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Hell-Bent For Incest


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"Who the fuck are you?" He demanded, but his voice sounded far away and when her tried to sit up, he found he had to struggle to do it, he felt drugged.

"Who do I look like?" He smiled and that's when Jim looked closer and saw the guy had red skin. Great, some freak in a costume had somehow drugged him, then snuck in.

"You're asleep Jim." He spoke calmly in that voice that was so deep, he swore it was vibrating like a bass. "Well, not completely, but it's hard to explain. Let's just say you're in a state that lets you see and talk to me."

"I'm dreaming."

The man sighed, "Okay, fine dreaming, have it your way."

"So who are you?"

"Like I said, what do I look like?" He gave him a huge smile and standing, took a bow. "I'm a devil."

"The devil?" Jim asked, trying to think through the thick fog his mind was entrenched in.

"A devil." He walked up to the chair and lifting Jim's arm, shook his hand. "I'm Incestial, it's nice to meet you, Jimmy? Can I call you Jimmy?"

"Uh, I guess." The guy's huge hand engulfed his and felt damned real. "What's this dream or whatever about?"

"Glad you asked!" Incestial clapped him hard on the shoulder and it felt it as real as the handshake. "You're dreaming about me because what you were really dreaming about, drew me to you."

"You know my dreams?" Jim asked nervously.

This was bizarre and he should be going for the gun in the desk, but his body felt relaxed and he seemed to know Incestial wasn't lying and he wasn't going to hurt him.

"I do and like I said, I don't blame you at all. Little Kelly is one sweet little thing." He nodded. "Must be hard to want her like you do and be afraid to do anything about it."

"She's my daughter." Jim replied, "I shouldn't do anything about it."

"Says who?" Incestial rolled his eyes. "Oh, I know, god, the law, the natural order of things." He made a farting noise with his lips, "So boring those people."

"Well if you're a devil and you're saying to do it that means it's a sin." Jim pointed out.

"How can something that feels so right be so wrong?" Incestial asked. "Listen Jimmy, you see all those incest stories on line, all those movies? Kay Parker baby!" He laughed, "That woman has done wonders for my business, got everyone thinking about their mom."

"I don't think of my mom."

"Because she's ugly." Incestial shrugged. "But not little Kelly. That little tart is a hottie! Her mom is too, but what a fucking dud."

"I need to wake up." Jim muttered.

"You will, right after you hear my offer."


"Let's cut to the chase, Jim. My specialty is incest. I spread the message of keeping it in the family. See we believe people should love who they want to and if that someone is family, who cares? In fact, who loves you more than your family?"

He paced back and forth, his black eyes lighting up with passion as he continued.

"Think about it Jimbo, who could be better to your little girl than you? Those guys she fucks now? They want her for her tits. I mean you want her tits too, but you love her."

"I do love her, but I love my wife too."

"Yeah, well there's different kinds of love." He told him. "And think how little Kelly would want to please her daddy. The most important man in her life, the guy who denies her nothing and even lets her wear slutty outfits." He laughed, "But you're being a little selfish with that."

"So what we do is we go around and find people like you. Your lust for your daughter brought me here and I am offering to help you."

"Help me do what?"

"Fuck your daughter of course.You want it and we're here to make it happen."

"Wait, whose we?" Jim asked, confused.

"Oh, me and my sister of course."


"Hiya!" A voice spoke next to him and he jerked around in the chair to see a red skinned woman with horns sitting on the ledge of the picture window. "I'm Familial!"

"Of course you are." He gave her an awkward wave.

"Yup, that's my big sis." Incestial said, "Hot isn't she?"

"I guess."

"I'm too old for him." She laughed.

"You're eight hundred years old. You're too old for everybody." He laughed when she rolled her eyes at him.

"See, here's the deal Jimmy. Your desire is obvious and you don't deny it. But you're buying into what the world has told you. It's wrong, she's my daughter, its sick, you're sick. You're never going to make a move on her because you're afraid she'd be upset, right?"

"Yes, I wouldn't want her to think I'm a pervert and be upset with me. I wouldn't want to lose her."

"How sweet!" Familial exclaimed. "I like you Jim!" She looked him up and down, "And Kelly wouldn't be losing out; you're a good looking man. I love those green eyes."

"Thanks, I guess."

