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High School Dates Ch. 16

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Katie's wedding day.
6.6k words

Part 16 of the 23 part series

Updated 11/09/2023
Created 03/24/2023
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August 1982

Chapter 16

Considering how my life had gone up to this point, I felt like I was on top of the world! I had a fantastic job. I was engaged to a wonderful woman that I loved, and loved me more than I could ever describe. We were looking for a house of our own to move into, after our wedding in just a few months. I had no lack of sex happening with Betsy, having Chris and Katie, Tina (one of Katies good friends) and her husband, and now Victoria, occasionally coming over to play. It took a little getting used to, seeing another guy between Betsy's legs; but, as long as we were using condoms, I had gotten used to it. We, as a group, with the exception of Victoria, had agreed to always use condoms, to both prevent accidental pregnancy and also to prevent sloppy seconds.

I wasn't really sure I needed to play with other couples, but Betsy had been adamant that, given how many partners I'd had at school, that keeping a variety was good for our relationship. Each of our playmates, for a lack of a better term, brought something different to the table. Katie and Chris enjoyed playing games that included nudity, stripping and various sexual favors between winners and losers. Tina and her husband Richard, enjoyed going out and doing things like naked hiking, skinny dipping and other naughty things that involved the risk of public exposure. Victoria was, surprisingly, the naughtiest of all of us. She enjoyed the 'dare me' games.

Dare me to walk through the mall with a VERY short skirt and no panties. Dare me to try on a bra, in Macy's, without going into the changing room. Dare me to try on a dress in JC Penny's without going in the changing room. Dare me to suck on your dick between racks at the store. Dare me to let you hide in a rack and lick my pussy until I come right there in the store. You get the idea. She wants me to come up with things to dare her to do, and she dares Betsy to do them with her, which has become quite stimulating for both of us. Often, all three of us, are spending the night together in bed. And no, for these, we do NOT use condoms. Victoria very much enjoys the taste of my cum, either straight from the source or leaking from Betsy.

For her part, Betsy did make an attempt to have sex at work, but her intended target, a male intern, got as far as being naked with her in a supply room before he got cold feet and backed out. Not that she won't still attempt it, but to date, she hasn't found another target of interest.

The only trepidation I had at the moment was the coming weekend. This was Katie and Chris's wedding weekend. Last Saturday, we, meaning myself and the other three groomsmen, and a few friends of Chris's, took him up across the border into Michigan and one of the many clubs that cater to the under twenty-one crowd from Indiana. This particular one was one of three strip clubs. The waitresses were all topless and the dancers took it all off. We pooled our money and let Chris pick the sexiest dancer he saw for a trip to one of the private rooms. We watched the very buxom blonde strip and gyrate for all of us, eventually ending up with Chris's pants around his ankles and her bare pussy grinding all over his bare cock. It wasn't quite having sex, since that wasn't allowed under the rules, but she did an exquisite job of rubbing herself on him, until he had pumped a massive amount of cum, onto her pussy and ass.

I would like to say I didn't know what Katie did for her bachelorette party, but after being sworn to secrecy, Betsy confided in me that they had two male strippers entertain about twenty of Katie's bridesmaids and friends. And while Betsy did suck on their cocks, she said they weren't allowed to have sex with any of the girls, but that didn't stop both of them from coming all over a naked Katie.

It was now Friday night, and I couldn't avoid it any longer. The rehearsal was this evening, followed by the dinner. Betsy wasn't invited, not being part of the wedding party, but I knew that Mandy would most certainly be there. It would be the first time I saw her, since Christmas break. Betsy seemed to feel my trepidation as I was getting changed after work into something more suitable for the nearly 85 degree temperatures, instead of the 65 of my work area.

"You know, it'll be alright." She whispered as she stood in front of me, naked, pulling my t-shirt down my chest.

"I know. I told Chris and Katie that I'd deal with it, but now that it's time, well, I'm not sure how to deal with it."

"Do you love me?" She whispered with a little grin, putting her arms around my neck and pulling us together. Her soft tits pressed to my chest, making my cock, almost instantly, start to grow, something she knew damn well would happen.

"You know I do!" I whispered back, letting my arms close around her. Cupping her big, round butt cheeks in my hands.

