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Hotel Hook-Up

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A Mom and daughter meet a hot lesbian for a threesome.
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"Whoa" Casey Keller lowered her sunglasses, not wanting her view to be impeded.

Her eyes locked on the woman walking in front of her; though sashayed may have been a better description as the woman's hips swung like she was walking a model's runway rather across a hotel patio. It wasn't just her walk that made the woman stand out. Like virtually all the rest of the guests outside, sunning themselves and relaxing by a pool, she was wearing a swimming costume, but whereas for everyone else it was piece of clothing that either protected from the sun or covered strategic spots from lecherous gaze, for her it seemed to be moulded to her body and designed to show it off to its best advantage. Her bosoms were probably average, but the way the costume tightly clung to her made them seem larger and firmer, and the low cut in the front accentuated their almost perfect roundness.

The material clung to her perfect stomach and stopped at the top of her legs, leaving the tanned and toned thighs on display. As she passed you could see the costume dug between her buttocks, the firm flesh of the cheeks jiggling either enough to mesmerise. But going beyond her beauty and body was the confident way she held herself, completely ignoring all the glances and gazes that were coming her way, as if they were her due. Some of the looks were envious, older women who'd never had it and younger girls, not yet developed and fearing they'd never match her when they did; others were desirous, husbands quietly ignoring the frowns from their wives as they watched her parade, sons equally fascinated by a woman who'd they only ever seen in their fantasies.

And Casey...

And her Mom, "Whoa, indeed," Sandra Keller added as she too lowered her sunglasses to look at the Goddess in front of them.

The two of them turned their heads in unison, following the newcomer as she sensually swaggered towards an empty lounger only a few yards in front of them. It wasn't hard to gently angle their own loungers just enough that they could see her as she placed down her bag and reached into it for a pair of sunglasses and some sun cream. She rubbed the cream over her bare flesh, the lotion making her body seem like it was gleaming, before settling back, relaxing in the rays and letting her long blonde hair spread out behind her.

"Now that's a nice view," murmured Sandra to her daughter, as the two of them subtly continued to check out the woman in front of them, admiring her all the way up her long legs and slim stomach to her round bosoms and film-star looks face.

"Mmnnn" replied Casey. "I think I might be recovering from my broken heart already."

"Good," her Mom giggled, "Me too."

It had been her Mom's idea, a weekend away in the plush resort, a chance to spoil themselves as they both came out of relationships, her Mom's admittedly a three-week fling with a woman she'd met through a lesbian dating app, whilst Casey's had been a longer six-month relationship with only her second real girlfriend, an ex-classmate she'd hooked up with at an after-prom party. Casey hadn't been keen, not that she minded spending time with her Mom -- as an only child of a single mother -- she had a closer relationship than most of her friends did with their parents. However she was of the view that a period of agonised moping was the best way to get over the love of her life, or at least the best tasting pussy she'd yet eaten. It had taken several evenings of her Mom persuading the nineteen year old that in her Mom's considerably longer dating experience, sitting in your room eating too much chocolate and listening to bad pop ballads wasn't the way you got over a broken heart. Instead the older Keller was of the view that if weekends away in an expensive hotel being pampered by fawning staff didn't heal the hurt of a break-up, they certainly made the pain less raw.

Casey was coming round to the view that her Mom might have a point.

Suddenly the woman lifted her sunglasses up from her head and looked at the Kellers. "Excuse me," she said.

For a moment the teen thought they'd been staring too intently or talking too loudly and the offended woman was about to chastise them, however even as she was talking a charming smile was crossing her face, so Casey relaxed and quickly answered before her Mom could, after all the woman was (probably) nearer her age, "Yes."

"I know this is rude, but could you put some lotion on me when I turn over, it's so hard to get it right," the woman's smile was welcoming, her lips open just enough to show teeth that would have been the pride of any dentist.

"Of course," said Casey, trying not to look like she had too much of an ulterior motive.

The woman rolled over on her front as Casey approached, "I'm Terri," she said conversationally.

"Casey Keller," the teen replied.

"Could you start with the back of my legs?" Terri said, though that was a spot she could have easily oiled herself with a little effort. Not that Casey was complaining as she squirted the cool lotion onto her hand and started to work it into the woman's calves. The woman gave an appreciative sigh "Mmnnn, you seem good at this, I think it works best if you're slow, but firm, it makes sure everything is covered."

