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High School Futa Ch. 04

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Emma prepares for her date with Lindsey.
2.5k words

Part 4 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/06/2019
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When Emma woke up the next morning, she felt a slight headache. Yesterday had been... Something. It had certainly been something. Judging by the smile that erupted against Emma's will when she spotted Gabriella's arm thrown around her, it was a good something. Just as she was about to turn around to face the cheerleader, she heard a buzzing coming from her drawer, beside the bed. Her phone.

Unknown Number: Hey, it's Lindsey :) I got your number from Karly, I hope you don't mind. I had a lot of fun yesterday. I just wanted to let you know I meant every word... If you wanna go on that date, let me know!

Me: Yeah <3 I'd love to.

Emma thought about it for a moment. She really wanted to figure out her new relationships as soon as possible.

Me: You want to go tonight?

~Lindsey~: That'd be great :)

Me: Alright, I'll think of something. Be ready though.

~Lindsey~: Always.

Emma smiled. A weight had been lifted off her shoulders as she found out Lindsey hadn't hated her, instead she felt the exact opposite way.

Her eyebrows furrowed suddenly. Lindsey had told her she loved her, and Emma said it back. Gabriela had told her she loved her, and Emma said the same. The weird part was, she didn't lie to either of them. She genuinely meant it. Sure, she had gotten to know Lindsey just a day ago, but Lindsey was responsible for starting off the best night of Emma's life. And that was no exaggeration, Emma was still in heaven, feeling the aftereffects of both sessions.

But, what did this mean for her? The situation she was in didn't really fit with any movie she'd seen. The closest thing would be those rom-com love triangles, but usually if the "other person" found out, someone was gonna end up getting punched in the face. But here, Lindsey had said she didn't care who Emma was with, as long as she'd be a part of it. And Gabriella, well, if there's anyone who had no place complaining about potential cheating it was her.

She heard a soft whimper beside her and turned to find Gabriella waking up.

They locked eyes and smiled at each other.


"Hey," Emma replied.

"So, that happened."

"Are you okay?" Emma asked. "I kind of went a bit crazy there, I'd completely get it if you don't even..."

"Emma, I love you. I don't take that back. But..." Her eyes drifted away for a moment. "You did say something about Lindsey yesterday, about going out with her today and me stealing her or something. Are you going out with her?"

"We're going out tonight." Emma nodded. "But she said she was fine with me seeing other people... Granted, we were kind of in the middle of things, she may not have been talking with her head."

Gabriella nodded.

"Ask her. Tonight." Gabriella stated.

"And if she says yes?"

Gabriella stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm down." She muttered, but with a small smile. "For, whatever this is. If Lindsey's a part of it, whatever. She's not a bad girl or anything. And... I... I really enjoyed last night. I definitely want to do it again."

"Well damn," Emma laughed. "Nice to know I'm that good."

Gabriella rolled her eyes.

"Decent at best." She rolled out of bed, with a grinning Emma behind her.

A few hours later, both girls were sitting in Emma's living room, watching reruns of Friends on tv. Emma was leaning on the right end of the couch, holding Gabriella on top of her, the tanned girl's head on Emma's chest.

Things hadn't changed drastically, Emma thought. Both girls had always been affectionate with each other, so the results from yesterday's events were far more subtle than Emma had expected. Instead of a kiss on the cheek when they woke up from their usual sleepovers, today Gabriella had kissed her on the lips when Emma exited her room. Instead of Emma's hands being on Gabriella's upper back when Gabriella laid on top of her, the futa's hands roamed down onto Gabriella's lower back, occasionally getting in a cheeky squeeze of Gabriella's ass, soliciting a chuckle and a roll of the eyes from her.

The best part was how Emma no longer had to worry that Gabriella would notice her hard-on. In fact, she was hoping she would just to see her blush.

"Hey." Gabriella started. "We should go shopping!" She squeaked with a grin.

"What? Why?"

"So we can get you ready for Le Date, tonight." Gabriella wiggled her eyebrows at Emma, who laughed a little and shook her head.

"What's wrong with my closet?" Emma asked with a pout.

"Nothing's wrong with it." The cheerleader shook her head and lightly kissed Emma's lips to solidify her point. "But there's nothing that's like, sexy, you know."

"... Alright. When do you want to go?" Emma asked.

"How about right now?"

"You don't take things slow, do you?" Emma asked with a smile.

"Nope. Hell, just look at us, babe."

With that, both girls made their way to the nearest mall.


Gabriella and Emma joked around as they wandered through one of the many stores they checked out. However, Emma kept turning her head to the side, curious as to why she felt like someone was staring at her.

"Hello!" A high-pitched voice said from beside them. Emma turned to see someone that couldn't have been more than two or three years older than them. She was a petite blonde, about a head shorter than Emma, with bobbed hair and a few freckles spread out onto dimpled cheeks, raised in a smile. Emma tried to focus on her face, but there was a small problem. Or rather, two very large problems.

This girl had some of the biggest tits Emma had ever seen. A pair of D-cup breasts pushed in together by the girl's slender arms clutched together above her waist.

