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Hidden Haven Ch. 11: Being Tested

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How well will Jessa do with the tests?
6.7k words

Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 07/05/2022
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Disclaimer: I shouldn't have to say this, but do not try anything I write at home!! And ofc everyone is over 18 years old. :) :)

"As the contract says, you must undergo a few tests," Eliza said as I sat on the chair. "We all have one each."

I was facing the TV that Naomi always played games on. The whole morning had been unfair and confusing, and now I would do tests for some stupid reason.

"I want her sitting in my lap," June said. I wondered how that would go, she was tall, but her body was petite. "Stand up for a moment, honey. There you go! And come sit here," she continued as she patted her lap.

I settled comfortably onto her lap, and she wrapped her arms around my waist. The TV screen flickered to life, displaying what appeared to be a children's TV show.

I saw a colorful world filled with friendly animals and happy cartoon children playing and learning together. I was still confused, but I watched in wonder as the characters on the screen interacted with each other; their movements and voices synchronized perfectly with the whimsical soundtrack playing in the background.

June's arms held me tight, and I felt safe. The show kept my attention fully, and just as the characters all sat down in a ring, June began to speak in a soothing tone, her voice gradually lulling me into a trance-like state. I continued to watch the show, barely registering what June had to say.

I began to notice something strange happening to the TV show. The colors on the screen grew brighter and more intense, and the animals and cartoon children started speaking in an unknown, musical language I had never heard before.

At first, I felt even more confused and disoriented, struggling to make sense of the new words and sounds flooding my senses. But as June continued speaking softly in my ear, I relaxed instead; learning new words felt nice!

Slowly but surely, I learned to pick up on the new words and what they meant. I felt a sense of excitement and wonder as I realized that I was learning, and I eagerly soaked up every new word that the TV show presented.

Eventually, the show ended, and I couldn't help feeling disorientation and sadness that I couldn't see the show anymore, as if I had just experienced something magical.

"What did you just see, Jessa?" June asked me.

"There were kids and animals," I answered. Somehow I was still determining what exactly I had witnessed.

"You learned a lot of things, didn't you?"

"Mhmm, new things."

"We are ready to start the test," June told Eliza and Angelica.

The screen came back to life and showed a naked picture of me. It looked animated, probably because I had never posed with my legs spread apart and my arm out to the sides like in the image.

Angelica came up to us and squatted in front of us.

"I have three syringes behind me; if you get the words wrong, I must use them. Do you understand that it will not be my or anyone else fault if you fail? If you fail, you will have to take the needles. It is only for you to learn and to focus. We love you and only want what is best for you." Angelica said as she took my hands in hers. "Do good now, honey; I know you are nervous; you can do it."

"Jessa, these new words, whose own words are they?" June asked

"My words to my body?" I didn't know how I knew the answer, but I just knew somehow.

"That's right! Good girl!" June praised me and hugged me tighter. "Now, look at the screen for me."

There was an arrow pointing to my clit. And then two options. A. Bobo B. Clit.

"Is it A or B?"

"It's A, bobo!" The answer just slipped out of me. I remember a girl on the TV show saying Bobo a lot when she talked about Jessa's boner clit. I am Jessa, so Bobo should be the correct answer.

"Such a smart girl! Do not look away from the screen; you only have 5 seconds for every question as soon as the arrow and options appear."

The next arrow pointed to my boobs. It said "A. Boobs B. Tatas"

"It's B, Tatas," I said with great confidence.

Suddenly the 3D image of me turned, so I saw my back and flat butt. I had never seen it like that and got ashamed of it.

"A. Butt. B. Flatsie"

"It's B, Flatsie," I answered shyly.

I bent over on the screen and saw my asshole.

"A. Floppy B. Asshole"

"It's A, Floppy." The test was easy; I had no problems answering; I knew my asshole was loose and "floppy" already, so it couldn't be any other answer.

A dildo was shoved into Floppy on the screen, it was big, and I could almost feel it from the memory of the monster that was forced into me during breakfast.

"What is this?" A text appeared on the screen.

"It is Diddi!" I answered. Strange, now there weren't any options, but I knew the dildo was called Diddi. The cartoon kids on the show had shown a huge purple dildo, and they all called it Diddi.

