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Holly and Snowflakes Pt. 01


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Holly raked her damp curls back from her face, gazing down at him, into his eyes dark with need. She nodded her head, trying to catch her breath, her hands caressing his cheek, his neck. She could feel his hard cock throbbing against her pussy through the thin layers of fleece they both had on, feeling his tight grip on her butt loosen only to caress the rounded curve of her cheek, first one and then the other, squeezing them hard. "Sorry, it's been a while since I've-" her apology turned to a moan as both of his hands slid under her shirt, caressing the length of her back, dragging it up as they inched higher and higher, his thumbs caressing the sides of her breasts that ached for his touch. She opened her mouth against his, her tongue gliding along his bottom lip, catching it between her teeth, her tongue sliding along his as she kissed him, a moan escaping her as she flattened her breasts against his chest, kissing him harder as the ache between her legs only grew stronger, and without thinking, nor heeding to his warning, she ground her aching pussy against his cock again, trying to ease her own desires.

"Fuck," he swore, tearing his mouth away from hers, hearing her tiny laugh of defiance turn to a moan as he dug his fingers into her ass again, lifting her hips, easing the pressure on his cock. He could see now that she was going to be a handful. His voice was strained when he spoke, his breath hot against her ear. "Someone doesn't listen very well, do they?" he growled. And when she bit her bottom lip and shook her head, he kissed her again, but this time, it was a long, slow, lingering kiss that had her sinking against him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

He curled his fingers into the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head, watching with hungry eyes as inch after inch of pale skin was exposed to his gaze. From the curve of her narrow waist and her taut, flat belly, up to the heavy fullness of her perfectly shaped breasts to her coral-colored areolas and hard protruding nipples. He cupped one ass cheek in his hand, fingers digging in just slightly, holding her still, as he lightly traced the size and shape of her upturned breasts with the other, admiring them with nothing but pure masculine pleasure. He dragged his finger over one puckered nipple, a groan of approval coming from him, as he watched the nub of flesh harden even more, hearing her gasp. He closed his hand over that large globe, squeezing her nipple between the inside of his thumb and forefinger as he bent his head, running the tip of his tongue up curve of her breast and flicking it over her other nipple, before closing his mouth around her puckered areola, sucking, feeling her nipple harden even more against his tongue.

Holly gasped, a small cry escaping her parted lips when she felt his large hand cup her breast and lightly squeeze her nipple as it hardened even more, her cry turning to a low moan when his mouth took possession of her other nipple. Two past fumbling boyfriends had nothing on Gabe, he was definitely a man, because he sure as hell knew what he was doing. She curled her fingers into the short, blond locks on the top of his head, moaning, arching against his mouth as he drew strongly on her nipple that was quickly becoming sensitive under his masterful touch, bathing it with his tongue. She felt another surge of wet heat flood her core, soaking into her pajama pants and she bit her lip, trying to suppress her cries of pleasure, watching as he slowly let her nipple slide from the graze of his teeth, only to gasp when she felt him slowly draw the tip of his tongue over its twin that was held between his thumb and forefinger. "Gabe," she whispered in a breathy moan as he kissed his way up the side of her neck, nipping at her heated flesh. She curled her fingers into his shirt, pulling it up, desperate to feel his skin against hers.

Gabe let go of her long enough to yank his shirt over his head in one fluid motion, tossing it aside before burying his hand in her hair again, kissing her, his other hand greedily caressing the sleek length of her back and the side of her soft, firm breast, as she arched against him, plumping her breasts against the solid wall of his chest. Oh, she felt so good, sitting astride his lap, her moans making it impossible for him to even think anymore. He slid his hands lower, dipping his fingers into the rolled waistband of her pajama pants, swallowing her moan as he caressed her bare buttocks before digging his fingers into the fleshiest part of her ass and squeezing. He broke the kiss, dragging in a ragged breath as he pressed his forehead against hers, a groan rolling up from his chest as her soft hands caressed his heated skin.

