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Hot, Humid Summer Storm

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Natasha hatches a plan to add to her husband's fantasies.
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The summer air had that humid feeling of a pending storm. The temperature had reached triple digits and Natasha was getting ready to head out of the office for the weekend. She packed up her leather satchel and closed out her computer. The rest of the emails could wait until Monday. As she waited for the elevator, she sent her husband Charlie a text... "hope you're ready for tonight birthday boy." It was his birthday and she was looking forward to a sexy night.

She and her husband Charlie had been enjoying a sort of sexual awakening since their vacation to Mexico last year. On that vacation, she had helped to fulfill one of Charlie's main fantasies of watching her show herself off to another man. One thing led to another and it ended up being a little more than showing herself off. Since that trip, though they had not had another experience like that, their sex life had been on fire. They talked about that trip a few times, but for a while it seemed like they may be content to have that trip be a onetime thing.

But lately, Natasha found herself replaying that day from their trip more often. She was starting to miss the feeling of empowerment that she felt by having two men fawn over her at once. She was missing the excitement and thrill. What started out as her husband's fantasy had now turned into hers.

The excitement of the pending night had her feeling playful and sexy.

Her phone vibrated back "I can't wait." As the elevator door opened, she slipped her phone into her bag and stepped inside. John from the graphics team was leaving for the day and she was about to join him for the ride down, he smiled at her.

"Heatwave in the city this weekend, it's gonna break a record" She said to him as she unbuttoned her top two buttons from her rose colored blouse. "I heard." She watched his eyes glance up at the overhead elevator mirror, she had given him the perfect view of the cleavage from her DD tits. She knew she had just made his weekend. "Enjoy the heat."

She hurried out to the street and checked the time, she had to get to the apartment before her husband. She threw her hand up and tried to hail a cab. She had company. All of downtown was trying to get home and get their weekends started before the storm. She smiled at the two gentlemen standing next to her competing for a cab. She postured herself so that her figure posed a distraction. This attention was just what she needed to get her started for her big night. The blonde guy with the cute plaid shirt and tight fitted kakis grabbed the cab and opened the door for her "here you go I'll get the next one"

She smiled as she stepped into the cab one leg at a time, revealing her black thigh highs under her skirt. "Have a great night" she said with slinkiest smile.

Five minutes later they pulled up to her apartment. She could see the lights were still off in her unit. Perfect, she beat him home. She stopped at the mailbox and was happy to bump into Chad, the hot electrician that helped her the last time her power went out. Since that night, they had developed a...well...rapport.

On the night she met him, she had been blow drying her hair after a nice hot shower. She tended to overheat in the bathroom, so she often would take the dryer and dry her hair in the living room, which happened to have floor to ceiling windows. But with her newfound courage, she wasn't at all too modest to dry her hair naked in the comfort of her own living room. A few minutes into drying her hair, all the lights in her apartment went out. At first, she thought the building's power must have gone out, but she looked out the windows and noticed that all the other units in the building were still lit.

Shit. She must have blown a fuse. With Charlie out of town for work, she had no idea how to fix it. She called the number to the super, but a voice she did not recognize picked up.


"Is this the Super?" She asked. "I thought this was his number."

"Oh, I'm sorry, no. My name is Chad. I live in the building. Stavros is away for the weekend, and he asked me to field his calls for the building."

"Oh" she said, "Well I'm in 3C and my power just blew out."

"No problem," Chad answered. "I'll be right over to check it for you."

She quickly threw on her robe and lit a few candles while she waited a few minutes before there was a knock at the door. She opened the door, and laid eyes on Chad.

"Oh, Hi." She blurted.

She recognized him. He was fucking hot.

She had seen him around the building for the past two or three months. He was a new tenant, but she wasn't sure which unit he lived in. All she knew was that every time she saw him, he was alone. That caught her attention because she found it odd that someone with his looks would still be single.

"Power's out?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry to bother you..."

"No worries!" He replied. "I'm Chad..."

"Hi! You know, I think I recognize you. I've seen you around...are you new to the building?"

"I moved in at the end of May. Just coming off a break up, so I'm getting used to living alone again." He answered back. "I recognize you too. I've seen you around with your husband."

