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Hot Summer Night

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His girl learns a lesson she will never forget.
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The room was stifling hot, there wasn't even enough air moving to stir the sheer curtains hanging lifelessly over the fully open window, on most nights during the summer there was at least a half hearted breeze that relieved, to a minimum degree, the heat of the small bedroom where she lay sprawled on her bed. It was mid July, and she could be forgiven for having her window open as she did, the building where she had lived for the better part of a year, did not have air conditioning, and for almost the entire time she had been in residence, she had threatened to move to another building, one with that sublime luxury, central air. Of course, she wasn't going to move, not because she couldn't afford to, she could, and not because she was lazy, no, she was as ambitious as anyone she could name, but for the simple reason that this apartment was a quick five minute drive from Master's home.

He liked having her close to him, close enough that he only had to make a quick call and she would be waiting and ready for whatever adventure he had in store for her next. He said he liked being able to go out for milk, drive by her apartment, and stop in for a kiss, and he did that often, and almost every time he did, she received a lecture about the open window. He was afraid for her safety, this city was new to her, and she had been raised in, not only a different place, but truly, a different world, open windows were acceptable in the smaller city where she was raised, here, they were an invitation to things she didn't want to contemplate. Each time he spoke to her about the window, she closed it for him, but each time he left, she re-opened the window to let the fresh air in, she needed to breathe in that freshness, otherwise, she felt as if she was drowning in the humid air of her apartment. She knew it angered him that she didn't seem to care about her safety as he did, but she couldn't help it, in this one thing, she would defy him, even if it broke her heart to do so, after living in a home, a true home all her life, the small apartment felt like a closet, and she felt caged if the window was closed.

Tonight, he had left with an ominous warning that had made her whimper in his arms, he had whispered that little girls that leave windows open at night in the city, sometimes pay with things more precious than they can afford to give. She tried hard to defend her actions, but he held her chin, stared into her wide blue eyes and whispered that he loved her far too much to lose her and that she had best start protecting his most precious possession with more vigilance or he would start punishing her for the transgression. She could only nod at his words, telling him softly that she loved him too, aware that it had been the first time those words had been spoken between the two of them, she knew he loved her, but they'd not said it before. He nodded once more, kissed her until she was absolutely breathless and quivering, he whispered in her ear to cum for him and when his hand cupped her pussy, he growled in pleasure as she soaked his fingers.

The mind is a curious thing, she knew full well as she crawled onto her bed to sleep this night that her act of defiance was to show him she was stronger than he thought, that she was safe, that nothing was going to happen to his little girl, and that she was utterly foolish to leave the window open, but even though she had tried, she simply could not do it, not in this heat, tomorrow, tomorrow she would buy a fan and then she would start closing her window each night, but for tonight, the window stood open. She fell into a troubled sleep, caused not only by the heat, but by the weight of guilt on her mind as she knew she would pay dearly if he happened to find out that she had once again, slept with the window wide open. Her sleep was disturbed several times in the first few hours of the night, each sound, whether near or far had her awake and peering into the darkness in search of it's origin, when the search proved futile each time, she lulled herself into a sense of security and finally, slept deeply.

He parked in his usual spot, it was a brazen act, but he was not known for hiding and he wouldn't hide tonight, the neighbors would see his car and assume that all was right with the world, he was in the arms of his woman and they wouldn't suspect the true nature of his visit. His girl was going to get the lesson of her life, he'd tried talking to her, he'd spoken until he was blue, and even tonight, his dire warning fell on deaf ears, he'd watched her close the window, promise him with all sincerity that she would leave it closed and then, after she thought she was in the clear, she had re-opened the window, stood there in that skimpy little nighty that she loved so much, arms wrapped round her waist, staring into the night, lost in thought. He understood her point of view, which was why he had taken so long to act on his first desires to punish her for disobedience, she was his life, his love, and she was being cavalier with the life he would happily lay his own down for.

He strode across the parking lot and instead of going up the path that would lead to her door, he crossed the lawns to the window that she had left so foolishly open for anyone to climb through. He knew she would be sleeping by now, or at least making a valiant attempt, he truly hoped her conscience would wake her and force her to do the right thing so that he could go home and leave her to her dreams, knowing she would come to him in the morning and confess her struggle and ultimate triumph, but even though he watched her stir several times, she did not get up and close the window. Part of him was sorely disappointed in the woman he loved for her actions, but another, darker part, was eager for this night to happen, he had, in the back of his mind, wanted this to be the outcome of their power struggle, he wanted her to be strong enough to defy him in this way, for then he could show her exactly what the consequence of such actions would be.

The moonlight danced over her ivory skin as she lay on her belly across the bed, her long legs were spread wide and her arms draped over her pillows, her red hair was both strikingly bright and deeply darkened by the shadows and relief's of the night, in some cases the copper gleamed like a new penny and in others, the color was almost that of blood. Her features were almost hidden by the silken fall of her hair across her face, leaving her pouty lips the only feature truly visible, her eyes and nose concealed by the heavy mass. The rest of her body was displayed almost as if by an artist seeking to paint, one knee was bent to bring her leg up to her side, the other stretches out so that even though her smoothly shaven pussy was bared, it was not done with the vulgarity of a b-rated porn flick. The bend of her knee curled her body and raised her ass just a little from the bed, letting the moonlight dance over the soft curves of her body and play along her spine. She was deeply asleep now and the intruder standing at the end of her bed could study her at his leisure, taking in each of these details and many more.

