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Holy Convent of Virginal Purity

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Sister Mary Elizabeth leaves the convent for love.
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A good sister turned bad; Sister Mary Elizabeth is turned to the dark side of sexual evil by having willing, albeit reluctant sex, with her parishioner's son, George.

"Hail Mary, full of grace," Sister Mary Elizabeth prayed every night. "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit," she prayed every day. "Dear Lord, save me from the Devil's perversely perverted sexual temptations. Give me the strength to say, 'No!' Stop me from having sex with priests and parishioners. Stop me from having sexual thoughts. Save me from myself. Stop me from having forbidden sex."

# # #

George was in the bathroom getting ready to masturbate over the forbidden, sexual thoughts of Sister Mary Elizabeth while imagining her naked and having sex with her. Sitting on the toilet with his pants down around his ankles, and his lubrication crème next to him on the sink counter, he needed to cum. Then, the phone rang. Unable to get up off the toilet and pull up his pants in time to answer the phone, he heard, of all people, Sister Mary Elizabeth's voice leaving a message.

"Hi Edna. Father Mark asked me to check in on you. You haven't been to mass in a few weeks and he's worried about you. Unless you call me back to cancel, I'll be at your house in 30-minutes," she said.

Too late to get the phone, when he heard the message, he allowed her to leave a message without interruption. No longer interested in masturbating himself, George jumped up from the toilet but instead of getting dressed, he stripped himself naked. He grabbed his too small bathrobe, one that he had always wore before he started lifting weights and working out, and when he weighed fifty-pounds less.

A change of plans. Now, intent on flashing Sister Mary Elizabeth his naked prick, giving him fodder to masturbate over later, if he couldn't have sex with her, he'd flash her. If only to see her shocked reaction to seeing his naked, erect dick, he'd show her his naked prick. Then, later, after she left, he'd masturbate over her seeing his naked cock while imagining her naked and having sex with her.

'Wow,' he thought!

He quickly wet his hair as feigned evidence that he had just gotten out the shower. He was sexually excited that Sister Mary Elizabeth was coming to his house when his mother wasn't home and he was home alone. With him alone with her, long enough to flash her, already planning his flashing moves, he ran downstairs to watch for her arrival from the living room window.

'I can't believe Sister Mary Elizabeth is coming here. My sexual fantasy come true; God help me, I can't believe I'm going to do the forbidden. I'm going to show a Catholic Sister my naked cock. I wonder if my naked prick will be the first naked prick she's ever seen. I wonder what her reaction will be when she sees it. I wonder if she'll look, stare, or look away before she runs screaming from my house,' he thought. 'No matter, I've always wanted to flash a Catholic Sister.'

# # #

Sister Mary Elizabeth, a sister from the Holy Convent of Virginal Purity, was asked to pay a visit on Edna, George's, elderly mother, and one of her elderly parishioners. She rang the bell and, having not seen one another in years, she seemed surprised that Edna's son, George, was home. He was as nervous seeing her as he was sexually excited. It was more than 20-years since he saw her last.

When they were both 18-years-old, before she gave her life to God, they had attended Catholic high school together. They went to the senior prom together. Making out with her, he felt her up in the backseat of his father's station wagon and sucked her naked breasts. Then, while in the Army, even with him having had sex with women in Rome, London, Paris, and Bangkok, with her quite the skilled and experienced cocksucker, she gave him the best blowjob he ever had.

Not stopping there, before she became a sister of the Holy Convent of Virginal Purity, she stroked his prick, sucked his prick, and allowed him to cum in her mouth, and with her not a spitter, she swallowed his cum. With them having had a sexual history, he couldn't wait to see Sister Mary Elizabeth again. Retired from the military after serving twenty-years with the United States Army, he immediately opened the front door to warmly greet the good sister.

As children growing up together, he knew her from the neighborhood when she was just Mary Elizabeth and before she became Sister Mary Elizabeth. He was always sexually attracted to her then as he still was now. Lucky enough to attend the senior prom together, he always wanted to date her but with him joining the Army at 18-years-old and her giving her life to God, their lives parted in two different directions. It was kismet that they lived in the same neighborhood at the same place, at the same time, and were together again.