"And see we might be devils, demons, whatever you want to think of is as, but we have rules. We only come to those who want it and we only nudge along those who want it."

"You're going to make me make a move on her?"

"Nope, you're ready to go, Kelly needs the push." He gestured towards Familial. "So you say the word and my sexy sister slips inside of little miss kitty and urges her to come sit on daddy's lap."

"So you'd possess her?"

"Not the way you're thinking of it." Familial assured him. "No pea soup puke and spinning heads. I just encourage Kelly to be extra good for her sexy daddy."

"But it wouldn't be her, it would be you and..."

"Jim you're missing something here." Incestial sighed. "What did I just say about forcing people?"

"You don't do it." Jim's eyes widened, "Wait, are you saying Kelly wants too?"

"Gold star, James!" he clapped his large hands. "You want to know what your daughter's been doing behind you and mommy's back?"


"The last two guys she's had sex with were your age. Little Kelly has some daddy issues. She wants you, doesn't want to try for the same reasons you won't so instead she's fooling around with guys that remind her of you. She even called one of them daddy."

"They didn't..."

"No, they were very nice to her, Kelly's not stupid and she's sweet. They enjoyed getting what your stubborn ass should be taking, all of her."

"So your sister." He point to Familial. "Is going to just make her lose her inhibitions?"

"Head of the class and once the ice is broken, I think Kelly isn't going to have use for any older guy but you."

"Wait, why even come to me then?"

"We need your say. You have to admit you want us too."

"Do I sign over my soul?"

Incestial and Familial looked at each other and burst out laughing. "That shit is so Hollywood! No, Jimmy the job tasked to us is to help people commit the sin of incest. So you giving us permission let's us do that. We just want family to be happy in every way together and to piss off the biblical morons who think they make the rules."

"So it is a sin."

"To them." Familial said. "So we get a kick out of breaking their natural laws, but we also let people be happy with who they want to be."

"Now say the word James." Incestial stopped pacing and faced him. "Yay or nay, what's it going to be? Hand lotion or your little kitten naked on your lap?"

"How do I know this will work?" He asked, "What if your game is a trick? I approach her and she flips out?"

"You'll know because Kelly is going to come to you and there will be no doubts what she wants so you'll see."

"It won't just be tonight, James." Familial spoke as she playfully kicked her feet back and forth. "Like my brother said, once you two see what it's like, tonight can be every night."

"And I just say yes, that's it?"

"That's it, real easy Jim, just like my sister."

"Good thing I was easy or you'd still be a virgin."

"Ouch." Incestial winced. "Now times up, Jimmy, this is a limited engagement and we have other people who'll jump at this chance. Going once."

"Going twice." Familial slipped off the windowsill and walked over to her brother, "Going..."

"Yes, do it please." He told her. "Show my daughter she wants me!"

"As you wish." Familial bowed and Jim flinched when she vanished into thin air.

"Here's the deal Jim, you're wife is going to feel powerful tired in an hour or so and go to bed. Meanwhile Kelly is going to decide the partiers not much fun and come home. She's then going to come see her daddy and...well you can let your imagination run."

"So I just stay here?"

"Yup, in a few minutes you'll wake up completely. Now I don't like to give away surprises, but," he leaned over and whispered in Jim's ear. "I wouldn't move. Kelly's had a lot of naughty thoughts about daddy in his favorite chair." *****

Jim sat up with a start and rubbing his eyes saw it was seven o'clock. He'd slept for over an hour.

"What a fucking weird dream." He stood up from the chair and stretching, walked out of the den to find Linda.

He was surprised to see the TV off in the living room and her slowly climbing the stairs.

"You going upstairs to read?" He called to her.

"No, as bad as it sounds, I think I'm going to bed." She put her hand over her mouth to stifle a yawn. "Don't know why, but I swear I've never been this tired."

"Well hope you feel better in the morning." He told her, "Love you."

"Love you too, Jim, try to stay up to make sure Kelly gets home by midnight."

"I will." He watched her disappear upstairs and his heart raced, "She'll be powerful tired" No, it was a coincidence. Between his desire for Kelly and all the crappy horror movies he'd been watching leading up to Halloween it had affected his dreams.

He glanced at the TV in the other room, then recalled the dream again. Daddy's favorite chair.

He felt like an idiot, but what the hell? Jim went into the bathroom to splash some water on his face and took in his refection.