"I know. I also know that you once loved her very much. So much, you were going to marry her. I know that you still also have feelings for her. No, don't deny it. I can see it in your eyes when her name gets mentioned. It's alright lover. I know we're safe, you and me. I know that whatever you feel, when you come home later and I take you in my arms, that it'll be you and me forever."

"How do you know that? What if I see her and I feel all that stuff for her again?"

She chuckled softly and then kissed me. I kissed her back, softly, her lips starting to suck and tease mine erotically before she broke the kiss. "Because you kiss me that way. You show me how much you love me every time we kiss and every time we make love. I don't worry about you losing that or drifting back to her that way. It would take a lot more than one quick fuck to do that."

"Who says I'm going to fuck her?"

Betsy giggled again. "Because if I was you, and she asked me to? I would! So why wouldn't you?"

"I don't have to."

"Actually, I think you should. If she asks you to that is."


"Because after tomorrow, you're going to have to start wearing a condom when we make love."

"I am? Why?"

"Because I stopped taking my pills this morning. I want to have your baby and I want us to be able to do that on our wedding day. The same way Chris and Katie are planning on doing it."

"They are?"

"Of course. But you can't tell Chris. It's a surprise."

"So how do you know?"

"Duh..." She said with a smirk. "Girl talk?"

"Okay. So, they're going to try and make a baby. That isn't a surprise."

"It will be." She giggled. "Trust me. It'll be alright. If Mandy invites you, you don't have to say no. I trust you to come back to my bed tonight, tomorrow night, and love me the same way you do now."

"You have more confidence than I do. I'm honestly not sure how this is going to feel."

"I can only guess. But just remember, you and me and a little baby. What more do we need? Besides, if she does, maybe it'll give you a little closure on what happened. She also might not. I mean, having sex only three weeks after giving birth? It might not feel very good."


I think every eye turned to me when I walked into the church. Katie made her way quickly to meet me, giving me a quick hug and kissing my cheek. "Yes, she's here. Fist pew." She whispered before breaking the hug.

I nodded and walked with her to the front of the church where most everyone was congregated. I saw her look up at me, from where she sat. She looked beautiful. As beautiful as the day she walked over to me in the lunch room. Her hair is a bit shorter, and she looks a little more tired, but otherwise she looks as good as she did that first day. She stood up and waited, not moving toward me or away. It took me several seconds to move to her and give her a tentative hug. I felt her hands circle to my back and hold me to her, holding me against her longer than I expected before I felt her lips brush my cheek in a soft kiss.

"It's good to see you again." She said softly as we broke the hug.

"You too. You look good. I heard you had your baby?"

"Yeah. Sweet little baby girl. Aiden. Maybe you can meet her before I go back out west?"

"Sure." I answered noncommittally. I wasn't really sure yet, if I wanted to do that or not.

"Well, since we're all here, why don't we get started?" The minister said, now that the awkwardness of the situation had been dispelled.

We walked through the ceremony, me walking Mandy down the aisle, after the ceremony, after Chris and Katie had made their way down. We took our place in what would be the reception line and things were finalized. Then it was off to dinner at the country club. I drove myself, as did almost everyone, except for Chris and Katie. She would be going home with her parents for the night so Chris didn't see her tomorrow morning. I was, unsurprisingly, seated next to Mandy, since we were both alone.

"So, how are things going out west?" I asked conversationally.

"Could be better. First year was kinda hard. I heard it was for you too?"

"Yeah. I had a rough time after...well, you know."

"I heard. I'm sorry."

"So am I. But it's water under the bridge now."

"It is. I heard you proposed to Betsy?"

"Yeah. She said yes." I said with a smile.

"I would have expected nothing less. I always suspected she had a thing for you after that incident in the principal's office. I kind of figured if you and I hadn't already been an item, the two of you might have gotten together. I mean, you really did go out of your way to be there for her, when her mom and dad both passed."

"Yeah. that was hard for her. I don't know how I'd ever deal with it. She needed all the support I could give her."

"You know, that was what always made you so special. You were kind to a fault. If anyone you cared about, at all, was in trouble, you'd bend over backwards to help them out."

