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Her Untold Secrets

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She tells her husband the truth mostly all of it.
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Her Untold Secrets

Finally revealed to her husband


This is 95% fiction with just a few tidbits of reality here and there. It was just speculations of what a trusting, clueless husband might discover from his secret slut of a wife.

I've noticed a few authors have blocked comments and I like the idea as well. If you feel so strongly about something then take the time and effort to email it to me. Obviously if you won't email me it isn't that important to you!

I've been looking for a female editor so I could get a feminine perspective on the reactions to various forms of 'stimulation.' If anyone is interested in helping, please contact me.


It took almost 40 years for Oxana (Ana) to admit her biggest secrets to be revealed to her husband. Jason had been doing a lot of retrospection recently and one day when his mood wasn't the best, because of what he thought he'd figured out. But he wasn't sure if his logic might be flawed but Jason wasn't at all certain he was right in his conclusion.

Jason had been thinking about all the things they had done over the years, the various jobs Ana had held over the years. They had switched roles when Jason had talked to Ana about his dwindling eyesight. Ana had asked him to stick it out one more year while she got a full-time job and they banked as much money as they could. Jason went to Social Security after he left his teaching position and applied for SSI.

He tried learning another skill but didn't do well. Finally someone suggested that he apply for full disability. He went back to Social Security and finally he was approved for disability. Jason took over all the child-care and household chores. He had done some of the housecleaning after school as Oxana's primary concern was the kids. Jason actually enjoyed the role-change as he had lost the stress of teaching and all the paperwork invoiced in that.

Ana had worked several part-time jobs while Jason taught. She had sold Tupperware for about 18 months but couldn't manage to get to the manager's level. She had then gone to DJ'ing and she really enjoyed that. Ana had a background in music & dance; this helped her do better. She ended up working a regular gig at a bar about 25 to 30 minutes drive-time away. That regular gig was on Wednesday night from 8 to 11:30PM according to Ana. She worked this job every week. Jason thought nothing of that. She also worked weddings, family parties, bridal showers and office parties.

Ana came home one Saturday night very horny and Jason had asked why. This particular party was a family function and she had had to run a 'wild underwear contest' for the men in the group! Only three men got on the low stage as Ana announced the beginning of the contest. To her surprise, the guys had all dropped their pants! They had their backs to the audience but Ana was standing in front of them, facing the audience. One of the guys had an erection and Ana said she'd gotten a bit aroused by the length of the cock pushing the boxers out in front of him. After the contest that guy had tried three times to get Ana to go out with him after the party and when she came home she needed some attention from Jason.

Oxana had been coming home horny from the start. She had done a double gig while training. The DJ was friendly and very encouraging. He complimented her on her appearance and how well she moved behind the table. While doing the second party another DJ from the company stopped in to say 'hi' since he was working another room in the building. After chatting a bit he asked Ana to go for a drink after the job was finished and Ana said 'no thanks." After the guy left her trainer said, "You know what he wants, don't you?" Ana told him she knew exactly what he wanted. Ana had admitted she had asked her trainer 'out for a drink' after the second show but he declined.

Another party was a 'holiday party' for a bunch of nurses from a local hospital. During the party a male stripper showed up and Ana had to play his music for his show. Then he wandered through the group. He was only wearing 'tiny bikini underpants with a big bulge'. Ana was very horny that night as well. Jason had noticed that Oxana rarely came home from the bar on Wednesday nights at all horny. He mentioned this once and she said that the place was 'kind of quiet' and there were usually couples in the place.

Oxana went to women's clothing when she got a full-time job. She was doing well with work and that was good. As time passed, Ana had changed jobs and gone from 'soft-goods' to 'hard-goods' as the pay for a store manager was better. Once Ana moved to 'hard-goods' she was working more hours. She brought Jason to the store with her on her day off and he met the assistant Karen. She was younger, blonde, out-going and flirty. She talked with Jason quite a bit and over the next few months Ana brought Jason in a few times. On the way home after a stop at the store Ana said, "Karen asked me how big your cock is and I told her it was average sized. She asked if we were interested in a swap with her and her boyfriend for a night."

