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Hostile Takeover

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A woman wakes up on a plane with no way to say no.
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I'm flying back to Philly from Seattle - a quick turnaround after flying up with my son to meet his father for the summer where he was already vacationing. A flight attendant recognizes me from the flight out 2 hours before and asks where my little boy is, as she had chatted with us a couple times on the previous flight. I tell her, and she chats with me for a moment and moves to get on the plane.

I am called to the counter a few moments later and told I am being upgraded to a first class seat, as there are several available and a member of the crew had nominated me.

When first class pre boards, I gratefully take my very comfortable seat and accept a complimentary drink- scotch as I am trying to relax and distract myself. The plane I am on is used only for long flights and the first class seating is very nicely laid out for relaxation- each row of seats has a wall separating it from the others, with a curtain that can be pulled for privacy from the aisle. I'm in the window seat, hopeful that the aisle seat beside me stays available.

The attendant I had spoken to near the gate stopped to speak to me, a second scotch in her hand, she gave me a wink and we ended up speaking for about 10 minutes, as most first class passengers hadn't boarded yet. We ended up comparing notes about crappy exes who take advantage of every opportunity to undermine us in custody court just to basically neglect the child while they have them- she had very similar headaches to mine.

We had to stop our conversation when the second man in the row behind us arrived, I hadn't even realized someone was already sitting there, and was somewhat uncomfortable with a stranger having heard some of what she and I had been talking about.

She got a drink for the new comer, and sat quickly in the seat beside me. "Hey, I live just outside the city, too. I just moved there, and haven't developed much of a social life. It's not normally something I would do, but would you like to get a drink sometime?" I agreed and we exchanged numbers quickly, then she got busy as the rest of first class started to fill up.

It's a late afternoon departure, and after takeoff dinner is served. While eating, I notice a man from the row behind get up to use the restroom and when he returns to his seat he sort of slow walks past my row. I recognize him from the gate area- I had felt like he was staring at me and gotten up to move after giving him a dirty look. The look he gave me now seemed kind of smug and I was apprehensive, despite how he looked.

He was older than me, with an attractive face. He obviously took care of himself and was in good shape, but not a gym rat- there wasn't a six pack under his shirt, but he was clearly strong. I might have been flattered by his attention if he hadn't seemed so intense- and rude!- about it. I didn't hear him return to his seat, and heard a murmured conversation at the back of first class, which I ignored and put my headphones in to watch a documentary I had downloaded.

Moments later I was interrupted by activity in the empty seat beside me. The flight attendant was helping that same man move into the empty seat near me. "Hope you don't mind, the man beside me spilled an entire bottle of water into my seat while I was in the bathroom. This is the only available seat."

I gave a small smile and nod, saw my new friend rolling her eyes behind him and grinned at her, which he noticed and seemed to annoy him, then returned my full attention to my phone. I was unsettled by the closeness to him, but couldn't put my finger on why, so I decided to be polite but mostly just ignore him. I planned to sleep for the flight anyway.

"Before you get too comfortable, I'm going to use the restroom, excuse me." I said to him, stowing my phone and headphones in the pocket on my armrest.

As I passed him, I felt the skirt of my wrap dress snag - I thought on the arm rest, but when I twisted my hips just a bit to free it, I thought for just a second it looked like his finger was hooked at the hem. I was sure I was seeing things. Allowing the unease that I couldn't explain to run away with me.

When I returned, he seemed distracted with his own phone, and I moved past him to my seat. As I was putting my headphones in, he asked me if I minded if he closed the curtain for our row so he could nap. I agreed, trying to be accommodating, and because I wanted to sleep as well.

I switched my phone to an e book- an erotic novel I had a little left to read, and about half an hour later he seemed to have fallen asleep, and I had finished my book, and reclined my seat to do the same.

Perhaps reading that particular story ending hadn't been the wisest choice, as I seemed to be dreaming immediately, and my dreams were every bit as erotic as the story. My dream lover was firm, insistent, he seemed to know exactly how and where to touch me. It was an amazing dream.