He could, he imagined, stand where he was in the silence, for hours but that was not in his plan, he had crept through the open window with one purpose in mind, to show his little girl how grievous her error had been, how defying him in this manner would prove to be her biggest mistake, he was going to tie her up, which he knew she disliked, and rape her in every manner he could before leaving her 'til morning, when, after he had a relaxed breakfast, he would make his way back and "rescue" her. He decided his plan was flawless, he'd thought of everything, he knew her deep need to submit would keep her silent because he would demand it, he also knew that he could not gag her or she would panic and likely pass out from the terror, and terror was not the exact goal he was aiming for, not complete terror anyway.

He carefully closed the window after laying out his things beside the bed, arranging each item so that he could pick them up as needed, first he lay his knife on the floor, and then some lengths of rope that he'd cut up just for tonight, and finally a blindfold, it wouldn't do for her to know it was him too early in this night's adventures. She stirred a little and then slowly rolled almost to her back, for a moment, he watched, transfixed by the unconscious grace of her movements, he'd fallen in love with her in large part because of how easily she lived in her skin, she wasn't vain, though she had some reason to be, and she was utterly unaware of the affect she had on those around her. He stood still for a heartbeat and then remembered the anger that had been building at her continued defiance of his simple requests to keep her window closed, then, for another heartbeat of time, he let that anger build, reminding him why he was standing in her room in the middle of the night, and after even another moment, he made his move.

He first pulled a ski mask from his pocket, and slipped it over his face, it was a precaution so that in case she woke up in the first moments, she would be more confused and disoriented, and she wouldn't recognize him, when that was completed, he poised himself over the bed and then with only a brief flash of conscience fell onto her hard, grabbing her wrists and pinning down her legs, his voice was low and harsh as he spoke, telling her very quietly to be still and to not make a noise or he would gag her. She awoke to the sensation of weight, her first thought was to scream and when he told her to be quiet or he would gag her, she stilled the noise in her throat and threw herself into the action of fighting herself free. His hands were on her wrists, his grip painfully tight but she tried to claw at him anyway and even though she was much smaller than him, she pushed her heels into the bed and bucked her hips under him to try and toss him from her body, in her mind she knew that she belonged to one man and this stranger would not have even a taste of what was his.

They fought with each other for what seemed to her like hours, she was unwilling to concede to his superior strength but in the end, he wrestled her into the position he wanted and reached down beside the bed for the ropes he'd lain there earlier, tying her hands to the headboard, blindfolding her and then, after propping her up at the belly with pillows, tying each ankle to the footboard, splaying her out in a vulgar fashion. She was shocked at the idea that he had tied her down, horribly aware that she was displayed for this stranger in a way she had only ever been displayed for her master, she began to softly cry and beg for him to reconsider the action he was about to take, her only answer was a sharp crack across her upturned ass and then the single word, "silence." To her utter dismay, she complied, falling silent while trembling in terror at all the things running through her mind, praying that this man changed his mind, that master would save her, that she had done as promised and left the window closed. In the next moments she could only breathe and wait and hope, but that hope was dashed when he leaned in by her face, her heart stopped when she felt the cold steel of a blade at her throat, his whispered description of what would happen if she made a sound chilled her heart.

He had a moment of conscience, she was so scared, he had never ever wanted to see the fear in her that he could now, but his resolve was steeled when he thought about the fact that she could actually be killed by someone in this very way, the lesson would be learned tonight and learned well, though, his plan was changing, in his heart of hearts, he knew he wouldn't leave her alone after, he would reveal himself sooner, he would let her know that this was not random, that this was deliberate and a lesson she would never forget, with that thought in his mind, he slowly stripped off his clothes. Each piece of clothing dropped to the floor, he fumbled briefly with his jeans as his cock had hardened almost without him noticing, making him more than aware of his own excitement at her predicament, his eyes roamed over her form, knowing she was not yet excited, but terrified made him nearly growl with need, wanting her to understand his passion for her, his love and his fierce desire to protect her from even herself.

She remained silent, listening to him, knowing he was taking off his clothing, aware of the sound of zippers coming down and clothing hitting the floor, she whimpered faintly and then bit her lip, trying so hard not to cry out, to plead with him for her escape, and slowly becoming aware of her nipples pressed to the bed, tight with a disgusting sense of anticipation, she made an anguished sound low in her throat at the knowledge, dreading what was to come, feeling her stomach heave at the thoughts in her confused mind. He watched her another long moment and then casually made his way over to the bed, leaning down and whispering at her ear, a smile creeping over his face as she whimpered and mewled like a kitten, sensing that deep within his beautiful slut's mind confusion was building, maybe she was somehow aware of who it was that was touching her, his hand so familiar on her body, maybe she was just so much his slut that being fucked, raped, by anyone would excite her, he paused, no, he knew better, somehow, she knew in her heart that it was him.