Jason was shocked. Ana wasn't into that stuff in any way, shape or form. She didn't even watch porn movies, not that Jason got his hands on one very often. She thought the stuff was 'revolting' and had told Jason she didn't want to see, hear or talk about any of that 'stuff, ever.' Now she was talking about a swap with Karen and her boyfriend. He said, "No, I'm not interested in that. She's fun to tease but that's as far as I'm willing to go Ana."

"Okay, I just thought I'd mention it. She's mentioned the idea a couple times is all."

"No Ana I don't want to hear about that."

"But the movies you watch are"

"The movies are entertainment, staged and not real and I don't want to even think about that. It could be bad for our relationship."

"Okay honey. I didn't think you were interested." They had never talked about it again. Jason drifted away from porn until the internet came along and then he looked at pictures more than videos anyway.

Things had slowed down for Jason and Ana in several ways. They were now both at home; Ana had retired and was doing activities at the local 'Y' and the adult center. Jason was frequently reading stories online at a website named 'Literotica' and listening to audio books as his vision had deteriorated some more. That was what had prompted his retrospection. Their sex life had dwindled over the last 5 years but had bumped up for a short time after Ana's retirement, then dropped off again. It was now at no sexual contact for the last 6 months. Jason had been warned by his older friends that this would happen. One guy had said, 'like a light switch, it was there and then it wasn't'.

So Ana came home from the adult center one day and Jason was at the table deep in thought and Ana asked, "Jay what are you thinking about?" He hadn't responded and so she nudged his shoulder and asked again.

"Oh...I was thinking about our life over the know the past."

"What brought this on?"

"I guess we're getting older and I'm wondering if we could have done something differently and if it would have been better."

"That sounds like an exercise in futility honey."

"I guess." Jason got up and walked down to the computer room which had been doubling as his bedroom since Ana complained about his snoring over the last several years. He had moved into the extra bedroom so she could sleep better. That conversation after visiting the store hadn't completely been recalled by Jason but he did remember Ana saying that she'd told Karen he had an average-sized cock.

Now, 30-some years later he wondered how she knew his cock was average-sized. She had been a virgin when they had first had intercourse, just about 2 weeks after her eighteenth birthday. He had only had his cock in one other girl, his freshman year, and that had been while he'd been really buzzed. It was two years later that he'd met Ana.

She was wandering around the student center with a tray of food at an off-time, around 2PM. The place was busy with commuting students coming in and others sitting and chatting. There was an empty seat at the table he was at. Along with him were four girls from a sorority and Jason had said something to the girl across from him and she turned and waved Ana over. Ana walked up and Emma, a petite, pixie-cut dark haired girl said, "Hi I'm Pam and if you want that seat next to him, you are welcome to it."

Ana looked at Pam's smiling face and the other girls and then at Jason. They were all smiling and Pam said, "Hey, it's up to you but the place is busy and we don't bite. Sit and eat and go on your way if you want. Jason let her have the end seat, move over next to Emma." Ana watched Jason slide over the one chair and Ana shrugged and said, "Thanks I'm Oxana but I prefer Ana. It's really busy and this is the first chance I have to eat since breakfast at 7:30."

Emma introduced Darlene and Kathy and said, "We're a sorority, well except for him...he's our mascot" with a laugh. "We are a social sorority but we aren't like the Greeks on the other side of the center. We try to help people and have a quiet good time."

"Well, I live on campus and like I said I prefer Ana but this is the first chance I get on a Tuesday to eat so I get a voucher because the cafeteria isn't serving now."

Pam smiled at Ana, "Well, if you're stuck for a place to sit and we have a free chair you are always welcome here." Emma and Darlene gave a verbal agreement. Ana said, "Thanks that is kind of you." She ate and thanked everyone again and left for her next class.

Ana was back on Friday afternoon and asked to join the table with nods from a few of the girls. Jason was there again and Ana sitting across from him asked, "Do you go to classes? I saw you here on Tuesday."

Jason laughed, "Well, do you go to classes since you were here on Tuesday as well."