I woke up having an orgasm. I was suddenly snapped to reality by a few things. My skin was bare, there was a hand at my throat, another between my legs, fingers inside me, thumb still playing with my clit. I felt panic rising even as my body was still responding to his pumping fingers and swirling thumb. I think he was aware I wasn't asleep anymore because the hand at my throat stopped gently squeezing and moved up to cover my mouth.

I moved to try and push him away and realized I couldn't. My wrists were secured to the armrests, and my ankles were secured to something under the seat so that my knees were pulled to the corners of the seat, legs open to his attentions. There was nothing I could do about it.

He leaned down over me, mouth right at my ear. "Struggle if you need to, but you aren't going to get anywhere and those zip ties are just going to cut you." His fingers were still working and to my horror, I was grinding against them. He breathed in deeply through his nose, "mmm your sex smells so good." I whimpered, I couldn't hold it in, and felt a measure of additional wetness flow at his words. "Such a dirty little slut I've discovered. I think I may keep you..."

I was horrified, violated, embarrassed, upset...and so completely responding to his touch anyway. My libido was always strong and since I'd been asleep when he began, it was like a freight train running at full speed away from what my mind wanted me to do. I could hear how wet he had made me, I couldn't stop bucking and grinding for more. Even when I realized the state I was in.

"I have to say, I'm pleased that your dress was an actual wrap dress, and not just made to look like one. It made opening my present so much easier." I looked down my body and realized what he meant. He had untied and opened the dress completely, my tits were pulled out of the cups of my bra, but it was still in place, so they looked like they were being held up as an offering to him. I think he had cut my thong off of one hip, because I still felt it around one thigh, but not the other.

I was essentially completely bare to him. As I was watching, he pulled his fingers out of my wet, clenching pussy and brought them to his mouth, sucking clean the two that had been inside of me. I whined when he pulled them out, despite myself and felt my empty pussy clench watching him suck his fingers.

He was naked from the waist up, and in my state I was very distracted by the muscle definition in his chest and arms. "Oh, baby I am definitely keeping you around. Just like honey. And tight. I think you're ready now." I was hypnotized watching his hand move to his belt and begin unfastening it, then opened his pants and pushed them and his boxer briefs down to mid thigh.

I just managed to stifle a sigh at the sight of his cock coming free. It wasn't huge or extra long, but it was just thicker and just longer than any cock I had experienced. I should have been fighting, but too much of me was turned on.

He caught me staring at it and gave a self satisfied little laugh. "Now, if you scream, I'm going to gag you, and leave you tied down for someone to find after we land." He shifted the hand over my mouth, shoved two fingers between my lips, which I greedily began to suck on. "Good girl, I really have to feel this on my cock soon. Too bad it's not possible in your current position."

One knee came down on the seat between my knees, and he lowered his body down over mine. I was suddenly cursing the complete recline that the first class seats could do. He managed to manipulate my body enough to drive himself into me in one hard thrust. I came again, immediately, the fingers in my mouth preventing me from making too much noise.

He froze during my orgasm, groaned and muttered something about how tightly my pussy was squeezing his cock, then began to fuck me, and I was so caught up that I didn't even notice when he pulled his hand from my mouth and began squeezing and twisting my nipples with both hands. I was insensate with pleasure, one orgasm rolling to the next, fucking him back as best as I could move my hips to do.

He was pounding me, roughly but quietly telling all manner of dirty things that he wanted to do to me and how much he was enjoying my complete surrender to him. How hot it was that I was such a dirty little slut that I was actually getting off on him raping me, how my consent would never matter once he could touch me because I would just give myself to him once he did. It shouldn't have, at all, but his monologue made me cum harder.

Finally, my swollen, soaked pussy felt his cock beginning to twitch and pulse and at the last second, he pulled out and came all over my belly and breasts. Then he stood back up and stayed there, between my tied open knees, watching my body as it shook with continued pulses of pleasure. Enjoying watching the aftershocks he had triggered, he reached out and slapped downward between my legs, landing a firm sting right on my clit, causing another orgasm to shake me.

"So good, slut." He took his belt off and proceeded to land several hits of various force right on my clit- many of them landing well enough to slap the lips of my pussy as well. I was bucking and squirming, and cumming again and again, completely helpless. He pinched and twisted a nipple and sent another wave of response through me, chuckling a low laugh as he did. "So very sensitive."

