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Hot Husband - Bachelorette Party

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Steve and Angela work at a bachelorette party.
6.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 02/08/2024
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This a continuation of the story of Angela and Steve. Angela discovered that having a hot husband cured her low libido. They are now enjoying the best sex of their lives. Angela is savoring the power of controlling her husband Steve's encounters, she particularly likes to reclaim her man with her mouth and pussy. The other stories can be found here: //


Angela was sitting at her computer checking out her hot husband Reddit page. Their encounter was Kalisha so far was the most popular and there were quite a few emails from other Black women. Angela felt a surge of heat in her panties as she thought about the booty goddess. Kalisha certainly had been fun and it was hot kissing her. Not that Angela was interested in women or other men for that matter. Angela just wanted to find the next woman for her man. Steve was such a great husband! He had put up with 10 years of Angela's low libido, hardly complaining and being an amazing husband and father. Now that Angela had found the secret to unlocking her sex drive, she needed to feed it with another encounter.

There were certainly plenty of offers to choose from. One woman wanted Steve to show her husband how to fuck her properly. Another 19-year-old wanted to lose her virginity to someone who knew what they were doing, not some inexperienced kid. Angela was intrigued by the woman who wanted Steve to make her pregnant. Steve certainly had had no trouble getting Angela pregnant and she had two kids to prove it. What really piqued Angela's interest however was a message from someone named Heather. Heather was the maid of honor for her best friend's wedding and wanted Angela and Steve to work the bachelorette party, serving drinks and snacks. Heather was hiring two strippers and depending on how it went Steve might have to take care of some horny ladies. Angela would not, Heather fully understood that Angela was not into that but she did want Angela to film the event for posterity.

Angela asked Steve what he thought. Steve was intrigued by the idea of working a bachelorette party and wondered if he could make six women happy. Of course he would be working with 2 strippers and maybe there wouldn't even be any real sex to be had. It didn't matter though as Heather had offered them $500 for their efforts. At worst Angela and Steve would stay in the fancy hotel the party was going to be in for free. Sophia would babysit so Steve was in favor of the idea.

Angela agreed with Steve's assessment and told Heather they would do it. There was going to be seven women at the bachelorette party:

The bride was named Amelia and from the picture Angela saw Amelia had huge breasts. Otherwise she was rather unremarkable, pretty but not overly so with an average body. Amelia was the first of the seven friends to get married and Heather wanted to set a high standard for the bachelorette party. Amelia was eager to see what Heather had planned.

Heather, the maid of honor, was absolutely gorgeous. She had dark brown hair and the perfect figure. Even in the picture Angela could see this was one stunning beauty that took your breath away. She came off as pretty flirty in her correspondence with Angela. Angela was sure that Steve would be in awe of her and would be delighted to sample her delights.

Tanisha was a tall Black woman. She had a poise about her that announced to the world that she was in control. Angela didn't know but guessed Tanisha was a lawyer or had some other powerful job. She was not gorgeous like Heather but she was striking and would certainly turn heads when she walked into a room full of people.

Shawdra was also Black but more like Kalisha. Shawdra had a beautiful booty that was clearly her most prominent feature. Steve would like that! Steve would especially like to fuck that booty! Shawdra also had a nice rack. Steve could definitely have fun with those breasts. Steve loved a tit fuck, especially when the woman licked and sucked his cock on the forward thrust. His cock was long enough for this to happen and Angela enjoyed it when Steve and she did it. Shawdra made Angela think maybe she should organize another Black woman for their next encounter.

Maria was short and had an olive-skinned complexion. She had this kind of girl next door look but in this Italian kind of way. The eyes in the picture Angela saw screamed "don't fuck with me." A nice little package, Steve would certainly enjoy her, especially if the fire in her eyes match the fire in her pussy.

There had to be a blonde in the seven and her name was Amber. She had long blonde hair that hung all the way down her ass. It wasn't much of an ass but then the long legs started. They were legs to die for! The picture Angela saw was of Amber in a mini skirt and Amber's legs just didn't end. Steve wasn't really a leg man but Amber's voluptuous legs might change that.