That probably wasn't the best way to apply sunscreen, though it worked for a massage, which is what Casey seemed to be giving. Not that she was complaining, her ex had praised her skilled fingers and how they could make her feel good, whether used internally or externally. The teen pressed down, digging into Terri's tight firm legs, her palms slipping over the smooth flesh, rubbing the cool lotion, into the older woman's skin. The blonde didn't seem to mind, in fact she seemed to be encouraging the teen opening her legs wider, so Casey's hands could slip over the inner thigh. Her eyes went upwards to top of the leg, where the pubis was barely covered by a thin strand of material. The teen resisted licking her lips hungrily, even as she imagined the treasure beneath. Terri's legs stretched further open, not quiet inviting the teen to bury her face down below, but it was hard to imagine she didn't realise how close she was to exposing herself, "If you could do higher up, I find I burn quiet easily."

"Your butt?" Casey said in either shock or awe.

"You're a dear," Terri replied and Casey took that as an affirmative. She squirted a generous amount of lotion on her hands, before planting them on the naked cheeks and rubbing it slowly, but firmly, taking her time and enjoy the jiggle of the round rumps as her palms arced in a circular motion.

"That feels so much better," Terri said with a moan.

"You want me to do your shoulders?" Casey asked, hoping that they were as sensitive to the sun as the rest of her.

"Have you finished with my legs?" said the older woman as that Casey hadn't just spent the last few minutes higher than that. "Okay then, there's a doll."

Reaching for the lotion bottle Casey stole a look at her Mom. Sandra Keller was looking on at her daughter, with perhaps just a hint of jealousy as the teen got to fondle the ass of the hottest woman in the hotel. Seeing her daughter looking at her she forced down the green eyed look and instead gave her an encouraging smile and nod. The teen grinned back, she was feeling much better over her break-up, she decided and began to rub Terri's shoulders. The older blonde gave a small groan of pleasure, "You're very good at this."

"Rubbing in sun lotion?" Casey replied sassily.

"Oh yes, that," giggled the woman.

The teen slid her hands over Terri's shoulder and over any part of her back that was exposed, massaging the lotion in deep into the blonde's flawless skin. She deliberately took as much time as she could until it became obvious that the sun-lotion was as fully applied as it could be. Terri gave another sigh as the teen's hands lifted from her back, "That was perfect, thank you."

"That's okay," replied Casey. She waited for the woman to say something more, but as she didn't she reluctantly stood again, "I'll be seeing you."

"Sure, later," Terri nodded and turned back onto her front, so that she was looking up at Casey. She lowered her sunglasses and gave the teen a grin, "I might need some more sun-lotion."

Unfortunately for Casey for the rest of the afternoon Terri showed no sign of needing a top-up. Still, at least if Casey didn't get her hands on the older blonde again she and her Mom certainly got to admire the view Terri lay soaking up the sun, now and then moving a leg provocatively, so that the Kellers could see her spread, only just concealing her pussy beneath the costume. Both were disappointed when Terri finally got up, packing her things in the bag and heading back to the hotel.

Sandra looked at her daughter, "We ought to be thinking of going in ourselves, it'll soon be getting colder." The teen nodded her agreement, whilst it was still warm the sun was certainly heading down and at this time of year the warmth of the day didn't often carry over into a hot night.

They headed back to their twin room, showered, gossiped, changed and made themselves up for dinner. Casey found that her Mom was right about a weekend away being the perfect way to recover and, whilst it wasn't all down to Terri, the blonde had certainly been part of the pleasant interlude.

The two Kellers headed to the restaurant; waiting at the entrance for the maitre'd to seat them. "Is that the woman from this afternoon?" Sandra asked her daughter, nodding towards a woman who was already at a table, sitting on her own and perusing the menu.

It was indeed Terri, and she looked as good in a dress as she did in a swimming costume, even if the dress concealed more (though perhaps not much more as the cleavage was lower cut than even her swimming costume had been). She looked up even as Casey was confirming to her Mom that it was indeed the hot thirtysomething, (her Mom had guessed) they had been ogling all afternoon. Casey blushed again that she was being caught staring, but Terri didn't seem to mind raising her hand in greeting. Casey gingerly raised her own to show that she had seen her and immediately Terri got up and walked over towards them, her hips swinging as seductively as they had when she sashayed at the pool.

