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House of Steel: Silenced Ch. 02

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Sarah learns the rules of her new life.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 08/01/2007
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The next time Sarah woke she was alone in the room. She felt sick and crawled to the bucket to throw up some of the sperm she had been force fed. When she was done she sat up against the wall. It was the first time that she had been left alone long enough to think about her situation. She wished she had never gotten in that car. She had known something was off about that guy but she was greedy. She instinctively hugged her knees to her chest as she mental calculated all the ways she had screwed up. When the thought came to her that maybe this was her fault she stood up as if she could run away from it. Feeling sorry for herself wouldn't get her anywhere. Doc told her they wouldn't kill unless she forced their hand. She had to stay strong, play their fucked up games until she could get away. When the thought came that she wanted to go home she realized she didn't have a home to go to. She ran away from that home after her mother died and her father got too touchy-feely. She tried to get a real job. At one point she was working two jobs but even then minimum wage didn't pay enough to keep her head above water and a roof over her head. If she got out of here now she wouldn't have anywhere to go. Her only option would be to start hooking again. Either way she knew she couldn't stay here. Whatever their ultimate goals for her were she didn't want any part of them.

She was torn out of her thoughts when the door opened and Dean walked in with the cane. He shut the door before she could get a look at what was on the other side. Sarah instinctively backed into the wall and slid down until she was sitting again.

"How are you feeling?"

She assumed he didn't care about her emotional wellbeing so she said, "I have to go to the bathroom."

"What do you think the bucket is for?"

"I can't use that," said Sarah, horrified.

Dean didn't say anything but he tapped the cane on the floor a few times and Sarah knew she couldn't win.

"I'm hungry."

"I would have thought you had enough to eat last night. But you'll be fed later. Now, use the bucket."

"You're going to watch?" Sarah asked, horrified.

"You are really trying my patience."

Sarah looked away from Dean as she balanced herself on the bucket and relieved herself. Almost worse than having to do so in front of him was the fact that she didn't have any toilet paper. She couldn't believe any amount hot water would ever make her feel clean again.

"Come here."

Sarah crawled to him on all fours. He knelt down beside her. She flinched as he brought his hand down to her face but all he did was gently stroke her cheek. Somehow the kind gesture was worse than if he had struck her and she wanted to cry.

"I'm very proud of you. You're adapting very quickly. All you have to do is behave and follow the rules and your stay here will be much more pleasant. Would you like to know the rules?"

Sarah nodded.

"That collar never comes off. You are my property, mine to do with as a please. You will do what you are told when you are told, no questions. You will not speak unless you are instructed to do so. Food is a privilege. If you are obedient you will eat. If you are not you will be beaten and you will starve. Soon you will be living upstairs with the other girls. From time to time men and sometimes women will come in and choose between you. I'm sure you're already familiar with the process. Any disobedience to one of our clients will get you ten times the beating. Occasionally someone will come in looking for more than just a few hours and we may actually sell you to one of them. Don't get your hopes up for some kind of escape. We personally select these people and you will not be going with anyone we don't trust. I want you to understand that I've been going easy on you. When you leave this room you will be expected to behave at all times and follow the rules. Anytime you don't you will beg for me to beat you with the cane after what I do to you. Do you understand?"

Sarah could barely form words around her horror so she nodded. She couldn't imagine anything worse than what she was currently enduring.

"If you've been good, tomorrow I will bring you upstairs and you will be allowed to eat. I'm going to leave now. If anyone comes in what are you going to do?"

Sarah shuddered and answered, "Whatever they want me to do."

"Maybe there is hope for you after all."

A few minutes after Dean left a man walked in carrying a bucket and a rag. He set the bucket down in front of Sarah and tossed her the rag.

"Clean yourself up."

Sarah looked in the bucket and saw soapy water. She didn't want to be watched but knew she didn't have a choice. She soaked the rag and started with her face and worked down. When she reached her cunt she had to be careful over her clit, which was still sensitive. When she was done she rung the rag dry and draped it over the side of the bucket.

The man unzipped his pants and motioned Sarah forward, "Come over here and suck my cock."

