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Here be Dragons...

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Bronwen meets a Dragon that needs a mate to carry his eggs...
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This is set in a real place in Wales (Ceredigion to be specific) The dunes are a magical place where I spent lots of time in years past.

This does involve inter species-Dragon and Human breeding.

Here be Dragons

When Bronwen moved to the small, admittedly tired looking little seaside town she was charmed. The next town over had a cliff railway, coastal walks, beaches and plentiful shops and entertainment.

This little town itself had a few corner shops, and a couple of unreliable fast-food places that opened in the summer months. The two pubs were open year-round, but not for the faint of heart, as they were local gossip centers.

Bronwen hadn't been here for years, since she was 12, when her older local friend had been swept away by the sea, never to be seen again. Though local legend had it that she had been charmed into the embrace of a selkie, who had taken her human form and left her as a seal, never able to be human again. Either way it had scared and scarred Bronwen, and even now she avoided that sandy little inlet where people went to swim.

She much preferred the wild, wind tossed and mostly rocky stretch of beach that eventually led to a long stretch of dunes, and the flat sandy beach in front of them that had a rich array of bird life.

She would walk from the huge rocky stones on the beach by the town, past the long golf course on the other side of the sea wall. To her favorite part, the flat sandy expanse of beach that led eventually to the river. The sea here was smoother, the sand gentle on her feet, fewer people and dogs.

The dunes were an anomaly, there was a boardwalk style path built through the middle, but it often flooded, so the way was slippery and not always certain. This thankfully put off most dog walkers and tourists.

Especially now, in late winter, when winds were still biting and sharp, tossing the sand in the air. The oncoming spring meant the beach had signs warning people to tread carefully and not allow dogs because of breeding birds that would multiply soon.

Bronwen walked the length of the town and beach, eventually paddling, enjoying the cool winds before she retreated to the dunes for her lunch. There was a sheltered area with benches where she always sat, it was on a slight rise, but still fairly sheltered.

She paddled a bit more, flinching when a flash of beautiful bright colors flew past her legs, a sharp sting hurting her ankle.

She had to blink several times; whatever the colorful bird had been it had been long like a serpent too. She rubbed her eyes, blaming the blinding low winter sun for seeing things, and something in the water for stinging her ankle that now throbbed, a small line of blood falling from it.

She sat on a nearby rock and poured a little drinking water over the sore tiny slash on her ankle and wrapped her small cotton scarf around it to stem the small amount of bleeding. For such a minuscule injury it stung and throbbed.

She walked through the dunes, and was relieved when she reached the benches, there had been a notice saying the car park was closed, so it was even more likely it would be quiet here. She put her ankle up on another bench, and opened her cold toast. She enjoyed it along with a warm tea from her flask, her walking comfort foods.

She was watching the clouds when she thought she saw something shifting in her peripheral vision. She turned to see nothing but sand moving in the winds, she swore she had seen something big shift. As she ate her toast, she kept her eyes open, her ankle still throbbed and she felt hot, which she thought odd. As the winds were still bitingly winter like. She bit her lip a moment, hoping what had bit her hadn't been some sort of venomous snake, she knew snakes did exist around here.

She drank an entire bottle of water, going to the starkly empty visitors center and the vending machine outside it to buy three more.

As hot and tired as she felt, she went back into the dunes, knowing she could not make the long walk back to town like this. She was safe in the dunes, and had even napped there on the bench in the past. Her friend who was lost to the sea used to make stories of the dunes being nesting places for dragons.

She smiled to herself, they would have to be small or very clever big dragons. As although they were pretty huge, and stretched a good couple of miles, once atop them it was easy enough to see all around you.

She lay on the bench, sighing as she watched the clouds and pulled her coat tight around her.

When she woke it was sunset, and the colors were awe inspiring, she thought she heard a loud sound like a huge animal breathing, but nothing was around, so she attributed it to the odd sounds the winds made in the dunes. She watched the sun set over the sea and dunes, again flinching and standing as she saw something fast move.

She was knocked or tripped, and suddenly she covered her head as she slid down the huge sand dunes, hitting patches of sea grass until she was at the base, in a dip or valley amongst the dunes. She was lucky this one was soft with sand, some held loads of sharp rocks.

