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Hot Tub Full of Pussy

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A vacation weekend ruined, and then fixed.
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Author's Note:

The (X) Full Of Pussy stories are not consistent with each other and are not part of a larger whole. You need not have read any other story in the 'Full Of Pussy' group to understand this one. I am trying to make these fun little romps so don't go looking for a great deal of depth. And yes, I know sex in a hot tub has certain hydraulic issues. Suspend your disbelief for a few minutes, will ya?

Thanks again to my fabulous editor, SexyGeek!



"And here we are!" Mike shot his wife Sara a happy grin as they found the end of the long driveway of the cabin they had rented for the weekend. The dirt path had wound through three hundred yards of somewhat treacherous switchbacks as it crawled up the side of the Tennessee hill toward the secluded cabin near the summit. Turning the final corner made the tense drive very much worth it as the idyllic setting came into view.

The log cabin was simple but spacious, well landscaped and quaint, but the view was spectacular. They emerged from the car and went immediately to the rail of the back porch to look out over the Smokey Mountains. Sara snuggled up to her husband and he put his arm around her shoulders as they took in the sight. Neither spoke for several minutes, but eventually they broke away from the natural splendor and took their bags into the cabin.

"Want to sleep in the loft?" asked Sara, looking up the ladder into the elevated sleeping area.

"Yeah, why not? It'll be like sleeping in a tree house or something. Shimmy that sexy little ass up there and I'll hand up the bags." She went up the rough ladder and he 'helped' her up with a hand on her tush. She giggled and scampered up, then took the bag from his outstretched hands. He followed her and they surveyed their quarters. Tucked up under the roof, the ceiling was peaked and the double bed stuck out from the left side of the room while a small chest of drawers and a chair filled out the rest of the space. It was cozy more than cramped, and they had the rest of the cabin in case they needed some elbow room. But they hadn't planned this trip to get away from each other.

"I like it. Just don't hit your head on the ceiling when you get up."

"Maybe I'll just stay in that bed all weekend." Mike wrapped his little wife up in his arms and fell on the bed with her as she squealed.

"Get off me, you brute!" she cried in jest.

"No way. I've got you all to myself on top of a mountain so you can't get away." They lay next to each other on the bed and his hand traced and line from her hair, down past her ear, down her neck and further through the three open buttons on her blouse, heading south into her cleavage. "I'm going to have my way with you all weekend." Her hand slithered down his torso and across his belt line, ending its journey on his denim-shrouded member and coaxing it gently awake.

"Maybe I'm going to have my way with you instead." Her piercing blues eyes twinkled below her short blonde bangs and the promise they held was powerfully erotic.

"Oh yeah? Rock paper scissors for who gets to go first!"

"Just kiss me, you dork!"

And kiss her he did. He rolled over and enveloped her in his arms, pressing his lips to hers. Her gentle tongue danced with his and they savored the quiet moment. There was a whole weekend available for this and they didn't want to rush it. But they weren't too keen on waiting, either. After pawing at her chest for a few minutes, trying to wrestle her breasts out of shirt and bra with his off hand, she pushed him away.

"Let me," she said, pushing him over on his back and crawling up on him. She sat upright and took off the shirt, then unclasped her bra and flung it to a far corner. His hands quickly encompassed her breasts and she put her hands on his hard stomach enjoying his attention.

"Mmmm, I love it when you touch me," she said quietly.

"I plan to touch every inch of you this weekend."

"Likewise." She scooted back a little to uncover his fly, and her little fingers went to work on his zipper. A little bit of fishing and she had him well in hand. She scooted back further and pulled his jeans down to his hips with his help, and let his organ fully free. She rolled his thickening member in her fingers and gently encouraged it to grow.

"I think I'm going to give you...the best...blow job...ever." She smiled sweetly as she said it.

"I like that plan. But do you think you can beat the previous best blowjob ever? It was kind of spectacular."

"Which one was that?"

"Right after the wedding? You were still wearing the dress? Well, most of it."

"Oh, that one. Yeah, I can beat that." Her sweet smile turned decidedly naughty.

