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Helga Trains Christopher Ch. 06

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Lydia arrives and Christopher's training continues.
5.3k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2018
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Hello, you naughty girls and boys.

It's past time we revisited Christopher and Helga. As we left our two, Lydia had just arrived on the scene. Let's see what that brings us.

There should be more Helga Trains Christopher to follow. Hopefully, I'll have several more stories to offer over the next few weeks and months.

Editing: It seems when I'm really into my writing, I inadvertently scare away a lot of commas. Thankfully, OneAuthor has been willing to corral these missing commas and put them back in place. And so I would like to thank OneAuthor for the commas, and all other editing assistance.


Christopher was naked, except for the device around his cock and balls, and right now that was pushed behind his thighs, causing a little more discomfort, but far less than laying on top of it. Helga was also naked and lying on the massage table face down. Christopher was between her legs, his hands spreading her large asscheeks apart. That was necessary so he could, as unpleasant as it was, suck on her asshole and stick his tongue deep inside.

Her hairy ass crack had become his world. He, and especially his mouth and tongue, had become far too familiar with Helga's body in the last 24 hours. Still, this was a new low. He was thankful she had showered last night, but this was still Helga's ass. And like other parts of her body, Helga had hair here as well.

Her cheeks were quite smooth and normal, although large, but once his face sunk into the crevice, everything changed. It was dark; musky. And here he encountered her hairs once more, like vines growing out of this dark cave. And it was a hot cave. So heat and hair and musk all assailed him before he even dealt with the tang of taste.

And at each discovery, he was forced to go deeper. First he saw the crack of her ass. Then he knew he had to kiss and lick, but he stayed near the surface. But he knew that wouldn't last. He ran his tongue deeper and deeper within her walls, fearful of the large dark crater which lay below. Eventually, he had to run his tongue over that as well. But even then it didn't stop. His tongue, his mouth, even his whole face was falling into her ass; an ass that may just swallow him whole.

He was sucking on her asshole, wishing he was somewhere else, anywhere else, when he heard a sound both near and far away. He raised his head and turned, and that's when he saw Lydia standing in the doorway.

Her presence was a change, but it brought mixed feelings. There was a world outside of Helga's ass. There was a world beyond Helga. But Lydia wasn't salvation. Lydia was a sign of the odds stacking taller against him. He might get a small break from Helga; but then again, he might not.

"Oh no, don't let me stop you. You just keep doing what you're doing."

And so, reluctantly, Christopher turned his head back to Helga's ass, and like a diver, plunged his face below the surface. He was back in her ass but he knew, somewhere up above, someone was watching.

And Lydia was watching. She wasn't quite sure what to expect when she came in that morning. She had left Christopher in Helga's hands. She figured by now, Christopher had been given a taste of Helga's pussy, as that much had been discussed before Lydia had left them alone. Then she found the note which said they were in one of the massage rooms and Christopher was giving Helga a massage. Still, she wasn't fully prepared for what she found when she came to the room.

Helga and Christopher were both naked, no sheets between them, and Christopher was face down between Helga's legs, with his own legs bent back as he tried not to fall off the end of the table. That was quite a sight in itself. But then the added sounds of sucking and slurping brought it to a whole new level. As hard as it was to believe, given their relative positions, Lydia was convinced that Christopher wasn't just licking Helga's pussy; he was licking, or rather sucking, on her ass!

When she said something and Christopher turned to her, a face flush with the signs of exertion, it was almost too much. She held her laugh, but only just. She then let him get back to work, curious about exactly what had happened since she left them there last night. But for the moment, she just wanted to enjoy the sights and sounds of Christopher, his face hidden within Helga's massive cheeks, as he sucked on her ass.

She waited by the door for a few moments, before she decided she needed to have a better look. Slowly, she stepped into the room and approached the table. She was sure Christopher wasn't enjoying himself, but he continued laboring deep within her crack.

"He not finished yet. When finished, we talk."

Helga seemed to be quite relaxed and enjoying the attention, but she was at least aware of Lydia's arrival. And Lydia was in no rush. She was enjoying the spectacle before her. Let Helga have her fun. They had plenty of time.

