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Her Art Pt. 02


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Anita said, "Wow," and clinched with Marie. The dripping duo raced down the steps and into the cold lake.

A few minutes later, Anita had a fleece on, but no bottoms, and was sitting on a towel on her stool, sipping coffee.

"You folks do like your sex a little rough."

Marie came next to her, reached under the fleece and pinched a hard nipple. "We enjoy teasing and making out and almost everything to do with sex."

Anita grinned and said, "I've noticed!"

Out of the blue, Marie said, "How would you like to open a photography gallery, in addition to the store?"

"I could sell some of those prints on the wall?"

"Yes, and other quality stuff, from other artists."

"I don't have any money."

"But we do. Some, at least. We are impressed by how much you know about retail. And you know the town and have lots of friends."

"I get to spend some nights here?"

"Now why would you want to do that?"

"I'm going to come over there and give you a big hickey."

"Sounds like you had a good time last night."

"My god, it is a total den of iniquity, but I'm loving it. Never came like that in my life."

"And you haven't seen the results yet."

"You mean, I'm knocked up?"

They hugged each other hard. "I'm almost too old for babies, how old are you?"

"Thirty-four and hear my clock. I swear I never had a thought about conceiving until your man did me last night. Tell me, what the hell are the relationships here?"

"I'm his aunt and my twin sister is his widowed mother. We are going to be forty in the fall and he just informed us yesterday that we are being kidnapped for a world tour to celebrate."

"I'll be damned. There is so much energy there, you feel you need to get out of the way."

"You weren't getting out of the way of his cock!"

"God no. What a weapon. I've never let a guy into my pants the same day I met him. Not even the same month!"

Marie kissed her. "I'll tell you a secret. He was into my pants the first day too."

Beth and Jason came in, very pink with cold. Marie handed them coffee and got robes and towels.

"I asked Anita about a new gallery in town and she thinks it might work. There is a serious condition, however. She gets to spend some nights here."

Beth and Jason had arms around each other. Jason asked, "What about the boyfriend?"

She stared at him and said, slowly, "The boyfriend is history."

"I also told her who is who here."

Beth colored and looked at Anita, "You are ok with that?"

"Knowing what I know about his cock, I'd be amazed if you weren't his lover, now that he is legal."

Jason and Beth kissed, and the others hummed.

Anita said, "I need to get moving. Only an hour before store opening."

Marie said, "We have work too. There was a big artist crisis here a few days ago, but it is fixed and I'm full of energy for my painting. Jason will be working on your images. You should come for dinner and sleepover again tonight so you can review what he has."

Anita's eyes teared up, "Thank you. That is very kind."

Beth said, "I'll do some checking on the net and have things to talk about at dinner about how to organize the gallery."

"You folks don't let much dust collect, do you?"

After three hours straight on the images, Jason was ready for a break when hands dropped on his head, pulling and twisting the brown hair.

"That was nice this morning. You took me hard. I like that once in a while."

"You were fired up. I said to myself, this is Beth Davidson, big time lawyer I am fucking. She is a fine piece of ass."

"That is very crude."

"You were into a crude fuck, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was. And you are a great crude fucker when you need to be. You're probably great at any kind of sex, I think."

He pulled her around in his lap and they kissed for a long time. Marie arrived and said, "I knew it. Getting it on behind my back."

Chapter 7 - The Overwhelming Power of the First Painting

"Come and look. I seem to have lost my fear of people seeing an unfinished work.

"There are going to be four of them. Like the Four Seasons. This one is Spring."

The sense of flowers jumped off the canvas. The body was clothed in gauzy mystery, but the form was the same exquisite one she had done in the nude study. The colors were pastel spring shades, with that unique yellow green of new leaves dominating. There was a musician with a lyre in a corner of the garden. There were cherubs in a pool. But the eye was drawn to the nude, with her high and full breasts. Her look of amused beneficence warmed the entire painting. Approachable, alluring, but not dripping with lust. Not striking a moral pose. The girl next door transformed into myth and parable.

We hugged Marie and told her it was wonderful. She sniffled and said, "Oh dear, how am I going to get back to the paintings I have already promised to Henry?"

I pinched her bottom and said, "Come to lunch and we will work it out."

