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Hot For Teacher: The Teacher's Pet

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Hot young teacher & former schoolboy are finally equals.
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Dedicated to "Ms. Wulfgar".

You are still every schoolboy's dream.


Aimee swore as the stranger bumped into her, causing the 28-year-old blonde to spill her coffee.

"I'm so sorry!" The man barely glanced in her direction as he continued hurrying towards the exit, and hastily apologized, "But I'm late for work."

"Yea, that makes two of us!" Aimee retorted. But the man was already out the door. "You could've at least replaced my coffee," she lamented to no one.

It was another dreaded Monday morning. Aimee had gotten out on the proverbial

"wrong side of the bed" and was in a very foul mood. She had come to her favorite coffee shop, as was her daily ritual before work, hoping that sustenance would improve her spirits.

But the asshole who spilled her drink and offered only a lame apology made things worse.

This is going to be one of those days, the young woman sighed ruefully.

Aimee generally loved her job as a high school teacher. Teaching was her calling in life; there was no doubt about it. The hours were long and the pay wasn't great, but the pretty blonde confidently believed that she could make a difference in her students' lives.

But right now, she was NOT in the mood to deal with teenagers.

Aimee had the respect of her students. Being an AP Physics teacher as well as Yearbook Adviser, and assistant coach of the girls' JV volleyball team meant that she possessed credibility among the high school population, regardless of the clique. Aimee was also young enough that she could still relate to her students, and vice versa.

But her relative youth sometimes worked against her.

Depending on what she wore or how she presented herself, Aimee could still pass for a high school coed herself. Standing right at 6ft tall with long blonde hair, a toned body, and 34C breasts, the young woman was confident in her looks and smugly admitted, albeit to no one other than herself, that she was hotter than even the best-looking girls at school. Aimee was rather proud of that.

But being the "hot teacher" did come with its obvious drawbacks.

Her male students often flirted with her and, though it was usually an ego boost, some days it could be really irritating.

Her female students often confided with her because they saw her as "one of them", and that was one of the many reasons why Aimee wanted to be a teacher. It was all about having a positive influence on young people and shaping them to be productive members of society. However, while most of the female students adored Aimee, there was no small number who were jealous of the young blonde's looks, and were openly hostile to her. Most days, she would secretly relish their jealousy while pretending not to notice.

But today, Aimee did NOT feel like putting up with obnoxious teenage boys or catty teenage girls.

"Ms. Wulfgar?"

The soothing and distantly familiar voice broke the young blonde from her dark thoughts. She turned, expecting one of her students, when she suddenly found herself staring in the deepest, most hypnotic blue eyes that she had ever seen. Like the voice, they, too, were oddly familiar.

An extremely handsome yet face stared back at her.

Aimee eyes widened as she recognized the young man. "Noah?"

"Wow, you actually remember me?"

Aimee's heart started to race. Noah was a decorated student who had graduated from high school last year. Not only was he the valedictorian, but as an all-state quarterback he had been accepted to a Division I college with the intention of furthering his football career.

Noah, however, wasn't merely intelligent and athletic, but he was also VERY good-looking. Standing several inches over Aimee's 6-foot frame, he was powerfully built with a barrel chest and thick limbs. But Noah possessed an easy-going, infectious smile that contrasted with his hulking mass. And though he was no longer a high school student, there was still a definite boyish quality about him.

Despite those appealing qualities, however, what Aimee remembered most about him was that he was extremely respectful and courteous. And equally as important, she had never heard a bad thing about him. Many high school boys possessed well-known reputations, especially among the female students, but not Noah. Girls had openly swooned over him, and Aimee could recall many instances when she witnessed him humbly rebuff their advances.

Noah had been a very special student.

As one of the young man's high school teachers, Aimee had often fantasized about him in a way that was taboo for a teacher to fantasize about a student. But she was only 9 years older than him--- not TOO extreme of an age gap--- and he was very cute. While Aimee was embarrassed by her attraction to a much younger male, she couldn't help herself.

However, after Noah graduated and headed off to college, she figured that she'd never see him again except in an occasional wistful memory.

And now he was standing before her.

"Ms. Wulfgar?"