"Oh yeah I guess so." She ate and said thanks and bye to everyone and left.

The following Tuesday Ana showed up again and this time Jason managed to get her last name 'Braun' and after Ana left he looked her up in the school directory. That evening he called the floor phone in her dorm and asked to talk to her. They talked for a couple minutes and Jason asked her to go to a basketball game. Ana declined but said she'd like to have a cup of tea at the student center. She came downstairs and they went for the tea.

Ana was still 17 and studying music education so she had plenty of 1 credit instrumental classes. That took a lot of time and she had to attend student recitals each week on Wednesday afternoons. They had a good time and Ana asked if Jason wanted to attend the recital the following afternoon. She told him where to meet her and they went together.

Within a month they were spending a lot of free time together. By the end of October Ana was diagnosed with mononucleosis and had to spend three weeks in bed. She had to go home. But this would put her a year behind as the course of study was regimented. Jason talked to the girls of the sorority and then all of Ana's professors and was able to take notes and assignments to her twice a week with the sister's help driving. He paid all the gas for the girls and then Ana was back the week before Thanksgiving. She managed a 3.2 for the semester and Jason earned a special place in Ana's heart.

They dated 'mostly' through the rest of her freshman and sophomore years. Jason had broken off during the summer after freshman year to date another girl but found he missed Ana. During her junior year they got engaged. Jason graduated at the end of that year and had a teaching position in a large city about 30 miles away.

They saw each other a couple times a month except December when Ana was working a part-time job on weekends at home. The visits resumed in mid-January and their wedding occurred mid-summer after she graduated. They lived in the two-bedroom apartment near the school so Jason could walk to work. At the end of the year they moved and Jason was now commuting to and from school. Ana hadn't liked the city and wanted something more akin to the suburbs where she'd grown up.

That lasted one year and Ana was pregnant with their first child born in mid-December. They moved into a townhouse so Jason could walk to school again to save the $130 monthly travel expense. Two and a half years later the second girl was born in mid-August. Jason managed to work for another 5 years at the school. At the end of the 10th year he and Ana had a conversation or two and he left at the end of that 11th year. Ana had found a full-time job and Jason didn't sign the contract for his 12th year of teaching.

He was home and tried learning a new skill, computer programming. He wasn't too good at that. So he became what is now known as a stay-at-home father. He was able to get disability from Social Security. They soldiered along. It had been while Jason was teaching that Ana had dealt Tupperware and DJ'd for extra money to help the household along.

Back to the present day

A couple days later Ana looked at Jason and asked, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, just tired I guess, I didn't sleep well."

"What's wrong?"

"I had a dream and it woke me. I got back to sleep and the dream was back again and it woke me again. I hope I can get past this."

"Want to talk about it...maybe that will help?"

"No I think I'll just hope it goes away."

"Okay, but if you think talking..."

"Ana, please, let's drop it."

"Okay. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Whatever floats your boat." She picked oatmeal and they ate in silence. Ana was scrolling through her Facebook account as Jason ate in unhappy silence. Then Ana went to the 'Y' for exercise class and Jason sat listening to a book on his player.

The routine repeated for a few days and Ana found Jason sleeping in the computer room on a Friday morning. She woke him to get the recycling out before 7. He got up grumbling that he'd had a bad night. Ana was going out to breakfast with a friend from one of her exercise classes, "Jay I'm sorry just get the recycling out and go back to sleep. I'll see you later." Jason's complaint was that Ana had gotten him up at 6:10 rather than at 6:55. He sat and drank a mug of coffee waiting for the time to go by while Ana was on Facebook again.

Jason put the recycling out and grabbed the push broom and swept the snow out of the driveway. He had a bit of OCD about tracks in snow. He finished before Ana was leaving but he couldn't go back to sleep after he'd gotten up. Ana left and he listened to the book for a while then he checked email.

Ana came home and asked, "What was your problem with last night?"

"That dream again."

"Okay, so tell me about it and maybe that will help."

"I'm afraid that if I tell you, well you may not talk to me for a while. You might get really mad at me."

"It's a dream and you can't really control your dreams. Tell me please."

