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Home Ownership Pt. 02

Story Info
Julie arranges dinner for Daniel and the family.
7.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/17/2024
Created 05/04/2024
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- Julie -

Julie stepped out of the doorway and walked down the hall a moment before simply leaning against the wall.

"What just happened?" she thought, her head still spinning and her chest pounding. She held her face in her hands and thought over what had just occurred. She was still sore from having him inside her and had the raw aftertaste of his cock in her mouth. She felt his cum soak into her panties, her heart racing at the fact that he had cum in her. She wasn't on birth control! She had never done anything like this before.

But at the same time, she had to admit that this is exactly what she had dreamed about for so long. This is what she fantasized about constantly, chatted about online, watched porn about. She didn't know how it came together, but this was exactly what she wanted. She decided that there was no point worrying about it, that she wanted to commit to it and embrace it. She did her best to push her doubts aside and stood up from the wall, heading back to the elevator.

She looked at her phone as she waited for the elevator. Peter had texted to let her know he was outside at the curb, and she debated texting him back asking what the fuck had just happened. She decided that it could wait until she saw him in the car. As the door of the elevator open, another text from Peter came in. She looked at it and saw it was a dick pic of his hard cock as he was waiting.

"Ugh," she muttered to herself. She couldn't believe he was sending her dick pics, and she was a little pissed at him already. He had clearly been talking to this guy for some time behind her back and he seemed great, sure, but this could have gone horribly wrong. She wondered how far things had gone with this guy before she saw him tonight. They had a lot to talk about. She texted back, Put that little thing away. We have a lot to talk about.

She finally got out of the elevator and saw him waiting for her in the car. She was happy to see that he had his cock put away, at least.

"Is my cock actually little?" he asked as soon as she sat down.

She gave him a withering look and responded, "Is that what you're worried about? You have clearly been talking to Daniel for some time. Were you ever planning on telling me? Have you met him before?"

Peter shrunk away from her glare and stammered, "N-no, tonight was the first night we met! Things just ended up going a lot faster than I thought..."

His voice trailed off, and she could tell he was reviewing what had just happened.

"Drive," she said, "and yes, he makes you seem small."

Peter gulped, shifted the car to drive, and started driving her back to the bar to get her car. Her phone vibrated as she drove, and she saw that she had a text from Daniel.

I really enjoyed our time together, but I'd like to get to know you better. It seemed like you have some experience with this. Could you tell me more about that?

She started typing back on her phone, telling him about how she had been into submission and BDSM for some time and that she was active in certain chat rooms. She mentioned she liked to fantasize a lot, but that this was the first time it had ever actually happened. Peter looked over at her.

"Who are you talking to, honey?" he asked.

She looked back at him and said, a little coldly, "Who do you think?" before going back to typing. She noticed he still looked aroused, and was even trying to rub himself when he thought she wasn't looking. He must really get off on this, she realized.

The conversation with Daniel was intriguing. He was truly interested in what made her tick, asking questions about the sort of roles she had played and kept at her to open up more. It was so nice how he embraced all of her, but soon enough they were back at the bar and she had to drive home. She promised to text Daniel as soon as she was back at home, and got out of the car.

Peter asked, "Did he say anything about me?"

Julie smirked at him, "Yes, he did. He said you can't cum until I give you permission."

She shut the door as a crestfallen look came over his face. He knew she was none to happy with him and probably understood what that meant for his orgasm, too. She rather enjoyed seeing the look on his face.

She got in her car and started it, her mind still thinking about Daniel. Wondering how much she could share with him, if he would really embrace every fantasy she had. There were so many, and some that she was ashamed to admit aroused her. Even thinking about sharing some of her more taboo ideas made her start grinding into her seat a little.