The test continued, sometimes giving me options and sometimes just asking. Finally, the arrow pointed to my pussy, and I knew it was Muffy. Next, it pointed at an animation showing my clit getting erect, and I knew my Bobo had a chubbie. Another animation showed me getting a diaper on me, and I knew that it was a nappy.

Naked was nakey, pussy juice was wet, horny was tingled, poop was doo-doo, licking pussy was called dessert, and eating my pussy juice was a snack.

I felt confident and happy that I was right on all the words. Then I saw myself sticking out my tongue, an arrow to it, and the question, "What is this?"

"It's my tongue!"

The three women gasped, and a big red X appeared on the screen. I was wrong. But I never learned the word for my tongue.

"That's loo paper, sweety, don't you remember that?" June asked concernedly.

Oh, right, because Eliza used me as her toilet paper after she peed. They did say something about loo paper on the show, but I forgot they were talking about my tongue.

I saw Angelica to my left and the shining needle in her hand. She squatted down, and as she did, I got a flashback from the nightmare where Mommy was the evil doctor and did mean things to me to change my body. I tried to stand up, but June was prepared and held me tight.

"You have to relax your arm. Otherwise, it will hurt a lot more," Angelica said, returning me to reality. She spoke soothingly, trying to calm my nerves as she had in my nightmare.

I was afraid as I watched Angelica approach me with the needle.

"Be a good girl for me, and then we can continue with the test. You were amazing having all those right answers in a row." Angelica said.

But I couldn't shake my fear of needles and my sudden fear of Angelica; my traumatic dream had left me helpless and terrified. I tried to steel myself for the inevitable prick of the needle, but as Angelica approached my arm with the syringe, I felt a wave of panic wash over me.

"Stop it! I don't want to!" I screamed, my voice echoing through the living room.

June let go of my waist and hugged me in a way that my arms got trapped.

"Whose fault is it that you answered wrong?" June asked.

"Please! It's my fault! I will only say the right words now; I'm sorry!"

"And whose fault is it that you must face the consequences of saying the wrong thing?"

I was too scared to listen, too overwhelmed by my fear and anxiety, to give her an answer. I didn't know what kind of drug Angelica would give me; maybe I could die from it?

Tears streamed down my face as Angelica patted the syringe, popping any bubbles. I felt trapped in a new nightmare, powerless to escape the pain and fear I knew was coming.

The needle eventually pierced my skin; I screamed, but a strange sense of relief suddenly washed over me. The pain was fleeting, just a brief moment of discomfort that I knew would soon disappear.

And with that, the needle was out, and Angelica taped on a sterile pad on my arm.

"Was that worth all that crying and screaming?" I heard Eliza ask with a sigh behind me. I couldn't see her, but she was probably sitting on the sofa.

I felt ashamed; that wasn't so bad at all. And I didn't feel different after whatever Angelica injected me with.

The red X was gone from the screen, and now it said, "Continue? yes/no."

I got cummies, rubies, and buzzy right, which meant orgasm, rub, and vibrator.

When I got potty and tinkle right for going to the toilet and pee, I thought I was done with the test. I was so proud of myself and beamed with joy!

But I didn't smile for long; a new question appeared on the screen.

The picture of me had an arrow to my lower stomach and switched to more of an X-ray image showing my bladder.

"What is this?" the screen said without giving me any options.

"Tinkle... bag? Wait... Tinkle.. uhmm..."

"Times up! It is your tinkle tank, where all the pee is supposed to stay until you release it. But you know it isn't working anymore, right?" June said.

"Mm... my tinkle tank isn't working."

"That's right! Now give Mommy your arm like a good girl, and no fuss this time."

I held my arm still at the side of my body, closed my eyes, and felt the pinprick. And then it was all over.

"You know what? You are all done with test number 1! Such a good girl! And I never want you to repeat the old words; is that clear?"

"Only the new words," I said.

"We will do the second test right away; that will be my test," Angelica said. "We will test your tinkle tank."

"How? Why?" I asked

"That is a lot of questions for a little girl. Give me your hand; we are going into the bathroom for this."

I hopped off June's lap and followed Angelica to the first floors bathroom. Or the "loo."

When we entered the bathroom, I noticed a gynecological chair in the corner and suddenly felt uneasy, but Angelica reassured me that it was for my safety. "You need to sit in this chair so we can perform the test properly," she said.

