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Honeydew Heist Ch. 03

Story Info
Buxom plantgirls discover a trigger he tried hard to forget.
4.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/15/2020
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Nevyn looked nervously between the two seductive beauties and swallowed, trying to keep his eyes from Eve's massive breasts—though that just made it easier to settle on Verde's instead.

So far, the theft of the honeydew melons was not quite going according to plan.

The delightshade's voice was soft as she came closer. "Do you... wanna suckle?" she asked sweetly. The four words were among about eight in the plantgirl's whole vocabulary, but they dripped with suggestive nuance nonetheless.

"I guess I woke her up." Verde bounced slightly and gave another little giggle, eyes all the while sparkling with naive excitement, as if the volume of the dryad's moans had been nothing but a thoughtless slip-up. "Say, Nevyn, you seem a little... peaked!"

Nevyn managed a sly smirk, as if the new arrival currently running her hands along his arm from behind didn't trouble him one bit. "My dear, I can assure you, I have no objection to drawing this out, but I don't want you to feel embarrassed if a delightshade isn't enough to bring me to... heel." He shifted as the delightshade's fingers danced along his arm. "Handsy, isn't she?"

"Hm. Something about you seems different." Verde put a finger to her lip, pausing in her ministrations. "It's almost like..."

Nevyn could feel his cheeks flushing as the dryad seemed to examine him with a critical eye. If she was able to muster any kind of deep thinking right now, then her mind was far too clear; she was starting to get used to the nurselily dust's effects. He nervously tried to think of something to say—something to distract her, something to put her back off-balance—but he suddenly felt like his mouth was full of sawdust. Nothing sounded right, as if his silver tongue was turning to lead as he stared at her.

"I—" he began, and flushed hot at how disoriented he sounded, how unsure of himself he felt, "I think, perhaps—"

"Ooh, hi, cutie!" burbled the near-mindless plantgirl again, and he flinched as she danced and twirled around to stand next to Verde. She bounced with excitement, and his heart entered a skipping rush. "Do you wanna suckle?"

Wanna suckle. Wanna suckle. His head spun, and it was like he was running in darkness as he managed, "I hardly think that, um. S-Sorry, I'm just..." Sorry? Had he just apologized?

Verde's eyes widened slightly in a terrible comprehension. "You seem a little off-kilter," she said sweetly, bouncing back and forth between her tiptoes. "Is something wrong? She's just mindless, you know. Just repeating... phrases."

Nevyn's heart was fluttering right out of his chest. Desperately, he lunged for it, for control, clearing his throat to buy time. He gave a cocky grin that he did not feel. "Come now, Verde," he said, carefully keeping his voice level and his eyes on hers, "your tits must be feeling awfully neglected right now."

"Ooh!" Her lips parted as she glanced down at them. Her cheeks went red, but as she looked back up at him, her smile was all-too-knowing. "Oh my, they are!"

Eve giggled, and so did Verde. Nevyn felt like the world was getting bigger around him as Verde reached up and, with aching, sensuous slowness, began to smoosh her tits together. She let out a moan that seemed almost more for his benefit than hers. "Oh, Eve, sweetie, what were you saying?"

Eve beamed up at Nevyn and bounced excitedly in place. "Ooh!" She bobbed her head. "Hey, cutie!" She batted her eyelashes. "Wanna—"

"No!" Nevyn croaked, shaking his head desperately, trying to block out the word.

"—suckle?" Verde and Eve said at once, and their smiles widening at his visible flinch.

Nevyn's mind swirled with memories. No. No! He couldn't... His knees wobbled a little. Couldn't think of Her. Couldn't...

Wanna suckle. Wanna suckle. Suckle like a... He bit his lip hard enough to hurt, trying frantically to keep the thoughts at bay.

"Nevyn?" Verde asked innocently, taking a step closer. Her hands kneaded and massaged her tits, bouncing them together. Eve was doing the same. Oh, gods, Nevyn could see... through the silks... "Nevyn, are you okay, sweetie?"

"No," he whispered breathlessly, eyes glued in helpless longing to those massive, soft, squishy, milky...

"Neeev-yyyyn," sang Verde, bouncing towards him, giggling. "A Eve, baby, I think this boy's confused!"

"Ooh?" Eve blinked big innocent green eyes at him. She squeezed her tits together, and Nevyn couldn't help but switch his gaze to hers, mouth watering at the sight. "Hey, cutie," she purred. "Wanna suckle?"

"T-Ti—" With all his will, Nevyn pushed the thought back down. His mind swam with images of bouncing breasts, the taste of Mistress's milk, the sweet words she had poured into his mindless, suckle-happy open mind, the growing tension between his cock and his garments...