She moved further down the bed to bring her pretty face down where she wanted it, and he settled in for a hell of a show.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" The female voice boomed from the floor below, surprising the young couple so badly that Sarah dove away from the rail and Mike rolled over so fast he fell off the bed. He crawled to the ledge and looked over, trying to pull his pants back up. Two women stood in the main area of the cabin looking up at him with unhappy faces. One was lean and hard with short dark hair, the other a little shorter and more curvy with medium length blonde curls.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked, annoyed and confused.

"The question is, who the hell are you?" The lean one spoke, and man was she pissed!

"I rented this place for the weekend, that's who I am!" he said, his voice rising in tone and intensity to meet hers.

"Bullshit! We rented this cabin months ago! You need to get the fuck out!" Right about then Sara, having pulled her shirt back on and made herself presentable, appeared at the railing.

"I made this reservation three months ago! I've got the receipt and the sign-in sheet and a copy of the on-line reservation. This place is ours until 11:00 AM Sunday morning."

"Un fucking believable!" The talker threw up her hands in frustration, turning away from the others. Mike managed to put himself back together and they came down the ladder to work it all out.

They compared receipts and reservations and sure enough, the place had been double booked. Mike and Sara had reserved the property earlier, but the 'invaders' had paid much earlier over the phone. Repeated calls to the management office yielded no answer.

"That blind old bitch said we were the last visitors expected for the day and she was leaving right after she gave us the key. God DAMN it!" Slim, as Mike had labeled her in his head, was seriously pissed off, but the other woman, unkindly and inaccurately nicknamed Fatty in Mike's angry mind, had yet to say a word. They seemed to be at an impasse so Mike decided to try to smooth things over.

"Look, it's a damn shame this had to happen. If you two were planning anything like what we planned then I know you don't want company." It seemed fairly obvious to Mike and Sara that this was a couple looking for a romantic getaway...not much other use in a secluded mountaintop cabin, right? "But we can make this work tonight, at least until the office opens in the morning, right? There is a bedroom down here that you are welcome to and we can stay up there. We can stay out of each other's way."

But Slim would have none of it.

"No way. We paid first. You need to go." Of course Mike and Sara would not back down.

"We reserved and arrived first. If anybody is leaving, it is you two."

They really did try to keep it civil, but after a few minutes the discussion turned into an argument and a great deal of shouting, finger pointing, harsh language and general ugliness ensued, serving only to inflame tempers and entrench positions. Neither side was going to budge.

"Well then fuck you both," Slim finally declared. "Tracy, lets go get the bags. We are taking over this place." The women stormed out of the cabin to retrieve their luggage, leaving Mike and Sara steaming and wondering how to repel these invaders. Mike took the opportunity to make sure he and his bride were on the same page.

"You agree with me on this?"

"Hell yes! I will not leave this place unless it's at gunpoint!"

"Don't joke about that. This IS Tennessee. OK, then what do we do?"

"We act like they aren't here."

"Right. I'd like to go back upstairs and finish what we started, but I'm kinda too pissed off right now."

"Yeah, me too. Hey - we came here to relax in the hot tub, right?"


A minute later Mike was punching the bubble controls on the large hot tub out on the porch while Sara stripped naked. She hopped in as the jets roared to life and he followed her, first into nudity and then into the water. Five minutes later, the intruders arrived.

"Oh God damn it! You had to get in the fucking hot tub! That's the only reason we picked this fucking place!" Slim was seriously cranky. Sara was quick to reply.

"Sorry, lady. Occupied."

Even in the dim light of the fading day they could see the cloud pass over the slender woman's face. Pressure built up behind her eyes and she looked like she might explode.

"Bullshit! I came here for the hot tub and I will not be denied! Come on, Tracy." She kicked off her shoes and pulled her t-shirt over her head, then finished disrobing quickly. Her lean, athletic body was quickly exposed and she jumped into the steaming pool naked. Tracy was a bit hesitant but she knew her hot tempered girlfriend wasn't about to back down. She took her clothes off a bit less violently, folding them neatly on the bench as she stripped. Mike tried not to pay much attention but when she stepped into the tub just inches away from him he couldn't help but notice.

He felt bad that his initial nickname for her had been 'Fatty.' She wasn't fat, just a little...luxurious. She had big tits and was a little hippy, but her slender waist gave her a nice hourglass figure and he didn't really mind sharing a hot tub with that one.