I was coming down, but still responding to every touch, and he was enjoying it. "If you make a scene, you will regret it, I promise you." He said. I was confused as to why, then I saw him reach to the corner of my seat above my head and take down a camera. My eyes got big and I went cold fast as he looked at it and I heard some beeps, presumably as he turned it off. I opened my mouth to yell at him and there was immediately a hand over it.

"Don't get all frigid now, slut. I have you on here, enjoying and participating. Cumming in fact. Over and over. Sucking on my fingers, pumping your hips, loving every little second. I filmed a good part of the starting point from my view to get your face in there very clearly, too. So stay quiet while I explain what is going to happen next. Nod if you understand." I nodded.

"Good. I'm going to cut the ties now so your hands and feet don't go numb. You can move, but you do not have permission to cover up. I want to see those tits, and I want my cum to dry on you just where it is- no wiping it off. Understand?" I nodded again.

"I'm sure from the conversation I heard before take off that you don't need this very compromising video of you ending up in the wrong hands, or going viral, so I suggest you keep in mind that I have this."

Tears were running down my cheeks, and I nodded and bit my lips together as he removed his hand. He bent and I heard a Velcro tearing sound as he removed the restraints from my ankles, slid the torn remains of my panties down my leg and put them in a pocket, then he used a nail clipper he had set on his little tray to cut the zip ties on my wrists. I didn't move.

"Good Slut" he smirked as he sat back down, pants still open. "I think I want you on your knees in front of me while we talk. Kneel with your legs open, leave your dress on your seat."

"There is absolutely NO way I'm---" I started, but he held up the camera in front of me and waggled it.

"I know your entire name, and I picked up your phone number during your chat with the stewardess, I can get every and any other piece of info that I need to ruin you with this little sex tape we made." An evil smile. "Now" he commanded and pointed at the floor before him. "Back straight, up against the wall, for now."

I blinked in frustrated fury, but slipped my arms out of the dress and did exactly as he asked. I stared determinedly at the floor between me and his seat. "Now look at me while I tell you what is next. And I recommend you keep that adorable and futile temper under control."

I stubbornly continued staring at the floor, then suddenly his hand was at my throat, pushing the back of my head and neck into the wall as he leaned his face down into mine. "You will do what I tell you to do, when I tell you. This pouting is only going to piss me off and get you punished. Trust me, you do not want that. Keep your eyes on my face when I tell you to look at me." He squeezed, just hard enough and long enough to make his point, then released me.

I didn't dare look away, I was actually scared. I was also horribly aware that I was getting wet again. I wanted to believe it was the hand at my throat- which was a known turn on, but I doubted that was all I was reacting to. I was embarrassed, and hoped he wouldn't notice.

His eyes swept down my body. "I own you now, you need to wrap your head around that. Not just the rest of this flight, though I guess that I have about another hour before they start preparing to land and the curtain needs to be reopened. I was planning to have a little fun with you during the flight and be done, but now..." he breathed deeply through his nose. "Now I know I'm going to want more of you."

I felt my eyes widen. "Yes, I am going to have more of you after today. You're so fortunate that we live in the same city." He smirked at me.

"I have a life, a job, friends, I live with my partner, are you planning to have me destroy that so you can fuck me again?" I was furious, and scared.

"No, I expect you to fuck me again to keep me from destroying it. We can work around some things, as long as I don't begin to get the impression you are using your life to just avoid me. If you let me get too horny for you I might have to change to a less...understanding system of ownership. And don't get confused here- I own you until I'm done with you. I will make it worth your time and efforts."

I was sputtering I wanted to stomp him, no - stomp that damn camera. I wanted to hate this complete sense of hopelessness but there was a tiny voice in my head pointing out that a part of me was getting off on it. I didn't want him to notice, but I was sure he would.

"To start, I am going to give you my work address, and a time this week, and you will be at my office for a...we'll call it a formal interview. You will be wearing a skirt, no panties, stockings not pantyhose, and a shirt I can open down the front. I will shred anything you have on that doesn't align with my wishes. And heels. I'm guessing those fantastic legs of yours are amazing in heels."