"It's what my mom taught me."

"She did a good job. You turned out to be a pretty fantastic man. I'm sure you'll be an equally fantastic husband for her."

"Thanks." I answered as the waitress came around to us to get our order.

It was a bit awkward, but we chatted about school and stuff. She was excited for me about my new job and she told me about dropping out of school to take care of the baby. Her husband sounded like a jerk, but I didn't want to say so. Eventually, dinner was done and people started to break up and head out. I got up to leave and Mandy got up with me. "David. Would you mind if we took a short walk? Not real long, but I'd kind of like to talk in private."

"Um. Sure." I agreed. We walked out the front door as if leaving like everyone else and she took my arm and steered me around to the side of the building and then onto the path to the first tee. We walked through the warm night air, only the three quarters moon shining down on us for light.

"I wanted to say how sorry I was that this all happened. It wasn't what I wanted. I know it wasn't what you wanted."

"No, it wasn't."

"I heard that you got involved with someone out there?"

"I did. She kind of kept me from falling over the edge."

"I'm sorry. I never would have guessed that you'd take it that hard. I mean, you were always so strong, so, so, in control. I loved that you were, but I guess inside was something a lot softer."

"Yeah. It was kinda hard. My tutor for calc gave me an intervention."

"An intervention?"

"Yeah, after lying in bed, moping for a couple days, she showed up with a bunch of girls, they dragged me off into the showers to clean me up and get me out of bed."

"A bunch of girls?"

"Seems that I made a lot of friends down on the girl's floor just doing little favors, so when she asked, they jumped in to help her."

"That could have been fun. In a shower with a bunch of girls?"

"Well, they had me kind of pinned to the floor."

"Good call, or you'd have been having all kinds of fun."

"Well, Patty made sure I had some. She had sex with me there, and then anytime I started to get down about us, she or one of her friends was there to tease me or have sex with me to keep my mind off of it."

"That sounds a bit extreme." She said, with raised eyebrows.

"Well, before she came to school, her boyfriend ran off with her best friend. She got really depressed and didn't go to school and eventually became suicidal, until someone pulled her out of it. So, she wanted to make sure I didn't do the same thing."

"It seemed to have worked."

"Yeah, it did." I agreed.

"You know. My boobs feel like they're going to burst. Aiden hasn't drained them in hours."

"I guess we should go back so you can feed her?"

"We don't have to, not if you don't mind seeing my bare boobs."

"I don't mind." I answered.

We stopped by a bench along the paved path and she took off her t-shirt and the big bra that she had on under. Her boobs looked at least three times bigger than they had been before she left for school, they were already pretty large. She stood in the moonlight and began to squeeze one of her breasts, squeezing it down toward the nipple and then squeezing the nipple to send little streamers of milk shooting out into the night. "You can do one, if you want." She whispered. "Just stand behind me and do the other one just like I'm doing to this one."

"It doesn't hurt?"

"Uh-uh. Actually, it feels kinda nice."

I shrugged and stepped behind her, reaching around her body with both arms. I slipped my left arm under her left breast so I could reach her right one and then used my right arm around hers to squeeze her breast the way she was doing.

"You might want to take your shirt off." She whispered. "It's kinda scratchy."

"Oh, okay." I answered, pulling my arms back from around her long enough to take off my shirt and toss it to where hers was. "Better?"

"Much," she said softly as she leaned back against me. The two of us stood against each other and massaged one breast each, tiny streams of her milk spraying out into the darkness, the tiny streams almost iridescent in the blueish moonlight. I continued to stroke and massage her breast. She moved slightly and I realized her left breast, the one that had been in her hand, was no longer spurting its creamy white streams. Instead, I noticed her shorts slide down her legs. She reached for my hands and drew my right hand down from her breast. I felt her draw it down over her soft stomach, feeling her tender skin that was still kind of soft and loose from holding a baby inside for nine months.

She continued to push my hand down, gently forcing it down and into the small panty she had on, pushing me down until I could feel my fingers on her shaved mound. She pushed farther, coaxing my fingers between her slightly spread legs, and then my fingers between her soft wet lips. Her hand left mine, sure that I was going to leave it there, and slipped her hand between us. I felt her hand working on the snap of my own shorts and soon mine were falling down to where hers were, around my ankles.