Sarah crawled to him and took him in her mouth. He tasted foul but she didn't protest. It wasn't that she wanted to be good so she could get out of the room, but she wanted to eat. She was so hungry she felt faint. He pushed down her throat and she gagged but she didn't try to stop him. She had trained herself in her first few months hooking to deep throat. She allowed herself to gag because she knew the sensations would make most men cum faster.

It didn't take long before he was coming down her throat. She swallowed and tried not to look disgusted. He picked up both of the buckets and left the room.

From time to time other men came in and Sarah serviced them without speaking a word. Eventually she fell into a fitful sleep that left her groggy and exhausted the next day when Dean came back for her.

"Unless you are in your room or in the common room I would not normally permit you to walk, you'd have to crawl like the bitch that you are, but since I'm going to be showing you around it will be quicker for me if you walk."

Dean attached a leash to the collar and tugged until Sarah stood up. She followed behind him as he led her into the hallway. It was small and Sarah could see five doors, two on each side of the hallway and one at the end.

"This is the lower level. This is where we keep all the new whores. Sometimes all of the rooms will be empty and sometimes they will all be filled."

He led her to the door at the end of the hall and opened it with a small silver key. They went up a small stair case. From the number of steps Sarah imagined they had to have gone up at least to the second story before they came to a door. Behind this door was another hallway. This hallway was longer and was furnished with lights, paintings, and carpet. There were five doors on each side that were made out of steel. It looked out of place. At the end of the hall there was a man sitting in a chair drinking coffee and reading a book. He had a shaved head and wore a shirt that was a size too small to accentuate his muscles. Sarah noticed the gun that rested at his hip.

"Every room in this house is soundproof. You are going to be assigned your own room. It will be your responsibility to keep it looking nice for our guests. It will be where you service them. Fresh linen and cleaning supplies are in the closet in the bathroom. If you're ever not feeling well, tell whichever guard is on duty. He'll take you to Doc."

They reached the end of the hall and turned first one corner and then another to see a second hall that ran parallel to the first. At the end of the hall he took out another key, this one brass, and opened the door. Sarah saw another stair case that lead down.

"Down there is where you will meet with our guests. You are not permitted through this door without one of my guards or unless the alarms sound."

Dean shut the door and locked it. Sarah made a mental note that it might be the way to an exit. Dean opened the door on their right and led Sarah inside.

There was a queen size bed in the middle of the room. It had dark red sheets and matching pillow cases. After the time spent in her cell it looked like a dream. The walls were painted dark maroon. There was also a medium sized TV on a small entertainment center across from the bed. They were the only things in the room besides a light that hung from the ceiling.

"This will be your room. Your door is to be kept shut at all times, whether you are in here or not. Remember which door is yours because you are not allowed in the other girls' rooms."

Dean led her out of the room and back to the first stair case. Just for a moment Sarah feared he might send her back down into the cell. So far this didn't seem as bad as she thought it would be. Instead of going down he led her up the rest of the stairs.

The room looked like it had once been an attic. The walls had been reinforced with cement blocks and the roof sloped up to the middle. In the room there was a large television, a few treadmills, a pool table, a couch, and lots of chairs scattered around. Four girls stood around the pool table holding cues. They were all naked except for a collar matching Sarah's. Two of the treadmills were in use. Everyone looked up as Dean entered but went back to what they were doing when they saw Sarah.

Dean pulled Sarah over to a door and opened it to the bathroom. Three large bathtubs/showers were gathered on one side of the room. Next to them was a counter with two sinks under a large mirror. Cosmetics were littered around aimlessly. On the other side of the room were toilets.

Dean unhooked her collar and said, "You are free to come and go between here and your room unless you're with a client or have been told otherwise. Clean yourself up. There is a fridge and a stove in the common area. You are free to eat but you have biweekly physicals and if you go out of your weight requirement you will be starved."

Sarah waited until Dean left the room before she stepped under a spray of joyously hot water. She scrubbed her skin until she thought she would see blood but she still didn't feel clean. She decided to fill tub with water and try to relax. She couldn't help it when all the pain and misery from the past few days flooded back to her and she burst into tears. She didn't even hear the door open the three sets of footsteps come inside.