"Aw, hey, cutie!" It was as if Eve could sense his weakness. Or maybe she could just see his hardness starting to poke through his trousers. She bounced on her heels, and his whole mind wobbled with her massive breasts. "Do you wanna suuuuckle?"

"N-No," he whimpered, shaking his head. He took a step back. It felt like he was... like his thoughts were being mushed and smooshed and bounced around with Eve's breasts. He felt so mushy. So soft. So sweet.

"Uh-oh," Verde said softly, and he spun, realizing she'd crept behind him. How had he not noticed? She beamed down at him, jiggling her tits right at his eye level. "Looks like Eve's taken a fancy to you, Nevyn!" Her voice dropped to a sultry tone, her lower lip pouting out at every bilabial consonant, every b and p and m. "I hope she's not distracting you from how... dominant you are. With all her talk of suckling."

Suckling. The triggerword sloshed through his mind like a wave of honeyed cream. He swallowed, struggling to look back at her eyes. Her eyes were almost as lovely as her breasts, but at least he could handle staring into them without... melting... "I'm fine," he whispered. "Just... just, um..."

"You know," Verde said impishly, "for someone so keen on use 'em and lose 'em, you sure are in a hurry to skip to losing, aren't you, cutie?" She took a daring step closer.

"N-No," he whined, stumbling backwards.

And right into Eve's arms.

He jerked reflexively as he felt her warmth against him, but too late. Her arms wrapped around him instantly, and he felt the delightshade's massive, soft breasts press against his back, her pert nipples poking between his shoulder blades.

Verde half-covered her giggles with dainty fingertips as she danced closer. "Oh, no!" she cooed in mock-sympathy. "Are we stuck, sweetie?"

"I-I'm—" Nevyn forced the quiver from his voice, struggling in vain against Eve's surprising strength. "I'm fine!"

"Aw, hey, cutie," gushed Eve in his ear, making his heart thud in his chest as he knew what was coming, "do you want a suckle?"

"Ti—" He bit his tongue, feeling his cheeks blazing like folding irons. "T-This is, um—I'm just—"

"Did you know," Verde said, putting a finger to her pouty lips as she examined him, her pretty green eyes slipping from his own wide, unfocused eyes, along his flushed face, and down to his growing tent, "I think your eyes get a little wider every time she says that word?"

"Wh-What?" He gave a nervous laugh. "Wh-What wor—"

"Suckle!" Verde chirped.

Suckle suckle suckle suckle— Nevyn caught his breath, barely holding in a whine.

"Ooh! Hey, cutie!" Eve kissed his neck tenderly. Oh, gods, she was... he could feel her lactating breasts, the milk dribbling down his back as she squeezed herself against him... "Wanna suuuuuuuuuuckle?"

Nevyn let out a needy whine, shaking his head as hopeless desire washed over his handsome, blushing face. He felt so flustered. So panicked. It was... it wasn't even one of Mistress'sworst triggers, but with so many bouncing tits around him, and two pretty girls cooing it at him...

"My, my!" Verde shook her head slightly, rosy delight spreading across her lovely face. "You certainly seem..." She took a step closer, her voice turning husky as burnt honey, "... affected, don't you?"

Nevyn gulped. He desperately kept his eyes on Verde's, trying with all his will to ignore her... ignore how soft her... how big and round and bouncy her...

"I'm fine," he managed, squirming.

Verde smirked. Her hands mercifully fell away from her tits, and he relaxed slightly as it became a little easier to keep his eyes away from them.

Then he realized where her hands were going.

"Ooh!" Verde's eyes glinted like polished jade. "Ooh, my goodness, Nevyn!" Her fingers grazed over his tent, and he bit back a whimper. "Why, are you... enjoying this?"

He felt her other hand playing along his belt, and he shook his head desperately and completely unconvincingly. The proof was quite actually at hand, her fingers continuing to stroke slowly, lazily, along his shaft through the fabric.

"For someone so very... aromantic," she cooed sweetly, her delicate touch running back and forth, up and down... "you certainly seem rather taken. Is it something we said... good boy?"

She stared at him a moment, her lips curving slightly upward. He blinked back. What was she... looking for?

"Hm." She licked her lips, reaching over to stroke under his chin with her other hand, and he held in a keen at the feeling of being held fast by one plantgirl as another toyed with him, as if he were a pinned, pampered plaything. "It's just... you were so talkative about how independent you are..." Her eyelids lowered slightly, dusky and captivating. "... but now it seems like you're a little... titnotized."