She blushed for a moment, "Oh, yeah, well...I think I may have blown a fuse. I was using the hair dryer for a minute and it popped off."

"I'll have a look."

Chad walked down the hall toward the breaker box. As he did, she sized him up from up close. He was everything she liked. Tall, very well built with a tight fitting t-shirt and nice jeans. And he smelled great. He flipped a switch and the lights came on.

"My hero..." She said slyly.

"Yeah, looks like it was the breaker. It may be faulty wiring somewhere, but first I suggest unclogging the filter in your blow dryer. That may be it..."

He quickly cleaned the filter for her.

"Oh," She said "I didn't even think of that..."

"Yeah, My ex used to trip ours all the time For the same reason too..."

A bit of an awkward silence followed. Then she broke it with...

"Oh well which unit are you in anyway?

"I'm in 3B, just across the way." Chad answered as he pointed out of her windows across the courtyard to the windows of his apartment.

As her eyes looked out of her window across the courtyard, she started to blush at the realization that Chad's apartment was directly across a narrow courtyard from theirs, and since they were 3 floors up, she and Charlie didn't bother with curtains. They loved to look out at the city. Then she wondered about how much he could see when she was in her living room?

"Oh wow! I had no idea. Great, we'll see you around.. She said. "Thank you so much!! I owe you one!"

He left. Her heart raced at the thought that Chad may have seen her a few moments before, standing naked drying her hair. Not from embarrassment as much as from excitement. She stood at the counter looking out toward his place. Within a minute or two she noticed his lights come on. Within another minute, his curtains opened. She followed him with her eyes as he went to the fridge to grab a beer and have a seat on his couch.

She had a clear view right into his apartment.

Should she dare? Charlie was out of town.

"Fuck it," she thought "Why the hell not?"

With that, she placed herself directly in the middle of her living room, and continued to dry her hair. She waited. She looked right at Chad sitting on his couch and waited for him to "happen" to look her way. Finally, he did. She could see him freeze as he was stunned to see her looking at him. He looked away quickly, but realized Natasha didn't flinch. They shared a knowing smile, and she could feel her heart racing.

She loved this kind of excitement.

While still sharing the glance, she dropped her robe and revealed herself to him.

Chad's eyes widened as he took in her perfectly creamy skin and her amazing 32 DD tits. She turned around to reveal her ass, and bent over to dry the back of her head while she happened to just give Chad a welcomed view of her sexy pussy.

This was the rapport she was thinking about.

Since that night, she noticed that Chad never closed his curtains anymore. The fact made her chuckle. She also tended to do a lot more walking around naked when she was home alone, and she would often catch him sneaking peeks.

She loved it. It made her feel sexy and powerful. So tonight, on THIS night, she thought she might use Chad to help fulfill another of her husband's fantasies. If it all happened to work out.

They stood making small talk at the mailboxes.

"Any plans for tonight?" He asked.

"'s my husbands birthday. We're just going to hang in and...celebrate."

"Oh nice, nice..." he said "Have a great night..."

"Oh I intend to," she sneered "maybe I'll see you later!"

She raced up to her unit, peeled her clothes to the floor as she got a text from Charlie...

"Starting to storm now, be home soon..."

She quickly stepped into the shower. If she timed it perfectly, she could have a pristine pussy by the time Charlie walks in.

She soaped her body from head to toe, and began to get excited anticipating her husband's arousal. She finished in the shower and dried her every inch anticipating his hands on her body. She sprayed his favorite perfume all over her body and slipped on a brand new sheer black lace teddy with the tiniest g string. She heard him making small talk with the old neighbor down the hall. She quickly dimmed the lights and positioned herself against the window in the living room . She looked across the courtyard. Perfect. Chad was in position to be a captive audience. As she heard his footsteps coming into the apartment, she positioned herself in front of the window, ass facing his entrance... Charlie opened the door...

His jaw dropped as she stood posed. The hot summer breeze carefully blew her hair from her scented shoulders. He stepped closer and pulled her in like a magnet. She could feel his arousal. He began to kiss the small of her neck and drew a line with his tongue down her silhouette. Her body felt a chill, even with the heat. He turned her around and pressed her against the glass while he started to kiss her. She whispered in his ear "Happy Birthday."

