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Hell-Bent For Incest


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Jack was sweet, caring, responsible, damned good looking and he did everything he could to help around the house and take care of her. Her son was truly the man of the house and Rose longed for him to take that one more step and become the man in her bedroom.

She turned from the mirror and walking over to the window looked down into the back yard. Jack was down their splitting wood for the stove and Rose sucked on her lip as she watched him beneath the floodlights, swinging the axe.

His black t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders and her pussy moistened at the sight of his biceps flexing as he lifted the ax and drove it down repeatedly. His jeans fit him snugly, showing off his fine ass, damn he was sexy!

But sweet too which made him even hotter. His temper tantrums at her mode of dress were out of character for him and she had taken that for a sign he was masking his true feelings. He did want her and was mad at himself.

Jack stopped swinging the ax and turned to pick up the Dunkin Donuts coffee he had brought out there with him. As he leaned on the ax and sipped the coffee, she smiled. His beauty was not just from the neck down.

Jack had his father's looks, the piercing blue eyes, high cheek bones, and soft, pretty features. Jack tried to hide his pretty boy looks with a perpetual five o clock shadow and she loved that look on him, not as much as she would love how she would look on him, however.

She stepped away from the window and walking across her bedroom stopped at her desk and frowned at the collection of powders in the small glass jars she had bought. Mixing them together and putting them in a drink was supposed to cause unbridled lust and desire in the person who drank it.

Had she really become this pathetic? That she would listen to a crack pot friend who swore by the remedies and 'potions' sold at a small shop run by a woman whose accent couldn't be more fake?

Apparently she had because even as she mocked herself she began opening the jars while looking at the paper that explained how much of each should go in the drink.

"You're right, that won't get you your son." A voice spoke from behind her.

Rose spun and dropping the spoon on the floor, gasped. Sitting on her bed was a tall woman dressed as if it were a summer day, rather than the end of October. But that detail paled in comparison to the fact she

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" Rose reached behind her to pick up the sharp letter opener off her desk.

"My name is Familial and like that name indicates, I'm here to help you with your son."

"I don't know what you're talking about and you better leave." Rose pointed the letter opener at her. "Go take your funky costume somewhere else."

"Hey! You know how many decades it took to get my hair like this?" She touched the thick horns on her head.

"Get out!"

"You really want me to go Rose?" She shrugged. "I thought you wanted your son to desire you?"

"That's sick! I..."

"Are you going to lie to yourself?" Familial stood. "Were you not just this moment getting ready to mix a bunch of useless ingredients to give your son to make him want you?"

"How do you know that?" Rose asked nervously.

"I know a lot, but all that is important is I know you want that good looking young man out there to come into this room and on this bed." She tapped it, "Take his mother good and hard the way she wants it."

"I...I don't believe this." Rose shook her head. "This is a sick joke."

"How can it be? Who else knows the person you bought that crap to seduce is your boy?" Familial sighed, "You're willing to believe in bootleg potions sold by a poser, but not someone who can really make it happen?"

"What are you, a witch?"

"Nah, just a bitch sometimes."

Rose spun around and cried out when she saw a large, equally red man leaning against the door of her closet.

"Oh my God!" She yelled.

"God? Please that clown never shows up when anyone calls him. I'm Incestial and if you really want what you say you do I can make it happen, Rose."

"That's right." Familial walked past her to go stand by the new visitor. "My little brother here can help Jack realize what he really wants and come get it."

"Shouldn't take much." Incestial looked Rose up and down and whistled. "You're one fine woman, Rose. You know all those sons who think being with their mother is gross? It's usually because their mom's kind of homely. But you?" he released a tiger's growl that rattled the windows. "One hot fucking milf!"

"Thank you, I think." She looked back and forth between them. "Are you two...demons?"

"Bingo!" Familial clapped her hands. "And ones with a specific purpose and that is to share the gift my brother and I have been sharing for centuries, the gift of incest."


"Most certainly!" Incestial declared. "But that gift can't be given to just anyone. Only people like you, Rose who realize what you want and don't care it's supposed to be wrong. You're hot for your son and that's what called us here."

"And you can make that happen?" She asked skeptically. Maybe she'd fallen asleep and this was a weird dream.