Nevyn stared, and understood, and his nerves began to fizz and bubble and roil like glimmerwine in a shaken jar.

She was testing him.

She was looking for more trigger words.

She knew.

He began to struggle harder as she giggled, tickling along his cheek. "Now, now. Calm down, sweetie! I'm just... trying something." Her eyes shone. "Don't you want torelax a little?" She leaned in close, her whispers flooding his world with husky promise. "Maybe let your eyes settle on my pretty bouncy boobies?"

He choked back a whimper. It wasn't even a trigger word, but there was nothing, nothing he desperately craved more. She was still stroking him with one hand, teasing him, edging him ever-so-delicately... but with her other hand, she was gently easing his head down, down, down towards her... her...

He felt so weak right then. So disoriented. But he kept his eyes firmly up, forcing his gaze into hers. He needed to distract her. He needed something clever, something witty, something to dazzle this gorgeous creature and make her say something that wasn't a try for his triggers—the triggers he'd almost forgotten about, the triggers almost everyone had almost forgotten about, the real triggers he'd totally suppressed that the 'wanna suckle' trigger paled in comparison to.

"Your..." His voice was so weak, but he pressed on, biting his lip at her suppressed giggle, "... your eyes are, um... way prettier, though, see."

There was a pause.

"... oh?" She blinked. Fluttered her eyelashes.

And then twin suns rose across Verde's cheeks as her face flooded with color. "Oh, reeeally?" she asked sweetly, reaching up—giving his neck a brief reprieve—to twirl a finger through her flowing green locks. She batted her lashes. "I... is that so?"

"Yes," he said desperately. He knew this was dangerous territory, but he saw a lifeline and he was going to grab it and damn the consequences. "Yes, gods, they're... they're like endless pools of emerald! Like verdant stars!"

"Verdant." She giggled. "What a poet you are, Nevyn!" She tilted her head slightly, her expression distinctly less wicked and more coquettish. But still playful. The finger continued to stroke. "No wonder you've seemed so fixated on them."

"I..." He swallowed. "I just haven't had the opportunity to... to stare into eyes like that before. Truly unique." He squirmed vainly in Eve's grasp, but she, at least, was still holding him fast. "I... I'd say they're more precious than any jewel, and more beautiful, besides. Surely people tell you as much all the time."

He managed to make the last sentence not sound too much like a plea.

She bit her lip. "Well... not terribly often, in truth." She looked down at her feet, and he barely stopped himself from following her gaze, knowing where it would lead. Her expression was distinctly shy. "I don't see many people. The villagers only visit for festivals, usually. It's how I like it." She looked up at him, her expression open, guileless. Mostly. The finger continued to stroke. "But you aren't from the village."

"N-No." He shook his head weakly. Keeping his voice level as she teased his hard, twitching cock was excruciatingly difficult, like holding a boulder back from rolling down a hill in the middle of a cataclysmic earthquake. "I... you're just very, um. Lovely. And I would... that is, um..." Her expression was getting dangerously fond, and his heart raced with panic. "Some gentleman, erm, gentleperson, would be, um, very... very fortunate..."

"Yes?" She perked up slightly, and his eyes almost slid down to her chest at that enticing motion.

"... very fortunate," he whimpered, "to stare into your eyes forever."

With that, Verde's pupils visibly dilated. Her cheeks went as red as autumn apples. The stroking along his cock came to a halt.

Oh, shit. Oh, shit. This was a mistake. Every light in his mind was flaring up a brilliant crimson red, warning danger, DANGER, DANGER

"Aw, hi, cutie!" gushed the sweet voice of the delightshade in his ear. And his heart plummeted, and his lips parted involuntarily, as she added, pouring the delicious, dangerously addictive words into his open, distracted, vulnerable mind...

"Wanna suckle?"

wanna suckle wanna suckle wanna suckle~

"Titsla—" The sounds slipped from his open lips like honey from a leaking pot, agonizingly slow and yet all-too-quick to stop. He slammed his mouth shut, whimpering aloud in humiliation.

And Verde blinked.

She was still blushing. Still red-faced, still visibly flustered, still with that little glimmer in her eyes.

But after only a moment's surprise, the buxom honeydew dryad leaned in close, her eyes shining, her sweet scent filling his lungs, as the finger began to stroke once again—if anything, even slower than before.

"What was that?" she asked innocently, batting her eyelashes. "What were you about to say?"

He hesitated, then shook his head. No! He couldn't tell her. He just had to pray she didn't... couldn't guess, had to pray against all prayer...