She rubbed her sore ankle, a flash of molten heat running through her.

Then she turned, shuffling on her butt, and in the pink and purple lights of sunset she saw a creature her mind just could not fathom. It was not there, just an outline camouflaged against the sand, then it shifted and suddenly she could see it, many shades of spring and forest green.

It stood on four legs, each tipped with long claw like talons, size wise she put it at the size of a large pony, and as she stood and it watched her warily, she stared, if she had to guess she would put it at about 14 hh or 4ft 8". It was long, and had a serpent like prehensile tail that ended in softened point.

There was no other word for It but dragon, alike in features to the well-known red Welsh dragon, but in shades of green. Its wings were large and beautiful, and when it furled them against its back it was still so big. Its ears were pointed, and flicking around like a horse, obviously listening to everything around.

Its nose was not as pointed as the Welsh dragon and it had no pointy chin or horn, instead it was rounded in a long snout with lighter rolled like body from its chin to all under its tummy, where it was also a paler green. The rest of its body glistened like scales in the sun set, but under its neck and tummy it looked soft and downy almost.

Its eyes were its most fearsome feature, cats' eyes, vibrant green that shone with knowledge and the superiority of a predator. Its teeth were sharp as it hissed when she moved, its forked tongue long and red. It had dark green small horns, four, down the back of its neck.

She was both in awe, and terrified, because such a thing should not exist, her rational mind argued new animals were sometimes found. But dragons....not likely, they would have been seen!

Unless. She thought back to how it had camouflaged against the sand, invisible. They could have been hiding in plain sight for a long time. Now her late friends comment about nesting dragons made her wonder if there had been some truth to that, and she had seen them herself.

It made a low sound, not unlike the tinkling of pieces of glass together, pleasing to her ear and strangely musical. She tilted her head as it flicked its ears towards her, sniffing the air.

She wished she could understand it, but as it shifted, she flinched back, and it flattened its ears and hissed until she stilled. She was accustomed to horses and so she treated it like any big creature and stayed still to see what it would do.

It moved closer gracefully, obviously big, but also graceful and sleek, its musculature visible beneath its scales, it was near silent as it moved sinuously like a snake almost. It stood right up close, moving its neck to look her right in the eye. It shifted its huge paw like feet, and she was shocked as she saw it sheath its talons, much like a cat would sheath its claws.

The scent of the creature was alluring, like a forest after the rain, green and verdant, with a slight hint of salt and sand. Its breath was hot against her face, and also had a verdant scent. It mad the noise again and she shrugged, scared as it flared its wings out and puffed its chest. It pranced back and forth, looking beautiful in the evening sun set light, and like it'd walked out of some myths and legends book. Though she did wonder why it was green, and not red.

Its actions somehow reminded her of a bird doing a mating dance, and she watched smiling at its revelry and joy. The wings shone with iridescence and were tipped with talons. It did this for a while, and Bronwen was almost expectantly awaiting the appearance of its supposed mate to be.

As the purple sky faded and it became darker, the moon came out, and gave their little valley in the sand an ethereal glow. The dragon strode closer and did a complicated move as it flared its wings and seemed almost to bow. She reached out to touch its nose, and it was warm and soft.

She heard the tinkling glass noise again and felt, more than heard intention in her mind, as if it was pleased, she had accepted.

She blinked confused, accepted what?

Then a rush of knowledge filled her mind and she fell on her ass in shock, sand warm against her hands. It had danced for her, and she had accepted its courtship, which would end in mating. First it would keep her in its nest for a few days as her body adapted, then she would be mated and cared for in her pregnancy.

She was gasping for air as it cooed at her, nuzzling its head against her cheek and crooning as if to calm her. She pointed at it

"I cannot be your mate, I'm human, you're a...dragon? That wouldn't work, our bodies are different"

It huffed and her mind was full of warmth and reassurance, and knowledge that some humans could carry Dragon children, if stung by a wyrm in the hunter's moon evening light, they would gain the ability to do so as their body adapted to accept eggs. She would then be cared for, and should she choose, she could return next season.