"No, you're very much awake." Familial told her. "So what's it going to be Rose? Want us to make those taboo fantasies a reality? Does the naughty schoolgirl want to be taken over her son's knee?"

"Yes." She said softly, what the hell, if it was only a dream she may as well go through with it.

"But how? You're not going to make him do it are you?" She frowned. "Bad as I want him, I want him to want me."

"You get that line from the Cheap Trick song?" Incestial began playing air guitar. "I want you to want me!" He sung loudly and way off key. He stopped when Familial elbowed him in the stomach.

"Little brothers." She put her hands out.

"I know, I have one." Rose smiled. For demons these two weren't very creepy.

"Nope, we're the mischievous type." Incestial replied. "Know who hates us? Cupids, they say we're like twisted versions of them." He grunted disgustedly. "Those morons wear diapers, who are they to talk?"

"You're a good mom, Rose." Familial came over and put her warm hand on her cheek. "You want him so bad, but you would never hurt him. That's why we're here, we only push the already willing."

"You're never going to come straight on to him." Incestial took over. "Although you're free lunch outfits should be getting through to him loud and clear." He quipped. "But Jack's a good kid, and he's not going to admit what you're really doing to him."

"What I'm doing to him?" She asked, did he really mean what she thought he meant?

"Cock teasing the shit out of that kid." He told her. "Your plan is working Rose. He's not mad at you, he's mad at him for looking at your body and wanting it." He grinned, "In his fantasies he is giving his slut mom exactly what she's begging for."

"So all my brother is going to do is slide on in and remove that nagging little, 'I shouldn't do this' from your son."

"But what happens when he," She pointed at Incestial, "Leaves?"

"Up to you two. Something tells me tonight will be just the beginning. There's as much love for you as lust, Rose."

"But you have to give him permission." Familial explained. "You have to tell us you want our help or we will have to leave."

"No price?"

"Your consummating your taboo love is our reward." She said with a smile.

"Pissing off the Cupids is just gravy." Incestial smirked.

"Yes." Rose said immediately, "Please make my son know he can have everything he wants from me."

"Be careful." He winked. "Kid's got some back door fantasies going."

"Then he can have it." She told him, staring into his black eyes.

"Damn, if our mom was that hot, I wouldn't have ended up with you!" Incestial told his sister.

She swung at him, but her hand passed through empty air as he vanished amidst a loud laugh and puff of smoke.

"What do I do now?" Rose asked.

"Just wait right here." Familial said. "Jack will come in soon and this time it's going to play out just the way you want it to."

"Will he be...?" Rose licked her lips, "Forceful?"

"Yes." Familial nodded, "But after that, love him sweetly. He craves your embrace as much as what is between your legs."

"I feel the same way. You sure you're a demon? You seem to want us to be happy."

"Your happiness pisses of the sanctimonious assholes who set these dumb rules in the first place. Your happiness mixed with their consternation is what we live for."

Familial kissed her on the cheek. "Enjoy your boy."

Rose started to reply, but she had vanished as quickly as her brother had. She shook her head, part of her still wondering if this was a crazy dream.

Nonetheless she walked over, sat on her bed and with her nipples aching and her pussy already wet from just the thought of Jack wanting her, waited for her son.


Rose sat up on the bed when she heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs. After sitting on the bed for a half hour, she had decided she must have been dreaming. Jack wasn't coming up here. She stretched out on the bed, wondering how she could be dressed this sexy and end up getting undressed and going to bed just because it was easier to sleep than be frustrated.

But as soon as she heard Jack's heavy footfalls coming down the hall, she dared to hope that it had been real. She stood up and went to the door, listening to see if was going to pass her room on the way to hers.

Her hopes sank when he did walk right past her door and a few seconds later shut the door to his room. She thought about going to him, but screw it. She'd been so excited at the idea tonight could have been the night that she was now too discouraged to try and get him going yet again.

Jack's door opened again and she heard him head back down the hall and enter the bathroom. Rose sat there imaging her son in the shower. Thinking of his body covered in soap and wishing she could slip in behind him and jerk him off from behind, cup his balls, stroke his cock and make him come right there in the shower.