Pretending that he hadn't heard her phone message, he acted as if he was unaware that she was paying his mother a visit and surprised to see her. Having already listened to the phone message three times if only to hear the sound of her soft, sweet voice, he'd pay her good money to give him phone sex. Playing his game of exhibitionism, he acted surprised that she was at his door.

His mother was out for the day visiting a sick friend. She wouldn't be home until sometime tomorrow. Only, instead of returning Sister Mary Elizabeth's call to cancel her visit, he didn't tell the good sister that his mother wasn't home. Instead, always wanting to get Sister Mary Elizabeth alone, he didn't return her call. If he told her the truth about his mother not being home, no doubt, not wanting to be alone unescorted with a man, she never would have visited. If she had visited, she would have immediately left to return another day.

'This is it. Show time,' he thought when he opened the front door. 'A day that I'll always remember and will masturbate over for the rest of my life, this is the day that I'll be exposing myself to Sister Mary Elizabeth. I wonder if she'll look, stare, or look away.'

# # #

Ever since he had sex with her at the senior prom more than 20-years ago, before she became, Sister Mary Elizabeth, he wanted to continue dating her. He wanted to marry her and raise a family together with her. Yet, not to be, instead of hanging around the neighborhood and getting in trouble, he joined the Army.

He figured when he returned home from traveling the world, if she was still available, he'd date her, marry her, and have children with her. He was surprised to learn from his mother that she secluded herself in the convent and became Sister Mary Elizabeth. Disappointed and brokenhearted, he still carried a torch for her.

Now, forbidden to have sex with a sister, relegated to masturbating over her while imagining her naked and having sex with him, he had to lust over her from afar. Of all of the woman in the world, it was fruitless to be sexually attracted to a Catholic Sister of God. Especially after all of these years, it was ludicrous to think that she'd still be sexually interested in him. It was ludicrous to think that she'd give up her religion and forsake God for a mere moral man. Yet, at least he had that one night of sexual passion with her.

Unable to help himself from sexually lusting over her and wanting her, she was so beautiful. She was so sexy. Even more than that, a sister from the Holy Convent of Virginal Purity, as if he wanted to have sex with the Virgin Mary herself, sexually hot to the touch, she was off-limits and so very forbidden. Unless Hell froze over, and Hell became Heaven and Heaven became Hell, she'd never have sex with him.

With their roles reversed, as if he was a woman ready to expose herself, and Sister Mary Elizabeth was the pizza delivery man, he pretended that he was just out of the shower. Carrying his ruse further in making her think that she caught him by surprise, he even wet his hair before he answered the door. He nonchalantly dried his wet hair with a towel while she was there.

Unbeknownst to her, with her not knowing that he was an exhibitionist his exhibitionism was planned in advance. With him the pervert and her the victim, if he couldn't have sex with her, and if he couldn't be with her, then, he was intent on exposing himself to her. With his mother not home and with him home alone, a perfect opportunity to show her his cock, he couldn't have planned this any better.

His customary flashing attire, he was dressed only in a too, small bathrobe, a robe he had since a teenager. Because of his broad shoulders and big chest, it was a bathrobe that no longer properly fit and closed all the way. Unless he held it closed with his hand, it always remained opened. Yet, instead of discarding it, he saved it to use for flashing.

Not even having the moral modesty and modest decency to wear underwear beneath his robe, as if ready and hoping for sexual action, he wasn't wearing anything under his robe. But for a robe that continually fell open, he was nakedly exposed. Whenever he stood, walked, sat, or raised his arms to talk with his hands, his bathrobe parted open enough to expose his penis to the religious sister.

'God help her,' he thought. 'While making my flashes appear accidental, Sister Mary Elizabeth is going to see my naked prick. I can't wait for her to see my cock.'

# # #

"Oh, my. What a surprise. Hi George," she said. "I didn't know you still lived here. How are you? I haven't seen you in years," she said.

He smiled at her warmly as if he was undressing her with his eyes and he was. Then, rubbing his nearly, naked prick against her, he hugged her. She returned his hug while his cock, hiding behind his bathroom, suddenly came alive. Until she pulled away, his growing erection throbbed and pulsated against her.