The dream demon had said he was good looking and he considered himself fairly attractive. His black hair was still a lot more pepper than salt and his green eyes bright and clear. He stayed in shape by running twice a week and watching what he ate. Overall he and Linda were a pretty hot couple for their age, all the more frustrating, they had such a crappy sex life.

Jim grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and as he chugged it saw headlights swing past the kitchen window. He shut the light off and peering into the driveway saw Kelly's red Mazda pulling up next to his truck.

"Oh my god." Since when did an eighteen year old girl come home at eight from a party?

Jim walked quickly through the house and back into the den. He sat in the chair, his heart pounding. Could this be real? He heard the creak of the kitchen door, then Kelly's heels clicking along the hallway.

He frowned when they passed his den and a moment later her bedroom door closed. He rolled his eyes, what an idiot. Maybe she'd had some teenage drama with another girl and come home to sulk or cry or yap about it on the phone.

He sat back in his recliner and looked over at the stack of paperbacks, on the table beside him. He'd read for a couple hours then head upstairs for another thrilling night of nothing. He'd just picked up a Stephen King novel, when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." He said, trying to control his voice.

Kelly entered the room and his heart leapt when she paused to turn the lock on the knob.

"Daddy, can I talk to you?"

"Of course, Kitten." He answered softly.

Kelly slowly approached and he swore she was moving slow on purpose, giving him time to stare at her. With the exception of the ears, whiskers and make up she was still in the costume and his eyes lingered on his daughter's impressive cleavage.

As she stepped up to the chair, standing directly between his legs, he recalled his dream. Was she really having sex with men his age because she wanted her father? He'd never actually given any thought to her sexual experience, but if this was for real he was soon to find out.

"Everything okay, Kelly? You're home early."

"Everything's okay, for me anyway."

"For you?"

"But not for you, daddy."

"What do you mean?"

"I hear you and mom fighting all the time."

She was so close her stocking clad leg was against his and his eyes were level with her chest. His cock swelled while staring at her firm, creamy breasts and he had to admit this seemed to be going where he was told it would.

"We're fine, kitten." He assured her, playing the part in case there was a weird twist awaiting him. "We're happy."

"You're not, at least not in every way."

"Kelly, what are you talking about?"

"I hear what you fight about. You and mom fight about sex. You always want it and she doesn't."

"Oh, well, its not a big deal."

"It is." Kelly nodded, her blonde hair fluttering about her face and her big brown eyes wide with concern. "It's important you're happy, daddy. You're a good man and you deserve everything you want."

"I appreciate that." He said softly, looking down where she had placed her hand on his thigh.

"Last time I heard you guys fight it was because mom wouldn't," She gave him a sly smile, "Suck your cock."

"Kelly!" he feigned shock even as his cock jumped in his pants.

"She said she's too old for that, only young girls and sluts do that."

"Kelly, you shouldn't be...oh, goddamn." Jim whispered.

Kelly had slowly sank to her knees between his legs.

"I'm a young girl." She smiled up at him as her slender fingers fumbled with his jeans. "And I can be slutty for my daddy." Her words were punctuated by her undoing his snap and pulling his zipper down.

"Kelly what are you doing?"

"I'm being my daddy's good girl by being his bad girl."

Jim moaned when she slipped her hand into his underwear and her fingers wrapped around his cock.

"Oh, daddy!" Her brown eyes grew even wider, "You're hard for me!"

"Yes." He took the plunge. "You make me hard, Kitten, you always make me hard."

"Good, because you make me wet." She sucked on her lower lip while grabbing the sides of his jeans and pulling down on them. "I want to take care of you, daddy. I want to do all the things mom won't."

Jim lifted his hips allowing his daughter to tug his jeans and underwear down to his knees. His cock sprang free and Kelly captured it in her hand, pumping it and licking her lips.

"Is it okay if I take care of you daddy?"

"My little girl can have anything she wants." He told her and had never meant those words more than he did right now.

"I want you." She smiled up at him. "Do you want me too, daddy? Do you want to make your kitten purr."

"Yes," he reached down between them and cupped her breasts. Her nipples were hard beneath the thin material and his cock twitched in her hand.

"Want to see them?" She asked with a sexy little smile.

"More than you can imagine." He told her, then watched, his cock throbbing in her hand as she pulled the strap down her left shoulder and tugged the shirt down with it, exposing her breast.