She would not be harmed, it would be somewhat uncomfortable at first, but she would soon grow used to it as the dragon's magic gave her strength.

She felt its name, and had no idea how to say it, so she said Nithe, and it agreed that was close enough. She felt tired, and wondered if that itself was some sort of magic as the dragon scooped her up just as she fell.

She woke in the same sandy valley, but with an odd difference, it appeared there was a large cave in the valley, and it was warm. The ground was covered with soft mosses and leaves.

Clean blankets were strewn over a huge nest, made from driftwood, padded with soft grasses and leaves, and smelling as verdant as the dragon himself. A smaller bed of leaves sat nearby, human sized, and that's where she lay, the dragon near a small fire nearby as he dozed.

He was most certainly male, lying down as he was, she saw what appeared to be a large sheath, likely his cock would appear when breeding was near. He was a stunning creature, and she was saddened to feel that wyrms adapting humans to breed every few hundred years had happened because of the shortage of dragons. That in itself made her want to try to do this, and that worried her because she may not survive it.

She had a thought that perhaps she should be panicking, because the dragon was not small, and a cock of the size it appeared it may be? Would not anywhere near fit inside her. Let alone eggs.

But she felt oddly calm, the heat from the apparent wyrm sting on her ankle had abated, and was now soothed by a leafy mulch covering it. Her body felt oddly warmer than usual, tingly and aware, and she had a flash of knowing that she would adapt over the next few days.

She would not change into a dragon; he had huffed at that thought. But she would gain the ability to take him when he went into rut, and to carry his eggs as they grew. She would sit in the nest and he would care for her until their birth.

The cave here was real, but then she got the sense that if she was stood on the dune above she would not see it. It was glamoured to appear just like a small sandy valley, a huge dip in the dunes, too steep to get down and scale out of. No one could see, nor gain entrance to this cave except her and the dragon, she knew that implicitly.

She felt an odd, warming lassitude, her body slack and relaxed in a way she never was. Warmer than normal but feeling good, she curled up and slept more.

She had an odd awakening, the dragons muzzle near her crotch as he sniffed and breathed her scent in. He visibly shuddered and she got the sense he knew she was not quite ready yet.

She slept a lot, eating fish he bought and cooked over the campfire. Sometimes he dropped snacks and she wondered how he had gotten them. He had a portal she could use to go straight to the visitor center toilets, closed for winter, but toilets still usable. Water was plentiful, a magical spring in the cave wall dripped down to a pool and a cup and bucket sat near it.

Her body remained hot, and on the second day she felt such pain inside her she cried and curled up. Her hips seemed to grow wider and they ached, her fangs felt sharper, she felt eager, hot, and antsy.

It all seemed to peak on day three, when she woke her pussy was hot and throbbing. She furiously stroked her clit, eager and desperate to cum. Then she heard him come over and sniff her deeply, rumbling a satisfied musical growl.

He lowered his muzzle, and the soft, long forked tongue pushed inside her throbbing heat. The sharp looking fork at the end was thankfully soft and just a little rough, it licked into her so deep she cried out. He mapped her pussy with his tongue, finding hot spots and exploring around her cervix. He eagerly sucked and licked up her juices when she came hard on his tongue deep inside her.

She grumbled as she fell back asleep, his rough tongue still licking up her juices.

When she woke on the fourth day, she was truly ready, pussy hot and swollen, wetness on her thighs, her breasts felt heavy and full. A storm raged overhead, and the sound of the rain outside the cave was soothing.

She followed her instinct and crawled over by the fire, watching as his nose twitched. He woke with a pleased rumble, scenting the air. He sent intent to her mind that he would be back soon and he flew off.

She took some water in a bucket, and washed her body and hair, drinking lots of water and eating the fresh fish he bought back, she would need her strength. She ate the full salmon he bought, and drunk more water, her body so hot and needy. He had filleted the salmon with his front paw like claws, using them like hands as she watched.

All the time her pussy throbbed hotly, dripping juices on her thighs and dress below her. Heat from within her seemed to emanate a sweet, sexual scent that made him shirt his legs and breath her in.

His eyes were full of fierce, primal need, and his hips kept shifting beneath him. She felt it was most certainly time.