"Yes Helga, that's fine. You just enjoy yourself. I'm sure Christopher will do whatever he can to make you happy."

And then Christopher moved. It could have been about what he had just heard. Christopher often liked to throw in his own two-cents, even when it wasn't requested. Or maybe he just needed to come up for air. Either way, Lydia decided it would be fun if he didn't.

He had almost cleared Helga's ass when Lydia's hand came down on his head and pushed him back into place. It took him by surprise, which was exactly what she was hoping for.

"Stay down, boy. You have a job to do."

Lydia had to suppress a laugh. She was sure Helga had put him to work, and his current predicament suggested she had already been hard on him. Lydia wasn't really feeling that mean, not yet, but she liked the idea of 'putting him in his place', especially if right now his place was deep within Helga's ass.

But Christopher didn't stay down; not completely. Maybe he really did just need some air as he quickly rose again, although this time he was careful to stay between her cheeks, where his huffing and puffing was another reason for Lydia to laugh. This time she allowed herself a small giggle.

That giggle caused Christopher to turn his eyes toward Lydia. Another comical moment, as his eyes were only just above the crack of Helga's ass. Christopher was trying to give her a look; a look which said he didn't appreciate Lydia's jokes or her laughter at his expense.

Lydia returned the look with one of her own. A look which said, 'what do I care?' And then to make that point clear, she once again reached over and put her hand on his head and pushed him back down into Helga's ass.

Christopher went back to work. No doubt he wasn't pleased, both with his work situation and Lydia's actions, but he wasn't foolish enough to mount a real protest. He just went on working Helga's ass.

Lydia watched for a little while longer and then decided this was a moment that deserved to be saved. She pulled out her cellphone and began to frame a few shots. Christopher became aware of what she was doing and gave her another look; and that was just the sort of thing she wanted to capture.

"Sorry Helga, I just need to take a few pics of Christopher's performance. Maybe we can make this a training video."

Having said that, she grabbed Christopher's hair. She didn't yank it, but she had a firm grip and she used it to pull him back to the level where he was just looking over Helga's cheek. She held him there as she snapped a couple of photos. Then she pushed him back down.

She looked over the images. She just might have to get one of those blown up and framed to hang in her office. The look on his face was priceless. And then she decided maybe a few pics wasn't enough.

She switched to video and let it run while Christopher continued his task. Then she decided she needed to see more. She'd have to get closer and more involved, but she was sure it would be worth it. Once she decided, she stepped closer and put her hand on Helga's ass.

She pulled the cheek to her and as Christopher moved, trying to determine what was going on, Lydia got her first good look at what he had been doing. Lydia didn't come in that morning to look at Helga's ass, or more specifically at her large asshole, but seeing what Christopher was working with made it all worthwhile.

Lydia got over her shock of Helga's body as she directed Christopher to get back to work and let her record. He was hesitant. No doubt he had been hesitant when Helga first put him to this job. But now he was not only licking Helga's asshole, he knew it was being recorded.

He also knew he couldn't afford to piss off Helga, and while Lydia was more playful right now, she could only make matters worse for him. So while hesitant, he didn't wait too long before his tongue snaked out once again and licked at the large dark ring of Helga's asshole.

Lydia was beyond pleased. It wasn't easy to get in close and get a good shot, but the fact that she had a recording of Christopher's tongue on Helga's asshole was more than she could have hoped for when she arrived earlier.

She spent a few more minutes recording and holding Helga's ass open before she determined she had captured enough. She put away her phone and stepped back to watch the larger scene.

She was enjoying the show, but she also got a kick out of pushing Christopher's face down. And now she was thinking, why stop there? She looked at Helga, who actually looked more calm and relaxed than Lydia had ever seen her. She was just lying there with her eyes closed, enjoying Christopher's tongue.

Lydia didn't really want to interrupt her, but she also wanted to have some more fun. And the fun she had in mind would likely be fun for Helga as well. She gave it just a little more thought before she decided to go for it.

