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Horny Siblings

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Brother and sister find ways to get even closer...
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Kevin was on the home stretch of a particularly long jacking session when his sister opened his door and entered his room. He was sitting at his computer desk with his browser open to one his favorite porn sites, currently playing a video on loop of two hot women engaged in lesbian sex. Both were blonde, with one of them completely shaved and the other sporting a cute trimmed bush above her glistening pussy lips. The first blonde with the bare pussy was going to town on her counterpart, munching and sucking on the other's pussy hungrily. Kevin would have busted his nut at this part if not for the interruption.

"Hey Kev," his sister, Brooke, said nonchalantly and completely unfazed by what he was up to. "You seen my iPad?"

Kevin didn't take his eyes off the screen but he shook his head while continuing to pump his lotion-covered cock. "Nah, sorry. Check the basement."

Brooke, wearing jogging shorts and a tank top, watched the screen along with him for a moment. She was standing in silence, not seeming disgusted in the slightest but actually intrigued.

"Damn," she said after a few moments, "they make it look so hot, don't they?"

Kevin was pushed over the edge by her comment, and helped along by her presence since he enjoyed masturbating with a female audience, and groaned as he shot off in front of her. He kept his dick pointed straight up and squirted cum onto his belly and thighs. He had been building up his load for almost a half hour already, being his first wank of the day, and had noticed that jerking off for longer the first time made it easier to cum again later. He sighed raggedly as his sister watched him jerk the last few drops from his cock before letting it go finally. It lurched once as she watched him enjoy himself.

"Feel good?" she said with a smile.

He nodded and smiled. "Oh yeah. Thanks for letting me finish."

"No problem." Brooke seemed genuinely happy to oblige him. "Can you go check your car please, after you get cleaned up?"

"Yeah sure." He grabbed a towel from the floor next to him and wiped the cum from his body. Then he threw on some shorts and a t-shirt before fetching his keys.

He had just turned eighteen and Brooke was a year older but still lived at home while she took her gap year before starting college. They had an older sister as well, Madison, that had moved out but was frequently seen hanging out at the house still. Their family was fairly close, more so than most that they knew, so it was welcome. The three of them got along great, and most of that was due to their mother's strict family rule regarding their behavior around each other growing up.

She was fairly liberal, and a self-proclaimed hippy during the day, but Muriel Weathers was known around the community as the happiest widow in town. Of course being a widow was not cause for celebration, but she had promised to raise her three children on her own in a warm and accepting household that would fill the void of a father with unconditional love. Her own upbringing had influenced her joyous marriage before her husband passed away from illness, and though her children had been young at the time and didn't remember much about his death, thankfully, she had come out of the experience determined to be "that mother" who nourished her children's curiosities and never made them feel anything but positive things.

One thing, among many, that she was completely open about with them was sexuality. She made no attempt to hide her own sexual needs from them, and proudly established the bedroom as a personal space that no one was allowed to bring negativity into. If you wanted to do something in your own private space and others were allowed into that space, then that meant they had to accept whatever you were doing regardless of what that was, within reason of course. She also wasn't a fan of locked doors, ironically, as that was a person excluding themselves from the rest of the family. It was a balance of respecting someone's privacy without invading it, while simultaneously being allowed into that private space as proof of love and acceptance.

Muriel believed that allowing children to act unfettered gave them the freedom to learn for themselves, which would make them into self-actuating members of the community. Her one strict rule for the family was to never make someone feel bad for what they did. That was the only rule and it had to be followed exclusively or else she would find creative punishments that usually involved the offender doing nice things for the one they offended. Fortunately for her, the children had grown up respecting each other as she had wanted. Their family life, while missing a father, was still full and rich and loving.

One thing that had not happened as of yet, though it was not really spoken against, was sexual interaction between them. Muriel hadn't enforced any rules about that because it hadn't seemed necessary up until now. The children had viewed sex as something to never be ashamed of, so there was no need to sneak around in secret attempting to have sex or explore each other's bodies. Sex was an open book in their house so if they wanted to fuck someone they certainly had opportunity, but they were also fairly attractive people and didn't have any issues finding partners in the wild.