Nobody spoke for quite a while, and even though it was a hot tub the mood was ice cold. Mike snuggled up with Sara, Tracy wrapped her arms around slim, and they all watched the end of a glorious sunset over the Appalachian Mountains. Blue skies turned dark, thin wisps of red and orange clouds went dim, and the stars which had been hiding in plain sight all day long finally twinkled to life in the darkening sky. The scene was only ruined by the fact that someone had left the porch light on and its harsh glare cut into the ambience a bit. It wasn't in their faces, at least.

The mood in the hot tub was strange. Mike was a bit angry at their intrusion, of course, but the fact was the female to male ratio was very much in his favor. And so what if half the population of the tub was lesbian? He could still enjoy the sight of a naked woman just fine. His cock started to swell in the small of Sara's back and his hands began to roam her breasts, gently fondling her nipples. That always worked.

Sara started to squirm as Mike punched her on button over and over. Damn him! Why was he doing this now, with them right next to her in the tub? As if her were reading her mind, he leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"I bet if we start going at it they'll leave."

Sara was torn. Like her husband she was angry, but very much aroused. The two warring emotions tossed and turned in her mind, until finally they seemed to align and push her in the same direction, helped largely by the fact that Mike's big hard dick was poking her in the back.

She turned around and straddled her man, holding on to the tub edge behind him as she settled onto his cock. She slid down his pole and grunted when she landed. She held him there and concentrated on his twitching member filling her up and stretching her wide. Mike's big dick was always just a little snug to start, but God damn did he feel good! He held her hips and guided her back and forth and they made love gently just inches away from their unwanted quests.

None of this had gone undetected, of course. Slim's dark eyes glittered with anger at the provocation but it was Tracy who made the first move. The busty blonde turned much the same way that Sara had done and landed her lips squarely on those of her lover. Slim returned her girlfriend's kiss with an aggressive tongue, and under the water their hands were far from idle.

Mike tried to pay attention to his wife's kiss and her exquisitely tight pussy, but he was distracted. A leg brushed against his and he couldn't help but feel a jolt. It made him twitch and send a sudden thrust up into his wife, making her gasp. He moved his feet, trying to avoid the other couple, but again he touched alien skin. Damn how he wanted more of that! But he couldn't. Those bitches were in HIS hot tub, screwing up HIS fun time.

The lesbians shifted around a bit and one of them brushed against Sara. Her back arched and her pussy clenched hard on Mike, in turn causing him to spasm and shift, and once again his leg touched someone else's. The slightest touch was like an electric shock that would ricochet through the small hot tub. Mike decided he needed a change before he did something he might regret.

He lifted Sara off, regretfully slipping out of her, then he clambered up onto the edge of the hot tub with his cock jutting into the air. His wife was quick to grasp his intent and she happily engulfed him in her mouth. Mike figured the best way to make the lesbians uncomfortable was to introduce a big old dick to the party. His plan wasn't entirely successful.

Slim and Tracy watched him get out of the tub and both of them stared at his cock for the moment it was visible. When Sara went down on him all they could see was the back of her head and Mike wanted to make sure they got the entire picture. He threw one leg up onto the edge and turned a bit, nudging Sara to do the same. After that the view was much better and the intruders could in no way ignore the scene.

Mike should have left it alone, but he couldn't help looking straight at Slim with a smirk. 'Top that,' he said with his face. Only Slim didn't see it. Here eyes were locked on Sara and the blowjob she was giving with a hungry look in her eyes. Tracy was licking her girlfriend's hard little nipples but she had lost her attention. She realized it quickly enough and sat up to watch the show as well.

Mike couldn't get any harder, but with an audience like that he sure as hell wasn't going to go soft anytime soon. His ego swelled up and for the first time he started to appreciate having the intruders in the tub with him.

Mike didn't realize it yet, but someone else had made the first move. Sara had been working her husband's big dick with abandon, doing her best to put on a show and run the others out. She was hamming it up, rolling her eyes and trying to make it sexy, like all those blowjobs she had seen in the pornos they liked to rent. She had hoped it would horrify the other two, but as she watched them for signs of imminent flight, she saw something very different.

