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Her Intruder

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Intruder fantasy with a twist.
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It had been a long day at the office, but at least Anna's team had wrapped up the Paulsen project successfully and under budget, pleasing her manager immensely. With a sigh, she unlocked the front door of the house she and her husband Jonathan had bought about a year ago. She dropped her heels once inside, then shrugged off her coat. Padding up the stairs, she unbuttoned her red blouse. Entering the bedroom, she closed the door. Unzipping her black pencil skirt, she dropped it in the hamper with her blouse, then released her sizable tits from the confinement of her bra, stuffing it into a lingerie bag. She stroked and squeezed her breasts, groaning in satisfaction at their release from confinement.

Catching sight of herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the bedroom door, Anna smiled at her shapely form. At five foot eight with shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, perky DD breasts, and long, toned legs, she thought she looked pretty damn good for thirty-two. Sliding her panties down her long, slim legs revealed her bare pussy and curvy butt. She wrapped herself in a black satin robe that stopped a few inches above her knees. Stepping into the bathroom, she lit several candles she had scattered around the room. Switching off the overhead light, she turned on some soft classical music and began filling the white clawfoot tub.

Once it was full of almost-too-warm water, she chose a bath bomb from the assortment she kept in a wicker basket on top of the toilet. Sandalwood and vanilla -- her favorite. Unwrapping the fragrant globe, she dropped it in the water and watched it dissolve for a moment before joining it, dipping first one foot and then the other into the hot water. She sank into the fragrant bath and let out a soft sigh as she rested her forearms on the sides of the tub. She relaxed against the porcelain and dozed off for a moment, her ample breasts floating just below the water.

After her bath, drying herself with a big, fluffy towel, she felt her arousal grow. Now that the stress of her latest work project was behind her, she felt super horny. As Anna relaxed, all the energy she had put into work went straight to her cunt, tingling now, needing sex and more sex. She frowned at the fact that her husband was away on a business trip and she'd have to take care of herself. Her pussy oozed with unfulfilled need. She shut off the music and blew out the candles one by one.


She sat on the edge of the brass bed and opened the drawer of her nightstand, withdrawing her favorite vibrator. Lying back on a couple of pillows she arranged against the headboard, she turned on the vibe and stroked its head up and down against her snatch's lips. She moaned, increasing the intensity.

Eyes closed, breathing hard, she pinched her nipples and stroked her breasts with one hand as her hips undulated in pleasure. After several minutes, she dipped the head of the vibrator just inside her juicy pussy. She moaned and bit her lower lip as she slowly pushed it deeper and deeper inside her. When the vibrating second head of the vibe touched her clit, she gasped and bucked her tight, round ass off the bed. Once Anna was accustomed to the new stimulation, she set the machine to its highest setting.

She cried out, squirming in ecstasy as the vibe brought her closer and closer to climax.

When she came, she screamed and arched her back, pushing the toy deep into her cunt as she spasmed on the bed. Coming down from her orgasm, she removed the vibrator and turned it off, placing it beside her on the bed. She lay panting for a little while then sat up, grabbing the toy so she could clean it in the sink.


Anna slipped on a black satin chemise with spaghetti straps and matching lacy panties. She smiled, remembering how excited Jon got when he saw her wearing that outfit for the first time. She climbed back into bed and pulled the sheet up to her chin, settling in, feeling cozy. Almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep.


He parked his gray Mazda3 across the street from the house and watched the lights go out in the bedroom. He set a timer on his phone for twenty minutes.

Plenty of time for her to fall asleep, he thought.


When his phone time chimed, he pulled a black balaclava over his head and donned a pair of black gloves matching his black jeans and long-sleeved t-shirt. He crossed the street and crept to the back door, letting himself in with the key under the doormat. He removed his shoes before venturing deeper into the house.

At the top of the stairs, he tiptoed to the bedroom, slowly turning the knob until he heard a soft click. He pushed the door open as slowly as he could, then slid inside.

In the dim light, he saw her. She lay on her back under the thin sheet, her breathing steady. One slim arm was draped over her stomach while the other was arranged so her fingers barely touched one of the brass posts of the headboard.