"Tell me!" she giggled, and Eve giggled, too, and oh, gods, he was surrounded by gorgeous giggling buxom plantgirls and he had nowhere to run. "Tell me! Tell me!"

"Nn!" He shook his head desperately, his very soul tensed in his throat with the forbidden word on his tongue. Could she really... not know? Had she truly not inferred it, or was she just... but if she knew, surely she'd just get it over with and use it, right?

"Tell me!" she pleaded, bouncing in place. "I wanna know!"

He gulped, swallowing the lingering compulsion. He was horny, and edged, and needy, and drowning in familiar stimuli. But he knew how screwed she'd be if she learned one of the real triggers. He could not give her this one.

And as if realizing he was resolute, she pouted.

But then a wicked glint entered her'verdant stars'.

"Okay," she said sweetly, "you don't have to talk, Nevyn!" Her lashes fluttered. "I wouldn't want to force you."

He stared up at her, trembling as her finger stroked little circles around the very tip of his cock, toying with him through the fabric.

"In fact," she went on, voice sparking with mischief, "I want you to stay very quiet for me." She reached over with one hand and caressed his cheek. He shivered at the delicacy of her touch, the casual gesture of... ownership. "So be a good boy, now, and keep your mouth safely shut, since that's what you want."

He blinked up at her as she tilted his head upward to meet her beautiful green eyes. He bit his lip.

She smirked, and turned him gently around, one hand still toying with his cock, the other arm wrapping around his waist, until he found himself face-to-face with Eve's jiggling springtime-green breasts.

"Aww... hi, cutie." Eve's perfumed scent wafted over him like a cloud of blown kisses. "Wanna suckle?"

He stared at her breasts. She giggled and reached up, bouncing them together.

Nevyn closed his mouth to keep from drooling.

"Oh, my," he heard Verde purr in his ear, as her fingers began to creep beneath his trousers. He squirmed uneasily, but he was transfixed. "That's right, sweetie! Just sit still and stare."

Nevyn held in a whimper. Eve's hands seem to lavish affection on her breasts with greater and greater care, and he heard her heavy breaths as she squeezed, squished, bounced-bounced-bounced...

"Oh, hi, cutie," Eve murmured, bouncing on her tiptoes before him. A finger stroked daintily around one dark green nipple. "Wanna suckle?"

His lip quivered. With all his might, Nevyn held back any response. He felt Verde's soft, warm hand slipping under his undergarments, as her other hand stroked along his neck, her luscious lips grazing the place where his neck met his jawline. "You mustn't say yes," she breathed in his ear. "But a clever boy like you knows that! A clever boy mustn't say yes." Her fingers touched the base of his erect cock, and he jumped slightly. "Because so easily can a pair of pretty breasts bounce all his cleverness away."

He shook his head weakly, unconsciously mirroring the tits' sway.

"Ooh, yes," Verde went on, giggling. "Because every time she squishes her pretty boobies together, a clever boy can feel his whole mind getting squished, too!"

"Oh, hi, cutie!" Eve cooed, and Nevyn held in a moan at the sight, feeling his thoughts melting and squishing between those soft, shimmering, bouncy... "Wanna suckle?"

"And," Verde continued, as her fingers began to idly stroke little circles around the tip of his cock, "goodness, when they bounce-bounce-bounce, it gets so-so-easy... to sink... to melt... to obey..."

Bounce. Bounce. Bouncebouncebounce. A sliding realization hit Nevyn: Verde was stroking him in time with the bounces. Such delicate, teasing strokes, as if she was trying to reel the moans from his dry, trembling lips...

"And my goodness!" Verde exclaimed, kissing his neck tenderly. "Imagine if he encouraged her to get closer. Those brain-bouncing boobies are already turning him into a tit-besotted bedtime toy..." She gave a sad little sigh. "Imagine if he admitted... that he was a cutie... who wanted..."

"Aw, hi, cutie!" Eve giggled, bouncing from side to side. "Wanna suckle?"

Nevyn whimpered softly.

"Ooh, hey, cutie!" Eve swayed and bounced from left to right, her voice filled with musical glee. "Wanna suckle?"

Nevyn moaned. Verde was giving his cock tiny little strokes, driving him to the point of near-brainless need, and the tits kept squishing and bouncing...

"Oh, hi, cutie!" Eve trilled, bouncing faster. "Wanna suckle?"

"Don't answer, silly," Verde was cooing in his ear. "Don't answer! It's sooo easy not to answer!"

Nevyn whined and bucked slightly, lost in the way those tits swung like pendulums, the way Eve's fingertips grazed her nipples, the little droplets of moisture beading at the tips and making his mouth feel so unbearably dry...


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