Holly skimmed her hands over the breadth of his broad shoulders and down his muscular arms, slowly trailing them back up his tattooed skin, her fingertips tracing the indentation that bisected his muscles. Detailed feathers of angel wings branded him from the middle of his forearms, up his biceps to the front of his shoulders and around to his back. "Mmmm," she sounded in approval, as she glided her hands over his pecs, her fingers brushing over his nipples. She slowly ran her hands over the hard, well-defined muscles of his chest and abdomen, feeling them flex beneath her touch, hearing him groan as she lightly scratched his taut skin with her nails.

There wasn't an ounce of fat on him, all muscle and strength, all brawn and beauty. She watched as she slid her hand dangerously lower over his washboard abs to the waistband of his pajama pants, her gaze intently focused on the considerable bulge of his erection trapped under the fleece. Before her hand could even touch it, she found herself on her back with him looming over her. Her surprised gasp turned to a smile but that smile faded, and she bit her lip when she saw the look of pure hunger on his face. She ran her hands along his sides, heard his low growl of warning and she glided her hands up his back instead of the opposite direction.

Gabe held his weight on his knees and forearm as he loomed over her and wedged one muscled thigh between hers, pinning her to the couch with just the intimidating size of his body. He cupped the side of her face in his hand, staring down into her eyes filled with so much desire, at her full parted lips as she drew in much needed air, at her breasts as they rose and fell on her chest. It had been too long for him, and he was afraid that he was going too fast but when he saw the look on her face, the same hunger in her eyes that burned inside him, he knew there was no turning back, knew she felt the same way. He struggled to catch his own breath as he lowered his head and pressed a soft kiss to the side of her mouth. "I want you so fuckin' bad," he grated out, his breath hot against her skin. "I haven't been able to think straight all night."

Holly slowly bent her knee that was trapped between him and the back of the couch, sliding her leg along his side until her thigh was wedged under his arm, digging her heel into the couch and arching her hips, pressing her groin against his abdomen, hearing his groan of approval, or warning? She reached up with both hands and sifted her fingers through his hair, running the pad of her thumbs over the ridge of his cheekbones, trailing one finger down the side of his jaw to his chin, pressing her fingertip into the deep cleft. "You've had me ever since you came to my rescue," she confessed, lifting her head the scant millimeter it took to press her lips to his. She kissed him softly at first, moaning when he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue past hers and delving deep into her mouth, kissing her senseless. She curled her fingers into his hair and drew in a deep breath as his mouth left hers to kiss a hot, wet and well sucked trail down her neck to her breasts.

Gabe pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses to her soft skin, caressing her breasts, dragging his thumb back and forth over her hard nipple then with his tongue, gliding his hand lower down her concave belly to sneak under the waistband of her pants. He inched his fingers lower, hearing her gasp turn to a moan as she arched her hips, his fingers gliding over the top of her smooth mound. He swore under his breath and hefted his weight off her, kneeling on the couch as he tugged her pants over her hips and down her legs, flinging them aside. He ran his hands up the length of her long legs, admiring their slenderness in the flickering firelight, sliding his hands along the outside of her thighs, over the tops and back down to her knees. He cupped the underside of her knees in his hands and gently lifted her legs higher and parted them, pinning one knee against the back of the couch with his shoulder and running his hand along the inside of her other thigh, pushing it further away, opening her to his greedy gaze.

He stared down at her swollen flesh glistening in the firelight, and slowly caressed her smooth vulva, hearing her breathy moan as he slid his fingers up and down, teasing but not appeasing, stroking her, feeling her hips start to rise, begging him for a firmer touch. He gently eased his middle and third finger between the lips of her swollen labia, parting her wet flesh wider, caressing her slick, swollen pussy, feeling her juices coat his fingers as he slowly slid them up and down, teasing her, arousing her even more as her flesh grew even slicker, his fingers slipping easily along her creamy folds.

He bent his head, pressing a kiss to her temple. "You're so fuckin' wet I can hear it," he growled against her ear, slowly increasing the tempo of his fingers, feeling her hips lift higher to press against his hand as her need for him intensified. He stroked her a little faster, tormenting her, not touching her where she needed it the most, hearing her breath catch in her throat. He slipped his fingers lower and, without warning, push one thick finger into her creamy vagina, retreating, pushing even deeper, rubbing her swollen clitoris with the pad of his thumb. He groaned when she tightened her pelvic muscles around his finger. "Fuck, you're tight."