Finally there was Chloe. It was hard to tell what Chloe looked like, she was wearing work clothes that were to put it mildly austere. Chloe also was the only one not smiling in the picture that Heather sent. Angela pictured her being the prude of the bunch, not really approving of the shenanigan's Heather was planning. Time would tell of course.

Heather had planned everything. She had a meeting with Steve and Angela to go over the details. First, they went to the local sex shop and Heather purchased each an outfit for the evening. Angela's was a maid costume of course. It had a crisscross corset top, mini skirt with G-string, hairband, two lacy hand circles, and fishnet stockings. Heather made sure that Angela had heels that would go with it. Heather also had a mini camera for the corset. It was hidden in the bow that went between the breasts.

For Steve it was a cock ring thong harness. This consisted of two shoulder straps that connected to a jock thong brief. In the front a cock ring was built into the fabric. Heather wanted to make sure Steve was hard and stayed that way. Of course a black bowtie rounded out the outfit. Steve could wear shoes or go barefoot.

Then they went to a coffee shop next door and Heather went over the schedule of events for the night. The seven ladies would get picked up from the hotel and go to dinner. After their meal they would come back to the hotel and play some bachelorette games. Steve and Angela were expected to serve drinks and snacks. Steve also was expected to provide whatever other services the ladies desired. His body was fair game for the party girls and Heather assured him that he would be in high demand. Heather had viewed Steve on the internet and although he wasn't really her type he was fit, good looking and had a nice cock that he knew how to use. She figured he was perfect for the party games and he would be a good helper for the strippers.

Angela was not expected to play such a sexual role. Heather knew Angela wasn't into women and the ladies that were going to the party were all straight. Angela would be busy though; she would keep the drinks flowing and make sure she filmed as much of the party as possible.

After the party games the strippers would arrive and they would do their thing. The suite Heather had rented had a suite with two bedrooms that were for private lap dances and other carnal pursuits. Steve would be available to augment the strippers in the private rooms or the main room. The strippers were booked until midnight and then the party was moving to a rave. Steve and Angela were finished when the strippers left.

When Heather left the coffee shop, she knew she had picked a good couple. Steve was personable and intelligent in addition to his other assets. Heather was sure that the bride and her friends would enjoy him. Angela was a bit of an enigma to Heather. On the one hand Angela was clearly amped up about the upcoming party. While they were at coffee Angela had rock hard nipples and Heather clearly could smell her arousal. Yet Angela was not interested in sex with the anyone but Steve. Oh well she wasn't going to worry about it, "different strokes for different folks."

Heather was certainly right about Angela's arousal. When they arrived at their car in the parking lot behind the sex shop and Steve opened Angela's door Angela didn't get in. Instead she bent over and hiked up the skirt she was wearing. Steve didn't hesitate and fished his hardening cock out of his pants and started to rub it around Angela's hungry pussy. Angela told him to stop teasing her and fuck her hard. Steve obliged and soon was filling her up with a load of cum. With that out of the way they went home and had some sweet loving until the kids came home from school.

On the night of the party Steve and Angela were expected to be at the hotel and ready in the room by 8 pm. Sophia came over to babysit after dinner Friday night of the party. Steve and Angela left and then checked into the hotel. While doing so they also picked up the swipe card to the party room. Steve and Angela then went up to their room and got changed into their outfits. Angela looked so sexy that Steve was thinking about a quickie. Steve looked super hot to Angela and she also thought about a quickie. They shared a knowing smile and then they put on the nice plush robes from the room. There would be plenty of time for them to reconnect after the party.

When they arrived at the party room, they were impressed how much effort Heather put into her preparations. There were two serving trays and several platters of hors d'oeuvres. There also were plenty of bottles of wine, coolers, and hard liquor for shots. Angela and Steve heard the bachelorette party girls before they even opened the door to the room. Plenty of laughter and loud voices in the hall alerted them to their arrival. Angela quickly made sure Steve was good and hard and then opened the door. The first one in the door was Tanisha who's eyes went wide when she saw Steve,

"Heather when you said their was going to be servers in the room, I never pictured this! I thought we would just have some wait staff from the restaurant. "

The other women entered the room and took a good look at Steve. There were giggles and appreciative comments. Steve and Angela quickly stepped up and offered the ladies drinks. Steve was the most popular with many of the women coping a feel of his hard cock or tight ass. Angela felt a surge or lust flow from her mid section to her head. She had organized this and they loved Steve! All of these women thought he was hot! Angela's G-string was soaked. Angela despite her horniness also made sure she was getting it all on camera.