"Welcome, my name's Melanie, if you need any help feel free to ask!"

"T-Thanks." Emma shook her head, smiled back and nodded. The girl seemed to stick around for a second before walking away.

Emma was looking at an oriental style dress when she heard Gabriella talking to someone beside them.

"So you're from Quincey?" Gabriella asked. Emma glanced over to see that she was talking to Melanie. So, the girl was in college?

"Yeah, biology major. You?"

"We're still in high school. Seniors." Emma was surprised to find herself included in the conversation.

"So you're both..." Melanie whispered something and Gabriella whispered something back. "Oh okay, awesome," Melanie replied to whatever Gabriella had said. "You two make an adorable couple."

Emma blushed, something that went unseen by both girls. Gabriella looked at Emma, smirked and went back to her conversation, leaning in to whisper something in Melanie's ear. When she looked back, Emma found Melanie blushing herself.

Emma continued scanning through a few dresses when Gabriella prodded her shoulder.

"Yeah?" Emma asked.

"That..." Gabriella paused. "Nothing. Here, you should try this on."

She handed Emma a sleeveless red dress that meshed with the futa's cinnamon reddish hair.

"Wow." Emma breathed out. "Wait, isn't this, like, a little formal?"

"Yes, but it's also a little sexy," Gabriella replied with a wicked grin. "Go." She pushed Emma forward. "Goooo!"

"Okay, okay, I'm going!" Emma chuckled.

A few moments later, Emma was standing half-naked in the dressing room. She had on a black bra and a black thong that barely held her cock inside. These were important facts, because she then found herself with a dress she couldn't quite put on. Meaning, her muscles were getting in the way of zipping up the back. For once, she was mad at her ripped arms.

"Shit." She muttered aloud. "Well, I guess there's no avoiding this."

With that, she opened the dressing room door and looked outside. Melanie was hovering not too far away. It was a little awkward asking for help here, Emma felt, but she had no choice.

"E-Excuse me." Emma started. Melanie's head snapped up, fixing back into that welcoming smile she had on earlier.


"Can you help me out? I can't reach the back of my dress."

"No problem!" The peppy girl quickly walked in. Immediately, Emma noticed her mistake. She forgot she had the dress hanging at her waist, meaning her rippling back was visible, along with her modest breasts hiding behind the black bra.

Still though, it seemed to be enough to make Melanie pause. Emma saw through the mirror inside the room that she was openly staring at Emma's body.

Surprisingly, Emma felt a sick satisfaction flow through her. After yesterday, knowing now exactly how attractive she was, she felt glad to see it having an effect on Melanie, especially since she was an older girl, being a college student and all.

"Any problems?" Emma asked with a surprisingly husky voice, grinning at Melanie through the mirror.

Melanie gulped.

"Not at all." She replied. Tentatively, she put one hand on the zipper, and ever so slowly, put the other hand on a small portion of Emma's solid back, helping her secure the dress.

Milking every second of this moment, once the dress was on, Emma smiled at her through the mirror.

"How do I look?"

"G-Great. Yeah, will you be buying it?"

"If it has your seal of approval then yeah." She winked. God, she was enjoying this a bit too much.

A few minutes later, she was standing outside the dress in a bag and Gabriella next to her. The shorter girl prodded her shoulder.

"What's got you so smiley?"

"Oh, nothing." Emma waved her off.

"Okay..." Gabriella said, but she had a smirk that made Emma think that somehow, she knew exactly why Emma was smiling. "By the way, there's something else in the bag. A piece of paper."

"Really?" Emma dug her hand inside. What could it be? She pulled out a small scrap that was carrying a series of numbers on it, and on the bottom, it said "Text me if you wanna! - Melanie ;)"

Again, Emma grinned.

Despite the confidence boost she received today, a few nervous thoughts made their way to her mind. See, Emma's experience with women could be summed up with one word. "Yesterday". So, tonight, should Lindsey choose to... Invite her somewhere, what could she do? Was she expected to just do the same as before? Did Lindsey like that as much as she let on?

Actually, if she was supposed to just rehash everything she did, was that going to get boring? Was sex, the holy grail, the coca-cola in the middle of the desert, the inspiration for thousands of poems and stories, the reason people gave their lives away in the middle ages because they couldn't keep it in their pants, really that monotonous?

It was a thought that persisted in Emma's mind all throughout the day, even just an hour before her scheduled date with the rich girl, at some fancy restaurant she couldn't even pronounce the name of downtown. As she was starting to get ready, Gabriella noticed her odd behavior.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah. I'm good." Emma replied.

"Hey, come on, talk to me. What's going on?"

"I just..." Emma breathed in. "I don't know what I'm doing."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, Lindsey and I haven't had to spend any time alone, just talking. What if she doesn't like me? Hell, what if I don't like her?"

"The way that girl looks at you, I highly doubt that." Gabriella drifted closer to where Emma was sitting on the couch. She sat down next to her and threw her arm around Emma's strong back. "And if you don't like her, you've got options. It's fine."

