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House of Urus

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Long Ego there lived a girl who married a khan and became a queen, The khan and his queen ruled the unstable lands of the south, where greed, famine and war were prevalent, but that didn't stop the khan from dreaming of a peaceful world under his rule.

The Khan faced heavy opposition from many groups, the the most powerful of them being from other lands the merchants from the north and the Lowers from the west, after negotiations and bribery failed the lowers opened war and killed hundreds of thousands.

While the Merchants and the Khans had machinery the lowers outmatched them one to three in manpower and when the Khan realized they were losing the war he decided to face the enemy on the battlefields.

The khan left behind his queen who was expecting heirs, the queen was close to the due date by the time the khan was heavy into the war, and on a moonless night the queen had three children but to her horror, all three of them were stillborn.

The queen grief in secret for two days and two nights, she could not bring herself to give up her children, in the very depth of her grief there was hope, so she prayed to everything she knew to bring back her children although she knew nothing could be done she wouldn't give up their bodies and continued to nurse them as if they were alive.

On the third day, a creature appeared to her right before dawn, it was dark and decrepit as it stood at the foot of her bed, but it spoke with a clear and strong voice.

The creature offered her a deal, it would give her back the life of her children if she would give up her whole kingdom including the life of her khan, the queen hesitated but the creature tricked her and placed visions of her children laughing happily around her, while the creature said when the sun would come up this deal would be gone forever, even in her wildest desperation the queen demanded the khan's dream should be realized no matter the cost, to this they both agreed.

As day break came the queen almost went insane with joy as she heard the cries of her children, she rushed to them and found them alive and well, when she looked back at the creature it had disappeared and she was all alone.

Sure enough, the deal came to pass as the Khan lost his life in the war and the southern kingdom was invaded by the Lowers, in the revolt the Khans were thought all dead then the Merchants overwhelmed the Lowers and won the war unifying all the kingdoms.

Decades passed and the sons of the queen who survived marched against the lowers, they won and then becoming Khans of a united peaceful kingdom like their father had dreamed of, yet it was decided that the merchants would rule over the kingdom as instructed by the Khans they would maintain the peace simply because the merchants were more suited to lead unlike the khans.


"I usually don't do this, I have always been pretty smart but since I have nothing better to do, I will indulge you today....so I am dying right now, no joke I am in the middle of a castle more specifically in the floor of a hallway dying.

Is getting cold, I am losing my vision and I test metal I never thought I would go out like this, granted that's something everyone says but I really never expected to be dying like this, if you ask me...not that you did. I would have bet on a stroke, even better falling down the stairs in my late 90s... alas!

Well here we are I am dying, I bet you are wondering all the questions, shit! maybe you are not but fuck it! I want to believe you are, so I don't have to go on this ride all alone, Funny now that I think about it, maybe I don't have much time left...did I mention I'm dying?

Let me take you back to how it started, and before you roll your eyes and tell me to fuck off just know I also don't want to do this I would like to just lay here and die but like I said I have nothing better to do...so here goes nothing...."


Today was a good day so far, I was never a big coffee person but today I had a cup and It was great, I stared up at the clock and it was nearly 4 pm, my shift had just started and I just dropped Rain at the bar.

I smiled to myself just thinking of him, it had been more than 28 years since I asked myself the same question and I still never had an answer "How does he do it?" I wondered, I was convinced Rain was born a menace that was created to torture me, he was a storm of chaos that consumed my existence. At night he would drink and create mayhem and destruction and in the morning he still had enough energy to keep going.

The first customer entered the lobby, she was nice-looking and had a warm smile, and she dropped her keys off and settled her tap.

I got on the phone as soon as she left and let Katherine from room service know she could go clean up the room. I was happy this season was slow not a lot of people came by as the holiday season ended and people went back home. Although I got a bonus every time the hotel was at full capacity, I had to admit I didn't like working the night shifts.

I rather stay home or better yet party with Rain even if he would torture me in the morning, going to any of his wild, painful adventures was better than dealing with crazies and drunk weirdos.