His hand came down onto her pussy, a crashing blow that almost forced all the air from her lungs, a cry spilled from her lips and tears began to trickle from her tightly closed eyes, he spoke and she didn't hear, his hand came down again and to her horror, he laughed, she wasn't so unaffected as it had seemed, this slut was wet, and getting more wet by the second, his hands came down, raining fierce blows over her ass and pussy, spanking her with a steady motion that had her body bouncing on the bed. She didn't even notice the change in his position until it was too late, one moment his hand was coming down over her ass and the next, he was behind her and driving his cock as deeply into her pussy as he could, one hand sinking into her hair and the other continuing to rain blows on her body, in that instant, she understood the difference between fucking and being raped, she still only made choked sounds, barely breathing as he raped her hard, fiercely pounding her body, his voice echoing in her mind, the names he called her painful instead of pleasing as when they came from master. The brutality of his raping could have been worse she knew, he could take her ass, he could hurt her in ways that would have her begging for death, but he was, in some ways, taking it easy on her, which, in the confusion of her mind, made her pause.

He was loving this, her terror did not stop her pussy from getting wet, and it held it tighter that her body was so tense from fighting, he drove into her repeatedly, calling her a whore and slut, handling her as roughly as he could without truly hurting her, hoping in the back of his mind that she didn't notice that care yet, but aware that even in his desire to punish, he would not hurt her. His cock plunged deeper and deeper into her pussy, bruising her without remorse, making her body shake and quiver, and before she could stop it, she cried out a plea, it was soft and he almost missed it, but it was unmistakable, his slut just begged to cum, to release, he had raped her to orgasm, but he denied her that pleasure, told her that she was not allowed, that nothing but a dirty cum slut would cum from being raped. She sobbed then, and even without that permission, still believing this man to be a stranger, her body exploded, her heart ripped in two because she knew he was right, feeling less than human, she began to fuck him back, driving her body onto his, fucking him as hard as she could in the position which he'd tied her, chafing her wrists, hurting herself in her own form of punishment.

He let her continue for a little while and then he sank his fingers deeper into her hair, yanking her up so that she was balanced precariously on her knees, held in place by his cock and stretched away from the headboard, his lips brushed her ear as he told her to be still and not move, carefully drawing his hips back and then to her horror, pressing the tip of his cock to her ass. She was mute with terror, no one, no other but her master had the right to use her ass and she knew that if this man took her, master would throw her away as would be his right, she whimpered and instead of pleading for him to stop, begged for her death, eyes hidden, she could not see the anguish in her master's gaze as she pleaded, telling him that she could not allow him to take her like that, for if he did, she would be nothing, less than garbage, her voice was hoarse and ragged, she babbled and sobbed, not feeling his hand as it tugged the blindfold away but sensing her eyes were unobstructed. She assumed this meant he was planning to kill her anyway, so she opened her eyes, only to find herself staring into the troubled gaze of the love of her life, the man whom owned her soul, her master, he touched her face tenderly and then, without another thought, shoved her forward and drove his cock deep into her ass, the pain was excruciating, and the scream that ripped from her lips was as much from shock as from his taking.

He pounded her body harder than before, taking her with no care whatsoever, his heart was racing, his mind reeling at the sacrifice she had been willing to make for him, for her, he drove mindlessly into her body and when he heard her beg to cum once more he gave permission, holding her against his own trembling body as she shattered over and over, when her body slowed, he took up his actions once more, harder, deeper, fiercely raping and claiming, possessing what was and would always be his. She was devastated and elated all at once, it wasn't a stranger, she hadn't given her body to another, but he had come to her at night and taken her against her will, raped her and she had felt the pleasure of her body, she could still feel it even now, the brutality of his motions should scare her but now they only made her want to beg for more and she did, he permitted her release and she came harder than she ever had, moving wantonly against the bonds he had secured her in, and finally when she could stand it no longer, she begged for his cum, his seed inside her body, and when he exploded, he literally roared in release, filling her to overflowing and then collapsing on her back, sprawling them onto the bed where they both fell into a deep sleep instantly.

It was hours later, he woke first and moved off her, she was passed out and would not rise until he had removed the bonds, showered and was taking a cool cloth to her body where colorful bruises had bloomed on her pale skin, and when she stirred, her eyes welled with tears at the aches in her form, she sought him out with her gaze and crawled, broken and needy, into his arms, they began to speak, whispered tones, for hours they remained tangled together in the middle of her bed, talking, discussing, he explained why, she begged forgiveness, and then he too begged forgiveness for having felt cornered into such actions, a promise was made that never would such punishment ever be delivered again, but no promise was ever uttered or sought that a rape would never be committed again as he softly reassured her that he was proud of her, loved how she had responded and loved her more than he could say. They whispered and talked and eventually, late in the day made love to one another gently, curling up in a tangle of limbs and holding onto each other as tightly as possible, the rest of the weekend drifted by in a haze for both of them, having each learned more than they could speak of that night.

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