"I mean..." Emma continued. "Not just that... Like, what if I'm not... Enough."


"Like, in bed." Emma blushed a tad bit. Gabriella, on the other hand, had her jaw firmly on the floor.

"You're joking."

"No, seriously. Yesterday, there were all these emotions, all these things that went into it before we even got naked, maybe it was all just a mental thing. What if it's passed? What if it doesn't feel that way now that we're, like, normal and shit?"

"Emma." Gabriella stated. Emma turned her head to her and was shocked to find Gabriella's lips on hers.

Emma's eyes were wide as Gabriella's lips flowed against hers. She was currently wearing the sleeveless red dress she had bought earlier, so Gabriella's hands were lustfully groping her muscles, worshiping the girl's body.

All it took was a few seconds of aggressive lip-locking for Emma to get hard, but she was confused. What was Gabriella doing? She resisted the urge to put Gabriella on her lap because if they... Got going, there was no chance of Emma going on that date. Luckily though, with one resounding smack, Gabriella eased away.

"Yep." Gabriella said. "I had to test it before I told you." She stared into Emma's soul before continuing. "Listen, Emma. I'm a hoe. Like, an A-1, first to die in a horror movie, 4.0 GPA hoe. I've done all kinds of shit. Get fucked in a nightclub bathroom? Been there, done that. Sleep with a guy on the first date? Amateur shit to me. I once blew a boyfriend's dad, and kissed my boyfriend with the same mouth his dad came inside of on the same day."

"Gross, by the way. Did not need to know that." Emma interrupted.

"My point being, when I say that if you don't count yesterday, right now, I'm the most turned on I've been in... Honestly years, it should mean something to you. You're special, Emma. You could have anyone you want, and you don't even know it." Gabriella smiled. "Lindsey is going to like whatever you do. Trust me."

Right then, a message appeared on Emma's phone.

~Lindsey~: Hey, I'm heading out now, I'm so excited!

Emma smiled down at her phone and texted back.

Me: Same!! Omw.

She hit "send" and locked her phone. Standing up, Gabriella realized Emma's time to leave had come. She was about to say goodbye and walk out of the house, but an idea emerged. If she was going on a date, she may as well get some practice in beforehand, right?

Emma grabbed Gabriella by the wrists and pinned her against the wall.


"Listen, I appreciate the pep talk, but the next time you kiss me like that you better be ready to get fucked." She breathed out. "You just teased the shit outta me."

"If it's what I have to do to see more of this version of you, you can expect plenty more of that." Gabriella grinned back.

"Oh you're sooooo getting it when I get back."

"Looking forward to it."



Hey all, so yes, I WILL be continuing the story due to the overwhelmingly positive comments so far. Not gonna lie, I did not expect the kind reactions. Thanks to everyone who's made it this far! As I had said before, I originally only had those 3 chapters planned, but after thinking about it, I realized how much potential this world, and Emma's life have to be expanded on. So, no spoilers, but in the future, I do wanna do things with her Swim Team, Gabriella's cheerleader friends, Melanie, and more, also really explore this polyamorous relationship we're starting to see. Again, thanks for everything!

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Wrestlingfan51Wrestlingfan51almost 3 years ago

too bad Melanie/Emma never happened.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This really is looking super promising. While I get the whole, the protag does everyone trope (definitely not a bad one), are you thinking about adding some side couples?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I agree with Kyle suffering. I hope you don't add him or any dudes to the mix. Please. Great story so far. Not a fan of guys in the mix though, that was my only dislike about the party.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Make it happen plz!

I would really really like to see somthing bad happen to Kyle though in future chapters. Is that such a bad thing to wish 4?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Prom Night

If you decide to do the Prom trope I want to see Ema taking her girls to the dance on a leash XD

jmkuehnjmkuehnover 4 years ago
A little tease

I get the necessity of this kind of chapter and I love that you are continuing. I hope you do expand Emma's list of conquests. After her performance lots of girls are going to throw themselves at her. I'm sure she has wrecked her first 2 for any other cock. Looking forward to more. I would like to see Lindsey grow more and more addicted to the dominance Emma showed in their first encounter.

IrvingParkeIrvingParkeover 4 years ago

Great to see this continue! There are so many possibilities to explore. Looking forward to the future installments!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Lindsey & Emma's First Date

I hope for their first date that it will be one filled emotion and of sweet moments. I was a bit disappointed to see Lindsey become a 'sex slave' so quickly. For she was introduce to us as an independent person who didn't care about social groups. She was her own person and spoke her mind. And at times Emma seemed to be daunted with Lindsey's words ( Kissing in public at school ) and actions ( Consoling her after being cheated on and not afraid of kissing her back ). I feel like these two complement each other very well. I want their first date to be so emotionally intense but yet I want Lindsey to be a strong individual with pride.

With that, Thank You so much for creating this wonderful series and for crafting these compelling characters!

kimmy2kimmy2almost 5 years ago
Loved it

Please continue, I have saved in my favorites

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