As they stood their passionately kissing, loud flashes of lightning and thunder claps rattled outside. The humidity was exploding in a summer storm. Just as she spun around to see if Chad was still taking in the view, the power blew.


Charlie stopped and went to check the box. This time, it wasn't the breaker. As he checked that, Natasha lit all of the candles she had. Actually, with the storm and the candles, this was pretty romantic. She realized that with no lights, she may have to let her little show for Chad wait for another night, and she resigned herself to a simple romantic night with her husband...

And then...

There was a knock on the door. Charlie looked at her with a look of confusion. "Who do you think that is?" he asked. She shrugged her shoulders as she truly didn't know, but her heart started to race with the sneaky suspicion of who it might be. She grabbed her long coat that was hanging on the hook by the door and threw it on over her lingerie. She opened the door just a bit and sure enough, there was Chad, standing at the door with a sly smile. "You guys okay? I noticed that your power went out again. Figured I'd check if you wanted me to take a look and see if I could get it back on..."

"Sure," she said, "come in." "Charlie, this is Chad. He lives in the building across the courtyard. He is an electrician. He's the guy that helped me the last time I blew a fuse..."

"Hey man, nice to meet you. Thanks for popping over, that's real nice..." he said.

"No problem." He replied. "Least I can do."

As Neighbor / Electrician / Strangely friendly guy made his way to the electrical box, Charlie thought for a moment. If their unit was the only one that lost power, and he noticed it...that means the chances were pretty good that this Chad was already enjoying what he was seeing from across the courtyard.

This piqued Charlie's interest. He immediately started to put these pieces together. Or so he thought. He was sure this was all orchestrated by his wife as an elaborate birthday present. After all, she is the woman that made his fantasy come true by inviting a stranger to their hotel room on vacation in Mexico last year. Chad made his way down the hall to the breaker box and quickly returned.

"Nothing seems to be tripped, so it may be from the storm. You may just have to wait for the power company to get you back up." Chad said. "Sorry about that..."

"No worries man." Charlie said. "Thanks for checking..."

"Yeah, thanks Chad...that was really sweet." Natasha added.

"See you around..."

As Chad made his way down the hall toward the door, Natasha looked at her husband and they locked eyes. In that moment they communicated an agreement with just a look. Just as they did that time in Mexico. With this look, she knew that her husband was game for making another super fucking hot memory. As they finished their glance, with her eyes still on Charlie, she said "Hey Chad?" At this point, Chad had the door open and was on his way out. He stopped and turned back "Yeah?"

"It's going to be real hard for you to watch from your apartment with just this candlelight. It would be a shame for you to miss something good..."

And with that, she turned around and let her coat hit the floor. Chad's eyes exploded open and he let out an audible gasp. There she stood. In her black teddy and smallest of G-strings. Once again, on display for someone other than her husband.

She slowly made her way down the hall toward Chad at the door. She stopped about an inch from Chad and reached around him to grab the door and pull it shut. She could hear him inhaling her perfume as she was reaching across his body. As she pulled it shut she stopped and whispered in his ear letting her lips ever so slightly touch it as she did. "We know you were watching. We don't mind. We want you to stay...and watch from here"

Chad stammered, not sure what to say.

She added..."That is...if it's okay with you..."

And just like that, the same feeling of power that she had that day in Mexico came right back. Once again, she was standing between her husband and another man, feeling sexier than ever, knowing she was in total control. She turned back and looked at her husband who was standing in complete awe. She had seen that look once before. She loved that look. She gave him a sexy wink and made her way toward the bedroom. He shared a quick glance with Chad and made his way toward the bedroom.

Charlie followed behind and entered his room to see his wife sitting on the bench at the foot of their bed. She looked incredible in her outfit. He knelt in front of her and opened her legs and immediately began to work with his mouth on what was indeed a pristine pussy. Almost instantaneously, his face was soaked from her juices. She was obviously turned on by the events thus far. As Charlie slid his tongue in and around his wife's pussy, she threw her head back and allowed herself to enjoy this moment she was creating. She brought her head forward to see Chad slowly appear in the doorway to the bedroom. She locked his eyes. While her husband continued to work on her pussy, Natasha stared Chad right in the face. The look he was giving her was hot. Really hot. She let her eyes wander down and noticed the enormous bulge in his pants. She had often wondered what Chad was packing, and she could not take the guessing anymore.

