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Click hereChapter 10: With Flowers and My Love, Both Never to Come Back
A few days had passed since the end of the tribunal... since the smuggled ordinance went off... since the enormous storm of hellish wind tossed them all around like autumn leaves. Not long enough had passed for everyone to agree on a naming convention for this catastrophe, but some had started calling it... the hurricane.
Natalie wasn't fond of that name. It seemed a way to remove culpability from it all, as if it was a natural unavoidable occurrence rather than a deliberate action on both sides. Even if she was forced to do what she did, or even if Ashley's last moments in this world saved her of that responsibility... it didn't lighten her heart any. Calling it 'the hurricane' was like naming an incident where someone hit two people on the sidewalk 'the misaligned speed bumps.' It was grotesque. The tribunal had left her deeply disillusioned.
All she did for some time was lie still, wound up in clouds and letting no light through. She would sit as still as she could before moving a bit... and then feeling the cut wounds that the spear tip had left in her left hand. They didn't hurt and didn't bleed... but they were still there, maybe a permanent feature of herself henceforth, like a crack in a marble statue.
But... their work had to continue at some point. Natalie has mourned, more a bandage over the wound in her heart. She could at least see how everyone else was holding up, make certain the wheels of justice were turning again...
Natalie left the tuft of cloud she had been wrapped up in like a sleeping bag. She rolled her wings, the feathers torn out during the hurricane having all come back. The first angel she wanted to see... well, she was gone. The second one...
She began drifting off towards the library. Maybe sweet, knowledgeable Candice would fill her in on what had happened in her absence.
The library's single colossal bookshelf was nearly empty, a literal mountain of upturned books off to the side to be re-shelved. No cart would be big enough to hold this stack of disorganized media. But that's not what immediately caught Natalie's attention.
Candice was there... but she was not organizing the books, or doing whatever else librarians do. She had her shoulders against the enormous bookshelf, one hand over her heart as she used the other one to pull back and forth on a long, hard cock.
HER long, hard cock.
A giant obelisk of dark flesh that matched Candice's complexion... and roughly Ashley's size. It looked even larger off Candice's smaller form. She nearly threw her arm out as far as it went to reach the end of it. Candice huffed in quick breaths in sync with her arm's motion.
Natalie inadvertently announced her entrance with a shocked gasp at what she'd seen. Candice looked over towards Natalie and immediately whimpered, almost like a squawking bird. She pinched her eyes shut, holding her chin up, as if she was pretending Natalie wasn't there. Her legs shook, but she didn't move or turn away. It was like her feet were bound in place.
"Don't look...!" She gasped, her hand still moving rapidly up and down her shaft. "I... I can't stop..."
A sudden fever swept over Natalie, the blood rushing up to her face. Her wings turned to jelly... but their strength must have been delivered lower, as a pale column of flesh appeared from between Natalie's legs. She tried to hold it down with her skirt, but all that did was make it stand out perpendicular from her body.
"Darn it..." Natalie hissed. "I had this under control until I saw you..."
"Sorry." Candice whimpered, not stopping her hand. As she gazed on Natalie's lower half... it seemed to go a little faster.
"I had hoped that I was the only one punished like this." Natalie said. "I'm the one who deserves it."
"No." Candice answered. "Not just us."
"Who else?"
Candice swallowed. "Everyone."
Natalie's heart started to pound. Everyone was in the sky for the tribunal. That meant that every angel she knew, and all the angels she'd yet to work with.... every single one now had a penis.
It was unbelievable... the sky was now filled with beautiful statuesque angels packing long cocks. Natalie wondered if they got as hard as hers did, especially as hard as it got when she was wondering about all those cocks...
She came back to her senses when she realized that Candice still had not stopped tugging on herself. In fact... she was looking at Natalie. A naughty shiver danced across her spine. She giggled. "You like what you see?"
Candice turned her whole head. Surely she could have turned her whole body away to stop Natalie from seeing her do this... but she wasn't. "Sorry. I didn't mean to."
"You're just going to stand there and do this forever?"
"I... I can't focus like this." Candice whined. "Besides... I'm almost done."
Natalie looked at the shelf. It was empty, but for seven books of random colors and sizes. They were not in alphabetical order.
She slipped in a little closer. Candice started as she turned back... but still did not stop.