She expected it to be right to sex, but he crooned at her in musical tones, groomed her with his rough tongue, licking at her neck, her underarms, thighs, feet even, and then laving his tongue across her ass and pussy. Rubbing his great head against her neck and then tummy, covering her in his verdant scent.

His warm and slick scales were shining and changing to even more vibrant hues as she watched. She had no idea how this would work, with his size and hers, his deep rumble in her mind assured her that this had happened many times before. He had previously had several hatch lings a few hundred years ago. But her mind just couldn't grasp it, and he gave no knowledge of the intricacies.

She tried not to, but as she pulled off her dress, skin hot and covered with a sparkling sheen of sweet-smelling slick. She could not help but look down, his sheath was dark but dripping a clear slick, no sign yet of his member, she had the feeling that he didn't show it so as not to scare her.

She had pulled her long hair back of her way, and she lay sprawled on the smaller bed, a golden dish appeared beside her, and she was confused at first. Until her body moved before her mind, she sat up and rubbed at her heavy breasts. Moaning in shock as clear fluid fell from her nipples, she massaged them more until it changed to creamy milk. Going on her knees she leaned over the dish, expressing her creamy milk into the solid gold dish. It felt amazing, her breasts tingling, the clear slick all over her sweet and floral.

Nithe the dragon stood regal, nostrils flaring at her scent, eyes intent on the milk. She finally filled the bowl, shuffling it towards him. He leaned down, scenting her neck and breasts, and then fell upon the bowl and drank every drop, eyes darkening and body seeming to glow with how bright his colors were. His wings shivered in bliss as he savored the milk.

She stood, drops of milk still at her breasts as his long tongue flicked out to reach them and she moaned, legs clenched together.

He huffed, akin to laughter, and turned, near the nest sat a contraption, made of wood and supple soft padded leather. She had seen a similar thing in the past, a friend laughingly telling her they had bought a 'sex bench' where one partner could kneel on the leg pads, be supported by the center bar, and have soft steps for their elbows, arms and head.

Essentially it out them in an all-fours position, but raised up for easier access. This was similar, but heavier and sturdier, with additional 'steps' above the head and arms, she imagined for the dragons' front paws, as it had signs of talon scratches. A breeding bench, that would put her at just the right height for Nithe to breed. It made her shiver with need even more, it was all made so exquisitely, to be as comfortable as possible.

She saw his wings shudder against his back and decided to take the first step, she knelt on the bench, it was as soft as it looked, the middle part supported her tummy and had room for her breasts to fall either side. Her elbows and arms were a bit more complicated and it took her a lot of shifting to get into a comfortable and stable position. When she did, she realized her hips were canted just so, in the right position to tilt her ass and pussy up. Nithe wasted no time, licked at her thighs as she moaned at the hot, slightly rough texture of his tongue.

Then he stepped back, and she was left there after he nipped her lightly on her butt, it must have been some form of venom, as it scorched through her as she cried out panting. Golden cuffs strapped her hands, waist, and ankles to the bench. She dripped slick juices as her pussy throbbed and contracted. Her breasts dripped tiny bits of milk, and her hips were trying to move.

She panted and begged as he rumbled, waiting for something, it felt like so long.

Then she heard him move, and the bench creaked as he mounted her, his heat lay just above her, the overwhelming feeling of his chest, head and front legs above her head making her shiver. She could feel the trunk of his body and his tummy brush against her back as he shifted, soft and hot, like heated velvet.

She closed her eyes, and breathed deep, not seeing him above her actually helped with her fear of him falling on her. Then she felt him shuddered, his body lowering as she felt his sheath against her ass move, as his cock emerged. She was half and half in a mind as to whether she wanted to see t of not, but strapped down as she was there was no chance to.

She felt slick dripping on her back and ass, he moved and she felt a large hard cock prodding at her ass and thighs, it was thick, and the head felt much alike to a man's. Then he prodded it against her hot pussy lips and she moaned as he growled. He pushed the head in slow, and she groaned when it popped in, not gigantic, but as thick as she had ever had. Then he paused and her pussy throbbed around him as she dripped need and she begged.


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