"Oh sweetie, don't cry. It's really not all that bad," purred a sultry voice.

Sarah opened her eyes and saw three women gathered around the tub she was in. The one who had spoken was built like an Amazon, tall, busty, with well sculpted muscles. The second was Asian. She had long black hair, slender hips and small pert breasts. The third was blond and the DD's she was packing looked like implants.

"We girls gotta stick together. Those men can be so cruel. Did they hurt you?" asked the Amazon.

Sarah nodded.

The Amazon slipped a hand in the tub and before Sarah could think to stop her she had her hand on Sarah's mound. When Sarah tried to sit up the other two girls pushed her against the back of the tub. The Amazon gently stroked Sarah's still sensitive clit.

"Stop. Please."

"Shhh baby. It's alright now. I'm gonna make you feel good."

The other two girls laughed and kept Sarah pinned in place.

"Look at the little slut, I think she likes girls," hissed the Asian.

"Is it true? Have you ever tasted pussy before?" asked the Amazon.

Sarah shook her head, too defeated to answer.

The Amazon took her hand away from Sarah and crawled into the tub. She sat on the edge with one long leg propped up. Her thighs were spread wide and she motioned for the other two girls to pull Sarah to her. Sarah tried to fight but was already weakened by her own hopelessness. The Amazon took a fist full of Sarah's hair and rubbed her cunt against her face.

"Lick it," the Amazon demanded.

After a few moments of struggling Sarah finally gave in. She had never eaten a girl out before. She wasn't sure what to do. Gingerly, she stuck her tongue out and licked along the Amazon's slit. When she found her clit she flicked her tongue against it. The Amazon moaned and ground her cunt against Sarah's face. Sarah sucked her clit for a moment and then pushed her tongue inside her pussy. Sarah could taste the Amazon's wetness. She hoped that meant she would cum soon and Sarah could be done with this. Soon the Amazon was rocking and moaning so loud she echoed in the room. When she finally came she released Sarah.

Sarah could feel wetness coating over her face. She pushed her face into the water and blindly grabbed for a towel and scrubbed her face. When she finally looked back up she was alone in the room. She hauled herself out of the tub and grabbed fresh towel. She wrapped it around herself and huddled in a corner, sniffling. She heard the door open again but her eyes were closed and she couldn't bring herself to open them to see what new horror awaited her. She could hear whoever it was moving around could feel their presence when they sat down beside her.

Sarah opened her eyes to see a pretty young blond girl sitting beside her. She didn't look like she could have been older than eighteen. Her cheeks were rosy and she still had a little bit of baby fat that made her look innocent and sweet.

"Hi, I'm Dawn."

Dawn held out a small clump of tissue paper to Sarah who watched her cautiously without moving.

Finally Dawn pulled back and said quietly, "I know Carrie's horrible. She's like that to all the new girls. Course, Misty and Ning aren't any better but most of the other girls are nice."

"How long have you been here?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know, the weeks tend to blur together. Maybe a few months."

"How'd you get here?"

A look almost like desperation passed over Dawn's face but she shook her head and it faded.

"I don't want to talk about it." In an effort to clear the now tense air in the room Dawn said, "You shouldn't wear that towel like that. They get mad if you try to cover yourself up."

Sarah stood and hung the towel she was wearing.

"Come on, I'll help you blow dry your hair and get you made up. We have to always look our best in case a client comes by."

Dawn grabbed Sarah's wrist and pulled her to the counter. Fifteen minutes later Sarah looked in the mirror and wasn't disgusted by what she saw. Dawn helped Sarah get some much needed food in her stomach and Sarah met a couple of the other girls in the house.

Melissa was in her mid-twenties. Her eyes were like bronze coins and she had straight, rust-colored hair that she kept pulled back in a pony tail. She was tall and curvy with light skin and a pointed chin.

Kendra had eyes were the color of milk chocolate and her hair coffee. She had full pouty lips and brown skin.

