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Her Problem Ch. 06

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Trying to reconnect.
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 02/26/2014
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I had come home to find Marizona, my beautiful wife, horny and dressed in a new set of lingerie that was guaranteed to get me aroused as well. After using both her pussy and ass to relief me of some of my sexual frustrations, I'd given her only twenty minutes to get ready for a night out.

After taking a quick shower, I dressed for the evening in a light blue shirt, navy blue pants and matching jacket because the restaurant I had in mind required one, and finished off with a black belt, matching shoes, and socks. I took slightly longer than the twenty minutes and was happily surprised to find Mare waiting on me for the first time ever in our marriage.

"Wow! You look great, Joe. Stephanie wouldn't be able to call you "Mr. Average" if she saw you like that." Mare gushed at me with the first sign of happiness she'd shown since the whole situation we found ourselves in had begun.

Her words and expressions were supposed to be complimentary and help keep me in the semi-good mode I'd been in after the sex we'd had, but the mention of the bitch's name that set this whole whirlwind into motion brought the pain and anger back with a vengeance. I closed the distance between us in three long strides. I grabbed Mare's arm above the elbow in a firm grip and pulled her to me so that we were nose to nose.


I pushed her back away from me without relinquishing my grip on her arm. She had to struggle momentarily while she fought the tears that wanted to flow before she could answer me.

"Yes Joe, you've made yourself very clear. It will be hard for me not to use her name, but I'll try to call her the bitch if I have to. I'm sorry that I've spoiled the mode of the evening. Do you want to forget about going out, Joe?" Mare was finally able to say to me.

"No, we'll still go, but you get to pay for the evening now. Go get a few hundred bucks out of your "mad money" and fix your face while you're gone. You've got five minutes, now go." I answered her after gaining control of my own emotions.

Five minutes later we walked out the front door and I led her to my truck. I opened the driver side door and Mare looked at me questioningly.

"I need you to get used to being close to me whenever we're out in public together from now on, Mare. The days of he's just Marizona Scott's husband are over. So get into the truck, slid over to the middle, and buckle up using the middle seatbelt."


"Listen to me and listen to me good because this is the only time I'm going to say it. From now on you will do as I say without question, without complaint, and without hesitation. NOW GET IN THE TRUCK." I started out mild manneredly saying to her, but angrily and loudly at the finish.

Mare's face paled from my outburst but she scrambled up into the truck giving me a brief flash of her pink lips framed by the lace of the crotch less panties she had on. Even after already having been inside that hidden treasure once that day, the little guy decided to make a halfhearted effort to rise from the sight. Disappointingly halfway hard was as far as he got, but I hoped that with a little more time and the right encouragement, he'd be able to rise completely later that night. We were on the highway to the restaurant when Mare started to speak to me again.

"Joe, what did you mean...?"

"Not now, we'll talk when we get to the restaurant." I told her before dropping my right hand down onto her bare thigh and giving it a squeeze.

It was still early when we got to the restaurant and it being the middle of the week, there weren't many people and they were all seated within a small area in the center of the restaurant near the kitchen entrances. When the maitre d' came to lead us to a table, I showed him the fifty dollar bill in my left hand.

"I'd liked a booth in the corner far from the kitchen and restrooms so we can have some privacy." I said to him.

"Of course, Sir, right this way." He answered in that snooty way all maitre d's seem to have. I didn't give him the money until we were seated at a booth well away from the other diners.

I motioned for Mare to sit on the bench seat of the booth that faced the room and made her slide in so that I could sit beside her. I returned my right hand to her bare thigh were it had been during the entire drive to the restaurant.

"Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I'll be waiting on you this evening. Can I start you off with something to drink? The special cocktail of the day is..."

"Two sweet teas, one with lemon and one without, please." I interrupted her.

"Joe..?" Mare began to say, but stopped when I squeezed her leg firmly.

Jennifer returned with our drinks and started to leave, but I again changed the normal routine. "We're ready to order. She will have the 8 ounce sirloin, medium, loaded baked potato, house salad with honey mustard dressing and I'll have the grilled salmon, steamed vegetables, house salad with blue cheese dressing."

"Now we can talk until the food gets here. I need you to listen and not interrupt me. I promise you'll have your turn to speak and ask any questions you may have. I'll answer them honestly even though the answers maybe painful to hear." I said to Mare as I turned to look at her.

"You seemed surprised earlier when I mentioned your father and a couple of his goons in Cancun. I don't know what he told you about how he got me to come and see you down there, but I'm going to tell you what really happened. I swear that it is the truth."

I thus explained to her about being grabbed up off the street, the talk her father and I had, and her father's threat to hold me indefinitely if necessary to force me into seeing her. I knew her face so well that I recognized each of the multitudes of emotions she went through during my story.

Her expression of anger lasted longer than any of the others and I had begun to fear that it was the one she was going to retain for the remainder of the evening. Thankfully for me, it was finally replaced with one of sadness and acceptance. My story had been interrupted once by Jennifer bringing our salads which we both had ignored.