She worked on my briefs, no longer plain white, but now red men's bikini briefs, selected personally by Betsy. She pushed my briefs down as far as she could, freeing my hard dick and balls. Her hand grasped me and she sighed a soft, quiet, pleasant sigh that I had heard every time we had been in bed together. "God, I missed this." She whispered into the darkness.

"Mandy. We shouldn't be doing this." I whispered back.

"We're not. I'm not asking you to do anything but hold me just like this. If you choose to do anything more, that's up to you."

"I understand. But I also know what you wish I would do. I don't think that's fair to either of us." I whispered as I let go of her breast and disengaged her hand from my dick. I slowly turned her to face me and pulled her to me. She started to lift her face toward mine, but I pulled back, stopping her. "No. Please. If you do...If you do, I don't think I could stop myself."

"I know I couldn't." She whispered.

"Is that what you really want? A one-time fling in the dark on a golf course?"

She shook her head slowly. "No. It's definitely not what I want. What I want is so much more, but I know that won't ever happen. Please let me have this one-time fling, in the darkness, on a golf course. Let me feel you again, inside me. Let me feel your cum flowing deep into me one more time before we walk away from each other forever."

I shook my head slowly. "It wouldn't stop there. It wouldn't stop with one time, not now." I leaned down and kissed her cheek and then backed away. I bent down and pulled up my shorts, looking at her almost naked body as I straightened. She looked every bit as sexy as the first time she took her clothes off for me. So much of what I know of sex and pleasuring a woman was learned at her hands. No, I couldn't go down that street again. I turned and walked back toward the clubhouse, leaving her standing half undressed in the moonlight.


While it took the ladies hour upon hour to get ready, it only took us guys half an hour or so. The result of this is we had lots of time to kill, before the three o'clock ceremony. We sat around my house playing poker and just hanging out. At two we dressed and at two thirty we climbed into our cars, Chris in mine, so I'd make sure he didn't get cold feet, as Katie said. By three we were standing at the front of the church, watching each of the ladies walking down the aisle. Each was dressed in a knee length pink backless and strapless dress that seemed to mold itself to their breasts and defy gravity. How the dresses stayed on their bodies was a mystery to me. How the breasts, on the ladies with larger boobs, stayed in the cups of the dress and stayed in place was equally a mystery. Finally, I saw Mandy come down the aisle. God, she was beautiful! Her hair was made up exquisitely, her makeup perfect, that pink dress molded to her body. If the dress had been white, it would be exactly as I had envisioned it for so long.

She looked down the aisle, straight at me, no one else. She had to know what I was thinking, what I was feeling. I followed her with my eyes, watching each step until she turned to step into her place. I looked back up the aisle as the music changed and saw Katie looking like an angel. Damn, Chris was one lucky son of a bitch! I watched her come down the aisle, thinking that it should have been Mandy. As she got closer, I glanced into the pews and saw Betsy watching me, looking at me with love in her eyes. I knew what she was thinking. I knew she was imagining it was her, in only a few short months. I smiled back at her and looked at Katie again. I smiled at her, as I imagined Betsy in that dress, looking so incredible, so beautiful, so angelic. I imagined her coming to me on our wedding day. I knew then, in that moment, that life had taken me where I needed to be. With whom I was destined to be with, ever since that day in the principal's office. In that moment I knew... and there was no doubt left in me.


The ceremony was beautiful and had me looking forward to standing there, listening to Betsy tell me those special words. Now it was time for all those pictures. We started with all the pics at the church, mother and father with the bridal party. Mom and dad with daughter and son, the whole family, grandparents and the like. Then we all climbed into a limo with the photographer, and off we went to do some different shoots before the reception. The first stop was a small wooded field with a pond and a pier we all stood on. The second was a bit further away, and a bit more secluded. I did my pictures, I held Mandy, I smiled when I was told to, but I didn't talk to her.

"Okay. This set of shots are a request from the bride. David, Eric, you get to hold Katie up. I want you to pull her dress up in back and lock your arms to make a chair back and then the two of you reach under the front of her dress and grab her thighs and pick her up.


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