Both girls had lost their virginities years ago, and Kevin had within the last year. Muriel was proud that they were being safe and open about it. No curbing of appetites was necessary, and she actually found the thought of them being sexually active a bit alluring. Incest was one of her own kinks but she was so diligent about being a good parent that she would never even mention that around them. They had had discussions about fetishes and kinks over the years and knew that it was a deeply personal thing not to be brought up without the information being offered first.

Later, Kevin was hanging out in the living room on his own device, scrolling through memes and sexy images in the various subreddits he belonged to, when Madison came through the front door.

"Hey bro," she said, throwing her purse on the floor and heading for the kitchen.

Kevin barely registered her, but something about her outfit caught his attention just as she disappeared around the corner. She was wearing a bikini top and denim shorts, showing off lots of skin. He had to admit that he liked seeing his sisters scantily clad, and even better seeing them naked when the opportunities presented themselves. Since he was raised to never be embarrassed about such things, he found that he quite enjoyed being naked around them too. His cock wasn't huge or anything but he was proud of it nonetheless.

Madison returned with a soda in hand and plopped down on the couch across from him. "Bro."

Kevin looked up from his phone. "Yeah?"

Madison leaned forward as if she was about to share a secret. This made her cleavage, ample and full, take his full attention. "Wanna play around tonight?"

Kevin smiled. "Sure. You horny?"

Madison nodded. "Hell yeah. Actually, FUCK yeah."

Kevin snickered. She knew that he got off on hearing women swear, and also that their mother wasn't fond of cursing in the house. However, she would never stop them from doing it.

Kevin looked back to his phone but his attention was diverted now. "What about Brooke?"

Madison was casually stroking her inner thigh at the moment while sipping from the soda can. "I think she's actually gonna go fuck Sean or something. I can't remember but she seemed excited to go out."

Kevin was getting aroused again, and in his shorts it was plainly evident. He made no attempt to hide it from her.

"Nice," she said, eyeing his boner. "God, I kinda wanna do it right now."

Kevin was ignoring his phone now, upon hearing that. "I thought you said we were gonna go swimming at the rec when you go home. You want to jerk off before, or after?"

Madison thought about it while openly rubbing her mound through her denim shorts.

"You already jerked off, right?" She seemed aware of his habits and schedule.

He nodded. "A good one too, but I'm game if you want."

"It'll be better if you get worked up," she said, smiling seductively. "I want to see a big load."

Kevin was rock hard now but equally excited to see her in a swimsuit for a couple of hours too. He loved when they went swimming and he could eye all the hot girls at the pool as well as his own tight-bodied sisters. They really were gorgeous and he was not ashamed to admit it to himself. Whether it was "proper" to actually masturbate over them was something he didn't care to think about. It just felt fucking amazing to do so, especially with them there actively participating.

"I'll get changed," Madison said, getting up off the couch. "One piece, or bikini?"

Kevin shook his head in amusement, but obliged her offer. "One piece. Those are just as hot."

Madison practically skipped up the stairs to her old room which was still full of her stuff. She kept lots of clothes here at the house and nearly all of her swimwear was still here since she usually only went to the rec with her siblings.

Kevin returned to his own room and exchanged his jogging shorts for swim trunks. He was already semi-hard thinking about spending time with Madison. She had a slight thickness to her body that Brooke didn't have, though Brooke was more attractive in a nymph-like way. She was the wispy fairy girl while the older sister was the athletic fuckmeat type. Both had great asses too.

They hopped in his car and he drove them to the rec center. The whole way there Madison was rubbing herself and casually mentioning how she hadn't gotten laid in a while and masturbating alone wasn't "as fun" as doing it with her brother and sister. Kevin found that both erotic and endearing, as odd as that probably seemed from the outside. They talked about the recent porn that they'd both watched and what was hot about it. They would usually send each other porn memes and sometimes just porn over text and chat. Brooke too, since the three of them had a group chat going constantly. In fact, Madison took the opportunity to send a message to Brooke right that moment to share that she was horny and hope she found some fun tonight.