He took a pair of handcuffs from a pocket of his jeans and snapped one cuff to the wrist next to her head. When she didn't react, he attached the other cuff to one of the vertical brass rods of the headboard. Moving quickly to the other side of the bed, he lifted her other arm above her head and repeated his actions. His cock stiffened in his jeans, seeing her restrained.

When he clicked the last cuff onto the headboard, rendering her helpless, her eyes snapped open.

"Hey!" she said, trying to sit up but only succeeding in kicking the sheet off of her. "What are you doing?"

He clamped a gloved hand over her mouth. She took in a sharp breath through her nose.

"Be quiet and I won't hurt you. Much," he said with a growl. "Nod if you understand."

She nodded. He removed his hand.

"Are these the same gloves you used to change that tire a few months ago?" she asked, disgusted.

"Yeah, I mean I already had them," he said in his normal voice, then stopped to look at her.

"Dammit, Anna," he said.

"Well, they smell like gravel," she said, frowning. "Or worse. It's gross. Would you want your mouth smushed against something dirty like that?"

He sighed and pulled off the gloves.

"I guess not. Lemme go wash my hands. Just a sec."

He returned with a washcloth and cleaned her face. When he finished, he pulled the balaclava off his head.

"Why'd you take that off?" she asked in a whiny tone. "It's part of my fantasy!"

"So are the gloves, if I remember correctly," Jon said in the even tone he took when his patience was tested.

"Clean ones!"

"Sure," he said. "Just a minute. I think I got a pair."

She flopped back on the bed and snorted her impatience while he clicked on the bedside lamp. He dug around in the dresser until he found a suitable pair of gloves. He pulled them on along with the balaclava.

"Okay, here we go," he said. "Ready to continue?"

"Take off the handcuffs and start over. I'll pretend to be asleep."


"What did you say?" she asked, surprised.

He picked up a chair from her desk, turned it around and straddled it, facing her.

"You have a fantasy of not being in control," as he removed his gloves. "Of being fucked without having any say in how you get fucked. You don't look you like you're in control right now. Works for me."

He turned off the light, leaving the room almost completely dark. Some faint illumination came from the nightlight in the bathroom.

"Hey, wait a minute," she said, struggling against the handcuffs. "These things are pretty sharp and pokey. They're really uncomfortable. Take them off."

He chuckled as he put the chair back in its place.

"They're part of your fantasy, remember? I bought them just for you. They're staying on."

"But we have the leather cuffs," she said. "Please take these things off. The leather ones are nice and comfy."

He had lost his erection during their argument about the gloves but it came back with a vengeance.

"Yeah, you're right," he said with a smile. "We do have leather cuffs. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back."

"Wait! What are you doing? It's dark in here! I can't see anything!"

Anna struggled against the clanky handcuffs, whining as she kicked the bed in frustration while she waited for him.


Jon closed the bedroom door behind him when he returned. He had an assortment of equipment cradled in his arms. He set the load on top of the dresser. After turning on a bedside lamp, he sorted the items he'd brought. Some of them sounded metallic.

"What are you doing?" Anna asked. "C'mon over here and swap out the handcuffs for the leather ones."

"So you want leather cuffs?" he asked, his voice raspy.

"Yes, swap them out now."

She couldn't make out what he had in his hand when he turned to approach the bed. Standing nearby, he dropped a few items on the sheets.

"About time," she said. "What took you so long?"

"I was deciding what would be best to torment you with."

He grabbed her ankle, slapped a cuff around it, and clipped it in place.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"You'll see," he said.

As he reached for her other ankle, she pulled her foot away.

"No! Tell me what you're doing!"

He stood and returned to the array of equipment he'd brought to the room. He dropped a black ball gag on the sheet.

"Look familiar?"

"Oh fuck no," she said, "those things are not comfortable and don't taste great."

"I'm going to cuff your other ankle," he said. "How much complaining you get to do about it is up to you."

"You wouldn't," she said, her eyes narrowing as she stared at the gag.

"Try me. This is one of my fantasies. I had a bigger gag before. Remember? The one with the red ball? I let you try it yourself once. You spat it out immediately and refused to try it again. This one's smaller and has no taste at all."

"You're serious."

"Tried it out myself to make sure. You know I don't ever use anything on you that I haven't used on myself."

Anna imagined Jon in a ball gag. Seriously hot. Like Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" hot. While she was distracted, thinking about having him trussed up for her to play with, he cuffed her other ankle then clipped the cuffs together with a carabiner.