Slim was staring at her husband's cock with unconcealed desire, a deep, needy look on her face. With the anger drained away she was actually pretty, if a bit hard and chiseled like an athlete. The blonde, Tracy, was watching the blowjob as well, but Sara had the feeling she was watching her more than him. Tracy was pretty under any standards and Sara found herself paying less attention to her work.

She barely flinched when the strange fingers brushed her arm under the water. It took a moment, but she saw it was Tracy reaching out to her. Adrenaline flooded her system and her heart raced. As if the whole hot tub full of naked bodies wasn't hot enough, now a strange woman was slowly sliding her hand down her arm, then to her torso, her hip, and further. A few drunken experiments in college made the idea not entirely alien, but still...

Mike was a little slow on the uptake. He noticed the BJ going south, but as he looked down he didn't quite grasp the electricity flashing between his wife and the curvy blonde. But he could clearly see Slim's desire. Mike wasn't much for the storied 'hate fuck' but he wondered for a second what that might be like with this screeching harpy. Not that she was ugly or anything, but all the arguing and tension had not left him yet. Yeah, he'd enjoy plugging that bitch hard and nasty.

Tracy's fingers found Sara's pussy and the young wife's eyes rolled back in her head. Oh damn that felt good! Sara lifted a hand and quickly found it full of the soft, warm flesh of the other woman's breast. Lust was quickly overcoming her inhibitions and hesitations, and she gave up on the blow job entirely as Tracy lured her away. Sara shot one last glance at Slim who was still mesmerized by the large cock in her hand. Slim returned the look, and with their eyes they had the briefest of conversations.

'May I?'

'Go for it.'

Mike wasn't sure if he should be elated or terrified. Sara let go of him and moved toward Tracy, who gently turned her around and embraced her from behind, settling down into the water as the blonde's hands went to work under the roiling bubbles. Slim quickly moved to take her place, and in a flash had gobbled his dick into her mouth.

Where Sara had been all lurid tongue and porn-video acting, Slim attended his cock like it was the last one in the world. She was gentle but firm, slow and sexy, pressing her tongue up into the underside and sliding her lips along the shaft when she pulled it out, all the while slowly pumping the base with her hand. She was not a novice.

Mike looked up from this surprising turn of events to see his wife half watching him and half lost in her own pleasures. Tracy nuzzled and nipped at Sara's neck and ear, and he could see one hand just below the surface mauling one of her breasts. Judging by the look on her face, the other was likely rubbing her clit. In fact she had sunk two fingers into the young wife and was gently fucking her with them.

Mike didn't have much time to ponder the oddities of the evening, though. Slim took a deep breath and pushed forward hard, thrusting his cock down her throat. He moaned in ecstasy and moved a hand to her head, but some last shred of caution caused him to pull it back.

"Don't hold back," said the blonde. "She likes it rough." Slim backed off and let most of his cock out of her mouth, holding just the head between her bared teeth. She snarled, glaring up at him with a mixture of anger and lust, playfully biting his cock.

Mike wished for some hair to hold, but Slim's short dark do was unsuited to that use. Instead he held her skull in both hands and pulled her along as he stood on the submerged benches. He was out of the water above the knee and Slim was exposed above the nipples.

He pushed his long dick down Slim's throat and held it there, mashing her nose into his short and curlies. The slender woman moaned and it looked like she was fingering herself below the surface. Tim just held her there for a moment, then pulled her head off him and let her breathe. Then it was back down the hatch. He fucked her face and throat, using some of the pent up anger from earlier to really drive it home. He was afraid he was getting to energetic when Tracy sent Sara over to help.

"Pinch her nipples, hard. Twist them. She likes a little pain."

Sara disengaged from the blonde and moved close behind Slim, aroused and feeling terribly wicked. She reached around and cupped the short haired woman's breasts and her fingers quickly found the nipples. She waited until Mike plunged deep and then gave Slim a savage twist. A sound erupted from the woman, muffled by the cock in her mouth but easily recognizable as a shattering orgasm. Sara could feel the other woman's arm digging hard at her pussy as she came. She shuddered and convulsed under the water for a few moments.


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