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Her Property Ch. 01

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Tony's new life is honey on a razorblade...
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I had noticed a terrible lack of the dickgirl on male stories here. So I decided to Gandhi up and be the change I want to see in the world. So I present to you: Good old dominant dickgirl, submissive male.

Now, English isn't my native language, so please forgive if all the commas and capital letters aren't where they should be. I am self-editing this too.

I hope you enjoy the story. Please leave a rating and a comment. I appreciate criticism and praise and I read all comments.


Tony was enjoying a delicious meal with his girlfriend, Shaunna at a roadside restaurant in western Vietnam near the border. They had just finished renewing their visas to return to live as expats in Bangkok, Thailand. As with many expats renewing their visas, they had decided to stay for a night and enjoy the Vietnamise hospitality and cousine.

Tony was chowing down on his plate of veggies, fish and eggs, with little regard to the world outside of the plate. Dealing with officials always made him ravenous. Shaunna ate slowly and watched Tony with a smirk as he demolished his lunch. Shaunna felt lucky.

Not only was Tony able enough to provide for them a life abroad, but he was also a beautiful man. His light brown golden locks fell down on his neck, framing his oval, symmetric face, perfectly bronzed by the sun of the Orient. This look gave an stomach shuddering contrast to his ocean-blue eyes that always had a laugh in them. Right now Tony had a travel-stubble of two days, which gave a rough trim on his boyish looks. Shaunna thought the stubble suited him. At the age of 21, he was becoming a man. And she was becoming to realize that she was falling in love with him.

As they left the pit-stop with twenty or so other passengers, the bus to take them back to Thailand hit the dirt road again. Nothing seemed to be wrong in the world of Tony and Shaunna. The trip from the pit stop to Thailand's border took two hours. Luckily the border officials caused no trouble and everything went smoothly.

"How long until we are back home?" Shaunna asked.

"About eight hours."

"Jesus... Thank god we don't have to do this often."

"You're right, babe." Jack said. "But atleast the scenery is pretty damn beautiful."

"Yeah." Shaunna snorted. "Tell me that again in six hours..."

It was on the third hour since the border that something unusual happened. They were traveling via a narrow dirt road along a mountainside framed by some light jungle. Shortly as they had entered an especially dense light jungle, an obstacle appeared.

A pick-up truck sideways on the road. As the old unoiled breaks of the bus screehed the vehicle to a sudden halt before the obstacle, Tony was startled awake from a nap. Immediately as he saw the truck on the road, alarm bells started ringing in his head.

"Wake up." He hissed in Shaunna's ear.

"What?" Shaunna asked, slightly irritated.

"Something's not right."

A man with an automatic rifle got inside the bus immediately as it was put on a hand brake. In deft and professional motions, the bus driver was flown from his seat to the dirt road.

"Call the embassy." Tony whispered as two more men hopped inside the bus whose passengers were all stunned in silent horror.

Both of the men were carrying a pistol and a syringe. Seemingly randomly they chose targets at second and fourth row respectively. They pointed the pistol at their target while inserting the needle. Seconds later they carried their targets away, both of which appeared to be young men.

"What the fuck...?" Tony whispered. He had never heard of anything like this. He just wished he wasn't next.

No such luck. The men returned with new syringes. One of them spotted Tony and approached him. He simply pointed the pistol at him and nodded. Tony reflexively pointed his hands up. The man didn't hesitate as he plunged the syringe in Tony's forearm. Everything went pitch-black.

Tony woke up a few times during the following days, once on an airplane and twice in a car, only to be inconveniently put back to sleep by an angry looking big man with a needle. Finally when his fourth time came to wake, Tony was found quite reluctant. So a slap was procured on his face. Tony gasped and groggily rubbed his face. He could tell he was still drugged. He could also tell that he was in the back of a van. The man who had slapped him, grabbed his face.

"You will meet your new owner soon." he said with a thick Spanish accent. "And you will be a very smiley and a very pleasant boy. Because if she doesn't accept you, I will not be very smiley and pleasant, okey?"

When they stepped out of the van, Tony was blasted with a bright hot afternoon sun. As his tender eyes adjusted, he noticed that he was in a place that could best be described as a paradise resort.

A two storied villa stood white and elegant in a sea of perfect green grass. Snaking marble paths crawled from the villa entrance to a glistening swimming pool, a teakwood terrace and a tennis court.

As Tony and the man approached the villa, out came a scandalously beautiful woman accompanied by two black suits, both carrying a sidearm and a suitcase.