Holly moaned, squirming beneath him. Her leg was pinned under his shoulder and her other one was splayed wide, and she dug her heel into the cushion, lifting her hips, pressing her aching pussy against his hand as his thick fingers stroked her wet flesh like no one ever had before. She was sopping wet, she could feel it running out of her, could hear the erotic sound of his fingers as he slid them up and down between the swollen folds of her pussy. She moaned, lifting her hips, desperately trying to get his fingers where she needed them the most, on her... "Fu-uck," she cried out when she felt him push one thick finger into her slick vagina, ease it out and push it back in even deeper and she clamped her muscles down around it, hearing his own groan.

She dug her nails into his shoulders, pressing her forehead into his neck, biting back a moan as the pad of his thumb, slick with her own juices, slid over her sensitive clit, circling, rubbing the tiny nub, exposing more of it to his touch, rubbing faster and sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. She cried out, her hips undulating under his hand, as her orgasm crested and waned, trying to relieve the pressure of his hand, but he wasn't relenting, and his thick finger pushed against a spot deep inside of her, rubbing back and forth.

Holly set her heel into the cushion, arching hard against his hand as she felt a white-hot pleasure she had never experienced before, seize her completely and she cried out, louder this time. She dug her nails into his biceps as her whole body shuddered, as her second orgasm, more powerful than the first, rolled through her body, curling her toes, her juices gushing from her and soaking his hand. She sank down into the cushion, her entire body limp and quivering as she struggled to catch her breath. "Gabe," she whispered on a broken breath, feeling him slowly withdraw his finger only to softly caress all along her wet and still aching pussy.

He kissed her sweaty temple, brushing her hair back from her face as his fingers, still nestled in between the swollen and sopping wet folds of her labia, softly caressed her as she slowly came down from her body-shaking orgasm. He had a feeling that the guys she had been with before, if there had even been more than one, knew anything about how to properly fuck a woman. He slowly drew his fingers out from between the warm folds of her pussy, hearing a tiny cry escape her as he lightly brushed her sensitive clit, and brought his fingers up between them, glistening wet with her musky juices.

He slid his fingers back and forth across her parted lips, painting them with her essence, groaning as the tip of her tongue followed close behind. He sucked the rest of her nectar from his fingers, tasting her, and kissed her softly, making a rumbling sound of satisfaction against her lips. He was too old to be doing this on a couch. "Bedroom," he said, pushing himself up and off the couch. He bent down, slid one arm under her knees and the other one around her back, lifting her weak, flushed body effortlessly into his strong arms and against his chest, carrying her to his bedroom.

Holly curled her arm around his neck, pressing soft kisses against his neck, his jaw, his ear, as he whisked her away to his bedroom. The room was bathed in a glow from the shared fireplace, the curtains drawn closed over the windows, a dimmed light coming from a floor lamp in the farthest corner of the room. She caressed this side of his face, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth as he carried her over to the king-sized bed that dominated the room, letting go of her legs so she could kneel on the mattress. She slowly licked her bottom lip, looking up at him, into his eyes that were dark with desire. She reached out and flattened her hands to his chest, feeling it heave under her touch as he drew in several deep breaths, caressing his smooth flesh over hard muscle.

She watched as he toed off his slippers, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his pajama pants and eased them down over his narrow hips and erect cock, pushing them down his muscular thighs, and stepping out of them. She lowered her gaze to his heavy scrotum and higher to the hard length of his impressive cock, throbbing from the blood that coursed through the distended veins that interlaced it. A bead of precum seeped out of the slit, glistening at the tip of the smooth, swollen purplish-red glans and turned into a trickle as his cock twitched, running down the side.

She looked back up at him as she slowly trailed her hand lower, feeling his muscles clench, half expecting him to growl in protest as her fingers got dangerously lower and lower. She heard his sudden intake of breath as she wrapped her hand around the girth of his cock, her fingers and thumb nowhere near touching, he was so thick. There was no way he was going to fit inside of her and no way she was going to back out now. She looked up at him, her gaze holding his as she slowly stroked the length of his hot, hard and throbbing flesh, feeling the trickle of precum run down onto her fingers when her hand reached the base of the glans, running her thumb along the underside of the smooth head, his low, rumbling groan echoing through the room.