"Fine. Do you remember Karen...that you worked with at the drug store?"

"Yes, what were you dreaming about, sleeping with her? She was always flirty and suggesting things. She suggested we swap with her and her boyfriend."

"Yeah well you told me about that and she asked how big my cock was and you told her I was average.-sized. And Karen talked you into telling her about your DJ'ing and you told her that you would play with one cock each month sometimes more than that. That's how you knew I was average in the cock-department. You told her if a cock was pretty big and if you were either horny or mad at me you'd let the guy fuck you. You told her that you'd come home and shower as I put your DJ equipment away. You'd tell me the place was hot or that you just felt 'yucky' from all the dancing while you spun records." Ana sat looking at Jason with a surprised look on her face.

Finally she asked, "Have you talked to Karen recently?"

"No, I don't even remember her last name, why?"

"So, how did your dream come up with that?"

"I don't know, well...I've been doing a lot of thinking and the fact that you told her I was of average size and as far as I know you shouldn't have known how big my cock was in comparison to others unless you did a survey, a sampling of cocks to determine where I stood in relation to others."

"So you never talked to Karen about this?"

"No. I've never had any long conversation with Karen, why?" Ana stood up and walked away from the kitchen table. She didn't talk to Jason the rest of the day. The next morning Ana was still very quiet and Jason asked, "Have you decided yet?"

"Decided what?"

"Have you decided to tell me the truth about how you knew I was average? Because I have a pretty good idea of how you knew and you'd just be confirming what I have come to believe."

"What is it that you think you know?"

"I think you were messing around behind my back when you were DJ'ing. I think you either gave some handjobs or blowjobs or maybe even slept with some guys back then. The more I think about it the more it makes sense to me. A few times you came home and went rightin the shower while I packed away your equipment. So you may have gotten laid a few times and didn't want me to smell the sex on you. All you need to do is say 'yes you're right' or 'no you're wrong honey'. But if you say better be able to tell me how you knew I was average Ana."

"You do remember I told you about the stripper at the nurse's party and the underwear contest at that family party?"

"Yes I remember you telling me about those. So you saw their cocks?"

"No, but the bulge on the underwear guy was about the same as you. The stripper pushed his bikini out a bit further, quite a bit further actually."

"Ana, do you remember telling me you were always horny after Jenn was born? And you started DJ'ing about a year after that and I still don't believe two instances gave you enough to tell Karen I was average. Either tell me the whole story or not...but I'm just telling you what I think. That's why my mood has been so down lately, I don't know." She looked at Jason, sighed and asked, "Why now? Why are you bringing up ancient history Jay?"

"I guess because I'm getting old and looking back and there are a few things that stuck in my mind. That isn't the only question I came up with but it seems to be the one most pressing on me at this point."

"Okay, what other questions do you have?"

"Well, the other thing, which seems rather blatant now, is when we got the windows replaced in the house. I came home for lunch to see how it was going and that guy was walking around in sneakers and shorts. I didn't give it much thought then...but now it seems like he was parading around insinuating that he may have fucked you. So I have a doubt about that as well."

"You are just full of surprises and suspicions now aren't you Jay?" Her tone was clipped and Jason knew he had put his foot into a bear trap but 'what the hell, she's not sleeping with me anyway' was his attitude. He just sat looking at her. "Any other questions Jay?"

"Yeah but those are the biggest ones for now."

"You mean there are many more questions do you have Jason?"

"I'm not sure, maybe five instances that I can think of. Listen, we don't need to do this. I mean I'm just wondering and I'm sorry I've been moody but..."

"But once you start thinking about something you have trouble letting it go. We can list things you weren't able to let go and it did cause some issues over the years."

"I know, I'm sorry Oxana but isn't it my attention to detail that you love about me?"

Oxana just made a noise and walked away from him. Jason thought 'end of discussion for now.'

The following day Jason was in the basement and Ana came down stairs and said, "Okay, if you want to talk about the past come up and we'll talk but and this is a really big but, if you don't like what you hear it is on you and you can't hold it against me. You have to promise me that you won't get mad at me."

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