I liked the slow nights when all I had to do was ring people in and mind my business, soon enough I would save enough money for a house on the beach and I could go visit my mom at the retirement home out of state without breaking the bank.

I could see it was getting dark outside through the glass doors, I looked at the watch again, it was 7:30 I got ready to watch my favorite thriller show, I knew as soon as it ended Rain would call and interrogate me about it. He couldn't afford to miss a single episode, he was already late to the season and he couldn't watch it while he was at work.

As I started watching I saw something strange from the corner of my eye, outside the parking lot I saw a couple of expensive black cars coming in parking one next to the other.

I counted 14 of them, and a few seconds later men dressed in dark grey suits were coming in, I knew someone had registered a party of 14 but I was hoping I wouldn't be the one having to ring them in, As they got to the marble counter I greeted them and asked for their ID's and their registration codes, I made sure to not look at them too closely or make any eye contact, I figure Jackie would do that when she got here in the morning she was the brave one. I knew that was rude, but I figured a short smile and a professional tone were enough. I had learned long ago that making too much eye contact could be seen as an invitation.

One by one I gave them their room cards, and a brochure, and tried not to notice the black cufflink with a golden phoenix. I did this as fast as I possibly could, I have never been a person that believes in "bad vibes" but I definitely felt something strange I the air as they just took their things and walked away to their rooms.

The silence was intense and all I wanted to do was get this over with as soon as possible, I saw they were not staying long and I was hoping I would not be the one to do the check out when they left.

Finally, there was one left standing I restricted my eyes to his shoulders, He was very tall and slim I realize he was the only one not wearing a suit, he looked way more casual while looking expensive in all-black.

I expected he would just place his card on the counter but he didn't, he just stood there.

"Sir, may I have your ID, please?" I said, I could hardly believe I had managed to sound calm when inside I felt something unsettling just being in the presence of this man, even more so than the others.

He placed his ID on the counter and as I took it I didn't even bother to get all the details or read anything, I quickly placed his key card and other essentials on the counter when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward out of reflect I pulled my hand away looked up at him.


There it was, I didn't know what I was expecting but nothing of this magnitude, I was really getting bored back home and a Hunt was just what I needed, normally a few servants would do for this one but I wanted to come along, this season had been great for us but someone needed guiding, Some people needed to be reminded who they served.

I never liked being awake too long but if I was around I needed to take advantage of the situation before my brothers started asking questions or decided to wake.

But this was nice, she was sweet still I didn't like them too sweet, she looked into my eyes with rage and shook, she was ready to fight me off, I liked that, I rather rage than fear. She pulled away from me and I let her, she stumbled a bit and lowered her eyes again,

"I have a pleasant stay, sir." She said her voice was broken and she was clearly shaken yet she remained dignified.

" Very nice," I thought as I turned and walked away to the elevator and up to my room, I pulled my phone and saw a text from one of the workers telling me where to meet them, I liked that he was focused, as always business first then pleasure and that woman behind the counter would be a nice reward, not that I needed one but it had been a while and she looked great, although I was a bit disappointed just thinking about afterwards.

I got to the room and they all stood to show their respect they got back to their respective places some setting, others looking out the windows and some just standing around.

"Did you like the candy, My Khan?" J8 asked a playful look in his eyes.

"What's the plan?" I answered with a weak warning. This motherfucker had balls I would give him that, he smiled and looked away.

"Well we will have time for a candy run later but right now, we need to talk with Brandon before any of the other Khans awake," J3 said his dark eyes focusing on me.

"Don't look at me, I tried to reason with him! This Motherfucker thinks is all jokes." J6 said as they all looked at him. I hadn't said anything but I didn't need to we all blamed him for this.

"Annoying things come in pairs, he got others behind him?" J8 asked, I would remember this one I liked the way he thought.

"At first I thought he had a couple of boys but he's got a big fish in his corner now he thinks none can touch him," J6 answered his arms crossed.