I obediently sat down, and Angelica secured me to the chair with straps. I got a bit scared but remained calm. She took my hand in hers and explained everything that would happen.

"I need to perform this test to check the size of your tinkle tank because of your incontinence," Angelica said gently. I listened carefully as she continued explaining the chip, how it could make my tinkle tank more prominent, and why that was not good. So now she wanted to see if it had shrunk or grown while the chip was active.

"Do you know what orbeez are?" Angelica asked.

"Tiny balls that grow in water! They are so cool!" it felt odd to know that answer. I had played with orbeez a lot; they always felt lovely in my hands.

"That's right. Do you think they can grow in tinkle too?"

"Tinkle is like water."

"You are such a smart girl!" Angelica praised as she kissed my forehead.

She picked up a small plastic cup with tiny balls in many colors.

"I will place five at a time in your bladder; then we will wait 15 minutes. It usually takes 2 hours, but these are medical orbeez and grow much faster. The needles you got earlier made the liquid in your body travel faster to make more tinkle for us. They are also a bigger size than the normal ones you know. So we will only need so many."

I became more frightened as Angelica explained all the details of the test. It sounded scary, but Angelica assured her that it was safe. "Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time," Angelica said, trying to calm my fears.

She picked up what looked like a catheter, smeared it with lube, and inserted it slowly into my urethra but quickly took it out again.

"This isn't going to work. Bobo is too big, honey. It's in the way; I need chubbie to stand up."

A shock of humiliation washed over me. My clit, or... well... my Bobo, had gotten so big that it got in the way of catheter insertion. I wanted to hide but was stuck and had nowhere to go.

In my panicked state, Angelica had picked up a string and, like an expert, tied it to my clit and pulled it up and away. I could feel it getting erect, or... getting a chubbie. She had tied it at Bobo's top, and the swelling hurt severely.

"Please! It hurts!" I screamed.

"It's not my fault you got a chubbie from this; now, hold the other end of the string in your mouth. Do not let go." Angelica said as she gave me the string. I took it and held it with my teeth.

"Much better; now, let's try this again."

The catheter got in further this time. I could see that Angelica pressed a button on her phone, probably to turn the ring chip in my urethra off to be able to insert the catheter completely. I took a deep breath and tried to relax as she pushed the last part in. It was uncomfortable, but she kept talking to me, encouraging me to stay calm. I was grateful for her presence and comfort. But at the same time, I felt torn. I was in a humiliating position, muffy out on display and a rather large catheter inserted in my tinkle tank as the string connected to Bobo was in my mouth, holding the long thing up and away.

"There we go! Now let's begin the test, shall we?"

I nodded in shame and confusion. Angelica picked the catheters end up in the air, took five tiny gelly balls, and dropped them into the hole.

They were too tiny for me to feel them at first, but then I felt something... like I could feel them move as they grew, which made me wonder how they would come out.

"Mommy?" I said through my clamped teeth.

"Yes, dear?"

"How will dey come out?"

"Well, if your tinkle tank gets so tiny that the orbeez is the only thing that fills it out, it will start to leak out some tinkle; if you are lucky, we will find a little marble in your diaper as you wake up in the morning. And then your tinkle tank can shrink more until the next can come out."

"Den no more tinkle tank?"

"That's right! When the final one comes out, it will be so tiny that it's not a... tank... anymore."

My eyes felt like they were popping out of my skull. They would be stuck in there until my bladder pushed them out... I mean, tinkle tank, ugh, whatever, because it would practically be non-existent.

"All five seem to fit, even when fully grown. But, sweetheart, your bladder is too big for a girl like you. I'm worried that ten won't be enough either," Angelica said disappointedly.

I couldn't understand why she felt it needed to be so small that it barely existed anymore.

"It's time for the next five." She said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Mommy, no?"

"It needs to be done for your well-being and health. And if these fit, you are up to level two of your punishment for having such a big tinkle tank."

"What punishment?"

"I know you don't like the juice Naomi makes you, so you will have to drink stronger and stronger for each level until the orbeez fills you out. When five of them have been pushed out of you, you go down a level until it's pure water. A small tinkle tank gets rewarded."

"But it's pee juice..."