Heather then announced that the first party game would be truth or dare. It started out pretty tame. the first question was a "truth" and it went to the bride to be Amelia.

"Have you ever accidentally sent a sext to the wrong person?"

Her affirmative answer produced some laughs but she wouldn't tell who it was. The questions continued and were still pretty tame.

"Have you ever faked an orgasm?"

This question went to Chloe. Now Angela had thought Chloe was the prude but her answered showed how wrong that assessment was.

"Are you kidding, of course. Sometimes you are with a guy who is just lame. He thinks he's this wonder stud but he's really an enormous dud!"

That really brought on the laughter. Then it was Shawdra's turn,

"When is the last time you masturbated?"

Now Angela found out what the other seven already knew, Shawdra was the prude. She didn't want to answer but knew if she didn't there would be a consequence. Shawdra decided it was a worse fate to admit the truth than have to do something worse.

"It was last week Tuesday."

Heather knew there was no way Shawdra would elaborate or that there was any way to make this funny so she quickly moved onto Tanisha.

"If you could have a threesome with two people, who would you choose?"

Tanisha named movie stars Jason Statham and Denzel Washington. This had the other women naming who they would pick. After a good bit of laughter and bawdy comments the rest of the women had their "truth' question. Heather now switched to "dares." It was Amelia's turn again.

"Drink a shot from Steve's belly button."

Oh's and Ah's filled the room as Steve lay down on floor in the middle of the room. Angela poured a shot of tequila into Steve's belly button. Amelia then got down in between Steve's legs and started to lick up the shot. Steve had an amazing view of her breasts. The black club dress she was wearing was cut low and Amelia was wearing a push up bra. Moreover when Amelia bent down, she made sure his hard cock went between her breasts. As she licked, she moved back and forth rubbing his cock. Steve thoroughly enjoyed it and was sad when all of the tequila was gone.

"Ok Chloe you are next with a dare to fake an orgasm for one minute."

Chloe laughed and started to slowly move her hand up her short party skirt. Her other hand slipped into her crop top and at the same time she moaned very softly. Her hands began to move and she squirmed in her chair. Soon whe was moaning loudly and thrusting her hips. The moans continued and her volume ramped up. The iPad Heather was using for a timer was almost up when Chloe started to shake and put her head back closing her eyes.

All of those present were impressed and gave Chloe a standing ovation.

"Wow Chloe that was hot! Now it is Shawdra's turn. Shawdra what is the dirtiest thing you would like Steve to do to you right now?"

Angela was starting to think that although Shawdra looked like sex on a stick that she was definitely the prude of the group. Shawdra was clearly embarrassed by the question and did not want to answer. Heather knew her friend was almost still a virgin and was definitely a prude.

"Come on Shawdra we can't wait to hear what you want to get up to. Look at that nice cock on Steve. I've heard he also has a magic tongue. Maybe you want to tell us and then go into one of the bedrooms and try it out?"

Shawdra was trapped and not happy about it. She didn't have much experience and couldn't really think of anything. Then it came to her.

"I only had a shower this morning so I think I would like Steve to lick me."

Heather didn't hesitate asking Steve to come over and give Shawdra a lick.

"No way Heather, I said think not do."

There were groans among the other women. They had been friends since high school and knew about Shawdra and hoped she would loosen up.

"Well maybe this dare for Tanisha will be more exciting. You have to give a lap dance to the person of your choice."

