behind him he heard Helga moving in the room.

She was standing at the table and had grabbed her stack of clothes, but she was also keeping an eye on him. Not that he had any thoughts of running. Right now, more than his freedom, he wanted to have his own hot shower.

He was stepping into the shower and pulling the curtain closed, willing to leave Helga to her own thoughts and actions while he took sanctuary under the falling water. But before he could fully enjoy his bliss he heard Helga giving more directions.

"Leave curtain open."

Well it wasn't like he could do much hidden behind a shower curtain with his ankles locked together, but if it made her feel more in control he could leave the curtain open. He pulled it back and then closed his eyes to enjoy the water splashing over his head and face.

When he did open his eye he saw that Helga hadn't moved from her spot. She was sitting on the side of the table facing him, still nude, and she was watching him closely. He thought she would be getting dressed but maybe she still had concerns about him.

He tried to ignore her presence and focus on his shower. The hot water fell upon his tired muscles and eventually some of the cramping began to let go. He almost fell, but it was hard to say if it was due to poor muscle control or the fact that he wasn't used to showering shackled.

He was just beginning to use the soap when he noticed Helga on the table. She had slid back more fully onto the table and while reclining had let her legs fall open to the sides. She was keeping an eye on him, but she was also absently running a hand through the forest of her crotch.

Christopher tried not to think of it and continued with his washing routine. But he couldn't help but take a few peeks at her on the table and as he did he became more and more convinced she wasn't watching him for any security reasons, but she was actually getting aroused watching him in the shower.

It didn't make him feel proud or sexy, it only made him nervous and anxious. But then he had considered how watching a woman, even Helga, should naturally be arousing. I mean wet naked bodies, and soapy suds. That's a recipe for arousal.

He dared to look again at the hand in her crotch and it confirmed his fears. She wasn't just casually running her hand through her hair anymore. Now she was actively rubbing the top of her pussy over and around her clit.

And while she didn't say anything, she was staring at him hard. He felt her gaze travel over his body. If her eyes had been her hands, she would have certainly left marks. He tried once again to focus on his shower but even when he wasn't watching her, he could feel her watching him.

He continued his shower, which still gave him some comfort, but he couldn't fully relax knowing Helga was watching him with some degree of lust. He could tell her slow rubbing was getting faster. She had paused, but soon returned and in general the tempo was rising.

The next time he turned her way she looked like something from a bordello painting. She had one hand on her pussy, rubbing away, while her other hand cradled and squeezed one of her massive breasts. That brought him back to the vision of her large teats and the comfort he found there. He wouldn't call Helga sexy, but he couldn't deny an appreciation for her boobs.

And then she brought her breast and nipple up to her mouth and began suckling her heavy tit. It was an involuntary reflex, but when she did that Christopher experienced a surge in his cock. And he also became aware of its confinement.

It was much like wearing a tight pair of pants when an unexpected erection suddenly occurred. He was bent and the restriction was a little uncomfortable. He sensed that Helga read his look of anguished lust and it only made her smile. He was about to turn around, but Helga had other plans.

"Stop! On your knees."

He did stop. But it was more from shock and disbelief. He was finally getting his shower and now Helga was interrupting that. Well it was something of an interruption when he noticed her watching him, but now she was giving him orders once more.

And just how was he supposed to get on his knees? He was still shackled and standing in the shower. She had expressed some concern he could fall before, but now she didn't seem to care. Still he wasn't quite sure how to best approach this without a tumble.

"On your knees!"

Now he knew he had to find a way. Using his hands for bracing against the shower walls, he carefully lowered himself in a squat before a slight turn where he lowered his knees to the shower floor.

"Face me. Spread legs."

He had only turned slightly when getting to a kneeling position, but Helga wouldn't accept that. He turned to face her and spread his knees. It was tight on the shower floor and he was now a poor target for the falling water.

"Show me balls."

She was still rubbing herself but he could also sense she was trying to hold back. He took his new cage in hand and lifted it to expose his balls to her. It was also the first time he had a good look at the shocker which was attached. It was basically a black 'box' under his balls and he was now sure it was waterproof. There were no obvious signs of how it could even be removed, but that wasn't his true concern at the moment.


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