"I've been in the Army but I recently retired to care for my Mom. She's been having a difficult time with her health issues," he said making his retirement seem altruistic. "Cheaper than putting her in a nursing home, she needs my help around the house with things."

She returned his warm smile with her warm smile but avoided looking down at his bathrobe that had already partially parted opened enough to expose her his naked prick.

"I'm here to pay a courtesy, health visit to your mother. She's been absent from church the past few weeks. Father Mark was concerned for her well-being and asked me to stop in and check on her."

He nodded his head.

"That's very nice of you but, I can assure you that, she's fine," he said.

# # #

Instead of telling Sister Mary Elizabeth that his mother wasn't ill, he told her that the reason for her absence from church was because had been visiting her sick friends. Unexpectedly surprised to see him, she paused to look at him while smiling. Then, unable to help herself from looking down, when she looked down and saw his bare legs and that he was in his bathrobe, she appeared uncomfortably embarrassed. Then, when she noticed a growing, pulsating, and throbbing bulge behind his bathrobe, obviously, suspecting that he was naked under his robe, she blushed and appeared even more uncomfortable.

Wishing he could have forbidden sex with her, yet, better than nothing, this was his one and only chance to expose himself to her. Not about to miss this opportunity to flash her his cock, he was determined for her to see his naked prick. Yet, with her a Catholic Sister, and deserving more respect than what he was about to give her, clearly, she looked surprised that he opened the front door wearing nothing more than a bathrobe and slippers.

Quickly inviting her inside, George opened the door wider to allow the good and kind, Catholic sister admittance and quickly closed the door behind her. He didn't want the neighbors to see him entertaining a woman, especially a Catholic sister. Especially with him dressed only in a bathrobe, he didn't want to give the neighbors the wrong impression, albeit the right impression.

Even without anyone coming forward to file a formal, police complaint, he already had the reputation in the neighborhood of deliberately exposing himself to unsuspecting women. Some women who saw his naked prick were shocked, offended, and embarrassed to see a surprised flash of a man's naked penis. Conversely, with him a good-looking man who stayed in shape from jogging while in the Army, some women were interested enough to stare and even leer at his naked dick.

Then, there were those women who took advantage of the flashing opportunity and willingly had sex with him. A hit or miss proposition, he never knew which women would be offended by seeing his naked prick and which women would be sexually aroused by seeing a flash of his cock. Yet, no doubt, his saving grace from being reported to the police, pretending that he was unaware that he was exposing himself, he always went out of his way to make his flashes appear accidental instead of deliberate.

His favorite women to expose himself to were unsuspecting women who suddenly appeared at his front door. Whether they were someone looking for him to sign a petition, a female Jehovah's Witness, women going door-to-door selling something, or a real estate agent hoping to drum up business, he'd flash them his cock. Before flashing them, he'd invite them in and while acting interested in whatever they were saying or whatever they were selling. Then, a shocking surprise, he'd flash them his naked prick while making his flash appear accidental and unintentional.

It sexually excited him to see their varied reactions to unexpectedly albeit deliberately seeing his naked prick. Some women looked aghast, embarrassed, and quickly left. Other women, in the way that a man would look if a woman was deliberately exposing herself to him, stayed, stared, and leered.

Then, some sexually aggressive and sexually aroused women actually reached out their hand to touch him, stroke him, suck him, and even fuck him. Before flashing them, always surprised by their unexpected reaction, he never knew what their reaction would be to seeing what they shouldn't see of him. Especially while wearing his too small bathrobe, he had become expert at flashing women his naked prick without them ever suspecting that he had deliberately flashed them.

# # #

"Please, come in sister," he said motioning her to the sofa in the living room. "My mother is at the doctor but she'll be home momentarily," he said lying while drying his hair with a towel. "She'll be so happy to see you."

Every time he rubbed his head to dry his hair with his towel, his bathrobe deliberately parted open at the waist and his swinging, flaccid penis peeked out of his bathrobe and became visible. Curious to see her reaction, every time he rubbed his hair, he deliberately exposed his naked prick to her. He gave the sister a surprised and impromptu show of his naked dick. She absentmindedly glanced down at what he was showing and what she was seeing.

'She saw my prick. Sister Mary Elizabeth saw my naked cock,' he thought. 'I can't wait to masturbate over flashing her later.'

