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Finding freedom within my own four walls.
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It was the summer after my senior year of high school and at 18 years old I was presented with the opportunity to rent a three bedroom, two bath house in the country by my boss, who recently had his previous tenant move out. The rent was very affordable and I enjoyed the space as it afforded me great privacy. It didn't take long after moving in that I soon rediscovered the thrill almost everyone experiences of walking around nude when home alone, except I was always alone so I stayed clothes free pretty much all the time.

Over the summer I developed a few habits because of my love of wandering around the house in my most natural state, I would wake up every morning and simply hop out of bed for coffee without worrying about putting any clothes on, if I happened to have clothes on before a shower, I'd simply drop them wherever the mood struck me, then spend the rest of the day without them. Soon I began to do my weekly grocery run on Fridays so that I could enjoy my entire weekend without a stitch covering me, even taking the exhilarating few steps outside off my back porch and walking around in the moonlight late at night, or enjoying the peacefulness of the early morning with my coffee in hand.

Before long I found myself feeling much more comfortable in my own body, something that was completely new to me as I'd always been very self conscious due to my weight (or lack thereof) and general skinniness that stuck around no matter how much I worked out or ate. At 5'11" and 120 pounds soaking wet I always felt like less of a man around my peers, but after awhile of living as a nudist in my own private space I came to realize that it didn't much matter, I had my own body and I shouldn't be ashamed of it, that some people would even like how I looked, though few had ever seen me outside of jeans and a t-shirt.

As they say however, all good things must come to an end, and with only a month left in the hot season I received a call from my best friend, Mark, who decided to move back home after spending the summer out of state with relatives. His plan was to go to college, but that fell through when his uncle took a new job and sold the house. Mark hadn't seen my new house yet, and wanted to come visit that weekend after he settled back into his parents house. I told him I'd love to have him visit, and made a mental note to myself to be sure and keep my clothes on while I had company.

Friday came along, and with it so did Mark with his overnight bag to spend the weekend at my place. We had always been really close friends, we shared the same hobbies, and all throughout highschool were pretty inseparable most of the time. Mark was built very similar to myself, not too tall, lanky, but he spent much less time lifting weights than I did, so I certainly out classed him when it came to muscle definition.

I gave Mark a grand tour of the place and helped him get set up on the couch in the living room, even though I had three whole bedrooms, I didn't have much furniture so the other two rooms were mostly empty except for a desk, chair, and my computer setup in the furthest one. The couch faced my bedroom door, so I would need to be especially mindful in the mornings as I slept nude and was very much used to facing my first adventure of the day to the kitchen for coffee, straight out of bed.

Luckily Mark and I were pretty comfortable around each other and he always slept in just a pair of gym shorts so I could still be mostly naked, except for my boxer briefs, which kept me decent even though they didn't leave much to the imagination. Although we'd often change clothes in the same room in the past, we never saw each other in between states of dress as I would have my back turned to him, and he'd hide himself behind the closet door to maintain the privacy of the other. We had of course discussed the idea of being naked when we'd be home alone growing up, and while I fully admitted to the act occasionally and encouraged him to try it, he never did as far as I know, giving the excuse that he was always afraid that he'd have unexpected visitors at his parents house. I personally argued that excuse was bullshit since nobody could see in his windows, and everyone always knocked before walking in the house, since growing up he had a very large and very protective dog that was extremely intimidating to anyone that wasn't Mark or his parents.

His aversion to nudity always struck me as odd, since he never wore any underwear and frequently hung around in just his gym shorts, but at the time I never said anything about it, and only touched on the subject in passing once or twice, always under the provision that he tried it alone. The discomfort he expressed kept that conversation to a minimum and I thought better of trying to push the issue beyond "it's great, you should think about trying it sometime!"

