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Home On The Range Ch. 03

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I learned to love ranch life - oh it's so good!
17.7k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2019
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I appreciate LocoHerb editing this chapter of "Home On The Range"

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**Author's Note: Home On The Range is a continuing story where each chapter builds on previous chapters. If this is your first encounter with Home On The Range, I'd like to suggest you read the previous chapters prior to reading this one. Please enjoy!

** Home On The Range story is one of fiction based on the activities of a real-life. The plot of this story is to follow along as a family interact with the different situations they face in life.

**Before you read this chapter, be advised that it contains very graphic depictions of raw sex between two or more consenting people. IF such depictions upset you or make you lose sleep, PLEASE don't read any further. It's a different-strokes-for-different-folks kind of story.

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For the record: All characters engaging in any sexual activities - are of legal age!



It didn't take long before we sat down for supper and enjoyed our meal. When we finished, both grandpa and snake helped me clean off the table. I washed the dishes, snake dried them, and grandpa put them away. In no time at all, we were finished, and with a cold beer in hand, we started for the door so we could relax and enjoy the evening on the porch. Just as I was going through the door, the phone rang, and grandpa went back to answer it. Snake and I went out and took our seats on the porch. A few minutes later grandpa came out on the porch with the portable phone and handed it to me. "It's your ma."


Chapter 3

I took the portable phone and looked at grandpa whispering, "What do I tell her?"

"Anything you want to Britt, you're old enough to make your own decisions just don't lie to your ma."

While sitting on the swing completely naked with my legs spread wide so my two men could appreciate the view of my lonesome valley, I cheerfully said, "HI MOM, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. What's happening in Cleveland?"

Grandpa and snake sipped their beer and looked at my naked body on display for their pleasure while I listened to my mom go through a rash of stuff about Cleveland and what her and my father had been doing since they have the house to themselves. She ended one sentence with, "I can't wait to have my baby girl back home again."

I heard that and I choked a little because I did miss my mom and having her near to me to sit down and talk with. I love both my parents so much, I had a moment of weakness flow through me before I looked at grandpa and snake before I said, "Well mom, when are you going to come out and visit me. You know being on the ranch, I can't just up and take off, I have my chores to do and meals for my two men to fix."

Mom must have been a little taken aback from what I said because she immediately asked, "You are coming back to Cleveland at the end of the summer aren't you?"

The old saying is, ya never know how deep the water is until you jump in, so I promptly said, "No mom, I'm going to stick it out here on the ranch. I've learned in the short time I've been here what I've been missing out on, in life. I mean real living mom, not just existing like I did when I was in Cleveland."

Mom gasped and paused before she said, "Honey you don't want to live on that dusty old ranch with all those animals running around. You'll never have a real life hanging around out there. No one is there except your grandfather and snake. When your grandfather goes, what are you going to do? You'll end up coming back here and you won't know how to survive or make friends because you're in that lonely place all by yourself."

I listened to mom's concerns before I asked her, "Mom is that why you didn't want to stay on the ranch?"

"Britt there's so much more than that. It would take me a long time to tell you why I don't want anything to do with that ranch. It's no place for a woman. Look, your grandmother died at a young age, because that damn ranch killed her. My dad will be next and then I'm going to sell the damn place."

"Mom, I don't want anything to happen to grandpa and most of all, I want to live here permanently."

"I've decided that I want to be a rancher and I don't care about being a high society lady because I've learned to love being .... what do they call those people who run around naked?

"OH MY GOD BRIT! Tell me that you're not nude right now!"

"Yeah, that's the word I couldn't think of. I've learned I love being a nudist. I can do my chores, the housework, grandma's garden and mom; I only wear my boots to the barn and my sneakers in the garden. I'm developing quite an allover tan. Even my little titties and my pussy are a light brown. Soon, I might be as brown as snake."

Grandpa and snake both smiled at me when they heard me say that, but on the other hand, mom gasped again. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry for volunteering you to spend the summer out there at that dirty old ranch."

"Mom, I'm not staying for the summer."

Mom cut me off and said, "Oh thank goodness, you sure had me going there for a second. I'll make the plane reservations for you to come home next week."