"You can look." Natalie smiled. "I'm not embarrassed by this. Well, I am personally ashamed of all the stuff that led up to this, but... there's no going back now, and we'll deal with our complex feelings later."
Candice didn't turn her head, but looked at her from the side. Her hand started to speed up.
"You're looking at me out the side of your glasses!" Natalie smirked. "You must be able to see. We ALL can see. Why do you wear those?"
"Because I prayed for these every day when I was alive..." Candice huffed. "But I wasn't an aristocrat with a powdered wig, so... I never got them, no matter how bad my eyesight was."
Natalie got closer still, standing nearly shoulder-to-shoulder to her. "At least you can see yourself enough to appreciate how... big it is."
Candice's hand got faster. "Thank you... I guess?" She said, taking a few peeks of Natalie. "You're big, too..."
Natalie felt a tickle, a shiver running up her spine. The words felt like a bumblebee brushing its wings and fuzzy body in her ear and flying off. Hearing someone say that her cock was big felt... amazing. It was the first moment of happiness she had since the hurricane. Her problems felt far away indeed... and the solution very close at hand.
A question bubbled forth. "Who's bigger?"
Candice adjusted her glasses with her free hand. "Uh... I think I am?"
That phrase was not as nice to Natalie's ears. This was more like a thistle. She had just gained a mighty limb... but the idea that Candice got a bigger one made her tense. She felt her heart thump harder, as if trying to push every drop of blood down there to get ahead. It didn't feel fair somehow. She felt threatened, as if she was no longer the best mate and wouldn't get chosen to spread her seed. Wow, is this what men are always thinking about? No wonder none of them ever seemed to make it up here...
Natalie's hand disappeared behind Candice's back, pulling out the appropriate weapon to deal with this threat to her future progeny...
She drew her hand back and pulled out the ornate ruler from the closet. She pointed it towards Candice's cock.
Candice gasped. "We can't! To use one of our sacred tools for such a salacious purpose! Sacrilege!"
"It's a RULER." Natalie smiled. "It measures things. What else is this for?" She drew it back behind Candice and ran the flat face across her buttocks. "Unless our little librarian is interested in delivering a few spankings..."
"Aah! It's cold!"
"I bet it feels real cold next to this..." Natalie lined the ruler up against Candice's cock... but couldn't get it close with her hand still in motion. "Come on, stop that for just a second. I really need to know..."
With some difficulty, Candice released her grip, her cock slapping against her abdomen. Natalie moved the ruler beside it and looked at it carefully.
"Hmmm..." Natalie hummed, a smirk appearing at the corner of her mouth. "Three inches."
"What?" Candice sneered, pulling the ruler from Natalie's grip and realigning it against herself. Maybe she'd read the wrong side...
"Well...?" Natalie grinned as she leaned her head on Candice's shoulder.
"Twelve... and a half? It's a little bigger than the ruler. How did you get it so wrong?"
"You know me." Natalie cooed. "I can't read anything without my glasses." She delicately plucked the glasses off Candice's face and put them on. She looked down to herself to take her own measurement...
She pulled them off and rubbed her eye with her knuckle. "Wow, how can you see with these things?"
"Because they're mine." Candice retrieved and replaced her glasses. "They're not for anyone else. If you'll excuse me, I really should... get back to work." Candice turned away from her. Natalie couldn't see what was going on, but the sound of the hand running across shaft was familiar.
Natalie stood behind Candice, threaded her arm around her and placed her hand on Candice's. The tugging stopped. "This clearly isn't working."
"What can I do?" Candice asked. "Will it go away on its own?"
"For all we know, that could take years." Natalie said. "You'd sooner get the library back in shape."
"Then what?"
Natalie's hand slid across Candice's skin like a raindrop until it grasped Candice's shaft. Candice shook a bit, her legs still refusing to move as Natalie started to roll her hand up to the tip.
"Ah!" Candice yelped as Natalie ran her thumb on her head. "I... I tried this. You saw me. Was I doing it wrong?"
"I have reason to believe... that this feels MUCH better when someone else does it."
Candice opened her mouth to object, but it never quite turned to words. Her voice was too busy letting out a quivering moan.