They had shrimp salad with fresh lemonade. Too much work for wine at lunch. The sun was hot and I erected the umbrella. Underneath, the breeze was divine and Beth said, "The painting is so romantic. Sitting here, I feel I could be in it, in that dappled light."

"You are in it," I said. "Can't you feel the pull of the feminine body, whispering about spring and new life and the baby in you, just planted a few weeks ago by your stalwart lover, home on leave?"

She jerked and looked at me sharply. "You are too close to home, Jason. I felt something go all the way through my body when you said that."

Marie said, "He is right, I felt it when I did the work. Almost like another force was handling my brush."

Beth said, "We are losing it. A collective hallucination."

I whispered, looking out at the lake. "Isn't that art? A collective hallucination? A vision of reality we can't see in life but share in a painting?"

Beth crawled into my lap, crying. I held her quietly. Marie sat in her chair, eyes glazed. I thought perhaps she was in a trance, living the next painting. Which of the seasons would she do second?

Beth raised her head and said, "My god, Jason, I've cried more in the last three days than the last ten years. You have hold of my heartstrings and that lyre in the painting is singing to me."

She put her head down and shuddered. Marie came over and pulled her sister's blond locks. "Hey, he forced me through a crisis, and now you are there. It gets better. A lot better. After all, he is making you a better you."

She wiped her eyes and said, "This sure isn't lawyer talk. Anita said it this morning. I'm in a den of deviants and loving it... Most of the time."

By four o'clock, I had a dozen prints, and carried them up to the studio where the light was better. Beth was in a corner with her laptop and I suggested a break to critique prints. She wrapped her arm around my neck and said, "I'm sorry for that foolishness at lunch. Your words just set me off. I felt totally out of control. Your mom doesn't like that, if you hadn't noticed."

She laughed and punched me as we went up the stairs to the studio with the prints.

They liked them all. "These are gorgeous. They are all woman. The eroticism leaps at you. Look at this one. The flex in her hamstring and the barest suggestion of her pubic bush. Wow!"

"Is there a favorite, or do we let her choose?"

"Oh, she should have them all, shouldn't she?"

"Yes, of course. Can we guess which ones she will be willing to put up for sale in the gallery?"

We spent a few minutes and identified three that we thought she would want for herself. I jotted down their numbers so we could see how close we were to her choices. Fortunately, no one could guess the model's identity unless they had a very close acquaintance with that body.

I suggested we had need of a sail before dinner. When the three of us got in the boat, I told the women they were in charge. I arranged myself so the boom would not clunk me if there was a jibe. They giggled and did well. I had actually brought their age down to near college days, teasing and playing and admiring their fine bodies. And giving them as much cock as they wanted, which was a lot.

I asked, in a light voice, "Did you get this much sex when you were my age?"

Marie said, "Short answer, no. Get us drunk some time and we might tell you more."

Beth added, "But he doesn't have to worry about his competition from those days, does he?"

Marie handed the sheet to Beth and lay on me. Her tongue found mine and we played kissyface.

"Do not get a swelled head, but we have had better sex the last few days than in our entire lives. We love you, we love your cock, and we want to stay together."

"What about our new partner?"

They looked at me, and Beth said, "You tell us your version first."

"She's smart, she is tough, she has a great body, and she likes my cock."


"And we don't want anyone getting hurt, so we should take it easy bringing her into our circle."

They said together, "Yes, take it easy."

"You're jealous of her in our bed?"

They shook their heads and laughed. We were at the dock. I sent them up and lashed the boat down for the night. I was just getting to the kitchen when Anita came in the front door with arms full of requested provisions.

Beth said in my ear that dinner was in the oven so why didn't we take drinks upstairs so Anita could see her images. She emphasized 'images' and smiled at me.

The prints were spread randomly on a table, not in any order. There was dead silence for a minute and then Anita screamed, "They are beautiful, they are gorgeous! How did you ever find a model like that? I can't believe these!" She hugged each of us in turn, jumping up and down.

"We have a pool to see which ones you keep and which ones you decide to sell."

"Oh my god, I have to sell these? How can I part with my treasures?"

She punched me in the arm. "I know I've been fucked, but this is seduction. Oh my."