Once they were in the pool, though Kevin enjoyed seeing Madison in her one-piece, the usual brother/sister bond took over and they switched from playful to casual repeatedly. There was splashing and horseplay, and also relaxed chatting. It was the usual fun that was often had here since they were younger. There were a few other people at the pool at the moment but they could easily talk in private by staying at one corner of the pool.

Madison's long dark hair clung to her as she relaxed against the edge of the pool, letting her body float to the top and showing off her impressive curves and chest to Kevin. He was nearly erect from the horseplay already.

"You ever jerked off in public?" The question came as a surprise to him, but he could tell from her horseplay that she was on edge and probably looking to relieve some stress.

He nodded. "Yeah but never got caught, and never to completion. I'm hard right now."

She smiled. "Yeah, I felt it."

"Hey, no touching," he teased. There was no such rule but somehow they had refrained from actually touching each other even during their joint masturbation sessions.

She looked at him with a strange hunger in her eyes. "Would you want to touch me?"

Kevin was shocked and didn't know how to respond. "...Do you want me to?"

The way she locked her eyes on him and slowly nodded her head up and down made him incredibly horny. This was a strange advancement of the unspoken path they were on with each other, and with Brooke too. Was she asking him to fuck her? Even if not yet, what would stop them if they started interacting at all?

Madison looked around. "The jacuzzi is empty."

Without waiting for him to respond, she pulled herself out of the pool and headed for the jacuzzi near the back ina semi-private area separated from the pool. Kevin had to think about whether to follow her or not, considering how hard he was at the moment, but it wasn't going to deflate any time soon with how turned on he was. He tried his best to hide his tent as he got out of the pool and awkwardly trudged after his sister.

They both gently dipped themselves into the hot bubbling water and relaxed into it. Kevin sat near Madison but wasn't sure if he should get too close. This was new territory for them and he wasn't sure how to proceed. She could tell he was nervous, and knew that she should have been too, but for whatever reason she was too fucking horny to care about anything else. He was glad she at least had the foresight to remove herself from the more public area before attempting to satisfy herself.

"What got you so worked up?" He figured he might break the tension by getting her talking.

"I sucked a guy off last night but he didn't return the favor," she replied.

Some guys might have scoffed at hearing their own sister talk like that, or at knowing that some stranger's semen had been inside of her mouth and stomach not too long ago. Kevin didn't have those feelings though, as he had been raised to respect the choices of others and recognize certain blunt realities that other people pretended to ignore. Women liked to fuck, just like men did, and when women fucked men they consumed or ingested semen in some way or another. Usually. In Madison's case, she had swallowed it last night and it was gone from her system for sure by now. Kevin was neither disgusted by the thought or turned off in the slightest. He was aroused by thinking about her sucking a dick, though.

"Ah that fucker," he said, offering some sympathy for her. "What about your toys?"

Madison boldly reached down into the water and moved the crotch of her swimsuit aside, exposing her pussy lips to anyone who was close enough to see through the bubbling water. Right now that meant only Kevin would see it, and he was openly staring, currently.

"I fucked them," Madison replied, rubbing her exposed lips. "Practically all night, actually. The idiot had the biggest dick I've ever seen and it made me so wet, but that made it worse when he scooted out the door and left me hanging. I think I broke my dildo."

Kevin chuckled, but he was still watching his sister masturbate herself slowly under the water. "Sorry, Maddie. If I could fuck you, I would."

Shit, that escalated things too quick, he thought. He wasn't even sure that was the goal here. It just seemed like a fitting thing to say, or offer, or suggest...right?

Madison shook her head. "Not yet. Just...touching."

Not yet? What the fuck did that mean exactly?

He'd seen her rub her pussy lots of times by now, sometimes even for show to her siblings, but this was different. There was a heat to her fingers sliding up and down between her pussy lips, drawing ragged breaths from her throat and causing her brow to furrow with pleasure.