"Mom, you didn't let me finish what I was going to tell you."

"Ok, I'm listening. Go ahead."

"Grandpa and I have had a lot of time to talk over the past few days. He told me you didn't want anything to do with the ranch and a few minutes ago, you confirmed what he told me. As soon as the paperwork can be completed at grandpa's lawyer's office and we sign the papers, I will be part owner of the ranch and some day the rightful owner of the entire ranch. I am staying right here and going to raise my family."

"Britt, let me talk to my father right this minute!"

I handed the phone to grandpa and without covering it I said, "She wants to talk to you. I think she's a little pissed off."

Through the phone all of us heard, "DAMMIT, I'm not a little pissed off, I'm a WHOLE DAMN LOT pissed off!"

Grandpa took the phone from me as he said, "She gets all that fire from her mother's side of the family"

The three of us laughed as grandpa held the phone near his right ear but not on it while snake and I listened as my mother breathlessly explained her concerns and dislikes for the fact that I was staying on the ranch and I would be part owner in a few days. Not one time did grandpa try to calm her or interrupt her during her tirade. I even think she was crying when she finally stopped and took a breath.

"Brenda, you know I love you darling and the ranch didn't kill your mother, she died from an embolism. The doctor said she most likely had some pain but in the end she didn't suffer. That information is a relief, but I still miss your mother so much, I can't describe it to you."

"Now, as far as Britt goes, she is of age and can make her own decisions just like you did at her age. Honey, I'm not angry with you for leaving the ranch and I understand the hardships of living off the land. There are good times as well as bad times. All I'm going to ask of you is to allow your daughter, like I did for you, to make her own decisions."

"The two of you are very strong-willed people and I see in Britt what I saw in you many years ago. Once you made up your mind to do something, there was no changing it. I would have loved for you to stay on the ranch and make it a family business but unlike Britt, you chose to go off to the big city life. Britt wants to experience ranch life which you grew up with and left. Britt grew up in the city lifestyle and has chosen to make the ranch her life. Please don't hate her for being different than you."

There was a long pause when we didn't hear anything from mom's side. When she finally spoke, she asked, "May I speak to Britt again?"

Grandpa handed the phone to me and this time I held it away from my ear so grandpa and snake could hear what mom said to me. She started out with, "I'm going to fly down there for Christmas so I can be with you and dad. I'm not going to try to talk you into coming back with me, but I do want to have a woman to woman talk with you."

"You are my only child just as I am my parent's only child. Your grandpa made a lot of sense with what he said, and he's right, I have to at least give you the chance to explore what you want to do with your life. So, I give you my blessings to stay on at the ranch and I'll see you at Christmas time."

"Britt, I want you to always remember, I love you to the moon and stars and I don't want you to ever forget that. I'll let your father know you'll be staying on out there."

I was almost ready to cry but I toughed it out and said, "Mom, I love you and daddy beyond words can say but I've also grown to love grandpa the same way in the short time I've been here. I understand that you wish I'd be closer so we can do the girl stuff, but I have to know if ranching is for me, otherwise I'd be wondering for the rest of my life, what could have been."

Mom and I said our goodnights and goodbyes to each other and then disconnected the call. I sat silent for a couple of minutes before grandpa asked, "Are you ok Britt?"

I looked at him and then at snake before I said, "Yeah, I will be just fine. I needed to get past this call at some point and I'm really glad both of you are here to comfort me if I need further comforting. But I'll be fine .... yes-sir-reeee .... I'm going to do just fine." I finished talking with a big smile on my face.

Snake did his usual yawn and stretch before he said, "Good night, I'm going to go hug my pillow and dream about a lovely naked young lady, Ms. Brittany."

Grandpa and I laughed and watched snake walk off the porch and towards his apartment.

Grandpa looked at me and asked me again, "Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

I got up and walked over to his chair and sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck as I said, "I love you grandpa, and I can't think of any other place I'd rather be than right here with the man I love."