"We need a plan and a quiet one too," J3 said as he massaged his bear in thought.

"You have 3 days to think of something, I don't like having to demote workers," I said looking at J6 and I walked out to my room.

I walked into my room and realized I lied I did enjoy demoting workers, maybe not as much as my bothers but I did, I secretly hoped Urus would wake before his time and I could have some actual fun, he was the only one of the two who was a real challenge.

Speaking of the devil Urus's assistant Tyler texted me, she was good but she had the bad habit of trying to extend her reach when it wasn't her place.

Tyler: "Who is the Big Fish?"

Me: "For who for you or my bother?"

Tyler: "For my Khan of course!"

Me: "One of the Merchants....from the old line."

Tyler: "Should I wake Urus?"

Me: "No, and whatever you do, let him get to things by himself, I wouldn't want to get him another assistant Tyler."

Tyler: "Of course, I will keep that in mind, have a safe hunt."

I didn't reply I knew she was lying, the one thing Tyler would do is stick close to Urus, he was head of house for a reason and Tyler would rather die than let go of that kind of power.


"You need me to go there and beat his ass?" Rain said as we set in the bar having garlic bread as I waited for my burrito at 2 am.

"Bitch Please!" I gave him a look "I don't like funerals, besides it was nothing."

"It was nothing but you had tears in your eyes when you told me." Rain said downing his second shot of tequila.

"You're cute!" I said with a sarcastic tone.

"Whatever!" Rain said sneering through his sunglasses.

"Imagine you go down there, and we both goners." I tried to convince him "These men are very bad news; trust me this is not our league."

"Fine! but if they do something to Jackie is on you." Rain said.

"They won't touch her, she is a merchant and her uncle is a big Fish, we....we are nobodies, soon as we go missing we immediately get the cold case treatment," I said, It was morbid but we both busted out laughing.

Besides I didn't want to think or talk about it anymore, so I switch the conversation over to Rain, for some reason he always had an adventure at work, people just seem to trust and confide in him way too much.

He told me about some love triangle gone wrong at the bar and how he had to deal with a catfight, at first it was funny but then something shifted.

I wasn't sure what it was something felt different, Rain talked and we eat but something in the air just seemed wrong, I convinced myself I was just tired and it was late.

I let rain get back to work and I headed straight home, I needed to sleep away this day it suddenly felt like the world was too heavy on my shoulders and I needed to power down.

I had the most bizarre dream, which was strange I usually don't dream, I dreamed that I was standing in front of a black door, but I was in the dark, I looked down at my feet there was water and I couldn't see where it was coming from in the black void, I called out for help but there was a loud noise coming from behind the door, I got closer and the noises continued tuning into moans, someone was having a good time behind the door, the noises got louder as I got closer, she was moaning loudly now and begging for more, I couldn't help but slowly place my hand on the door when suddenly the woman screeched out his name in such a horrific tone that shock up awake and my hears and chest burned.

I looked at my phone after a few seconds of trying to come down, it was still 6 in the morning, I place my phone back normally I would have gone to my socials to distract myself but all I keep thinking about was, who the hell was Urus That was the name the woman behind the door had screamed out.


I looked at my reflection in the window behind Jackie she was talking but I hadn't heard her after she talked about Brandon, it was lunchtime for all the workers.

Jackie is a beautiful woman, and she had proven herself more than useful last night when she was on her hands and knees, taking all of me, but she was a merchant like Tyler and I know she would do any and everything to be close to the Khans, especially Urus.

While I didn't mind having her last night, there was no way I could keep her around my brother, not that I don't trust his self-control but I don't want to underestimate her ability to manipulate.

Besides I am not in the mood for sharing, I have other plans in mind and my first order of business is to assess how fast these workers could get rid of Brando quietly and naturally of course.

It had been raining during the night, and I wondered about Aziz he always did love the rain, and I hope he never got to be head of the house, there was something far more insidious about him that I would never figure out, maybe that's why I liked Urus better.