We ate in silence when the rest of our meals were delivered after sharing half of each of the meals with each other like we'd been doing for years. Any casual observer would have thought we were a loving couple without a problem between us, but I'm sure Mare was feeling the tension that remained between us from her indiscretion like I was.

My mind couldn't stop from dwelling on the situation we found ourselves in, what the outcome from it was going to be, and was it even possible for us to achieve a happy ending. I still loved her and the rational side of me knew she'd done what she'd done while drunk after trusting the bitch yet again.

I'd never known about her insecurities growing up and could see why she'd cling to her friendship with the bitch after what had happened at the frat house. The bitch's hatred of me must have been stronger than her love for Mare for her to do what she did. I didn't know why she hated me so much and probably never would, but I began to see that hating her back and wanting revenge weren't going to help me save my marriage if it was even possible to do that.

All of those thoughts and more raced through my head during the twenty minutes it took for us to finish our dinner. After declining dessert and being told to take all the time we wanted by Jennifer, I turned to Mare again.

"Mare, you know I still love you and I'm hoping we can rebuild our relationship so that it is stronger than it was before; but there has to be some changes. I'm tired of being afraid of your father and what he might do to me if I didn't make you happy. I'm tired of being on the fringes whenever we've been to all those social events thrown in your honor or for your activism for girls' sports and volleyball in particular.

"Evidently you hadn't heard the "He's just Marizona Scott's husband." comments, but I had and they didn't make me feel very good.

"I don't want you to think that I'm one of those men that get jealous because their wives are more successful in their careers than they are, but I can't continue being an afterthought. For us to continue to be married, things have to change so that we become the Scotts and not Marizona Scott and her husband. I will not sit at the end of a table with four or more people between us like I have in the past.

"Until you've rebuilt my trust in you, we'll be joined at the hips whenever we go out for whatever reason. If you can't live with that, let me know now and I'll move out tomorrow."

"I can..." Mare started to say.

"I wasn't finished." I growled at her. "I have something more to say."

Mare paled at my anger and then tried to look contrite while motioning for me to continue.

"I've been struggling with something I thought of from your little adventure last week. Are you a closet slut who uses getting drunk as an excuse to indulge in what you secretly grave or are you an alcoholic who can't control her sexual urges when she's drunk?

"I think you need to see someone and try to find out which it is. If you're a closet slut, our marriage is over. I love you, but I wouldn't tolerate a repeat of last weekend. Now I'll listen to what you have to say."

"Joe, I love you and I will do whatever I have to so we can stay together. I didn't know about what Poppi did to you in Cancun. I was so happy to see you that day that I didn't care how he'd gotten you to come and talk to me. When you caught me instead of stepping back and letting me fall flat on my face, I knew you still cared at least a little for me.

"Our first kiss that night only intensified my love for you. It was like all those years apart hadn't even happened. Joe, you're the only man I'll ever be able to love and I promise you'll never be made to feel like an outsider ever again.

"If you think I need to see someone about why I turn into a cock crazed slut when I drink, I will. I'll ask Marcia to refer me to a good therapist tomorrow.

"Will you move back into our bedroom, Joe?" Mare asked pleadingly.

"Not until you've been proven to be completely disease free, Marizona."

"Marcia says that will only be six to eight weeks not months. You can call her tomorrow and ask her if you don't believe me. I won't pretend that I'm happy about us sleeping apart, but I'll deal with it for however long it takes, Joe."

Mare was interrupted at that moment by an attractive, older woman. "How are you folks this evening? My name is Tilda and I'm the manager this evening. I hope Jennifer took good care of you. I'm sorry to have to ask you, but would you mind moving to the center section? It would be so much easier on Jennifer if you did."

"Everything was fine and we were ready to leave anyway. Give the lady the check and a hundred dollars, Mare. Would you please have Jennifer take care of our bill and tell her to keep the change?" I said to Tilda.

We left the restaurant and I drove us to a sports bar to kill some more time until the nightclub I had in mind opened. We each nursed a club soda while trying to act comfortable with each other again. It was the most awkward two hours for me that I'd experienced in all the time I'd known Mare and thankfully the time for us to leave and go to the nightclub finally came.

Mare and I spent the next few hours dancing, an activity we'd not enjoyed for longer than we should have. I made a pledge to myself that if we did stay together; we'd start going out and enjoying each other's company more in the future. The evening would have been perfect except for one minor incident.

I had to go to the men's room and without thinking, left Mare sitting at our table alone. While returning, I saw a man talking to Mare and from her actions; he must have been pressuring her into doing whatever it was he was trying to talk her into doing. I hurried toward them and managed to grab him from behind as he was drawing back his arm to reciprocate the slap that Mare had given him. I recognized him as soon as I had spun him around to face me.

"I don't know what you had in mind, but even from where I was, I could see my wife telling you no and to go away. Unless you want to lose all those millions of dollars you just signed for I suggest you forget about this evening and be on your way, Rodrigo." I managed to tell him in a monotone.

Rodrigo Guerrero, runner up for the American league Rookie of the Year two years prior and recent signee of a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract, was standing there glaring at me.

"Let me go, gringo, or things will get very ugly for you. See my friends are heading this way right now. After they are through with you, me and the beautiful lady are going to get to know each other better, if you know what I mean."