"Well, it's not like anyone can see," she thought to herself. She unbuttoned her pants and slid her hand down so she could rub herself through her panties. They were soaked from all the use she had gotten, and even just rubbing them made her feel so delightfully dirty, so well used and needed. She pushed her panties to the side so she could slide her fingers into herself. They were instantly covered in her juices and Daniel's cum, and she pulled them back out to suck on as she drove. God she loved this so much, she loved the smell of Daniel and the taste. Loved that he might have impregnated her without so much as asking. She couldn't help herself and kept rubbing as she drove.

The drive went by in a flash and soon she found herself pulling into the driveway. She looked down at her outfit and saw what a mess she was, so she tried to clean herself up as best she could before going inside. She adjusted her pants again, trying to wipe off the smudges of cum. She looked in the mirror, got her hair under control, and stepped out of the car into the house. She texted Daniel that she was home and went inside.

She walked into the house and noticed that everything seemed to be more or less in place. The living room was still fine, the dinner table was... well, if not clean, the girls had at least cleared the table. She went into the living room and saw Megan lying on the couch. Lying might be too kind a term - she was sprawled out, her leg dangling over the edge of the couch, vacantly staring at the television. She was still in her clothes from soccer practice, a white top with a sports bra built in and her with black soccer shorts with white stripes on the sides on under. She still had her long white socks on, too, with green grass stains all over them. She didn't look up from her phone even though she knew Megan had heard her come in.

Megan had the body of a typical soccer player. She had long, tanned legs with strong thighs and a large, well-shaped ass. Her breasts were bigger than Julies, a source of secret frustration to her, and she typically kept her dirty blonde hair in a ponytail. She was taller than her mother as well, about 5'7".

"Get your dirty socks off the couch, Megan, and go get your dishes in the dishwasher," Julie said.

"I'll get to it after the show, mom," Megan said, glancing up at her mother and then doing a quick double take. She got a little look on her face before she looked back to the TV, and it spent a little spike of fear through Julie.

"Fuck," she thought, "I must not have got everything." She hurried upstairs to get cleaned up. As she passed by Heidi's door she noted it was shut as usual, and she stopped just a moment to listen at her door. As she leaned toward the door, it opened.

Heidi stood in the door, glaring at her mother. She was shorter than her sister, barely 5'2, and a petite little thing. She definitely had her mother's small breasts - Julie knew she was still hoping they would grow, but it was futile. She was too much like her mother. She insisted that her mother buy her bra's with B cups, but that was optimism more than anything else. She kept her straight, dark hair down and typically had a hint of a goth look. Julie was never sure if she was rebelling or if she just liked the look. She sighed at her mom.

"You know I can hear you coming up the stairs and know when you stop, right?" she said, looking her mother up and down. "Also, you're a mess, what were you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, just went out with your Dad after he was done with work for drinks and dinner," Julie replied, wondering why she didn't go straight to her room to avoid this sort of situation. "Now go downstairs and get your dishes in the dishwasher."

Heidi sighed and stomped her way down the stairs, and Julie glanced in at her computer to see that she had been playing video games, one of her fantasy role playing games that she played with friends. Something Dungeons and Dragons related, her and her friends were all into it. She continued on into her room and went straight to the bathroom, looking in the mirror.

She looked at her smudged makeup and rumpled clothes. It wasn't that bad, she thought, and started to clean up a bit more. Her phone vibrated again and she looked down, seeing that Daniel had texted her again. She grabbed her phone and went to bed, getting excited about what he said. She went to bed and texted him back, not able to pull herself away from getting to know him. She shared some more of her fantasies, but nothing too deep. She wanted to open up more, but some things were hard to admit, even to herself.

Peter came in shortly after, sitting down on the bed next to her. He had a pleading look in his eyes. She sighed.

"Go take a shower, Peter. You don't deserve to cum," she said, then got up one last time to check on the girls. She walked through the house and saw that they had cleaned up as she had asked and were both in their rooms. She went back to her bed and settled in, seeing Daniel had texted again. She noticed it was a group text with Peter.

It's time to set some rules. I have three overarching rules for my submissives. 1) Always be honest. 2) Always be respectful. 3) Always obey.