She sat and looked at them through her fingers. "This is such a shock. I never ever thought I would see my body like this."

The emotion was so thick, you could cut it. Marie and Beth were tugging on my hair. Anita looked at me, "Can I sit in your lap?"

I held out my arms and all three of us folded her in. She sniffled on my shoulder. "Oh, this is so nice, I don't know what to say. Can I just hug you for a minute?"

Beth and Marie went to work on dinner, leaving me with a very emotional woman in my arms, who liked my images of her body. Liked them a lot. I tried to remember what my train of thought during the shoot was. It seemed you had to free your mind to bond with the model and her body. What was the body expressing, what could it express?

Like a lot of artistic impulses, this one would not reward digging. I hugged Anita and rocked with her.

Finally, she stood and grabbed my hand. "I can go to dinner now. We did that together, didn't we? Something clicked?"

"Yes, something clicked. You were ready, in the mood, and it shows."

"Ooww, I am so tingling with excitement and pride and happiness..."

I kissed her head as we got to the table and whispered, "I love you."

We were chattering away when Anita suddenly said, "All of them. All of them can be sold. And copies too. What's me is here in the flesh. Those are great composites of me and Jason and his camera and your house and the sun and..."

We clapped and cheered. She blushed and finally said, "That's what models do, isn't it? They lend their bodies to symbolism. Sometimes it works, sometimes not."

I nodded to Marie, "She needs to see Spring. Just the two of you. Beth and I will clean up."

They walked away, hand in hand.

Beth and I heard, coming down the stairs, "Oh Marie! It's... I don't know, it is so powerful."

They came back, Anita's eyes wide as saucers. "Jason, she says you convinced her she had that in her."

"It's her work, all of it."

"But she showed me your images and the study drawing. They are superb."

"You think she might make the grade as an artist?"

Anita stood next to me, pulling on my hair really hard, chanting, "Artist, artist, artist."

We couldn't think of anything to do but cuddle in the nest. Anita was still shaking. "Oh my god, this is such a lot of talent. I can't believe it. And you are going to let me run your gallery. I think I have to faint dead away, like in the old movies." She closed her eyes and leaned on me.

I said, "No walk in the moonlight? No sail, no..."

Beth clamped her hand over my mouth. "Be quiet! Your women are in a very emotional state tonight. Be nice."

That put me in my place. I got real quiet and put out encouraging hands. Peace descended.

The moon was almost down when I woke and had to go. There was no hope of getting out without disturbing others, so I just did it. By the time I got to the toilet, there was a body sitting down, emptying her bladder noisily. And another one holding me and pointing it straight at the body on the toilet. "You wouldn't." "I would." "We used to pee on each other when we were little, out in the yard." Anita, behind me, said, "I did too. My brother wanted to see how girls peed. He couldn't understand why it just came out of my slit."

Marie finished and stood, making room for Beth. I asked, "When do I get to go?"

"After us, of course."

I waited until Anita was in front of me and sat down quickly on her knees and let go right into her pussy. She was so shocked she just let everything out at once herself. There was a terrific waterfall noise. Everyone was laughing. Marie said, "We are going to save up tomorrow, then get you out in the grass, naked. And we are going to squat down over you and you are going to get three streams of piss at once. Afterwards, we are going to suck on you and sprinkle come on the piss."

Anita said, "Marie, that is very kinky. Only seventeen year olds think like that. You are regressing."

We wiped each other and went back to bed. Marie got an armlock on me and said, "She's right, I'm regressing, It's all your fault. Kiss me."

It's funny. After all that tension, the next morning we all lay in the nest, just resting quietly, body up against body. Even coffee didn't seem like a high priority. My hands wandered around finding curves and projections and strands of hair. I finally realized it was regroup time and I was supposed to say something. I went and did the coffee and brought cups back with a plate of toast and a pitcher of juice.

Chapter 8 - The World Wants Them Back

I sipped my coffee and said, "There is something in the air this morning. Something that says the real world wants us back. Wants to wash all that soft stuff away."

Beth muttered from down in the bed, "Cruel."

Anita said, "Not nice."

Marie crawled into my lap. "Means I have to get busy on Henry's promised paintings."