The calm voice snapped Aimee back into the moment. "Noah! Hi... yes! Of course, I remember you! It's good to see you! How are you?"

The young man's smile grew even broader, and it was obvious that he was delighted. In response, Aimee blushed even darker, but Noah didn't notice... or pretended not to. "I'm good, Ms. Wulfgar. College has been really tough, but I'm having a great time."

"I'm sure playing college football must be a lot of fun!"

"Actually, I gave it up."

Aimee was shocked. "You gave up football?" During his time as a student-athlete, Noah had become synonymous with football. He had easily broken school records and led his team to multiple state championships. There was even talk that he might make it to the pros someday.

The young man chuckled in a relaxed manner. "I know, hard to believe, right? But I quickly discovered that college football wasn't for me. It was taking too much time away from my studies. Plus, now I actually have time to enjoy the whole college experience, too!"

Aimee felt like a proud parent as she studied the boy. He was definitely the same Noah she had always known, but there was something different about him. She couldn't figure it out until the obvious finally dawned on her.

Noah had grown up; he was no longer the boy whom she had taught in high school.

The pretty blonde couldn't help herself from smiling.

Now it was Noah's turn to blush under the intense scrutiny, and he fidgeted. "I'm guessing you're on your way to work. I saw the guy spill your coffee. May I buy you a replacement?"

Aimee was genuinely touched. "Why, thank you."

"Of course, Ms. Wulfgar."

"Noah, you're not my student anymore. Please, call me Aimee."

"Aimee." Noah spoke the name awkwardly.

His former high school teacher laughed.

With a new cup of coffee soon in hand, the pair stood off to the side and chatted some more, getting each other caught up on their respective lives. Aimee had lingered too long but would have gladly continued their conversation for much longer had Noah not gently reminded her that she was almost late for school. During the course of their animated conversation, though, he stated numerous times how wonderful it was to see her again, and it was clear that there was a deeper meaning behind those words. However, Noah was either too shy or too polite to say more and it was evident that, while he was extremely attracted to her, the young man still viewed Aimee as an authority figure.

Omigod, he's even more adorable than I remember!

"Well, um, I guess I better let you go, Ms. Wulfgar... I mean, Aimee. I'm super-glad we ran into each other. Maybe I'll see you around?" His voice trailed off hopefully.

Aimee smiled. Noah shifted awkwardly again as she remained silent, but after a while the woman realized that she would have to take the initiative. "Would you like to get together sometime?"

"I would love that!" he blurted.

Noah was mortified by his unchecked enthusiasm, but felt better when the beautiful blonde beamed radiantly. "So... how about meeting here again this Saturday?"

"Sounds perfect."

They agreed on a time, and exchanged numbers.

Noah hesitated again as Aimee prepared to leave.

He is WAY too adorable.

The woman hugged her former student. "I'll see you Saturday, Noah."

The young man froze as he felt carefully embraced the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and hadn't stopped dreaming about since he was a high schooler. Her body was incredibly warm and firm, and her scent was like an irresistible pheromone. But perhaps most devastating was the way her perfect breasts pressed into his chest.

Neither wanted to let go.

Aimee flashed a smile and was gone, leaving Noah with a bulge in his pants that was painfully obvious to everyone around him.

Saturday couldn't arrive soon enough for either of them.


The young pair murmured into each other's lips as they stumbled through the doorway of Aimee's apartment. Their tongues wrestled in each other's mouths, and their limbs were entangled as they groped and explored one another's bodies. Sighs and whimpers and murmurs punctuated their passionate kisses.

Aimee marveled at how wonderful Noah's large hands felt all over her body.

Noah continued to be intoxicated by Aimee's scent, and the warmth and firmness of her athletic body.

"I have wanted you for so long," the young man confessed breathlessly. His voice was thick with emotion, and he once again felt like a young hapless schoolboy.

Aimee's voice quavered. "Really?" The sexy confession melted her heart.

"Yes, really. I know you probably think I'm just saying this to---"

Aimee smeared her lips onto Noah's before he could utter another word, and slipped her tongue deep into his mouth.

Their relationship had evolved into something much more serious tonight.