She grabbed Charlie's hair and pulled his head back. "I need cock now".

He smiled as he stood up and took off his pants, then took his turn sitting in the bench.

She knelt on the floor in front of her husband and began immediately to suck on his cock, which was already throbbing with anticipation. She could feel Chad's eyes on her, so she made sure to stick her ass high in the air, just for him.

She slyly turned her head around toward Chad again. "How's the view?"

"Very Nice" he replied...

"Why don't you come have a seat?" She asked as she tapped on the empty side of the bench.

"I don't know...this view is pretty good..." he said, trying to maintain the agreement for him to just be a spectator.

"Oh but you'll get a two for one view from here..." she said as she pointed to the large mirror on the wall opposite the bench seat. "Come sit. I promise it'll be worth it..."

Like she had once before, Natasha felt completely empowered by the control that she felt in this situation. She checked back with her husband who gave her one more accepting nod of approval. He wasn't sure where this was headed, but he was along for the whole ride. She put his cock back in her mouth and began to work on it like she had never before.

With that, Chad took the spot next to them on the seat. She was right. He took a long look at her perfect ass high in the air in the mirror. At this angle, with the mirror, he could marvel at the perfection of her ass, but also at her oral skills. He was mesmerized by how she was working up and down the shaft of her husband. He could feel his cock getting harder and harder. It was going to be very difficult to keep his hands to himself.

She once again looked over at Chad and locked eyes with him. This time with her husband's cock in her mouth. Chad couldn't help but think of what her mouth would feel like on his cock, but he wasn't sure what the boundaries were. It took everything he had to keep his hands to himself...until...

...while keeping locked eyes with Chad, she took her left hand and started to rub her way up his inner thigh. He jumped for a bit, briefly startled by her touch. She continued up his leg and finally found her way to his package which was now rock hard. Now that she had her hand on it, she could not believe how big his dick was. She had to see for herself.

She got one more assuring nod from her husband, and she took her mouth off his cock and slid over to Chad. She unbuckled his belt and pulled down his jeans. Her heart was racing as she was filled with anticipation and excitement. Finally, she slid down Chad's boxer briefs and could not believe her eyes. Her husband had a big cock, but this cock was enormous. She had never seen one this size. She wrapped her hand abound the base of it and slowly licked the sides a few times. Chad let out a moan. It was a definite tease. Finally, she put her lips to the top and started to slide his cock into her mouth. To her surprise, she could only fit it in just a little more than halfway before it was hitting the back of her throat.

It was different. So different. She was trying to figure out how to work with this huge cock. She locked eyes with her husband to make sure that he was okay with this. He was watching with a very contented smile. Once again, his main fantasy was coming true. Seeing how his sexy wife made another man wild was the biggest turn on for him.

As she slid her soaking mouth up and down on Chad's huge cock, she looked up at both men staring down at her. Again, she felt powerful. She let out a moan of joy. Taking the moan as his cue, Charlie positioned himself behind her and slid his rock-hard cock into his wife's slippery pussy. Another moan from her. She was in ecstasy now, once again reveling in the feeling of having her mouth and pussy filled with cock. Charlie wasted no time. He grabbed his wife's perfect ass and thrust his cock as deep inside of her as he could. She was wetter than she had ever been. With each thrust, he could feel his cock get more and more wet as his wife started to cum all over his dick.

As the thrusting and sucking went on for a while, Natasha's nerves were at a different level now. She wasn't sure what was stronger, the mental arousal or the physical feeling. Combined though, they were giving her the biggest most powerful orgasm she had ever had. She began to moan again. Loudly. And longer. Long moans of joy that she could not control. For Charlie, the sensory overload was proving too much. The feeling of his wife's perfect pussy and the image of her trying to deepthroat Chad's huge cock was enough but adding her trembling and uncontrollable moaning put him over the top. He exploded inside of his wife with what felt like a flood of cum. She let out another enormous moan, which turned quickly from a sound of euphoria to disappointment.


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