We kissed passionately for a long time as grandpa's hand wandered all over my naked body. I even spread my legs enough to give him full access to my treasure. In the quiet moment, grandpa said, "Britt, I know you said you'd give me the son I've always wanted but I have to tell you that in almost all the states it's illegal for me to have intercourse with you. We are blood relatives and the cops could arrest me and put me in jail for that. I know for a fact that we can't possibly get married."

"Grandpa, I'm not going to tell anyone who the father of our baby is, and I can name my baby son with whatever name I want him to have. I know this because some of the girls in school got pregnant and they didn't name the father simply because they didn't know, who was their child's father. The only drawback to that is your name won't appear on the birth certificate. When our son gets old enough to understand, we will sit down and tell him the real story, so he won't have to wonder who his father is."

"So, grandpa, I hope Dr. Lipstein abides by those HIPAA rules she told us about when it comes time to deliver our baby."

"You seem to have this all thought out, don't you?"

"One good thing about growing up in the city, I was around a lot of girls who dropped their panties for every cock that popped up. After gym class, in the shower, I listened to the girls talk about which guys were good and which guys weren't so good. Some girls were sporting a big round belly as proof they, were no longer virgins. I would guess some of them have probably lost count, and they didn't know who the father was."

"The reason I told you all that is because I'll know who the father of our child will be even if we can't list you as the father."

"Britt you are a brilliant girl and I can't wait to rub your baby bump. I love you sweetheart."

I said, "Come on grandpa let's go to bed where we can really cuddle."

I collected the beer bottles, grandpa picked up the portable phone and we again walked hand in hand into the house. As normal I went to the kitchen to put the beer bottles away and found grandpa waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I went up ahead of him and both of us took a left turn into the bathroom. We took turns peeing and we brushed our teeth together at the sink. When we finished, we went into our bedroom and stretched out on the bed.

I moved over to grandpa and whispered, "I love you sweetheart. I've got to come up with a nickname for you instead of calling you grandpa in front of other people. Do you have any idea what you'd like me to call you?"

"I can tell you that poppy is definitely out of the question. I'm not a fucking flower."

I laughed and suggested, "How about spike?"

"What the hell is a spike?"

"When I lived in the city there was this mean German Shepard dog named spike."

"Do I act mean?"

I started giggling and grandpa kept asking me what's so funny which caused me to laugh even harder. He started tickling me and asked again, "What do I have in common with a mean German Shepard?"

I couldn't stop laughing the more I thought about what I was going to tell him. "Stop tickling me and I'll tell you."

Grandpa pulled me close in a hug and said, "Ok little girl, spill it."

I took a deep breath and giggled some more before I said, "The part I didn't tell you about spike is besides being a mean dog, he ran around sniffing all the female dogs on the street and if any of them were in heat, he'd nail them right then and there. Since I've been here, you've been sniffing me every time we come upstairs at night. You've been following so close behind me."

"Oh honey, I'm not sniffing you, I'm enjoying the view of your lovely pussy lips between your legs. You are one of those girls who have that small space between the top of your thighs so your pouty pussy lips can be seen. I just love that view. Maybe someday I'll get you to pause on the stairs and I'll take your picture so you can see what I'm talking about."

"Well spike, I think you like sniffing my goodies as well as enjoying the view, so I think your new nickname is spike from now on. Besides I love the idea of my man having a mean sounding nickname."

"Hummmmmm .... I guess spike isn't that bad after all. You could have been like Johnny Cash and nicknamed me, the boy named .... Sue!"

I burst out laughing right along with grandpa and it was a long time before we were able to calm ourselves down. "So, spike it is and I want you to keep sniffing my bottom every time we come upstairs and any other time you get the urge."

With that we locked our lips together and kissed for a long time. I stroked spike's cock while he played with my pussy. I broke my kiss and said, "Spike, you can make love to me tonight if you want to. I am ready to lose my virginity. Your cock is nice and hard and I'm already wet, so we don't really need any further foreplay."

"Are you absolutely sure Britt? Do you really want an old man to make love to you and someday make a baby in your womb? Maybe even tonight, on the night you lose your virginity?"

"Yes, spike, I want you in me tonight. I can't wait to be your woman."

We kissed some more and then grandpa said, "We need a towel to put under us because you will bleed when we break your maidenhead."