It had been over a month since their fateful meeting at the coffee shop, and the young pair had gone on countless dates times since then. And though they had become increasingly flirty, Noah continued to embody politeness and did not test Aimee's boundaries, somewhat to her surprise but much to her happiness. It was reassuring to know that she had judged his character correctly.

Feeling more like a lovesick coed than a full-grown woman, Aimee pulled back from their long passionate kiss and whispered softly, "Make love to me."

The younger man whom she had completely fallen for hesitated. "Aimee, are you sure? I want to be with you more than anything, but I don't want you to hate me tomorrow."

Aimee was initially hurt at being rebuffed. However, she realized that her feelings of inadequacy were unjustified when she peered into Noah's blue eyes. "You are too good to be true."

Noah blushed boyishly, a poignant remember that the young man was a high school student... her high school student... mere months ago. "Funny. I think the same about you." Then he became serious. "I just want to you to be sure. About everything. About us."

Aimee threw him her most sultry gaze, and the devastating effect sealed Noah's fate. "Do I not look sure about us right now?"

Noah could only gape at the woman's unmatched natural beauty.

"Take off my clothes," she commanded demurely.

The young man's grin broadened. "Yes, ma'am."

The couple stood face to face, smiling adoringly at each other, as Noah began unbuttoning Aimee's top. He was overcome with the desire to rip the woman's clothes off and take her right now, but forced himself to operate slowly. When Noah was finished, Aimee coolly raised her arms overhead, allowing him to remove her shirt.

Noah's eyes bulged as he gawked at the most exquisite breasts he had ever seen snugly wrapped in a sexy black silky bra like a Christmas present.

He was about to peel off the bra when Aimee inclined her head towards her pants.

Barely able to contain himself, Noah obeyed. He carefully undid her pants to discover that this beautiful woman, his former high school teacher, was wearing a matching set of panties. His cock throbbed so hard that it hurt. "My god," he breathed.

Aimee beamed. She kissed him sweetly before declaring, "My turn."

She held his gaze boldly while removing his pants.

Noah, however, could no longer wait. In between more kisses, he hurriedly tossed his shirt aside. Now, the couple faced each other in only their underwear, and the magnetic pull between their fit bodies only intensified.

Noah kissed his love for the countless time tonight and, in a single fluid motion, scooped her up and headed towards her bedroom.

This was the boldest, most confident display of affection Aimee had ever seen from Noah.

She was overjoyed.


They were still kissing when Noah gently lay Aimee on the bed.

From her lips, the young man traced his to her cheek and then downward along her neck. He kissed her all over her shoulders before teasing Aimee by flicking his tongue lightly around the fabric of her bra. And with one hand, Noah reached down and rubbed carefully through the woman's panties.

Aimee was very warm and very, very wet.

She unclasped her bra and shucked it aside.

Noah stared down in complete adoration. "You're even more perfect than I imagined."

Aimee was so in love that she would've done whatever Noah asked, no matter how demeaning or humiliating, at that precise moment. But that type of behavior wasn't in him, which was one of the many reasons why she was so smitten. Instead, she carefully pulled down his underwear and licked her lips as his engorged manhood sprung into view.

"And you're much bigger than I imagined."

For emphasis, Aimee wrapped her manicured fingers around Noah's erection, and stroked him affectionately.

Her touch was electric; Noah's manhood twitched and stiffened further in the woman's grip, and he actually trembled.

Aimee didn't let go of Noah as she slipped off her underwear.

Laying down, she spread her legs invitingly and drew his erection towards her wet hole.

The pair sighed in unison as Aimee welcomed her man inside of her.

Noah rooted himself in the woman of his dreams as deeply as possible, and simply remained there, savoring the pleasant sensation of her vaginal walls constricting around his cock. Aimee, too, was content on being physically and emotionally fulfilled. The pretty blonde had been with other men before, but Noah was different.

As if reading each other's minds, the young lovers pressed their foreheads together, as romantic of a gesture as any.

Then, slowly and gently, Noah began to thrust.

Their eyes were as wide as their mouths, their matching expressions one of utmost joy and disbelief, as they made love.