"If your friends even lay a finger on either one of us both their days of breathing and yours will be short. The beautiful lady is not only my wife, but the daughter of Roberto Ortiz. I see from your reaction you've heard of him. Apologize to my wife then I think you and your posse need to leave."

"I'm sorry if I have upset you, madam, or if I've ruined your evening. Let me send over a bottle of Champagne to show there are no hard feelings." Rodrigo said to Mare.

"My husband and I don't drink alcohol so that won't be necessary. Thank you for the offer, but if you'd just go I'd be most appreciative." Mare answered him.

Rodrigo hurried toward his friends and managed to stop them before they got close to Mare and me. One of his friends, another Hispanic male who was at least as tall as I was but with an additional fifty to sixty pounds of weight than I carried, was arguing with Rodrigo and kept pointing in our direction. I watched as all of his agitation ceased and he nodded to Rodrigo before turning his back to us and walking away with the rest of Rodrigo's friends following behind him. Rodrigo stood by himself for a short moment as if he were debating with himself on what he was going to do before shaking his head no and hurrying to catch up with his posse. By the time they had reached the front door, he was at the front of the crowd with arms around the waists of two of the beautiful women that were a part of his group.

"We need to go, Mare. I have two more days before the summer term is over and have to get up in the morning. I'm sorry that Rodrigo spoiled the evening. I promise we will do this again in the near future maybe with Mark and Angela along so that nothing like what happened tonight will happen again." I said to her while extending my hand out to help her down from the taller than normal chair she was seated in.

She didn't hesitate before climbing up into my truck and scooting to the middle when we left the nightclub. On the drive home, I continued to caress her bare legs like I had been doing since we'd go to the club. I could feel the juices that had begun to flow from her snatch on her upper thighs when my hand eventually made its way there. I touched her mound at the exact moment I was pulling into our garage.

As soon as I had the truck in park, the ignition off, and my seat belt unbuckled; I twisted in the seat to face Mare. I used my right hand to jerk her dress down below her tits while shoving two fingers of my left hand into her extremely wet and hot cunt. I finger fucked her using hard fast jabs of my arm while I attacked her tits and especially her nipples with my mouth. After nine years of making her cum, I knew from her sounds and actions the moment right before she was about to reach her orgasmic peak and at that moment; I bit down harder on the nipple of her left breast than I had before.

Mare's scream of ecstasy was almost earsplitting in the confines of the truck cab and it took all my strength to hold her close to me as she thrashed about on the seat. When she began to relax after her orgasm, I opened the truck door, stepped down onto the chrome running board, unzipped my fly while ripping open the wrapper of the condom that had been in my pocket with my teeth, rolled it onto my hard dick after I'd pulled it out into the open, pulled Mare to the edge of the seat, and proceeded to fuck her as hard if not harder than I had earlier that afternoon.

I pounded into her for the next fifteen minutes, giving her two more orgasms, before my own release overtook me and I filled the end of the condom with my third ejaculation of the day. I had to grab ahold of the doorframe on either side of me to keep from falling backward when my knees got weak as my orgasm reached its conclusion. I held myself there with my hard cock still inside Mare until it began to deflate before grabbing the end of the condom so it wouldn't stay inside Mare's pussy when my cock flopped out.

I disposed of the condom in an oily rag I kept under the seat of my truck and reached into the truck to help Mare down. She kept trying to kiss me on the mouth, but I twisted my head so that she continued to miss.

"STOP!" I yelled at her. "I'm not ready to forgive you yet and we're not making up until I am."

"Will you sleep in our bed with me tonight, please? I don't sleep well without you beside me." Mare began to whine at me as soon as we were inside the house.

"No, I won't. I told you when I'd return to your bed and I'm not going to change my mind about it so quit asking me to every other day. I'm tired and have to get up for school tomorrow so I'm going to my room to bed." I answered her before kissing her forehead and retreating to my room. I slept fairly well after having gotten use to sleeping alone for most of the last two weeks and found Mare asleep on the couch when I went to the bathroom. I let her sleep, but my taking a shower must have awakened her because she had a half of a grapefruit, a couple of pieces of toast, and a glass of milk waiting for me when I came out of the bathroom.

Thursday seemed to crawl while I was at the school and I wasn't in a better mood even after the sex and enjoyable evening Mare and I had shared the day before. I didn't go out of my way to avoid Mare like I had been, but she must have sensed my mood and avoided me instead. If I'd have known what the events of the next day would bring that night, I would have tried harder to dispel the dark mood I was in and pay more attention to the woman I still loved.

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26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Coming on like a train. Still can't see it.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 6 years ago
Going downhill


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

what the fuck was i thinking reading another chapter... god this is painful.. i want to poke my finger in my eyes and pray for illiteracy

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

not only wimpy; now he is childish, whiny AND wimpy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

"If your friends even lay a finger on either one of us both their days of breathing and yours will be short. The beautiful lady is not only my wife, but the daughter of Roberto Ortiz. I see from your reaction you've heard of him. Apologize to my wife then I think you and your posse need to leave."

yeah a complete wimp

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