"Fuck!" she said. "You distracted me on purpose!"

"Yep," he said, smiling.

He moved the ball gag from the bed to the nightstand.

"Don't want this getting dirty, now do we?" he said.

He took a short length of rope and looped it around her knees, tying them together.

"How are we supposed to fuck like this?" she asked.

"You know," he said, "you have more than one hole."

"So you want me to suck you off?"

"Among other things."

"Like what?"

He winked at her.

"Watch and learn," he said, tying a rope to the carabiner holding her ankles together.

"Jon, what the fuck are you doing?" she said, sounding a little worried. "This isn't what I said I wanted when I explained my fantasy to you."

He snorted.

"Yeah, in general terms, it is."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He looped the other end of the rope around the top of the headboard and began to pull Anna's ankles up until her legs were pointed straight toward the ceiling.

"When you told me about this scene you wanted to play out, you mentioned a few stories and videos. I read and watched them, plus a bunch of similar ones. Know what they have in common?"

"Tell me."

"The women in those stories never knew what the man was going to do to them next. It's the whole 'loss of control' thing. Well, here we are. Control lost. What you wanted."


"Jonathan, seriously, untie me," Anna said. "This has gone on long enough."

"Depends on who you ask."

He stroked her labia through her panties with two fingers, making her squirm and moan. Slipping a fingertip inside her underwear to stroke her pussy, he was rewarded with a squeak from Anna and a sample of her cunt fluids. Rubbing his thumb and index finger together, he took a whiff of her scent.

"I asked your pussy. She says you're pretty turned on."

"C'mon, let me loose," she said, wriggling.

"Okay, let me check your handcuffs."

"Sure, then you can let me loose."

He knelt on the bed, inspecting her handcuffs. His knee accidentally pinned her hair to the sheet, pulling it uncomfortably.

"Dammit, you're on my hair!" she said.

"Sorry, sorry," he said, lifting the offending knee.

"I'm still handcuffed to the bed," She said. "When are you going to get these things off of me?"

"When I feel like it," he said. "You look secure enough to me."

"Jon, c'mon. Let me loose."

He strode to her side of the bed and fished around in her bedstand, humming to himself. Finally he found what he was looking for. He grinned as he showed it to Anna.

"Oh no," she said. "That thing is evil."

"I disagree. I think your reactions to this clit sucker are wonderful."

He retrieved a small silicone butt plug and a blindfold from his collection, returning to sit on the bed. Jon began to strip, dropping his clothes on the floor, until he was finally naked with his cock standing at full attention.

Anna smirked.

"You know, you look pretty ridiculous wearing just a ski mask and a boner," she said.

"Yeah, it feels pretty ridiculous."

"But that's part of my fantasy," she said, sticking out her lower lip. "You have to go with the script."

He chuckled.

"Babe, we went way off script from the beginning," he said. "And what you don't know won't hurt you."

"The blindfold?" she asked in a small voice.


"No. I wanna see what you're doing."

"Stop me, then," he said in an amused tone.

"Dammit, Jon, quit!" she said as she struggled to get away from it. "No! Stop!"

Holding her still by pressing her cuffs down against the sheet with one hand, he slipped the blindfold over her head with the other. Once he was done, he pulled off the balaclava, his face shining with sweat. He took a minute to wash his face in the bathroom sink.

"Was your widdle face all icky?" she asked in a taunting tone when he returned.

"Actually, yes," he said. "Much better now. Thanks for asking."

He picked up the clit stimulator and switched it on. Anna took in a sharp breath, recognizing the sound.

"No, please."

"But you like it so much."

"It can just be too intense when you use it on me," she said. "When I'm in control of it, it's nice and gentle."

"Like I said, you're not in control at the moment."

Pulling her panties aside, he separated her cunt lips with one hand while applying the stimulator to her clit with the other. She gasped.

"Oh god," she said in a whisper, her hips squirming.

He turned it up a notch. She groaned, humping against it.

"Oh Jon, please," she said, breathing hard, stuck at a pleasant low level that got her nowhere near orgasm.

"Please what?" He asked, a smirk in his voice.

"Do I have to say it?"

He turned the toy down to its lowest level.


"Of course," he said, and brought it up to half-power.