I said, "Means I have to get busy about making some money with my photography, and start thinking about the trip."

Anita sat next to me. I put an arm around her so I could fondle her fine boob.

"Are we going to try to do the gallery here still this summer? There is only about six weeks of the tourist season left."

Beth said, "Why don't I come with you to the store this morning and we can talk about our options."

They got up and went to get dressed and organized. Marie laid her bare self across my lap and wiggled her butt at me. "Give me some motivation to get started painting."

I spent some minutes working on her back and butt and hamstrings and calves. "That's not motivation, that's bliss."

"I need to talk to you about art."

"Oh no, not more torture."

"This time it is about me. I need your advice."

"Are we going to do it in this position? Please don't stop for a bit."

I eased my finger down her crack. "You're wet."

"What would you expect after you have been warming me up for ten minutes?"

We heard the front door slam and I said, "Have you ever sat on a guy's cock and tried to have a serious conversation?"

In a few seconds, she was sitting on my cock, facing me, and asked, "What about your art?"

Her tits were very beautiful and very distracting. I pressed them to my chest, but that made the problem worse. My cock was seriously throbbing. I stood and walked us around. Went downstairs. Wandered out on the deck, but it was still too chilly. Went back inside and sat on the sofa. Covered us with the blanket. She lay her head on my shoulder and hummed. Gave my cock the tiniest little squeeze.

"We could go back to sleep."

"Say the word, I'm ready."

Went back upstairs and arranged us in the nest. Now we were front to front on our sides, still nicely coupled up.

I closed my eyes, but drowsiness was gone. She squeezed me again. She wasn't asleep either.

"Um, I can't quite figure out why those images turned out so well."

"You're good and getting better, asshole." The time the squeeze was serious. I jerked up into her a bit. Turned us so I was on my back. I liked her weight on me. I kissed her lightly.

"Tell me about getting in the groove or whatever it is. Both with you and with Anita, it seemed like something took over and told me what to do. When to click."

"I should tell you about that, after everything you have done to wreck my work this week?"

"I'm at your mercy. Apologetic. Humble. Prostrated before real artistry."

She sat up and posted on me. Drove herself down hard.

"That's not very ladylike."

The feeling in the end of my prick was indescribably nice. I wormed up into her.

She leaned down and her tongue traced my lips. "It's like foreplay, except you don't know whether there is going to be an orgasm. Something is building up that is going to be great, but half the time, it doesn't happen and you sit there wondering when the genuine flash of inspiration is going to return."

"So my problem is too much success. I haven't missed any climaxes yet."

"You sure haven't. Now stop messing with my mind and fuck me so we can go to work."

I got on top and started slow. She wiggled on the end of me, liking the drive of my thick cock all the way in and back out. As her orgasm approached, she got more vocal, calling me names, telling me I would never get her off the way I was going. In the middle of more words, her body clenched and started shaking violently.

Her climax drew mine out of me. It seemed like we both drove each other to a special place that morning. We came down slowly, full of little tremors and murmuring silly things to each other. She dragged me to the shower and said in my ear as the water beat down on us, "You are fucking good for me. Don't forget that. And don't stop taking pictures. Technique counts too."

I went off feeling strangely relieved. Was it the good sex, or the good advice? Didn't matter, did it?

We had a lazy day of winding down at the lake. After her visit with Anita at the store, Beth was on the phone, checking in with her paralegal assistant and her work calendar. Marie churned out two finished paintings for Henry and smiled a lot. I smirked at her and she threatened to cut off my miserable dick. Anita closed early and came out for a sail. She knew about small boats and I had her take the tiller. When we were out on the water, I eased off her top and took sailing pictures for her collection. No shadows now, just all sun and all woman. She looked great with the wind in her hair, smiling sexily down at me and the camera. As we headed back, I went to replace the top and she waved it off. The goddess of the waters sailed right up to the dock and her slave jumped out to take the mooring line. Two teenage nymphs watched from the deck railing, topless as well.

We were on them in a flash, wrestling, tickling, kissing, biting. It was a giggling mess that moved around the kitchen finding dinner ingredients and sipping strong margaritas that I made for our mini celebration of a last night.

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