Once she made up her mind, Lydia quickly removed her high heels and placed them under a nearby chair. She then brought over a small stepping stool. It was primarily intended to help people get off the table if necessary, but it would work the other way too. Lydia stepped onto the stool and then carefully continued to step up onto the massage table.

It wasn't a simple matter, as the space was already crowded with Helga and Christopher, but she moved carefully and used Christopher's head for support as she got herself into position. Helga stirred a little, clearly curious as to what was going on, but she didn't say anything.

When she was ready, she had her feet on the table just above Helga's hips. And then she carefully lowered herself down; until she sat on Christopher's head.

Christopher's head, and more importantly his face, once again sunk deep into Helga's ass. It was something he clearly wasn't prepared for, as he body began to thrash almost immediately. Lydia waited a few seconds, confident she could keep him down as long as she wanted, before she slid onto his upper back and lifted some of her weight so Christopher could sputter for air.

And sputter he did. Christopher lifted his head as much as he could and gasped for air. However, with Lydia sitting just below his neck, he couldn't get very far. She gave him a few more seconds to calm down and catch his breath. Then slowly and deliberately, she eased her weight down on his upper back, giving him very little space between his face and canyon of ass that was all around him.

"Deep breath now boy. And now back to work."

Slowly, almost gingerly, Lydia laced her fingers on the back of Christopher's head. He was smart enough to take that deep breath, and as soon as he did, Lydia pushed his face down once more.

And that game continued on for several minutes. Lydia perched on his back where he could barely rise above Helga's ass, and when he did, he was only allowed a few seconds before she pushed his head back down between her cheeks. She even asked him if he wanted her help so he could go even deeper. Christopher wasn't able to respond and surely didn't want to even be as deep as he was, but Lydia took the opportunity to shove his face hard and deep into Helga's musky realm.

Lydia then allowed herself to get a little more comfortable by pulling her skirt up around her waist. And then she slid forward slightly so she was riding his neck. And pretty soon she wasn't just sitting still, but rather she was rubbing herself against his neck. Her panties were going to be quite wet by the time she got off of Christopher.

And so, while Helga relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of Christopher's tongue licking and probing her asshole, Lydia enjoyed herself by rubbing her wet panties against his neck while she controlled his rise and fall within her ass, pushing down on the back of his head to press him deeper than he ever wanted to go. Thus, both women enjoyed Christopher's efforts for some time, before they were ready to call an end to the massage.

But eventually, Lydia took her hands off Christopher's head. She still did some thrusting and riding of his neck as she brought herself to a small but satisfying orgasm. Then slowly, she rose from his body and carefully made her way down off the table, where she took a seat in the nearby chair.

Helga sensed that Lydia was finished and realized it was about time to wrap things up. She stirred slightly on the table as if waking herself from a nap. This also had the effect of rocking her ass side to side, which was fun for Lydia because she watched Christopher's head as it was rocked with her.

Helga's hands then came back behind her as she found Christopher's head.

"Now big, deep kiss. Thank me for massage. Lots of tongue."

Lydia was sure Helga had already received 'lots of tongue', but she liked the idea of a strong finish and that Christopher should be thanking his guest for the opportunity to provide them such service. And Christopher did his part. Just from the sight of his head and the sounds he made - wet, slurpy, sloppy sounds - she knew he was indeed giving her a special deep kiss. Good boy.

"Mmm, yes. Now get off table."

Christopher slowly tried to extricate himself from between Helga's legs and ass. He also tried to shake some life into his legs, something he was only partially successful at, since he nearly tumbled to the ground when he tried to stand at the end of the table.

Helga rolled over onto her back and then propped herself up on one arm to look at Christopher. It wasn't the sort of sight Lydia had expected to witness, but now looking at Helga there, she couldn't help think of her as the subject of some Renaissance painter. Of course, it would need some appropriate title, such as Lady Helga's Massage.

"That how you serve guest. You here to make guest happy. Yes?"

Christopher was standing at the end of the table, one hand working his jaw. He wasn't the defiant brat he had been just the day before. Lydia wondered just what all had transpired between them.

"Yes, Helga. I am here to make the guests happy; not to make myself happy."