I heard one of the workers speak but it sounded so distant, I only focused when he talked to Jacky, he seemed interested in her family and I left the table, I walked outside the hotel and the air smelled refreshing, in the back of my mind I saw her.

"There you are, little bird," I thought, she was doing laundry, she was wearing a t-shirt and dark blue panties, She turned around scared but she didn't see anything, she was trying to calm herself down while I kept watching her, she had big brown curls with cinnamon skin and full lips, she had nice looking breast and a round ass, I really had no preference when It came to playmates but I just knew she would be fun while she lasted.

"My Khan we have decided." One of the workers said, standing right behind me.

Right, it was time to get back to business, I did say I would focus this time....well not too much.

I was waiting for Brandon, he was smarter than he appeared I half expected him to turn down the invitation but even he couldn't insult a Khan like that, I watched the clock he was five minutes late, Now he was testing me and it excited me even if it would all end soon I did enjoy a challenge.

"He is Late, what shall I do about this?" I asked Tyler.

"That's a serious transgression, My Khan," she said, I could almost hear her excitement through the phone, she lived for the bloodshed.

"Be sure to tell Urus about this but do not wake him," he said before hanging up.

Twenty minutes later Brandon walked into the hotel lobby wearing a Hawaiian shirt and looking disheveled, as soon as he spotted me he walked with purpose as the men around him followed, He reached the table and set down in front of me.

"You are late Brandon, is this the way to great your Khan?" I asked him, reaching out for my now cold cup of tea.

"You are not my Khan, and I will show you no courtesy besides in my eyes we are equals." He said with a tone of serenity.

"We are not equals and you know it, do you really want to wake The house?" I asked matching his tone.

"I am Khan in this town not you and if Urus wakes I will face him." He said with a smirk as he drank from his own cup.

"Cocaine or insanity which one are you on?" I asked in truth, my control was slipping. "You must think yourself too high to even suggest that."

He continued to stare me down and I finally smiled, I never thought Brandon would make it this easy, it was almost sad as I stood up and walked away from the table, he would be dead by nightfall.


The feeling never left me, the moment I stared into those silver eyes something slipped into my mind, I didn't tell River I didn't think he would understand if I didn't have a logical way to explain it.

I felt cold and I was sure something or someone was watching me, I called Jackie to tell her I would not be coming for my shift at the hotel, I said I was sick but really I was scared shitless of that man, I didn't want to see him.

I called my mom but she was sleeping it was too late for phone calls at the retirement home but I usually forgot, I knew she was the one to talk to about things a bit more spiritual. I decided to just watch my series it was distracting enough and I fell asleep on my sofa.

I had another crazy dream, in this one, I was walking through the woods and it was getting dark, I could hear voices some singing and some screaming but I there was no one around, I called out for help and suddenly woke up.

I adjusted my eyes but quickly realized this was not my bed, the room was dark and large.

"Morning, Dominic" I heard his low voice, I closed my eyes shot and jumped out of bed looking for the nearest exit.

"Relax, I' am here with you." I heard him say but this time the voice was way too close and I completely froze and stopped trying to open the door.

"There that's better." He said, and this time I realize the voice was coming from within me, I could hear his voice in my head and it was very real.

"Now go back to the bed and calm yourself." He said but it was definitely a command and I lost it, I screamed, jumped around, banged on the door and rolled on the floor until I couldn't move anymore, I pulled my hair and slapped myself a couple of times, there was no fucking way I was schizophrenic and sleepwalking all the out of my house, to the hotel, and into a special suite.

"I am not crazy" I repeated while rolling around on the carpet.

"No you're not crazy, just get to bed," he said, but this time the voice was coming from above me.

The pale face and dead silver eyes stared back at me, I shoot my eyes again and then chanted "This isn't real, wake up." over a thousand times.

A while later I was on the bed watching him put a black suit on, I looked at his reflection and breathed out when he was finally done. He then turn to look at me, I had not made a noise since the breakdown.


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