Her hunger for him had yet to subside, her body aching right down to her very core. She stroked his cock again, feeling another, heavier stream of precum run along her fingers. She let go of his cock and brought her hand up, slowly licking the clear, slightly sweet fluid from the length of her fingers, her eyes holding his as she reached up with her other hand and curled it around the back of his neck, pulling his head down as she arched closer, the tip of her tongue flavored with his arousal, flicking over his top lip. "Gabriel," she whispered against his mouth, "I need you."

Gabe groaned at the taste of his own arousal sweetened even more by her tongue as it slid across his lip and then into his mouth. He fisted his hand into her hair, kissing her as he reached down and hooked his other hand under her knees, swiftly pulling her legs out from under her as he lowered her down to the mattress, kneeing her thighs apart as he dropped his weight between them. He kissed her hard, his tongue forcing her mouth open wider, swallowing her moan as her arms wrapped around him, one sleek thigh sliding up the length of his side, the arch of her other foot anchored to his calf as she arched her back, pressing her hips hard against his, feeling his hard cock throb against her soft belly. He pressed a hot, open-mouthed kiss to her ear as his hand closed hotly around her breast, dragging his thumb back and forth over her hard nipple. "I know, baby," he whispered, his already deep voice taking on an even deeper, raspier tone. "I need you, too."

Holly's gasp turned to a moan as he trailed hot, wet kisses down her body yet again, her fingers fisting into his hair as the tip of his tongue bathed first one nipple and then the other, drawing hard upon them with his mouth, her hips undulating beneath him, the ache in her pussy growing even stronger. She watched as his head slid lower, sucking in her breath as his tongue flicked over her concave abdomen, followed by a hot, open-mouth kiss. Her breathing grew even choppier when she felt his mouth press against her skin just above her smooth mound, felt his hands glide down the back of her thighs, pushing them up and wide apart.

She dug her heels into the mattress, her nails digging into his scalp at the feel of his hot breath against her wet flesh. "Gabe," she moaned, in protest, trying to scoot away from him but he grabbed her hip with one strong hand, his muscled forearm holding her immobile. "No one... You can't... I don't... oh, fuck," she stammered, her words turning to a sharp cry when she felt his other hand slide along the swollen flesh of her labia, felt two fingers slip between the blood-filled and soaking wet lips, parting her wider, sliding up and down, caressing her again. His fingers felt so fucking good, and she groaned in protest, in need, as his thick fingers stroked her, sliding over her still sensitive clitoris, quickly pushing her towards another orgasm.

He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her mound, breathing in the intoxicating scent of her pussy. Her protests fell on deaf ears as he locked one forearm over her hips to keep her from wiggling away, parting her sopping wet flesh with the other hand. He slowly caressed all along the slick fold of her labia, her juices coating his fingers, hearing her moans turn to cries of need. And he knew exactly what she needed.

He parted the swollen lips of her labia wider with his slick fingers, exposing her distended and glistening clitoris and bent his head, slipping his tongue in between her folds, giving her a long, slow lick, flicking the tip of his tongue over her hypersensitive clitoris, the potent taste of her arousal going straight to his cock, throbbing hard against his abdomen. He locked his mouth over her pussy, licking her, sucking on her sensitive clit, lapping up her creaminess as she grew even wetter under the ministrations of his knowledgeable tongue, moaning against her wet flesh as her hips arched under his mouth, her cries begging him for release. He slid his finger deep into her vagina, finding her sweet spot and rubbing it with just enough pressure to... make her scream.

Holly fought him, fought the sensations that spiraled up through her body. She gasped for breath, her hand clutching at his arm that was locked over her stomach only to have that hand grasp hers, her fingers curling hard around the back of his hand as she laced their fingers together, fisting her other hand into the sheet. She dug her heels into the mattress, her hips arching, pressing her aching pussy against his face as his tongue lapped and his mouth sucked up her juices. And then she felt the welcome invasion of that thick finger again, felt it press into the swollen wall of her vagina in just the right spot, rubbing back and forth as he sucked on her sensitive clit, flicking the tip of his tongue over it again and again.


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