I know there are times when obedience will be difficult. I have no intention of ruining your lives, nor do I want to do anything that would interfere with your jobs. If you cannot do something explain to me why you cannot, otherwise I will expect obedience... and proof that you have obeyed. To start I'd like a message from each of you before you go to sleep every night and as soon as you wake in the morning. I want to be the center of your lives. Julie, did you tell Peter about when he could orgasm?

She replied,

Yes, Sir. He knows that he cannot orgasm without my permission.

To which Daniel replied,

Good. Do you understand you'll be punished if you break this rule, Petie?

Julie saw Peter start typing back, then saw the reply pop up in the group text.

Yes, Sir. I'll obey.

Julie smiled at him after reading his text and saw him looking back at her. She felt her phone vibrate again and glanced down.

I want you both to get to bed. You have busy days ahead of you getting ready for dinner tomorrow. I'll text more instructions to you in the morning. Julie, give Pete a kiss and let him taste my cock. You are all mine now.

Julie's heart skipped a beat when she read that they were "all" Daniel's. She wondered if he really knew what she wanted. She looked up at Peter, her face flush, and put down the phone. She crawled over the bed to him slowly, letting his anticipation build. She leaned over him and gently brought her lips to his, kissing him deeply. Letting her tongue drift into his mouth, letting the kiss linger. Letting him taste Daniel's cock. She pulled away and glanced down, seeing his hard cock under the blanket pressing up. She smiled at him.

"It's going to be a while before you cum, isn't it, Peter? How do you feel about that?" she asked.

He thrust his hips against the blanket and replied, "Fuck I love it, Julie. Thank you so much."

She patted him on the cheek. "Good boy, now go to sleep."

They both texted good night to Daniel and she turned off the lights, curling up on her side of the bed. Her heart was still pounding, and her hand drifted down between her legs. All she could think of was the way he said, "This cunt is mine now." It kept running through her mind over and over, and she couldn't help but want to rub herself again. She was about to when she felt the bed shift. Pete was getting closer, and she felt him try to cuddle next to her. She turns over and looks at him.

"I belong to Daniel now. I don't want you touching me, Peter," she said.

Peter nodded at her, and he whispered, "Can I touch myself though?"

Julie nodded at him and rolled back over, her own hand exploring herself as she felt the bed rock gently as Peter masturbated behind her. Soon enough she drifted off to sleep.


Jane awoke with a start, last night racing through her mind again. She glanced at the clock and saw it was only 5:15 am, but decided she wouldn't be able to sleep anyways. She grabbed her phone her phone and texted Daniel.

I'm up, Sir. I'm going to work out and can't wait to talk through dinner.

She put the phone down, quickly changed into her workout clothes, and went out the door for a run. She loved running in the morning, the cool air flowing over her. It helped her focus, even if today all she could think about on the run was what she was going to do during dinner that night. She got back home after a few miles and checked her phone again.

Thank you for messaging me right away. Tell me your schedule for the day so I can assign you and Peter tasks for dinner tonight.

She went told him she'd be getting in to work shortly to prepare for the day, but that she gets out pretty early since she works at an elementary school. As she showered and got ready and made sure the girls were up she kept texting with him. She was instructed to stop by the store after school to pick up some wine and to be home quickly so that she could model her clothing options for Daniel to pick. He would be over at six and expected dinner at seven.

She saw that Daniel instructed Peter in the group chat to plan on going to the store after his work to pick up the things for dinner. He would be cooking so that she could get ready, and they went back and forth a bit to settle on the menu since Peter needed something relatively simple to cook. Daniel ended up picking a simple pasta dish with salad. Julie was rather pleased that she wasn't on dinner duty that night, normally that was the sort of thing she got stuck with.

The other thing that was discussed over the course of the day was how they would explain to the kids that they all knew each other. They settled on a friend from college that Julie they both knew and spent a lot of time with that just moved back to the area. If pressed to explain things, Julie felt she could tell the girls she always had a crush on Daniel that she could never act on because she had already been pregnant with Megan. That would help explain any awkwardness, though she was really nervous about how this was going to turn out. Nervous, but extraordinarily excited.