That weekend we hung out like always, watching TV, discussing women, technology, cars, and anything else that came up in conversation. I was on my best behavior and made sure that I hung my underwear on my door knob at night so that I wouldn't forget them in the morning. He finally left that Sunday afternoon and I was able to return to my preferred dressing habits, or lack of them I should say. Although I was glad to spend time with my best friend again, I was a little disappointed to have missed out on my normal weekend.

Inevitably as one would imagine, Mark asked me one day if I would be open to having a roommate as it didn't make sense for him to be living with his parents when his best friend had such a big house to himself. I couldn't really argue, other than the fact that I was naked all the time, but I wasn't about to bring that up as a reason he couldn't move in with me. We discussed it on and off during the week after work, either over the phone or in person when he'd stop by to visit. By Friday we had an arrangement, he'd pay part of the rent and we'd split the bill for groceries as long as he did the shopping. That seemed to be a good compromise for me, as at least I would have some time alone where I could strip off should I choose to.

By the next weekend Mark was all moved into the once empty bedroom, bringing his bed, dresser, computer, and other various odds and ends. Although I was bummed out about losing my freedom, I was really glad to have him as a roommate and quickly adapted back to keeping my midsection covered except when sleeping or showering. The only exception I would make would be after my showers, when I'd walk from the bathroom into the laundry room off the kitchen to put my towel in the washer and put on a pair of shorts or underwear which I usually kept in the dryer for convenience. I occupied the master suite of the house, complete with it's own bathroom, but always used the shower on the other side of the house as the one in my room was only a few square feet in size and I felt claustrophobic, always bumping into the door or walls when I'd wash up.

As anyone that has lived with a roommate knows, introducing another person into your environment brings unexpected changes. Changes like certain household items not being where you left them, things moving around in the fridge, and the dishwasher always being loaded incorrectly. I didn't mind any of that though, as it was barely noticeable for the most part, Mark was very respectful of my space and although we were very close friends, he still kept the mentality that he was a guest in my home and I appreciated that about him.

Living in close quarters with anyone there's always a non-zero chance of accidentally catching a glimpse of something you're not supposed to, glancing over a shoulder at a phone screen, seeing a private text message, walking past an open door while someone is changing clothes, and other various situations, but none of that ever happened with Mark. Oh no, when something happened, it happened in a big way. It was a Friday night about a month after he moved in and I went into the bathroom to take my shower, nothing out of the ordinary there, and as usual I left wearing my towel and walked through the living room where Mark was hanging out on the couch, into the kitchen and finally the laundry room where I dropped my towel and placed it into the waiting washer. I noticed it was full, so I added the detergent and started the machine before opening the dryer next to it to retrieve some cover for myself. I'd done this dozens of times in the past, knowing that should he decide to get up from the couch and go to the kitchen, he'd get a full view of my backside, but he never did as far as I knew, so I was pretty comfortable with the arrangement I'd made for myself.

I pulled the dryer door open and bent down to reach in, only to find it empty for the first time since I'd moved in. "Hey Mark, um...I have a problem," I called out to the living room.

"What's up?" He asked, not moving from the couch.

"Where's all the clothes that were in the dryer?"

Mark let out a short chuckle as he realized the situation he'd created. "Sorry man, I wanted to put my clothes away but didn't want to sort everything there so I carried everything out in a basket to my room. Everything is piled on my bed."

"Well," I began, "I just put my towel in the washer and started it, so I'm gonna have to streak to get any clothes on."

After a much longer chuckle than before Mark finally acknowledged my words. "Hell, I don't care. Don't act like you never walk around the house naked. It's no big deal."

No big deal, I thought. Strange words coming from the guy that always said he was scared to do so himself. "Alright, whatever. Just turn your head if you don't want to see me hanging dong through there," I said as I poked my head through the doorway and looked at him. He was still sitting there, eyes on the TV, though with a bit of a smirk on his face from the amusement he was getting from the situation.