The tall woman in the middle of the pack flashed a pearly smile framed by her ruby red lips. She had a long, flowing light brown hair with blonde streaks in it, that fell far to the low of her back. Bright green emeralds sparkled with excitement from under her summer hat. Her oval face, full lips and high cheekbones gave her a face of impossible beauty. She wore a cream-colored summer dress that made sure to provide ample cleavage, as she had large, prominent breasts. It was also tight enough to accentuate her tight waist and generous hips only a Latina woman could have. Her heels clicked the marble path in a confident rhythm.

"Ah, Estefan..." She said to the man in a low, melodic voice. "I see you brought something interesting."

"Yes, madam. I believe he fits your criteria." The man said, beaming with a strained smile.

In a swift and graceful move the woman cupped Tony's chin and locked eyes with him. Tony flushed, overwhelmed by the woman's beauty and her sweet caramel scent. He managed to give her a weak tired smile. She smirked.

"Oh yes, he is gorgeous. I'll take him. Same payment as before?"

The man's mouth creeped up into a genuine smile. "I want double for him. This kind of a boy is hard to find.

The woman rolled her eyes and then snapped her fingers.

"Madam?" The suit on her left asked.

"Take this boy upstairs to the bath and put the necklace on him. Then shave his face and return."

The suit merely nodded and grabbed Tony firmly by the arm as he escorted him into the villa. With calm efficiency the suit had shaved Tony's face and inserted a strange white band on his neck, that made a loud click as it was attached. Then he told Tony in a broken English to wash up and wait. Fifteen minutes later the woman entered the bathroom, smiling contently.

"Hello, Tony." she said. "Are you enjoying our hospitality?"

"Do you have any idea on how many questions I have?" Tony asked in a sullen whisper, refusing to look at the woman.

"Ah, I imagine you do. But questions bore me. How about I just tell you what's what?"

"Who are you?" Tony demanded.

"Sh-sh-shhh." she hissed with a finger on her lips. "Let me tell you. I am Valeria Daconar, and you, my beautiful little dove, are my property."

"Valeria Daconar? The crime lord?" Tony gasped in bewilderment. "Please don't kill me! I will do whatever you want!"

An evil gleam passed by Valeria's eyes. "Oh, will you now? Good. Very good my baby boy. I like it when you're obedient."

Tony was flustered by Valeria's clear suggestive tone. He wasn't scared anymore. He just felt awkward sitting naked in the tub, with Valeria looming over her with a strange look in her eyes.

"What- What's this?" he asked, pointing at the white collar on his neck.

"Oh that's so you won't escape. It has a GPS-locator on it. If you try to leave the perimeter of the compound, it'll zap you unconscious. I suggest that you don't try to pull any stupid stunts, if you want to keep me happy. And trust me, you do want that."

"So what? I am your slave?" Tony asked, a little more defiantly than he intended to.

"Yes." Valentina whispered eagerly. "But it doesn't have to be all bad. Listen. Here's the deal. You get to live a very luxurious and easy life for the foreseeable future. And when I'm done with you, you get the leave with a big sack of cash. The other option is leaving here in several medium-sized sacks."

"And how long will that be? What will it entail?" Tony asked.

"Oh two to five years. Then I'll find someone younger."

"Wait. Valeria-"

"Miss Daconar, please. Or Mommy." she added with a giggle.

"Miss Daconar. What do you want from me?" Tony asked and gulped.

"Oh, it's not obvious to you yet, dear?", she asked stepping closer to the bath tub. "I want your beautiful body for me and no one else. I want you as my absolute sexual plaything."

Tony swallowed again. "Your... what?"

"Sex slave, to put it bluntly. But it has not to be so crude. I'd rather have you as a companion. Tell me Tony, do you think I am sexy?"

"Y-yes, Miss Daconar." Tony said.

"And would you like to try your best to make me happy, so that I don't have to hurt you or force you?"

"Yes, Miss Daconar."

"Good boy..." Valeria purred. "I like it when you're so subservient. Now would you like to make mommy happy?"


"Close your eyes." Valeria commanded.

Tony did as he was told and crunched his eyes shut as if expecting pain. Valeria looked at the cute young thing in the tub with his hunched shoulders and wet hair.

She spun the light switch to soften the light down and disrobed, leaving only a pair of green thongs on, which did nothing to hide her sizeable bulge. Softly she stepped into the bath and sat on the edge. Tony stayed still.

'What a naturally obedient boy' Valeria thought delightedly.