Tanisha picked Steve and he sat in a chair in the middle of the room. Tanisha had on a very short neon pink club dress and soon was shaking her booty in front of Steve. She then climbed into his lap making sure his cock was pressed against her thong covered pussy. Tanisha didn't have very large breasts but she took down her dress straps, revealing no bra, and worked what she had on Steve's face. At the same time she gyrated on his lap. Soon enough the iPad timer was up and She stopped her movement. To everyone surprise she then grabbed Steve's head in her hands and pulled him in for a big kiss. The other girls loved it and voiced their approval.

"Tanisha that was really hot! Now it is Amber's turn for a dare. Amber, you have to swap underwear with the person to your right."

Amelia was sitting to Amber's right and started to stand up. Amber however had a problem.

"Sit down Amelia I can't swap underwear with you because I am not wearing any."

The raucous laughter was infectious, everyone knew what this meant, consequence! You can't back out of a truth or dare without a consequence.

Once things calmed down Heather gave out the consequence,

"Well Amber, I guess you wouldn't want underwear to slow you down later. Now you have to do a consequence. Amber, you have to put an ice cube in your pussy for 1 minute! Since you don't have any underwear perhaps Angela could lend you hers to keep the ice in."

All of the eyes went to Angela as she slowly removed her G-string. She was very aroused by the events so far and the gusset was shinny with her juices. Amber made a big deal of sniffing it first before she put it on. Steve then was called upon to do the honors and insert the ice cube. Amber soon was squirming in discomfort. She was a trooper and waited until the timer went off before removing the ice cube. She then received a cheer from the crowd when she popped the cube into Steve's open mouth.

The last person to get a dare was Maria.

"Show everyone playing the game your craziest sex position."

Maria was not shy about a challenge. She had on a very sexy skintight silver club dress. It looked like it was painted on and without hesitation she took it off. She was braless and shucked her thong with no hesitation. She then grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him into the center of the room. She then whispered in his ear. To her friends she said,

"This is the wheelbarrow I just love this one. Steve has a big cock and it will go all the way in!"

The six other ladies knew Marie and how uninhibited she was but this was over the top for even her. Steve was a big guy and Maria was tiny but she took all he had. When Steve bottomed out both he and Steve let out a very sexy groan Steve could not believe that Marie had taken all of him so easily yet been so tight. Maria could not believe had full she felt. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Angela saw the glint in Steve's eye and knew he was going to fuck the little minx right there. Maria was hoping he would, and the other women thought it was inevitable.

"Wow Maria I have never seen that one before it looks really good, I'm going to add it to my repertoire. Before you two get to carried away it is time to move onto a truth question for Amelia"

Heather broke the spell with this announcement and Steve and Maria slowly disengaged. The sexual tension was thick in the room as Heather asked Amelia another truth,

"Which one of us friends do you most want to sleep with?"

Amelia was shocked. She couldn't answer this. All her friends were straight to the best of her knowledge and she had never had any reason to suspect otherwise. She had thought about having sex with a couple of her friends though but there was no way she would admit it.

"l'm not answering that, I can't win. I know you girls all like cock and I will never hear the end of it if I pick one of you. The person I pick will probably feel all weird and awkward around me after and I don't want that."

The cheer went up, "consequence!"

"Ok Amelia, your consequence for not admitting your true feelings about one of us is to deep throat Steve."

Amelia immediately protested that Steve had just been inside of Maria and he would have to get clean first. Angela moved forward quickly and dropped to her knees in front of Steve. To the other women's amazement she proceeded to lick and suck Steve's cock clean, not missing a spot.

Amelia then had no choice but to replace Angela in front of Steve. She tried to stretch her mouth and throat muscles for a moment and then slowly began to swallow Steve's hard cock. Amelia was hopping she could do this. Her fiancé was at least an inch and a half shorter that Steve and she had never tried to deep throat him before. He never asked and was happy with her blow jobs. Steve also was thicker than her fiancé. Amelia had about half of Steve in her mouth when she started to feel him at the opening of her throat. Despite her best efforts there was no way it was going in and with tears of frustration in her eyes she finally gave up.

Heather saw an opportunity to change things up.

"Amelia couldn't do it does anyone else here think they can?"

The other women started looking at one another, no one wanted to be the first to speak.


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