Then, when she didn't seem embarrassed or ashamed, when she not only looked but stared and didn't leave, he continued flashing her his flaccid prick. Then, as if she had never seen a man's naked prick before, when she leered at his naked prick instead of looking away, he knew that he had a live one. Instead of being embarrassed, flustered, or uncomfortable, in the way that a woman stared at a CFNM stripper at a nude, male strip show, she seemed sexually aroused and interested to see more of his naked dick.

'Clearly, Sister Mary Elizabeth likes what she sees,' he thought while willing to be even more sexually aggressive with his flashing. 'She likes seeing my naked cock as much as I'm enjoying showing her my naked cock. I never thought she'd look. I never thought she'd stared. I figured that she'd leave as soon as she saw my naked dick.'

With her seemingly being enamored with his naked prick, he wondered if he sexually teased her enough if she'd touch his penis and fondle his penis. He wondered if she'd give him a hand job, a holy hand job. He'd love to watch Sister Mary Elizabeth finger the head of his cock before slowly stroking him. He'd love to watch her stroking him harder and faster. He'd love to cum for Sister Mary Elizabeth. He'd love to cream her hand while cumming all over the crucifix that she proudly displayed around her neck.

'Bless me Father, for I have sinned,' he imagined saying while confessing what he did with Sister Mary Elizabeth to Father Mark, his parish priest. 'I intentionally exposed myself to Sister Mary Elizabeth. I allowed her to masturbate me," he imagined saying.

He imagined Father Mark squirming in his seat. Perhaps, something that good father had already done with her or had always wanted to do with her, he appeared to be more sexually excited than surprised that George had exposed himself to Sister Mary Elizabeth. No doubt, any man, even a priest would love to have sex with Sister Mary Elizabeth.

"Then, unable to help myself, with her giving me a great hand job while allowing me to feel her breasts through her blouse, I ejaculated all over her hand. Then, I shot a second load of cum all over the crucifix of Jesus Christ.'

Father Mark laughed.

'It's okay, my Son. God forgives you. He understands that Sister Mary Elizabeth is a hard temptation to resist. Every time she blows me and I cum in her mouth and all over her face. I'm on my knees that night and all the next morning asking God to forgive me until I have her suck my cock again,' he imagined the priest saying with a shrug of his shoulders.

# # #

After he imagined what the priest said, he wondered if Sister Mary Elizabeth would give him a blowjob, too. He'd love her to give him a holy blowjob while giving him a holy hand job. A memory that he'd never forget for the rest of his life, it's been twenty-years since she sucked his cock. It's been twenty-years since she allowed him to cum in her mouth. He'd love to see her on her knees not to pray but to suck him.

He'd love to cum in her holy mouth again while fondling her naked breasts and fingering her erect nipples. Not thinking that she was a virgin, with her the neighborhood slut back then, he wondered if she was still a slut now. Surely, someone as pretty and a sexy as she was had already had a stiff dick not only in her hand but also in her mouth and in her pussy, too.

While imagining her stroking him and sucking him, he'd love for her to blow him while he had his sexual way with her big, naked tits. He'd love to not only cum in her mouth again but also give her a cum bath, too. He'd love to cum all over her pretty face and in her blonde hair. He'd love to cum all over her naked tits. He'd love to watch his cum dripping from her hair, her nose, and her chin.

He'd love to eat her pussy. He'd love to finger her pussy while licking her cunt. He'd love to give her multiple orgasms with his fingers, his tongue, and his cock. He'd love to make love to her before fucking her.

'I love you, Sister Mary Elizabeth. I wish I never left to join the Army. Yet, intent on joining the Holy Convent of Virginal Purity, she was so very religious back then. In the way that I was willing to give my life to my country, she was willing to give her life to God,' he thought.

While fucking her hard and fast, he'd love to cum in her pussy. He'd love to have anal sex with her. As if he owned her submissive, naked, and religious body, as if the Devil made him to it, he'd love to fuck her in her ass while fondling her naked breasts and fingering her erect nipples. He'd love to make her his cum slut. He'd love to ejaculate gobs of cum not only in her mouth and in her pussy but in her ass, too.

'Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God,' he imagined her saying as if she was on her knees praying instead of having forbidden sex with him.

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