"Hi again," she said smiling at Casey and then turning towards Sandra, obviously waiting for an introduction.

"My Mom," Casey said.

"Sandra Keller," said her Mom, feeling that a more expansive introduction was needed.

"Would you like to join me for dinner?" Terri offered.

Casey looked at her Mom willing her to say yes, even if she knew nothing would happen when her Mom was there (and she didn't even know for sure if Terri was into girls, though she had a distinct feeling she was). For a moment Sandra seemed unsure what to say, torn between deciding whether it was rude to accept an invite or more rude to decline. Terri smiled, "I won't mind if you say no, if I was away with my daughter for a weekend I wouldn't want to sit with a stranger, but I'm on my own and would enjoy the company of two attractive women."

Certainly in Casey's mind that decided the question of whether Terri was a lesbian, or at least bi-sexual. It also seemed to decide her Mom's mind on the invite, "We'd love to."

"Good," replied Terri almost herding them to the seat and nodding towards a waiter to hurry over to them with two extra menus, "I'll order some wine, shall I? Are you alright with that? How old is Casey?"

"Real age or fake ID age?" the teen grinned, "Nineteen and twenty one."

"I'm happy with Casey having a drink, I did at eighteen and it never did me any harm," Sandra said as she took a seat.

"Better to learn to drink sensibly when you're younger than it hitting you by surprise when you're in your twenties," agreed Terri. "White or red?" she asked reaching for the wine list. She scanned it and as the waiter came over, with the menus ordered a bottle, smiling at the Kellers as Sandra looked a little shocked at the price, "I'll pay for the wine, my treat."

"Well, thank you," Sandra said a little gingerly, sounding like she was worried that the other woman might feel they were taking advantage of her, "but please let us at least pay for our food."

Terri agreed, though Casey had the feeling that the wine wasn't as expensive for her, as it was for the Kellers. The conversation over starters seemed to bear that out, whilst it was first time for Terri in this hotel, she often went away for weekends away to relax from her job, which Casey didn't quite understand but seemed to involve something at the interface between finance and computers (two subjects the teen had little interest in and knowledge of). Luckily Terri didn't spend much time on her job or her family/relationships, apart from a brief drop-in that she was single. Instead she was much more interested in Casey and Sandra, gently probing them so that soon she knew they were both newly single, lesbians. She moved on after that, though Sandra thought she saw a small smile pass her lips when Casey had mentioned her ex was a cheerleader and her Mom had mentioned that she too preferred women.

The main meal arrived and Casey continued to sip her wine, though not to same extent as her Mom and Terri, who were drinking at least twice her rate. Through it Terri continued being a charming companion, slowly moving the conversation away from finding out about the two women opposite her and more towards the slightly risqué and suggestive. Casey was more than happy to head in that direction, though she was worried her Mom wouldn't be, but to her surprise her Mom also entered into the spirit, giggling like a schoolgirl at a naughty comment made by Terri.

The waiter brought the bill and the Sandra and Terri divided it, with Terri rebuffing the other woman's attempt to pay for at least part of the wine bill (perhaps to her relief, her daughter thought, as the bottle was near three figures). "This was lovely," Terri smiled as the waiter scooted away with the credit card machine and the three women looked to gather up their purses, "I don't suppose I could interest you in a drink at the bar?"

Casey was pleased that her Mom nodded, "I'd love to, Casey?"

"Yes," her daughter nodded, eager to spend at least a little more time with Terri.

"But let us at least pay for the drinks," Sandra added.

Terri gracefully acquiesced and the three of them headed for the bar, ordering three further wines and sodas before heading to a secluded booth with a semi-circular seat. Terri slipped into the middle, with the Mom and daughter taking a seat either side of her. If the drink didn't flow as much as before, the conversation did, even if it became steadily more suggestive with a definite sexual undertow. Casey noticed her Mom laughing more at Terri's jokes and comments, especially those which weren't that funny, twirling a strand of hair around a finger as she replied. Casey found herself doing the same, not sure if she was competing with her Mom, partnering with her or just seeing what happened.