I stepped out of the laundry room with my hands covering my crotch and made a few steps towards the living room. I could have gone through the kitchen the other direction and through the empty dining area to the side of the house where his room and the bathroom were, but he made this mess so I was going to take advantage and put him in a little discomfort as payback for my own. Mark looked over directly at me and I froze in my tracks, no doubt with a look of shock on my face as I was now out in the open with no quick retreat for cover.

He looked me straight in the eyes like nothing was amiss and said, "Hey, grab me a Coke from the fridge while you're in there. I'm thirsty."

I thought for a second, and realized that he was purposefully trying to keep me naked as long as possible, and maybe even trying to embarrass me. My competitive nature kicked in and I decided that if he wanted to play this game I was going to make him regret it. "Sure, that sounds good, I think I'll have one, too," I said as I turned around and walked back to the kitchen, keeping my hand in place until I was behind the counter out of view. I opened the fridge and grabbed two cans of Coke, feeling the cold air falling out of it and across my fully exposed lower half.

As I closed the fridge I took a breath and prepared myself for the next part of this friendly errand, walking back into his view, completely naked, dick and balls on full display. My heart jumped in my chest as I willed my foot to take the first step towards the end of the cover of the wall between us. I don't know why, but I felt a twinge of excitement at this despite my frequent nude walks around the very same house without even noticing when I was alone. I wasn't alone now, and after all our years of friendship I was about to reveal the last remaining mystery between my best friend and myself...myself, my full self, my complete unabashed, and uncovered self. It was a big step for being something so small in the grand scheme of things, and my nervousness seemed to heighten my excitement.

Two steps, then three, and finally I rounded the corner and continued full frontal toward the living room. Mark glanced over briefly from his show and quickly scanned down my body as his gaze returned to the TV. I kept walking as though nothing was different, and Mark seemed to act like nothing was wrong, so I took his cue and pretended that everything about this absurd situation was totally normal.

"Here you go," I said as I extended my right hand holding his soda. I was standing right next to him now, and from where he was sitting he was inches away from my now uncovered cock.

Mark once again broke his view from the television and turned to look at the can of Coke as he reached for it, moving his eyes to his left as he grabbed the drink and looked directly at my exposed genitals. He kept looking as he popped the tab on the can, and slowly took a sip. I could almost feel his eyes on my shaft and balls as the blood rushed to them, causing me to grow to a thick half-chub. My cock felt heavy as it grew towards the floor and my sack tightened up against my body. I distracted myself from that feeling by opening my own can of soda and taking a sip, watching his eyes as he watched my brazen display.

"Well," Mark began as he finally looked away, "might as well take a seat and watch TV. No point in covering up now, I've seen everything."

I moved past him and took my seat on the opposite side of the couch, slouching down in a comfortable way with my legs spread as wide as I normally had them. I glanced down and focused briefly on my dick laying heavily on my balls, out in the open in broad daylight, sitting next to Mark who was now sporting the beginning of a tent in his shorts.

Fifteen minutes later the show ended and Mark turned the TV off as he turned to face me. "So, how's it feel sitting there completely naked?"

"Honestly," I began as I carefully chose my next words. "Totally normal. Before you moved in I never wore clothes in the house, and even sometimes went outside like this."

Mark raised his eyebrow at that last statement. "I kinda figured you did, we'd talked about it before so I knew you liked to hang out in the buff. I appreciate you covering up for my benefit, but I really don't care one way or the other you know."

I was quite shocked by that admission, and offered as much. "Really? I just assumed you'd rather not see me like this."

"Eh, it's just a penis, I have one, too and it never bothered me to see my own. Why would it bother me to see yours?"

He had a point, so I decided to turn the tables on him. "That's true," I said as I took another sip of my drink. "Why don't you give it a shot. You might like it, it's nice to not have shorts getting in the way of everything and you get used to the feeling pretty quickly."

"Yeah, I might at some point. In the meantime though, feel free to...feel free," he replied as he got up to take his own shower.