The four of them sat around the small card table that served as their dining area. Sarah had just started into a bowl of chicken noodle soup when an alarm dinged through hidden speakers around the room.

All of the girls jumped up and headed for the door. When Dawn saw Sarah hesitate she grabbed her wrist and pulled her along. When Sarah hit the bottom of the stairs she got down on all fours like the girls around her. She could see girls darting out of their rooms to join in the flow. She followed them to the second stair case and headed down. She had a hard time trying not to tumble over head first.

The room they came to was completely bare. The walls were painted a harsh white that was made worse by the bright lights that hung overhead. One door stood opposite the one they had come through and for a moment Sarah thought she could see 'freedom' written across it. She watched the other girls and mirrored their positions as they poured into the room. Altogether Sarah saw fifteen girls lined up. They sat back on their heels with their thighs spread wide. Their hands were behind their backs, wrists crossed as if they were bound.

Five men stood in the room looking over the girls. One was Dean. Sarah noticed that his eyes kept darting over to her; no doubt looking for some critical flaw she was making that would warrant further beatings. Three of the other men had guns on their hips and Sarah assumed that they were just guards. The last man was in his late thirties. He wore a fine tailored suit and glasses that made him look intellectual. He was the type of man Sarah had prayed for when she tried to pick up men. She looked at him now with dread. She felt completely exposed and her heart pounded in her head. She didn't want to be chosen and she prayed that the man's eyes would skip over her.

To her disappointment she saw that she was the first girl he looked at. He seemed to think it over in his head then he leaned over and whispered something to Dean. Dean nodded and with a wave of his hand all of the other girls left the room. Sarah met Dean's gaze and knew she wasn't meant to leave. He knelt down in front of Sarah and took her chin in his hand.

"You have been selected by Gordon. You are going to take him up to your room, alright?"

Sarah nodded and turned to crawl up the stairs. She could hear Gordon walking slowly behind her as she made her way to her room. She hurried inside and turned to face him. She almost stood but wasn't sure if she would get in trouble for it. Gordon shut the door behind him, sealing them alone together.

He pulled off his coat and said, "Stand up. I want to get a good look at you." His voice was softer than she expected. Not gentle or caring, but almost meek.

Sarah stood and turned in a circle so he could see all of her. He seemed pleased with what he saw and he stepped towards her. A heavy hand pushed delicately on her shoulder and she sank back to her knees. He quickly undid his belt and zipper and dropped his pants to the floor. She thought about what Dean told her about getting sold to someone. She didn't think she would mind if she was sold to someone like Gordon. She could probably escape easily from him.

She didn't need him to tell her what to do. She took him in her hands and licked the underside of his head and shaft. She licked his balls and took each one in her mouth. He grunted and groaned. Sarah could feel his control slipping already and she sucked his shaft into her mouth. When her lips reached the base of his cock she could just feel him at the back of her throat.

Suddenly he pulled out of her mouth, panting. When she could see he regained control of himself he pulled her arm until she was standing then he pushed her back down on the bed. Her legs were spread wide for him. He knelt between her them and positioned himself at her entrance. His first few thrusts were difficult and unpleasant. She wasn't wet and her saliva on his cock wasn't doing much to help.

When he figured out the problem he started awkwardly playing with her clit. It wasn't doing much for her and she didn't want this to take longer than it had to. She started kneading her breasts and gently pinching her nipples. The sight was too much for Gordon and he pushed himself roughly into her. Sarah moaned in false pleasure but Gordon didn't seem to notice. She reached down to stroke her clit and just as she was starting to get wet she felt him release inside of her. She murmured quietly how good he was and how good he made her feel. Gordon bought the lie and agreed that she too was the best he ever had. Less than a minute later he was dressed and out of her room.

For all the pain she had been put through the past few days this seemed so easy. Easier anyway, than picking up men on the side of the road and hope they paid for what you gave them. And she could handle Carrie if she wasn't depressed and feeling sorry for herself. For the first time she felt relaxed. She also felt slightly unfulfilled. She looked at the door and thinking that no one would come in to bother her she laid back on the bed. Her fingers slid between her thighs and she bit her lower lip as she pleasured herself.


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