"God, that's beautiful." He said, his hand cupping her now bare breast.

"Glad you like it." She giggled as she tugged the other half of her shirt down, "What about this one?"

"Just as nice." He fondled her tits and she moaned softly.

Kelly's tits were bigger than he had thought, but firm as hell and her tiny pink nipples were adorable. She breathed through her parted lips when he rolled her nipples between his fingers.

"You like them? Daddy? I hope so because they're all yours."

"I love them. And I love you, kitten."

"Hmm, I like that." She smiled. "And I love this big cock."

His response turned into a moan when his daughter slid the head of his cock between her soft lips. She held it there, sucking gently on just the tip and he groaned as he felt his precum being sucked into her mouth.

"Sticky!" She giggled around his cock, before pressing her lips around the side of his shaft and moving her head up and down.

Jim moaned when she cupped his balls, tapping them with her finger nails while working his cock through her lips. She worked her mouth along the other side of his shaft and he continued to fondle her nipples as she teased his aching cock with her lips and tongue.

Her eyes on his, Kelly reached the tip and opened wide, took him into her mouth.

"Oh, Kelly." He sighed as she bobbed her head.

Jim let her right breast go and running his hand through her long soft hair, held it to the side so he could watch what he had spent months dreaming about, his daughter sucking his cock. Kelly was moaning around him and her hips were grinding in circles as she took him repeatedly into her hot wet mouth.

She bobbed her head faster, taking him deeper than before and he wrapped his hand tighter in her hair and pushed her head, gently guiding her along his cock. Kelly's eyes met his and she winked before taking him all the way down until her lips wrapped around the base of his shaft.

"Oh, God." He moaned when she slid her tongue out across his balls.

He released her other nipples and ran his hand along her arm, the side of her cheek and down her back. Her skin was so soft, so smooth, so...young, and she was whimpering around his cock as if just sucking it was pleasing her.

"That feels so good, kitten." He told her, "You look so good down there."

She removed him from her mouth, "Thank you, daddy." She flicked her tongue across the tip of his cock, "I hope I get the same view."

"Oh, you will, honey." He told her, "How about you stand up and I'll..."

"Nope." She kissed his cock. "Not until I make you come." She pumped his cock in her soft hand. "You've gone without so long and I want to show you what a good girl I am." She smiled up at him, "Can I make you come? Please daddy? Can I?"

"Anything you want." He said, then had to stifle a loud moan when she immediately took him deep into her mouth.

This time she bobbed her head rapidly and was taking him so deep so quickly she was making gagging sounds. She surprised him by releasing his cock to let a long thick trail of spit ooze down his shaft.

She pumped her fist, stroking his now sloppy wet cock, then spit directly on him and noisily slurped it up. Her hand was working his balls again and as Jim watched his daughter give him the best blowjob he'd had in years it dawned on him Kelly had certainly done this before.

The thought turned him on. Knowing his daughter was experienced and with men she wished were him added another thrill to this already amazing experience. Kelly was driving her head down on his cock, choking herself with it to the point her eyes were watering, but she was moaning and whimpering as she did it.

Jim was making noises of his own and to his chagrin felt his balls already tightening in Kelly's hand.

"Hmm-mm!" Kelly encouraged, sucking him even faster.

Jim moaned and fought to hold back, trying to enjoy every moment he could in his daughter's surprisingly experienced mouth. Kelly released his cock and cupped her tits. She continued to suck him, using just her mouth and running her thumbs across her pink nipples and moaning as loudly as he was.

The sight of her playing with her tits while still downing his cock easily sent him over the edge and with a groan he let loose, filling his daughter's mouth with his cum. Kelly squealed and opening her mouth wider, let his cum drool down his shaft then promptly sucked it back up.

Jim let her hair go and squeezed the arms of his recliner, moaning as Kelly sucked harder and faster, working hard to drain her father's balls of their creamy contents. His hips were moving, thrusting his cock harder into her mouth and she moaned even louder around him.

"Oh God." He moaned when he had nothing left and she was now sucking on just the sensitive tip.

"I do a good job?" She asked, then stuck her tongue out, showing the puddle of cum in the center of it before swallowing and showing off her now empty mouth.

"That was incredible." He told her, "Kelly, you're such a good girl."


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