She spread her legs and grabbed Tony's hair, pulling his face to her bulging panties.

"Smell me. Taste me, boy." Valeria commanded.

As soon as Tony's face hit her mound, he understood. His eyes popped open in horror. In the dim light, Tony was looking at a huge brown Latina cock, at least eight inches in size. It stood proudly halfway from Valeria's panties, pulsing whenever Tony breathed on it. It smelled the same sweet caramel as the rest of her, but it had a strong dark musky smell added to it.

Tony looked up and saw Valeria softly looking down at him, with her lips slightly parted. Her perfect breasts heaved with hardened nipples as she breathed.

"Please Tony. Pleasure me like a lover."

As she said this, she picked her heavy cock from her panties and pointed it at Tony's mouth. Tony obliged.

He let her invade his mouth and sucked long and deep strokes, creating a vacuum as best as he could.

"Ooh..." Valeria cooed. "It looks like I got myself a readymade cocksucker."

Tony bobbed up and down on her, splashing the bathwater around as he did. He had experimented with a few ladyboys in Thailand, although he fancied himself straight. That being said, he wanted to make Valeria happy. Better to leave here rich than dead, right?

"You're mommy's good little cock-lover, aren't you?" Valeria hissed as she grabbed Tony's hair with both hands and pistoned her cock in and out of his wide mouth.

For a while only Valeria's panting and Tony's throat glucking could be heard. Then Valeria's facefucking got frantic. Tears streamed down Tony's face as Valeria forced her big cock down on him.

"Ahhhhh... I haven't taken a man in months. Yes take it you gorgeous little sluuuuuuuuut!"

Valeria screamed without reservation as she splurted her cum down in Tony's throat. His face got sprayed by the secondary splurts as she dislodged from his throat. Valeria stood up, bumping Tony back on his ass in the tub.

"God, that was hot." She said, tossing her hair back. "I think you'll do nicely."

She casually stepped out of the tub and wiggled her dress back on.

"I look forward to the main event." she said with a wolfish grin. "Once you're done with the bath, seek out Carlos. He's the brown haired guy with a mustache. Tell him to show you your room."

And with that she walked out.

Tony woke up the next morning, surprisingly well slept. Turns out being kidnapped isn't half bad when you got satin sheets and a memory foam mattress. Tony walked down to the kitchen where a coffee pot was idly clicking and hurring. Albeit unsure of his rights and limitations in this new life, he dared himself a cup.

With his cup he went outside to be greeted a soft chilly wind and a bright morning sun. Valeria was lounging poolside. As she noticed Tony, she gave him a smile and a small wave before lowering her gaze back to her tablet.

Even though Valeria wore sunglasses, Tony could almost feel her predatory gaze boring into him as he walked towards the terrace.

At the terrace he let his gaze brush over the immaculate yard and a small garden. He sipped at the coffee. Damn, it was delicious. Being a crime lord seemingly has it's perks.

After a moment of great coffee and silent contemplation, Tony decided to approach Valeria. As Tony stepped barefoot on the marble path, he was happy that the tiles didn't burn. It must have still been early morning.

Valeria feigned obliviousness to his approach, still seemingly focusing on her tablet screen. But her mouth was drawn into a slight smile as she underliddedly watched Tony.

'She looks so beautiful', Tony thought. She wore an electric blue bikini that pushed her breasts ever so slightly up. Her toned, flat stomach was adorned with a blue-jeweled belly piercing, which Tony suspected to be a real sapphire. Her long, light brown legs were glistening from perspiration.

"Hello Miss Val - err... Mommy." Tony stammered.

Valeria let out a delighted chuckle "While I just love when you call me that, maybe we'll stick to Miss Daconar in the daylight."

"Uh, yes Miss Daconar."

"So how are you feeling, Tony? Slept well?" Valeria asked.

"Yes. I'm just a little confused and anxious."

"Oh poor baby. I understand." Valeria softly said. "It will be hard to adjust, I'm sure. But if you're good to me, I promise to be good to you."

"Thank you, Miss Daconar."

"All right. Two things." Valeria said. "Firstly, can we have less of this stick-up-your-butt and more of the actual Tony? I appreciate your subservience and I intend to stick it up your butt, but not now. Just relax, dear."

A little something clicked inside of Tony. It was as if a weight fell off his chest. Yes he was a captive. Yes to a violent crime lord. But that was the hand he had been dealt. Besides, it could be much worse. Valeria was both hot and really nice.

"Yeah, of course, Miss." Tony said, standing straight again. "And what was the other thing?"