The day flew by and before she knew it she was running to the store to pick up the wine and bring it home. She found a nice red and white from a winery she had visited with Peter and the girls once, and knew it would be good. She was a little worried, though, about Megan asking about it. She'd seemed more interested in trying things like wine with the family, citing that she would be in college soon and she might as well learn at home rather than at parties - an argument that Julie found hard to deny.

After grabbing the wine, she went home and put the white in the refrigerator and the red on the counter. The girls were still at their after-school activities, so she went upstairs to put on some outfits she had been thinking of wearing for the evening. Daniel had instructed her to put on three potential outfits and send them to him, and that he would pick one for her. She didn't know what he liked, but she wanted to look good and laid out three options. One was a simple summer house dress with a floral print, the second a blue maxi dress, and the third was a black skater dress. She put each of them on and snaped a picture, then jumped in the shower to start getting herself ready for the evening.

In the shower she carefully shaved her legs, body, arms, and pussy, then wrapped a towel around her and got out to start working on her hair. Daniel had texted back and selected the black skater dress for her, as well as instructing her to wear black heels, thigh high pantyhose, black lace underwear, and a black bra. He was very specific in telling her that she may wear silver earrings, but no necklace. He also told her to wear a deep red nail polish on her nails. She checked her nail polish and made sure she had the pantyhose, then replied back that she would be ready as he expected.

As she was getting ready she heard the girls come home. Megan yelled that they were home, and then Naomi popped her head in with and paused when she saw Julie.

"What are you getting ready for, Mom?" Naomi asked.

"A friend from college moved back to the area and is coming over for dinner tonight," Julie replied.

Naomi looked her up and down, taking in the nice clothes, hair, and makeup, and said, "Is this a good friend? Are Megan and I expected to dress up?"

"Yes, this is a good friend, and yes, it would be nice if you and Megan did not look like hobos," Julie replied. Naomi pretended to be offended by the comment about hobos and looked down at herself. She was wearing dark blue jeans and a classic black Nirvana t-shirt that she had clearly picked up at Hot Topic or the like.

"I don't look like a hobo! Megan is the one that just got home from practice, she stinks!" Naomi said.

Julie laughed and said, "Yes, you look fine, but if you each choose to wear something a little nicer that would be appreciated, though not required. Do you mind telling your sister so I can keep getting ready?"


Julie shouted at Naomi, "How did you know it was a man coming over?"

Naomi popped her head back in and said, "Seriously, Mom? I can tell."

Julie smiled and continued getting ready, enjoying the sounds of the girls bickering and glad it hadn't escalated to fighting. Soon Peter was home and she heard him get changed and head to the kitchen to start cooking. It looked like everything was going to be right on time. She glanced at the clock. It was 5:30, and she would be ready right on time. Her heart flopped as she realized she'd be seeing Daniel again, and knew that she would feel him and be pushed to do things she could never do on her own, or with Peter for that matter.

She also wondered how he would react to meeting the girls, and how well behaved he would be around them. She could tell that he wouldn't do anything too forward in front of him, but he was had encouraged and embraced all of her kinks so far and she wondered just how openminded he would be. Her girls were certainly young women and she had seen other men take looks at them before. Was it bad that she hoped he might look at them that way too? How would he react if he even knew she had thought that?

--- Daniel ---

Daniel pulled up to their house and parked in the driveway. It was a nice-looking house, well kept, a reasonable sized lot and a decent size. Nothing too ostentatious, but clearly an upper middle class sensibility to it. He got out of the car and glanced down at himself, making sure everything was still in place. He was wearing a pair of khakis, a simple blue short sleeve button down shirt, brown leather half boots, and a brown belt. In his pocket he felt the long slender box with the gift he had purchased for Julie. He walked up to the door and knocked firmly.


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