"Aaaaagh, fuck," she said, breathing harder as she approached climax.

Jon enjoyed watching her thrash on the bed, her chest and face glowing pink. As she got closer to cumming, he plunged the butt plug into her cunt. She gasped.

"Did you just put that there?" she asked, panting.

"I did," he said, "to get it ready for its next adventure."

"I, ahhh. Hope. Ungh. That damn, oh. Oh! Thing, ah, oh ah. Is clean," she said.

"Cleaned it myself. Also boiled it in water to sanitize it."

He withdrew the plug, now lubricated from her cunt fluids. She began to spasm with orgasm, her butthole clenching. He slid the slim plug all the way into her ass with one smooth motion. The combined stimulation sent her into a screaming orgasm, panting, arching her back, and thrashing while struggling against the handcuffs.


He turned the toy back down to its lowest setting, barely touching her. The sight of her getting off made him even harder. His dick oozed pre-cum.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," she said, gasping for breath. "You're not. You can't."

"Yeah, actually, I can," he said, bringing the stimulation up a to level that was still on the low side.

"Dammit, Jon, please. You'll kill me."

"But you'll die with a smile on that beautiful face of yours."

She tried to shift her pussy away from him to no avail. He kept the device fixed to her clit, at a constant intensity. He knew she had cum before from the lowest setting so it was only a matter of patience to coax another climax out of her.

"Ooooh fuuuuck," she moaned, her head lolling back and forth as pleasure bloomed at her core.

"It is so hot making you cum," he said. "I could watch this all night."

"Ngh. Oh oh oh oh ohhhhhhh. Fuuuuck yeah. Ahhhhhh. Angh. OH! OH FUCK DAMMIT JON!"

He increased the strength of stimulation another increment, smiling as she went off like a rocket.


She twitched and screamed as she came hard, her pussy and asshole clenching, drawing the butt plug into her, pulsing with her orgasm.

She struggled to catch her breath.

Jon didn't remove the device from her clit but set it back to its lowest setting.

"Nooooo," she whispered. "Not again."

"Third time's the charm," he said.

She shook her head.

"Jonathan, don't you dare," she said, pulling at the handcuffs. "I can't take any more! Let me loose right now!"

"I think you've got one more round in you," he said.

"I swear to god, Jonathan, if you make me cum with that thing one more time..."

He turned off the stimulator and set it down on the bed while reaching for the ball gag.

"You'll do what?" he asked. "Talk me to death? I have a fix for that."

"No! Don't you fucking dare! I will not have that thing in my MMF!" she said as he popped the black silicone ball in her mouth and cinched the strap behind her head.

He turned on the clit stimulator again and set it to high.

"Dmft!" she said. "Hhve hhhd hhnnuff!"

"Oh, I don't think so. Not by a long shot," he said as he applied the head of the toy to her bud again and slipped two fingers inside her to stroke her G-spot.

"MMMMMMHHHHHHHFFFFFF" she screamed around the gag as she stiffened all over. Orgasm after orgasm crashed through her while she thrashed on the bed. She violently twisted her hips around, trying to get her clit away from the head of the toy and escape the unending, unbearable pleasure Jon was inflicting on her. One intense climax followed another and another and another as she let out repeated long screams of bliss.


After she came one more time, he switched off the stimulator and lay down next to her, undoing the clasp of the gag and taking it out of her mouth. She was completely limp, spent, covered in sweat, struggling to catch her breath. He draped an arm over her waist.

"Looks like someone had a good time," he said.

She took a minute to respond.

When she gathered her wits, trying to still her breath and unscramble her brain. Panting between words, her voice a little hoarse, she said, "Dammit. Jonathan. That was. Too much."

"I disagree," he said, stroking her thigh. "I think it was just the right amount."

"And you. Better not. Have used any of my. Le Creuset pots. To boil a fucking butt plug. For fuck's sake."

"Nah, I got a used pot from a second-hand shop for three dollars. You think I want to eat food cooked in a pot I'd boiled a butt toy in? I'm not a savage, you know."

He untied the knot above her head and lowered her legs, gently stroking her damp hair off of her forehead, then got a towel from the bath. After untying the rope around her knees and unclipping the carabiner holding her ankle cuffs together, he dried the sweat from her body as she recovered from the climaxes she had endured.


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