I turned the TV back on and watched mindlessly as I waited for Mark to return, hoping that he'd come back as naked as I was. I listened to the sound of the shower over the drone of the TV, imagining what he looked like in there, soaping up his naked body and maybe spending a little extra time on his own genitals and tight little ass. I realized what I was thinking about, and noticed that my cock was no longer laying on my balls, but pointing a little more forward and holding up its own weight. I moved my attention back to the show that was on, and tried to push the image out of my head, but it was difficult.

When Mark finally shut the water off and walked out of the bathroom, I was pretty disappointed to see him wearing his towel around his waist, but I didn't say anything about it, instead I turned my attention back to the TV and didn't say anything. We continued that way for the rest of the night, him sitting next to me with his towel on, and me sitting totally naked. I finally decided to call it a night and head to bed.

"Welp, I'm done for the day" I announced as I got up and stretched a little bit before walking back to the kitchen to throw my empty soda can in the trash. I swear I could feel his eyes on my own tight little ass as I walked away. "I'll see you in the morning, Mark. Goodnight."

His eyes followed my form as I returned into his view before making my turn into my bedroom and pushing the door mostly closed, leaving it unlatched from the door frame. I stood on the other side for a moment and stared at my bed, pondering the implications of the evening. I made my way across the room and laid down on my stomach, not bothering to cover myself with the blanket, getting excited all over again knowing that he could simply push the door open undetected and gaze once again at my fully exposed ass. From the angle of the door he'd also be able to see my balls from between my slightly spread legs. I dwelled on that thought for a few more moments as I felt my erection grow underneath me. Before I knew it though, I had drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning I wasn't very well rested for whatever reason and was more groggy than usual, I rolled out of bed and was a little alarmed at first by the lack of underwear in my usual place on my doorknob, and also by the fact that during the night my door had drifted completely open, probably from the pressure change cause by the central air. I felt shockingly exposed again until I recalled the events of the night before. I decided that I might as well continue without cover to get a cup of coffee.

When I walked into the living room, with my morning wood leading the way, I was surprised to find Mark lounging in his usual place on the couch, wearing his usual pair of shorts. His eyes met my erection and widened at the sight of my fully sprung mast greeting him in the early Saturday light.

"Morning," I mumbled as I made my way to the coffee pot in the kitchen. I could feel his eyes focused on my tight, yet swollen sack between my legs, visible just under my perky little ass. I was surprised to find my cock twitch at the thought.

I returned to the living room under his watchful gaze and took my seat on the couch as my dick slowly began its retreat from full glory. The completely new sense of exposure must have had me pretty worked up because I noticed a little bit of clear precum leaking out from the tip. I was hoping Mark didn't notice, but the slight grin on his face as he looked away told me he probably did.

"Are you going to stay like that all day?" Mark had a hint of hopefulness in his voice when he asked, and deep down I was glad he seemed to look forward to this change in our living arrangement.

"Probably," I replied nonchalantly as I sipped from my coffee mug. "It doesn't make things weird does it?"

Mark thought for a moment as he deliberately looked me over, pausing at the places that were usually covered. "No, it will take a little getting used to, but it's your house so I won't complain...not that I really have anything to complain about."

"You live here, too, Mark. Don't hesitate to ask me to put something on if you want me to. Or you can join me and lose those shorts if you feel so inclined."

Mark chuckled a little, "I might at some point in the future, but I'm not quite there," he replied. "I certainly don't mind you being naked though, it's different and honestly kind of cool."

"Suit yourself, you're really missing out!"

We sat in silence for several minutes drinking our coffee and we both seemed to be enjoying the peacefulness of the morning. Mark finally broke the silence, "Hey, I'm going to drive back up to my parents house and grab a few things from my old room, wanna go with me?"

I thought for a second, but I was really enjoying hanging out nude again and wanted to stay that way as long as possible. "Nah, I think I'll stay here today. Tell your folks I said hi though."

"Alright, I'm going to get ready and head out then," he said as he stood up and walked back to his room. He left his door open and I could hear the sounds of him changing into his jeans from his gym shorts.


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