He would turn around, sink to his knees and Rose would put her foot on his shoulder and push her wet pussy in his face. After a few minutes she stood up and paced back and forth so she wouldn't succumb to masturbating on the bed. There was still a chance.

Rose heard the door open and hesitated with her hand on the doorknob. She wanted to ask him into her room to see what he thought about her 'costume' for the party she was lying about going to. But the weird red siblings had told her Jack would come to her.

She emitted a startled yelp when Jack knocked on the door inches from her face.

"Hey, mom, got a minute?"

She took a few steps back so she wouldn't sound like she had been right at the door. "Sure honey, come on in."

The door opened and when Jack entered, Rose's pussy gushed. He was barefoot and shirtless, just wearing a pair of jeans and her first thought was to wonder if he had underwear on beneath them. His black hair was still wet and there were a few stray drops of moisture on his skin where he had missed toweling off.

He looked so fucking good! All Rose wanted to do was drop to her knees, pull his pants open and...

"Hey, mom, I was wondering if I could use your," Jack had begun, but stopped and looked her up and down, causing her heart to pound. "Jesus Christ, Mom, what the hell are you wearing?"

"My costume!" She smiled. "Like it?" She turned around for him, making sure she bent over slightly, just enough to ensure he would see the lower part of her ass.

"You look ridiculous."

That wasn't what she had been hoping for, but told herself to be patient, something would happen tonight. It had to or she was going to end up all but raping him at some point.

"You really think I look bad?" She pushed her lips into a pout that would match her school girl look. "I guess I'm too old to look good in this."

"You look good, mom." He stopped and narrowed his eyes as if unsure of what he just said and her hopes rose. "You're just too old to be dressing like that period. You look..."

"I look what?"

"Slutty, mom, you look fucking slutty." He threw his arms up. "Just like you've dressed slutty for the last six months."

"Sorry, you don't approve." She gave her head a toss, shaking her pig tails around. "I am the parent here you know."

"No, I don't know." He stepped up to her and a wave of heat flowed through her at the anger in his eyes. "You're the one acting like a teenager, dressing slutty and bringing guys home."

"It's my home"

"And you have a room. I can't believe you banged that guy right in the living room!"

"How do you know I did that?" She asked, carefully keeping the smile off her face.

"I," He froze, realizing he had just admitted he had seen her. "I could hear it from upstairs, had to put my damn headphones on."

"What do you care?" She shrugged. "I deserve some fun and I think I look good like this, don't you?"

"What the hell kind of question is that?" He asked. "Are you saying I look at you?"

"Do you?" She did smile this time. "What's the matter, Jack? You're looking kind of flustered."

"I'm pissed off my mother dresses like a whore in front of me. Look at you now, dressing like a slutty girl half your age. Pigtails, mom, really?"

"I understand." She said softly, "You don't like it because it drives you crazy."

"Damn straight it does." He nodded. "And when I get mad like this, you smile at me, like it's funny, like you want me to be mad."

"But why does it make you so mad, baby?" She asked, sweetly, "I like to dress sexy, I like to feel sexy. Why does that bother you?"

"It bothers me because it's not right. I'm your son."

"What does how I dress have to do with who you are?"

Rose's breathing was getting heavier, even though nothing had happened yet, she was convinced it would. Unlike prior arguments, Jack was blatantly staring at her nipples which were hard from desire and rubbing against the shirt.

"You're not even wearing a bra." He confirmed what he'd been focusing on.

"You didn't answer me," She could hear the excitement in her voice, but he seemed oblivious to everything, but her body as his eyes continued to roam up and down. "Why does you being my son matter with how I dress?"

"Because it's..." His mouth worked, but nothing came out. It was if he were fighting the next thing he wanted to say. "You're...." Again he appeared to be struggling.

"I'm what, honey?" She asked softly, "You can tell me."

"Don't talk all sweet to me." He said heatedly. "You're not sweet, not at all."

"What do you mean?"

"A sweet mother doesn't walk around dressed like that and acting the way you do."

He was breathing hard and his eyes were once again on her prominent nipples, it was if he couldn't look away.

"You're always showing yourself to me, you're always..." He hesitated again, but this time the words came out in a rush. "You're always teasing me, mom. Showing off your big tits and that fine ass and those long legs."