"We are going to lay down all the ground rules then. You tell no one about what a filthy slut you are. I do not want a jealous partner showing up to ruin my day, and this video will be viral on the internet and a link sent to your ex's custody lawyer if he does- or if you fail to show up when I tell you to. Do you understand?"

I nodded. "Speak UP slut- and address me with respect."

I swallowed, "Yes....." He raised an eyebrow, "sir" I added quickly. He smirked again. I decided I hated that expression.

"Good slut." He slid his eyes down my body. "That hot little pussy of yours is dripping, little girl. Play with yourself for me. Then I think you're going to have a midnight snack."

I was paralyzed. I honestly didn't want to anger him, but masturbating while someone watched in person was always a thing I froze up and got very embarrassed about. I had no idea why- I'd recorded myself doing it, but someone right there just froze me up. He leaned forward and painfully twisted and pulled my nipples.

"Show me how you get yourself off or I am going to push you through that curtain just how you are right now." I could tell his tone of voice was serious, I believed he would do it. I forced myself to move my right hand to my swollen pussy and began rubbing my clit. He watched for a few moments while my hips started moving into my fingers.

"Other hand, I want to watch your fingers fuck that pussy." I opened my eyes, did as he asked, now fixated on his fingers teasing up and down the length of his cock. I was horrified that at that moment, I wanted to take over for his hand. Then I came, collapsing forward as my body shuddered, my forehead landing between his legs against his seat. He made a mocking sound. "Close, baby, but that's not where I wanted your face. Up."

With that command, as soon as I lifted my head, he grabbed it with both hands "no teeth" he ground out, and pulled my face to his cock. I quickly and hungrily slurped his cock into my mouth, shifting my body to get a good angle.

"No hands, put them behind your back now, and you suck me off with just that mouth." One hand slid around to the back of my my head. "Take it all," and he pushed my head all the way down his cock with his hand fisted in my hair, and continued to guide my head up and down on his cock while I sucked and slurped for all I was worth.

I was appalled at myself but I wanted him to cum in my mouth. Not because I didn't want more of his cum drying on me anywhere- which I truly didn't- but I wanted him to cum, and I wanted to taste it. My hips were humping against nothing, my pussy clenching and dripping. The way he was using me, and my complete lack of power were potent and I was just pure physical response, more desperate and horny and pathetic every moment he spent fucking his cock with my face.

Finally I felt the pulsing of the veins in his cock with my tongue, and a moment later he started to cum on his way back into my mouth, and I tasted the first salty drops on the tip of my tongue before he shoved himself into the back of my throat and held my head in place while he fired several bursts down my throat.

I moaned and swallowed around him and received another pulse and stream of cum for my efforts. He pulled me off of him and ordered me to clean him up, so I gratefully licked him clean, until he pushed me back and I landed splayed on the floor against the wall behind me. Just in time for the announcement to prepare for landing.

He reached down and started rubbing my clit roughly, making me wild just when I was sure I was going to cum for him again, he stopped. I had been so excited, it didn't take more than a minute or two and now I was left at the edge of an orgasm. "Such a messy pussy...you better get your dress back on and take your seat. The attendants open all the curtains before they fasten in for landing." This time I missed him stopping and putting away his camera.

I got myself under a little control and fixed my bra, tied my dress back on, and resumed my seat, buckling my seatbelt and pulling my phone out of the storage pocket by my seat. I was pressing my legs together to try to get my runaway libido under some control. I could feel how wet and slick I was.

I was both more turned on and miserable that he had left me so close to the edge. That combined with the fact that I had cum several times had me vibrating at the tiniest touch. My bra rubbing my nipples was almost more than I could handle.

"How are you getting home from the airport, doll? It's very early in the morning Philly time." I couldn't believe he was reverting to speaking to me like that- like he was hitting on me. "I am scheduling an uber now." I had my phone out. He took it and he turned it off, stowing it in his pocket. Before I could protest, the curtain is opened and the attendant checked to confirm we were ready for landing.


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