Since Aimee had reentered Noah's life, all the young man could think about was fucking her hard in very creative and acrobatic positions. But now that his dream had finally come to fruition, he simply wanted to worship Aimee's body and treat her in the manner that she deserved. He observed closely as he thrusted to make sure that he wasn't causing her discomfort.

The woman understood his what Noah was doing, and fell in love with him even more for it.

Wordlessly, she nodded once.

Noah quickened his pace.

Aimee squirmed and began meeting his thrusts. She squealed in delight as it caused Noah to penetrate her more deeply. She clenched and relaxed her pelvic muscles in alternating fashion, desperately hoping to enhance her lover's pleasure. Sure enough, he arched his back and moaned her name loudly.

Their lovemaking quickly became frenetic and desperate. Under Aimee's throaty command, he reared back and slamming into her with as much force as he could muster, the dull thud of skin smacking against skin sounding with each impacting. Noah actually feared that he might hurt the woman whom he loved so dearly, but she seemed to be enjoying the literal pounding.

"That's it, Noah! Fuck me harder... harder! HARDER!"

The young man muttered in awe. He may have been in the top, dominant position, but it was clear who was in charge. The realization was a major turn on.

He happily complied.

But it wasn't long before Noah cried out in urgent warning. "I'm gonna cum, Aimee. I'm gonna cum!"

The beautiful blonde emitted a triumphant growl and ensnared her partner as if fearing he might flee during her greatest moment of need. "Cum for me, Noah. I want it so badly. Cum inside of me."

The words made Noah powerless; he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Aimee's long sexy legs were wrapped around him so tightly that all he could do was grind against her, but that was enough to elicit the greatest orgasm he had ever experienced.

He moaned gloriously as wave after wave of euphoria flowed from him into his love.

Noah was no longer playing collegiate football, but he still took great pride in keeping himself in prime physical shape. However, he was bathed in sweat and gasping as he deposited the last drops of his climax into Aimee. He gazed down upon her unmatched beauty to discover the woman crying happy tears. Aimee's expression made her impossibly more beautiful, and he collapsed into her embrace.

The young couple marked the beginning of their love by basking in the wonderful afterglow of their union.


Sometime later, Noah was still in disbelief as he lay in Aimee's bed. The woman was dozing on his chest, and he had one arm curled protectively around her. They were still naked and, if Noah could have his way, he would remain like this with her forever. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever expect this with his gorgeous former high school teacher!

"I can actually hear you thinking."

"What? Oh... sorry. It's just that... wow, I can't believe this is really happening. I can't believe that we are really happening."

Aimee was exhausted from their night of passion, but was instantly awake as she chuckled and propped her head up. "I know, it's crazy, right? Think about how I feel; I just banged a former student!"

The couple hugged as they laughed, and everything about their relationship felt right.

Noah, however, fell into a reflective silence before he spoke again. "Aimee?"

"Yes, babe?"

"When you told me that you were attracted to me while I was your student... did you mean it?"

Aimee sat up and regarded him gravely. "Every word of it. I wouldn't say something like that if I didn't mean it. Don't you believe me?"

"I do. I just wanted to hear say it, that's all."

Aimee couldn't believe how sensitive her young love was. She squeezed his hand in assurance. "I love you." She couldn't believe how easily she spoke the words.

"I love you, too."

The blonde grinned. "And were YOU being truthful when you told me that you had a crush on me while I was your AP Physics teacher?"

Noah guffawed. "What guy at school didn't have a crush on you?" The young man's voice dropped conspiratorially. "You know, Aimee. We used to always talk about you, and how badly we wanted to fuck your brains out."

She was amused. "Oh, really."

"Yes, really. Almost every boy wanted a piece of you. Shit, you're still teaching some of them now."

"Who were your 2 friends whom you always hung out with? Everyone referred to you as 'The Three Amigos'."

"Brian Donahue and Tarik McCullough?"

"Ah, yes. Brian and Tarik. I used to contemplate telling them to meet us in my classroom after AP Physics so I could do all three of you at the same time."

Aimee said it so matter-of-factly that Noah wasn't sure if he had heard her correctly. When she regarded him with an innocent expression, he bolted upright and gaped at her with eyes as wide as saucers. "Are you serious?"

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