I got up and went to the linen closet in the hall and took out a bath towel and folded it in half. When I returned to the bedroom grandpa was rolled up on his side and said, "Lay the towel down on the bed even with my ass and I'll roll back on it."

"Aren't I supposed to be on the bottom?"

"Britt, I want you to be on the top so you can control everything at least until you break your hymen. It will hurt at first and I want you to be in control how fast or slow you want to go. After that if you want me on the top, I will."

I put the towel on the bed and grandpa rolled back on it and adjusted himself until he was in the center of it. He motioned for me to straddle him which I did. I moved up until his cock was below my pussy. I looked down as I wrapped my hand around his cock which in a few moments would make me a woman. I lowered myself until I had his cock lined up with my hole. I stopped lowering myself and wiggled grandpa's cock back and forth to wet the head. I kept wiggling it as I allowed myself to sink down on it. Grandpa I guess had a normal sized cock, whatever normal size is, and thank God it wasn't anywhere near the size of snake's cock. The walls of my pussy stretched and then I felt a little pain, so I stopped. Grandpa looked at me and said, "That's your hymen you're pushing against. A lot of people call it your cherry because when you break through that thin layer, you will bleed. As a hint, it would be better to push down fast and hard then stop so you can let yourself adjust before you continue."

I took grandpa's advice and pushed down hard and fast and I felt the lightning bolt of a sharp pain flow through me and I felt a small burning sensation from tearing the tissue that was once my hymen. Grandpa talked soothingly to me as I sat there with the head of his cock inside me with a lot more to go. It really wasn't that bad, a lot less painful than some of the girls in the gym shower led me to believe it would be.

I slowly allowed myself to sink down until my pussy was setting on grandpa's pubic area. My pussy was packed full of cock, my grandfather's cock, his lovely cock, the very first one to ever visit me down there. A few minutes later, I laid down on grandpa and smothered him with plenty of kisses and a hug. I whispered in his ear, "Now you are my man and your cock can spend as much time inside me as you want it to, anywhere you want it to and anytime you want it to be inside me. As with my panties, once we took them off in front of snake, I'm not stopping you from having me. I don't even care if you take me when snake is with us, it's just that my pussy isn't big enough to take his cock in me without doing damage."

Grandpa hugged me back as he slowly started moving in and out of me. He said, "I love you Britt. I love you so much."

I sat up and used my legs to ride his wonderful cock. I said, "This has been fun but we need to cum so we can get some sleep. There's always tomorrow, the next day, and all the days thereafter to consummate our love for each other."

I got up on my knees and moved off grandpa so he could get up and I took his place lying on the towel that had my blood on it. Grandpa moved between my legs and without any further ceremony he leaned forward and slowly allowed his cock to slide deep inside me until he couldn't get in any further. I looked into his eyes and said, "I love you spike."

Without words he kept eye contact with me he started to move in and out of me. It wasn't long before I experienced my first mini-orgasm and I felt grandpa start to pump into me faster and harder. I raised my legs up and grandpa hooked them in his arms and held me wide open. Every time he pushed all the way inside me, I was full, my pussy was packed, and I loved every second of it.

Grandpa started breathing rapidly and he was fucking into me erratically and I knew from sucking his cock that he was going to cum soon. I didn't really know anything about dirty talk during sex but the one thing I remember that turned him on a lot was the night he unveiled my tiny pussy in front of our good friend snake.

"Spike is sinking your big cock into my virgin pussy as good as the night you and snake unveiled my pussy by pulling my panties down slowly. You wanted snake to see your granddaughter's little white pussy didn't you grandpa? Did it turn you on to see snake slide his big black finger into my pussy?"

Right as I said that, grandpa groaned loudly and pushed deeply into my pussy blew his first shot against my cervix and followed it up by filling my vagina with his sperm. I humped up against him trying to get as much of him as I could before grandpa withdrew his cock until just the head of it was parting my pussy lips. We stayed that way while we caught our breath and then, because it was late, we went into the bathroom and each of us used the shower and washed up before we went back to bed, cuddled and fell asleep.

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