"Good. You learn. Now go sit and rest. We talk."

And just like that, Christopher was sent out of the room so Helga and Lydia could talk about what had happened, and what was coming next. Lydia was a little surprised that Christopher was being sent out of the room on his own, unattended, but she had faith in Helga. And after the little demonstration she had walked in on, she knew Christopher had already done a lot for her.

Christopher sat in a nearby waiting area at one of the tables, his head in his hands. What had become of him? The taste of Helga's ass sat heavy on his tongue. He wasn't sure if he would ever be able to wash it away. Bad enough that Helga had demanded such attention. But when Lydia arrived, she took great pleasure in forcing his head down between her cheeks, keeping his face deep with her ass.

And just for added insult, he was quite sure Lydia had gotten off on his suffering. Not only sitting on his head, neck, or back, forcing him deep into Helga's ass, but he felt her rubbing herself against the back of his neck for added enjoyment. When he was sent out of the room, he reached his hand behind his neck and came away with a slickness that could have only come from Lydia.

So licking Helga's ominous asshole, inside and out, while Lydia used his neck as a masturbation aid, was what he had just come away from. He had learned to fear Helga even more since she came into the room the night before, but he knew Lydia wasn't likely to be an ally in any way. Maybe she could save him from injury or pain, but she wasn't interested in saving him from humiliation.

So while he was thankful for a few moments' rest, he had concerns about what the two women were now conspiring about. What was Helga reporting to Lydia? What sort of questions would Lydia have, and what sort of answers was she looking for? And how was he ever going to get out of this crazy place?

Helga's earlier demonstration made it clear he couldn't simply leave the building when no one was looking. The cage around his cock and balls would activate if he left the perimeter, and he would pass out from the pain before he made any real distance. And if no one was around to notice, to rescue him, he feared permanent damage to his manhood, and perhaps even risk to his life. No, his solution had to involve more than just putting distance between himself and this place.

He slid his chair back a little and took another look at the device which held him prisoner. He would have to find a way to remove it. He was sure there was some sort of key that would be needed for his release, but examining the device, he had no idea how it could possibly be opened or removed. And that was another serious obstacle.

He continued his examination, carefully lifting the cage around his cock and turning it this way and that. He also lifted his balls and moved them in his attempts to see as much of the device as possible. His balls didn't even welcome the touch. It was as if his own hand might somehow shock them. They were gun shy from their ordeal and just wanted to be left alone.

He let his balls go and put his focus on the cage. Still, he could not determine how it all went on; and more importantly, how it would come off. He was still sitting in his chair, crouched over, examining his cock trapped within the metal cage, when he heard the women step in front of him.

He looked up to find Lydia and Helga standing side by side. It was quite the sight. Helga was still completely nude, as if she always worked in the nude and this was natural, which it wasn't. Beside her, Lydia looked much as expected. She was in her usual business attire. She did seem to be shorter somehow, but then Christopher realized she wasn't standing in her traditional high heels.

They were very different. Besides the difference in clothing, they had dissimilar body types. Helga was thick, and if one were polite, curvy. Whereas Lydia was closer to a fashion model or television actress. And so far, Lydia was still the constant. She was still behaving very much the way she always did, and still looked the part.

Helga, however, had changed. Besides the look of her naked flesh as she stood there, he had come to know Helga far better than he ever wanted to. She had always been a rough sort, but in the past it was Lydia he was worried about pleasing. After this dark turn, he now had very good reason to fear Helga. And what Helga had done to him drastically changed his outlook on the salon and his future.

"Over here. Knees."

Helga said it and added a snap of her fingers. Helga didn't usually snap her fingers and for a second, he was even surprised that she could. But that didn't really matter. What mattered is that Helga was calling him over to her and expected him to get on his knees in front of her. So he stood up from his chair, walked over to Helga, and got down on his knees in front of her.

As he approached, Helga took a wide stance and placed her hands on her hips. He remembered the first time he saw her stand that way, as she was showing off her massively hairy crotch, to his inevitable distress. And she was just as hairy and confident now. As he went to his knees, he found it hard to look away from that thick, hairy expanse.


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