By Jove, Natalie was right. Natalie's soft yet stern hand was much more effective, gliding across her smooth cock skin like a bar of soap. The technique was not much different... but maybe it was the close proximity of this beautiful woman, standing so close her body was pressed against her back, feeling her heartbeat through her chest...
Where had she learned such magic?
Candice groaned as Natalie continued to rub her cock with a very light grip. Natalie moved her head closer and planted a kiss on Candice's neck.
Candice shuddered and rolled her head to side, closing off where Natalie had kissed. "That tickles..."
"It's supposed to tickle..." Natalie swooped her head around and left a longer kiss on the opposite side.
"You're not going to... bite me, are you?"
"What on earth have you been reading?"
Candice whimpered. "Math books?" She lied in a remarkably unconvincing manner.
Natalie softly snickered in Candice's ear, bringing her face lower and taking the gentlest nibble of Candice's earlobe. Candice quivered.
"Ooh... something's coming out." Natalie said.
"Is it finally over?"
"Oh, you'll know." Natalie said. "This stuff is... clear, like water." She gathered up of the sticky clear fluid in her palm and rubbed it back across Candice's cock. This wasn't obvious when doing this move in the baths. "Ooh, it's making it all shiny... I must be doing something right..."
Natalie's other hand fell on Candice's abdomen, pulling her close to stop her squirming. Their torsos pressed together... and Natalie's own cock nestled between Candice's firm buttocks. Natalie's hips started to rock up and down, rubbing herself in Candice's crack. Suddenly, it felt like Natalie was more focused on her own pleasure.
Candice grew tense. She finally felt something building inside her, like shaking a soda can. And it finally started to feel really, REALLY good. This feeling would finally be out of her, and she could finally get back to work...
Natalie's hips sped up faster than her hands. She released Candice's cock and put both hands on Candice's flank, holding her still as she humped her buttocks until she came, spraying gobs of thick come across Candice's back.
Candice tried to see what happened. No matter how she tried, she could not turn her head all the way around. But she could feel the hot slime running down her back and rear...
Natalie took some deep breaths before peeling herself off Candice's back. She leaned on the edge of the bookshelf. "And... that's how you work one of those things. Not sure why you had so much trouble... that was quite easy." Natalie took a random hardcover book from the stack, causing a few more to tumble to the cloudy floor. Natalie opened it to a page somewhere in the middle and cleaned off her tip with a few pages before sleepily dropping the book to her side. "Anyway, I'll stop distracting you and you can get back..."
She was suddenly swept up int the air. Candice threw out her hand and practically tossed Natalie up onto one of her reading stations, resting her bum where the tome would normally sit. Candice moved in closer. "After all that, you're not even going to let me experience that? Just leave me a sticky mess?"
"I didn't say I was leaving." Natalie said. "Who said that? I just said I'd stop distracting you."
Candice stepped in closer, until their cocks were aligned, one atop the other. "We never did take your measurement..." She inspected the pair. Her tip extended most of the way past Natalie's. "It looks like I'm bigger by just a bit..."
"Fine with me." Natalie said. "I was never the tallest angel, but I never felt inadequate. Certainly not now... it's like a forearm down there..."
With both hands, Candice splayed apart Natalie's legs like the pages of a book. Candice ran her thin fingers up Natalie's body, ending at her head. She wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her.
"I wasn't able to read until I got here." Candice said. "Now, I read everything I can. But I especially love reading... romance. Chaste women getting ravaged by huge muscular bad boys... that last part was always my least favorite. But they had the monopoly on the... ravager. I guess we can start an alternative paradigm... right here."
"These are those 'math books' you love reading?"
Candice shook her head. "Suddenly... I don't feel those pangs of embarrassment. I just... really want to use this thing on you..."
Natalie smiled. "That sounds great."
Candice's thin fingers wriggled into Natalie's top. With a swing of both hands worthy of parting a deep sea, Candice threw her arms apart and tore Natalie's dress in half down the middle.
Natalie writhed a bit under Candice's hungry stare, a shadow of her cock falling down on her skin. For maybe the first time, she felt a bit self-conscious about her nudity. She brought two locks of her perfectly straight black hair over her breasts. "I've never felt like this before... just a little ashamed to be stripped of my adornments, yet incredibly thrilled to be seen in this way by you."
Candice loomed, rubbing her hard thing across Natalie's pussy, the heat from both making them both shudder.