Valeria eyed him up for a silent while. Then she nodded, seemingly satisfied with Tony's change in demeanor.

"I was hoping you could help poor old me with some sunscreen."

Tony let out a little laugh. 'Classic...' he thought.

"Of course, Miss."

Tony fell on a knee and shuffled to the end of Valeria's lounging chair, where she laid her feet. He looked at her flawlessly pedicured toes as he applied the warm scented sun oil on his hands. 'Everything about her is immaculate...'

Tony rubbed Valeria's feet with determination. It was more of a food massage, but Valeria seemed to purr in approval. Tony was becoming more and more resolved to serve Valeria and make her happy. It was as Valeria had said. He could leave some day with a big bag of cash. The other alternative was to leave in several bags himself. Tony was sure that such operations were within Carlos' skillset.

"You have a lovely hideout here." Tony said as he caressed Valeria's calves.

"Mhmmmm..." she lazily hummed, clearly enjoying the treatment. "Thank you. I like it too. But it does get lonely out here. I am glad to have such a deft-handed companion as yourself."

With that Tony forcefully pressed his thumbs in Valeria's calf, eliciting a deep guttural moan.

"So where is out here?" Tony asked as he moved up to massage her thighs. He couldn't help salivating. Her thighs were thick and muscular, like ones of a tennis player. Valeria was powerful in every regard.

"Oh somewhere in the Peruvian jungle. That's all you need to know, my gorgeous dove."

Eager to make her happy, Tony forcefully kneaded her upper thighs, occasionally brushing on her meaty bulge as he did. Valeria just lay there silently, seldomly moaning in approval. As her bulge grew, Tony brought his hands on it and squeezed.

"Well aren't you a hungry little boy." Valeria whispered. But then she removed his hands from her crotch and stood up. "I'd love to show you I appreciated that, but I have to work now." Valeria sighed. "Go hit the gym and do as you please. I'll talk to you later."

After a gym and a shower, Tony found himself sitting at the edge of his bed, slightly bored. Nobody ever told him how dull in actuality being kidnapped was. Out of curiosity he stood up and readjusted his towel, before he started perusing his bedroom drawers.

First drawer from the top had sheets and towels in it. The second had underwear and socks, all white, all soft, thin fabric. But it was the third drawer where things got interesting. This particular drawer was a cornucopia of sexual decadence. It had dildoes, anal beads, lotions, handcuffs, whips, all the goods. Tony picked up a red, medium sized rubber dildo.

'Fuck.' he thought. 'I don't think these are for her.'

At this point Tony had little doubt that Valeria was going to eventually fuck him. He had never had anything bigger than an exploratory finger down there and he wasn't a fan of the thought of Valeria stuffing her big brown dick up there next.

"Maybe I should practice." Tony said to himself. It seemed like a reasonable thing to say, but it made him blush none the less.

Tony picked up a bottle of lube from the drawer and got on the bed, discarding the towel on the floor. He slathered lube all over the red dildo, feeling a slight burn of embarrassment on his cheeks as he did.

For a while he tried to insert the dildo in, but his ass was having none of it. Tony sighed and coated his fingers in lube. As he lay on the bed fingering his ass, he had never felt more weird. Thousands of miles away from anyone he ever knew, in some secret hideout, he was now finger-fucking his ass for a gorgeous stranger. But if he was honest with himself, it was starting to kind of feel good too.

With a whisper of a moan he removed two fingers from his anus and tried the red dildo again. With a bit of a struggle it slipped in. Tony gasped in surprise and pleasure as his sphincter gave in and the dildo plunged suddenly deeper in him. It felt really good sliding it in and out, over his prostate. As the sweet elusive pleasure in his ass grew, so did his erection. As he lay there on his knees and face, dildo-filled ass up in the air, the door opened.

"Tony, I wanted to ask if-" Valeria came in, still in her bikini, sunglasses in her hair. First her eyes went wide, then her grin.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I found these toys and...", Tony stammered, trying to get up.

"Don't move." Valeria interjected. "Stay right there."

In a graceful move Valeria circled behind Tony and removed her bikini top.

"Do you have a dildo in your ass?" She asked huskily.

"Yes, miss..."

"My, my. I didn't know you were such a horny SLUT!" she said, slapping his ass on the 'slut'. "You should have asked for the real thing like a good boy."

"No it's not like that. I-" Tony tried to explain.

"Shut up slut. I find you here with a dildo up in your ass, and you're making up excuses."


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