Oh my God! A thrill of excitement ran through her accompanied by a wave of heat between her thighs.

"I'm teasing you?" She struggled to keep the excitement from her voice

"Yes, you're teasing me and you know it." He stepped so close his chest pressed against hers and she groaned from the contact. "You're a cock teasing whore."

"You're right." Rose put her hands on his arms, squeezing his firm muscles. "I like teasing you."

"You do more than tease, mom, it's like you're begging for it," he paused and she could feel him trembling beneath her touch

"Begging for what?"

"For this!" Rose cried out in surprise when Jack grabbed her shirt and ripped it open.

Buttons flew across the room and the sound of her shirt tearing along with the violence of his action sent a wave of heat through her.

"Jack!" She exclaimed, trying to sound shocked rather than around, "I'm your mother!"

She attempted to cross her arms over her exposed breasts, but he caught her wrists in his hands and forced her arms down. The strength in his grip and how easily he over powered her, caused her to whimper in excitement.

"Now you're modest?" He laughed, but his eyes were on her now bare breasts and she loved the look of mixed anger and desire in them. "Stop acting like this isn't what you want!"

He grabbed her breasts and Rose squealed when he squeezed them hard in his powerful hands, then again when he gave her nipples a hard pinch.

"Jack you're hurting me!" She moaned, but to her ears there was nothing but pleasure in that sound.

"No, I'm just giving you what you're asking for you fucking slut!"

Jack grabbed her right pigtail and yanked her head back. Rose groaned at the sharp pain, but it was nothing compared to the pleasure she derived from her son burying his face in her chest and sucking her nipple into his mouth.

He held her head back, and slipping his arm around her waist, held her in place as he sucked first one of her swollen pink nipples, then the other.

"Stop it!" She begged, "Please Jack, can't so this! I'm your mom!"

"My mom whose a cock teasing whore!" He released her hair and caused her to yelp when he gave her breast a hard slap.

"You've been showing these tits off for months! Making me think about them, making me want them."

"You want your mother's tits?" She gritted her teeth as he once again punished her nipples, by pinching them, "What else do you want?"

She had planned on playing meek and timid, pretending she really didn't want him to take her, but she couldn't hold back. She had wanted this and to hear him say she'd making him want her, caused her to egg him on.

"I want everything." He told her and grabbing her back of her head, pressed his lips violently to hers.

Rose gasped at the force of the kiss, but she eagerly responded, trying to match his intensity as he practically devoured her mouth. Jack's hand was still on her breast, squeezing it hard and his fingers were wrapped tightly in her hair, holding her face to his.

His tongue drove between her lips and she moaned when it slid across hers. Rose reached between them, unsnapping his jeans.

"Fucking slut!" He snapped, "Look at you going after your son's cock."

"I want it!" She pulled his zipper down and moaned when her fingers rubbed along his pubic hair, no underwear!

"You don't touch it." He grabbed her wrists and forced her arms behind her back.

"No, stop it!" She moaned, even though she was making no effort to fight him.

Pinning her wrists together, he took them in one of his large powerful hands, holding them tightly and with his free hand pulled the loosely knotted tie over her head. He reached behind her and as he slipped the tie around her wrists and pulled it tight, he lowered his head and once again attacker her lips with his.

Rose moaned and squirmed as her son bound her wrists, but as she had before; her lips met his with equal force. She moved side to side, sliding her aching nipples against his hard chest and groaned in pleasure when his hands came back around from behind her to grab them.

His fingers teased across her nipples and for a moment his kiss slowed and became softer, his lips sliding across hers. This time when his tongue entered her mouth it gently caressed hers. For the first time since he'd ripped her blouse open, Jack made a sound of pleasure deep in his throat as they kissed.

"Hmm," She purred, leaning against him and playfully sucking on his tongue. "That's it baby," she whispered against his lips. "Just take what you want," She moaned when he squeezed her nipples harder, "And give mommy what she needs."

"What you need is to be treated like the nasty skank you've been acting like."

Rose cried out when he grabbed her shoulders and shoved her backwards. Unable to use her arms for balance, she staggered a couple of steps until her legs hit the edge of her bed and she sat down on it. Jack was immediately on top of her and catching both her pigtails in one hand yanked her head forward.


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