"I don't know if I'll be any good at this." Candice confessed.
"I seem to remember thinking that when I first got here." Natalie said. "But we've always risen to the challenge... and you certainly have."
They wove their fingers together. Candice took a long step back, aimed herself, and pushed them together. Natalie groaned and snarled through clenched teeth, but suddenly remembered herself.
"I'm sorry. I should try to be quiet."
Candice shook her head. "It's... not that kind of library."
"Really?" Natalie asked. "So I could scream as loud as I want and nobody would know about our naughtiness?"
"Maybe?" Candice looked uncertain.
"Let's test it."
Candice drew back, as if she was going to leave and run away... but stopped right before she completely exited Natalie. She waited a second, eyes pinched closed as she thought on her next move.
She pushed back in, right back to the hilt. Natalie cried out as their bodies slapped together.
Candice looked around. "I think we'll be alright." She whispered.
"Then get to ravaging already."
To their mutual delight, Candice's book learning finally came in handy. Most books were light on details, but there was a definite constant theme of punishing the sinful tease who inspired such lust. The lectern rocked under their mutual force. Natalie squeezed Candice's hands as she came first, an undignified display as her cock slung her seed across both their faces as Candice finished up deep in Natalie's pussy.
Candice released her death grip and dug her fingers into Natalie's hair and pulled her in. They kissed and licked the jizz from each other's bodies, their hot breath wafting across their flesh.
Natalie stared up at Candice with heavy tired eyelids. "I think I love you..."
"Don't be silly." Candice said. "We all love each other..."
"I need to hang out here more often... need to get my library card..."
"You can look at any book you want... once I get it back in order."
Natalie looked at the hill of upturned books. She had almost forgotten...
She hugged Candice. "I miss her." She sniffed.
"I do, too. I barely even got to know her."
"I'll tell you all about her someday."
Somewhere near, there was the fluttering sound of a hardcover book falling off a stack and fluttering down. Both their heads turned towards the sound. They saw some red hair standing out from behind some books.
"If... you're here to take out a book, I'm afraid the lending library will be unavailable for a little while." Candice said, feeling a little weak as she reckoned with the enormity of the task.
From under the red hair, Robin's face appeared from beneath the stacks, pulling herself up with both hands on either side like Kilroy. "Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I wasn't watching... the whole time."
Natalie chuckled. "You said we wouldn't be good at this. We're good enough to watch, at least." She turned back. "Did you knock that book over with your new rod as it got hard?"
"No..." Robin moved out from the books. She held her skirt down, trying to keep it hidden. It looked like everyone was trying that trick. But her transformation had altered her in other ways. She was as tall as ever, but her hips were somewhat wider... and her bust was significantly larger, stretching out her top. "I think I can live with this, despite all the distraction. It's these... breasts." She hefted them both in each hand, her fingertips sinking into the soft flesh. "I can't draw my bow like this."
"You got big boobs from the hurricane, too?!" Natalie pouted. "I didn't. Now I feel ripped off."
"Go visit Jean and Lauren... if you really must." Candice said. "Maybe you can even get them brought down a few sizes if it will help your target practice."
"Well, hold on." Natalie could barely pull her eyes from the deep freckle-dappled cleft between Robin's breasts. "Let's not be hasty. There could a way to get that under control. Those brassieres they wear on the surface... maybe try one of those and see how they do you."
"I feel like I couldn't breathe in one of those." Robin chafed at her clothes. "Even this blouse is just so tight..."
Standing there in her tattered clothes, Natalie smirked. "I think we have the solution to that? Candice?"
Without really thinking it through, Candice jumped forward, wrapped her fingers into her shirt and pulled them outwards, ripping her shirt apart and liberating her breasts. Whatever the hurricane had contained... it made some amazing breasts. Just slightly oblong enough to not be off-puttingly round, bouncing with weight yet buoyant and pert, standing off her chest like a bubble on a soap dish. It was a set befitting the physical perfection of an angel... but was more likely to be featured in a dirty magazine.
"Aah! Oh my goodness..." Robin gasped, putting her fingers in her hair with her elbows over her head. If she was ashamed of her new shape, she wasn't doing anything to cover it. "I... hadn't even looked at them yet... they're so ridiculous. Why would anyone need a pair this size?"