"What do you want me to do?" Kevin asked, figuring he might as well move closer to her so that whatever she wanted him to do wasn't obvious to anyone around them. If they kept it all under the surface of the jacuzzi water, no one but them would know.

"Finger," she answered. "I give you permission to finger me and do whatever you want."

Wow, that was hot! Kevin was so rock hard he kind of wanted her to return the favor and jerk him off right here and now. She probably would have too, but he didn't want to spoil her fun considering she had been blueballed enough by now.

"You sure?" He wanted to give her one last chance to opt out.

Her eyes gave him all the answers he needed. There was no backing out of this from her.

He reached into the water and gently felt around her crotch and touched the soft skin of her pussy lips tentatively before splitting them open. She groaned a bit loud but caught herself as she nodded for him to continue.

"Go ahead," she instructed. "I'm so fucking wet you're not gonna have any resistance. Jam a couple in there if you want."

Kevin felt his heart racing a bit as he extended two fingers and penetrated her opening. Her pussy was hot even through the heated water and it was really exciting to feel her insides accept his intrusion and quiver from it. He sawed his fingers slowly in and out of her hole lewdly, not caring if his movements felt amateurish or juvenile. He wasn't an expert at fingering girls yet but she truly seemed indifferent to his technique. She just wanted someone to give her sex of any kind.

"Fuck..." She breathed the word and closed her eyes. "I'll suck you off after, ok?"

Kevin felt his dick lurch in his trunks. "Where?"

The question was silly, but Madison didn't skip a beat.

"In the family changing room," she replied quickly. "We can lock the door."

Now he was motivated to do a good job, so he kept at it until he felt her hips moving to meet his hand with gentle thrusts. It was obvious that she was feeling good so he took a chance at changing things up and rubbing her clit a bit now. She hissed with sharp pleasure at that and he felt something happening around his fingers that he didn't understand.

"God, I'm pissing," she said quietly, surprised at herself. "Fuck!"

Kevin wasn't sure if that meant he should stop or not, so he kept assaulting her clit with his fingertip. The hot water was relaxing her or something while the clit work was making her squirt in sharp streams that were lost in the hot bubbles.

"Fuck yes..." Her eyes closed and she went with it, despite the possibility that he would find it gross.

He did not.

"Squirt all over me," he breathed, feeling his balls churning with need. "That's fucking hot."

"Yes!" Madison met his eyes and seemed to lock onto him as they shared a moment of depravity. "You like that?"

He nodded. "You can squirt on me any time you want. On my dick, on my chest, wherever."

The dirty talk was getting her off big time, and Madison was starting to wince from the pleasure. "You're gonna make me cum..."

The warning was almost a whisper, kept low to avoid attracting any attention. Kevin was having a hard time keeping alert to anyone around them but thankfully they were practically alone and out of earshot from anyone in the pool. He kept working her clit and used his other hand to saw two fingers in and out of her. She threw her head back and let her orgasm build and build until it nearly burst out of her.


When he felt her clench hard onto his fingers, he pushed them in as deep as he could go and paid more attention to her clit now, keeping his movements steady and determined. He had a girl teach his this once, which had proved useful information since most guys would just flick the bean even harder in the moment instead of doing what girls actually preferred in most cases. He knew she was at the peak already so there was no frantic need to escalate, only maintain and assist while her body created the pleasure from its own contractions.

Once she was coherent again, her nipples poking through her swimsuit and her thighs squeezed around his hand, Kevin gently cupped her pussy from the outside and held his palm firmly against her while she enjoyed the aftershocks. She smiled dreamily as he did that.

"You know how to make a girl cum," she said to him.

"I've had a few teachers," he replied.

Madison was very relaxed now, the edge having been taken off with that intense orgasm. She sprawled out in the jacuzzi and didn't care that her crotch was still pulled aside a bit and one of her pussy lips was peeking out. After a few moments she remembered that he had needs of a similar nature, and the urge was likely very strong in him right now.

"What do you want from me?" Madison asked.

Kevin wanted to fuck her but didn't have the balls to ask outright. He wanted her to offer her services in this way of her own volition.


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