Then, she felt a hand on her thigh, gently squeezing it. She looked down as if she needed confirmation it was Terri's, not that it could have been anyone else's as her Mom wasn't near enough to touch her without leaning forward over the table and at the moment she was only leaning towards Terri. Casey didn't even consider moving it, the hand felt good, even with her dress in the way, as the blonde's fingers stroked sensually at her thigh. Casey had heard about hot looking predatory lesbians who sought out women to pick up and fuck, she couldn't believe her luck that she had found one as sexy as Terri.

Now there was only her Mom to worry about and how could Casey get an excuse for Terri and her to leave for an hour or two. She glanced at her Mom, giggling at something Terri said and as she did so she noticed that Terri's other hand was under the table and her elbow was moving. The teen almost gasped as she realised that even as Terri was stroking and rubbing her thigh she was doing the same with her Mom. The blonde turned her head towards the teen and gave a small smile, making it obvious she was making a move on both the Kellers at once. Casey wasn't sure whether she should be horrified or shocked, but the main feeling she was having was excitement. Terri was continuing to talk, flirting and joking with her Mom, but Casey was hardly listening as she tried to collect her thoughts into a coherent package.

Fact one, Terri was putting a move on her. Fact two, Casey was single. Put both those facts together and Casey would have happily fucked the older blonde. Fact three, her Mom was sitting beside them. Normally that would be a complicating factor, Casey wasn't a totally good girl, but she wouldn't have said she was such a bad one as to hook up with a complete stranger whilst she was having a weekend break with her Mom. Fact four, Terri was also making a move on her Mom. That would normally be a problem, even with fact [or especially with?] facts one and two. It was a quandary, made even worse by the fact five, which was Terri really was as hot as hell and every stroke of her hand along Casey's leg was making the teen moisten like steam against a cold window.

Her Mom gave another giggle and Casey glanced at her. Her Mom saw her looking and smiled briefly at her, before turning her attention back to Terri. There was no way that her Mom couldn't have noticed that the blonde was rubbing her daughter's leg under the table at the same time as she was rubbing hers, but her Mom didn't seem to mind it. If had just been a lack of jealousy Casey would have understood, her Mom had never been the jealous type, as long as things were open and agreed. But this wasn't so much coveting your neighbour's wife as coveting her daughter. Still a little bit of Casey's mind was being turned on by the thought of her Mom sharing Terri with her, the two of them were close, they were unattached and they'd come to the hotel to have an enjoyable weekend, which Terri seemed to promise to provide.

Terri squeezed her leg sensually, turning to give her a smile and make a short joke. Go for it, Casey's gut told her, either to get shot down by her Mom and have a sulky next morning before check-out or to have her first threesome with her and an ultra-hot blonde who obviously wanted it. Without waiting for her brain to make a sensible counter-point the teen leaned in, opening her mouth. She wasn't sure whether she was surprised that Terri wasn't, the blonde's mouth opening even as the teen reached it, moving it gently as they kissed passionately.

It was for less than half a minute, barely enough time for Casey to taste the other's woman's lips on her own, but it was enough for her to know she enjoyed it. Terri withdrew her mouth and licked her lips sensually, "That was hot," she drawled.

As she was speaking Casey glanced at her Mom. Sandra didn't seem to mind her daughter had just made out with their dinner companion, in fact if anything she seemed excited by it, staring at them both intently and breathing shallowly. Terri was turning towards her, "Are you a good a kisser as your daughter?"

"We'll see," replied Sandra and Casey watched fascinated and strangely excited as her Mom and Terri kissed, their mouths glued together as they slurped and gulped. The kiss continued for longer than the one with the Casey, but the teen wasn't jealous so much as turned on, sure her turn would come in a minute.

It did. Terri and her Mom stopped, their heads moving back and away from each other, "Let me have another taste of the younger sugar," Terri said and turned back towards Casey. The teen immediately leant forward again, her mouth opening even before she connected with the older blonde. Terri's tongue shot forward and not only her tongue - a hand reaching out to grasp the teen's tit and squeeze it as she continued to stroke the thigh. The teen kissed back her tongue probing and grappling with Terri's, exploring the other woman's taste. She gingerly reached out to grasp a bosom back, her hands grasping at the round melon and starting to squeeze it. To her surprise she felt the graze of her Mom's knuckles against her own, but it wasn't until Terri broke the kiss did she see that her Mom was leaning her head on the blonde's shoulder as she grasped the other tit. Terri was grinning and turning her head to kiss Sandra again, letting go off the teen so that she could womanhandle her Mom.


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