"I can push in more of the orbeez if you're not a good girl that doesn't ask questions. Would you like to have five more when you are already full?"

I shook my head no; Angelica nodded once, then turned around to pick up a little machine.

"This is just a regular ultrasound. I have to see how it looks right now. If you are a good girl that stays quiet during this, I will let you see."

I got conflicted. Did I want to see what it looked like? It would look bizarre, not that I hadn't seen more dreadful things happening to my body. But I wanted to see, so I did as I was told and stayed quiet as a mouse.

She applied the cold lube on my lower belly and began her search for my tinkle tank and the marbles.

"There we have them, all ten! They are growing quicker than I thought... Space will be left even when the new orbeezs reach their maximum size. I will have to put in five more, honey, I'm sorry, but I have to."

I had reached a point where I could feel them moving in there as they pushed on the walls. It felt like I constantly had to pee, and now Angelica would insert more.

"I don't want that!"

"You don't want many things, but I must do this. It's your fault for having such a big tinkle tank. Poor thing... I will fix you and make everything better in time."

I thrashed in my bonds and felt a slight panic in my chest. Then, the woman that wanted to be my mommy picked out five more orbeez and pushed them into the catheter one after the other.

"There. We don't have to wait for the last ones to get bigger; they will be enough. In a few minutes, they will get so big that you won't push them out, then I will take the catheter out. Until then, you will have it in you."

She released my arms first, and I put them over my face at once while tears started streaming down my face. I didn't want this anymore; I wanted to return to the disgusting oven I used to call home.

"Flora will do the third test; I am excited to see how it goes; I helped her a lot with the preparations." She said as she released my ankles.

Angelica took the string out of my mouth but didn't take it off my clit... I mean Bobo. Instead, she held it and started pulling on it as a leash as we walked out of the bathroom.


"How many did she fit?" Flora asked as we entered my walk-in closet.

"Fifteen, unfortunately," Angelica answered as I wondered what we did there.

"Ouch... strong juice then, too," Flora stated, like I needed that reminder.

Flora had placed a mattress on the floor, and they guided me down to my back. I tried to show that I could stay still so they wouldn't have to tie me, but Flora had already decided on it.

"We need you to be very still for this test, and I know you won't be able to shut your little mouth; this room is very soundproof; therefore, we will do it in this rather cramped space. It will be worth it, though." Flora said as she looked me deep in my eyes with a look I hadn't seen on her before. There was a sadistic look, and I didn't like it. Flora was supposed to be one of the nice ones.

"This can best be described as a sleeve. It's as thin as possible and will do many things to your Bobo. Do you remember when I said that you should be able to cum? Well, now we will test it; if I am right, you will be rewarded with the best orgasm of your life; if I'm wrong, the sleeve will shock your Bobo. I want to see you cum, so you better make it."

Shock my clit? Was she mental!?

"No! Don't! You cant do this to me! Please, Im begging you both!" I screamed and pleaded.

"Angelica, can you be an angel and take that string off so we can begin? I don't have all day. I have lots of work to do."

Angelica nodded, squatted down, and took the string off. Flora came right after and rolled the sleeve down. It was a tight fit, and I screamed internally at how humiliating that was like a small, tight condom.

"No! Nooo! Stop this! I will do anything! Please don't give me shocks!"

"I won't if you cum, so just cum. You should be able to, right Angelica?"

"Absolutely! Nothing is stopping you, darling."

Liar... She knows I can't cum, and I know it too. "Just a dream"... yeah sure. Assholes.

"Since Angelica is a doctor, she will be the one inserting the aphrodisiac in Bobo; it is only to help you reach the orgasm, so be a good girl and take it now," Flora said as she stroked my hair, trying to be comforting. That did almost work... until I saw the syringe. It looked like the ones used in my "dream" from the OR.

Suddenly Flora took her other hand and placed it over my mouth, still stroking my hair, and then I passed out from the intense pain from the needle in Bobo.


When I woke up, I screamed, not from the needle because that was out long ago, but from the intense arousal I now felt. It was pure torture just from being horny. I tried to get loose, beg, and be angry, but the sleeve over Bobo vibrated tirelessly. I should have been able to cum. I was way over ten on the horny scale. And just like that, I passed out again but woke up from Angelica and Flora's conversation.


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