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We had a nice lunch of cold-cut sandwiches, potato chips, and cold beer.

Belinda said, "I'm tired of cooking. I'm going to order a pizza for dinner. My treat. I hope you don't mind, but I usually get a cheese pizza with extra cheese."

I said, "I can run out and get it."

Belinda said, "Oh, not on your life. I'll have it delivered."

Trish said, "I dare you to answer the door naked."

Jeff looked like he was going to explode, "No fucking way!"

Belinda laughed, "Try and stop me."

That befuddled Jeff and he stormed up to their room.

Trish came over and laid on top of me, "That was amazing last night. I can't wait for more."

Belinda smiled, "From my vantage point, it was really hot. I'm going in to wait for the pizza."

Trish kissed me again, this time leading with her tongue. After a few moments tongue wrestling, she said, "I want to help Belinda when she answers the door."

I said, "Maybe I should be seen by the delivery person too."

She kissed me, "That's a deal."

We went inside. Belinda was sitting in the living room looking at a magazine, "Pizza should be here in about ten minutes."

I said, "Trish and I have decided that we are going to be exhibitionists this evening too."

Trish said, "When you answer the door, you need to let the driver see all three of us naked."

Belinda asked, "How are we going to do that?"

Trish said, "I don't know. We'll just play it by ear. We all have to come to the door though. Maybe we invite the guy or gal in. I need a glass of water though. Dan, do you want one?"

"Yes, please."

A few minutes later the doorbell rang. Belinda very calmly, opened the door very wide. Anyone on the street could have seen her. The delivery guy looked to be in his mid-twenties. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head.

Belinda said, "Thanks for delivering this. I think I need to sign your receipt. Is that correct?"

The driver fumbled for his words, "Yes. ... Yes."

She said, "Can you give me the receipt?"

He just put his hand out. Trish then came up behind Belinda and said, "Can I take the pizza?"

Belinda stepped out of the way and the driver was faced with another naked woman.

Trish said, "Thank you so much. This will taste so good. Here, why don't you come in while she figures this out." She took the pizza box over to the table.

The guy only stepped in about a step. His eyes bugging out, mouth open.

Belinda started moving towards one of the end tables when she dropped the pen. "Oh, damn." She spread her legs a little, then bent over slowly giving the guy a full view of her ass and pussy, a classic stripper move. I distinctly heard a groan. His mouth was wide open by now, his eyes locked in on her.

Belinda called out, "Dan, can you help me with the tip?"

Up until this point I don't think the delivery guy had seen me. Now, Belinda was at the end table bent over with her ass pointed at the guy. I walked over and I looked at the receipt.

Trish walked over to the guy and started chatting him up. He didn't know where to look.

I asked, "How much do you usually tip?"

Belinda said, "About 15%."

I said, "OK, Twelve dollars. Tip is a dollar eighty."

Belinda said, "I'll just round it up to fourteen dollars. Would that be okay Mister Delivery Guy?"

He just nodded. His head moving back and forth between Belinda and Trish.

Belinda walked over to him. Trish started walking away and dropped the napkin she was holding. She bent over with her legs spread a bit to give the guy a view of her ass and pussy.

Belinda handed him the receipt back. She said, "Have a good evening." She held the door for him and he stepped outside.

Trish went to the window to watch. "He's still standing there with his mouth open."

Belinda said, "God I love exposing myself. That got me so wet."

Trish nodded, "I agree. That was exciting."

I said, "That poor guy will be having wet dreams for a month. Let's eat. I'm starving."

The extra-large pizza was on the kitchen table. Trish handed us each a paper plate and we dug in. All three of us ate ravenously for several minutes.

I broke the silence, "We need to save some for Jeff."

Belinda took three pieces and put them aside.

That evening, Trish and I shared another night of passion. I was surprised that Belinda didn't come down.

Sunday was more of the same. Trish stayed with us until Sunday afternoon. She promised to return soon. She reiterated her offer of sharing her apartment with me and I was tempted to take her up on it right then.


Sunday night, lying alone in my bed, I had visions of Belinda and Trish in my head. After stroking myself to sleep, I dreamt about the two women. I probably had sex a dozen times that night in my dreams. I dreamt someone was giving me an amazing blow job. It felt so real. As my mind emerged from sleep, I realized it wasn't a dream. I looked down and Belinda was looking up at me. Her mouth bobbing up and down on my cock.

She came off me, "You must have had a wet dream last night. You had cum on your stomach. I decided I needed to clean you up. I want to get you off before Jeff is done with his shower."

She started vigorously working me, sucking and swallowing me whole. She whispered, "You can call me 'Belinda Lovelace'."

I smiled at her reference to Deep Throat. She sucked and swallowed me with a passion. God she was good at sucking dick.

I whispered so no one would hear, "I'm cumming."

She nodded and looked up at me. I held the sides of her face and let loose three good shots into her mouth.

She crawled up and kissed me, thrusting her tongue in my mouth. I could taste my saltiness. I cupped her ass cheeks.

"Jeffrey makes me brush my teeth. I love this. I better make your breakfast."

I reached for her breast. It wasn't covered.

She smiled, "That's my new thing. After this weekend, I'm going to walk around topless as much as possible. Johnny's going to shit his pants."

I took my turn in the shower and when I came down, Belinda was moving around the kitchen wearing only tiny white sheer panties. Her muff was clearly visible through the material. A tuft curled over the top. I hurriedly got dressed.

As I was coming up the stairs, I heard Johnny coming down, "Shit Belinda!"

I rounded the corner and John was at the bar, his face bright red. Belinda gave me a wink and went over to the freezer, opened the door, and just stood there, her nipples getting hard.

Jeff came in and he thought John's embarrassment was hilarious.


When we came home that afternoon, Belinda had another friend out by the pool. They were both sunbathing on chaise lounges, Belinda topless on her back. The second woman topless on her stomach. She was a thin blonde with a shapely ass. Johnny went straight inside. Sometimes I didn't understand the guy. He wasn't even engaged yet. Surely, he could check out the local sights.

Belinda looked over, "Dan, this is my friend Tara."

Tara rolled on her side exposing her small breasts and brown nipples. She squinted at me, "Belinda's told me all about you."

I laughed, "Only the naughty stuff is true."

Jeff laughed, "Gotta like the scenery around here. I'm going to go change into my suit."

Belinda didn't move, "Dan, I think Tara needs some more lotion on her back."

Tara propped herself on her elbows. She smiled and said in a sultry voice, "Actually it was all very naughty and I hope every bit is true." She leaned to the side again exposing a breast and held up a tube of suntan lotion, "Would you help a damsel in distress?"


Belinda sat up, "See I told you."

I took a towel and rolled it up, then used it as a kneeler on the deck next to Tara. She laid back down. As I squirted some lotion on Tara's back, I checked out Belinda's breasts. I felt Tara's hand on the front of my trousers. She groaned.

Belinda said, "I hope you don't mind that I shared our escapades with Tara."

"I don't mind, as long as she can keep secrets."

Tara grasped my shaft through my pants, "Neither do I. Plus, I'm good at secrets."

I spread the lotion on her back, slipping my fingers underneath the top of her bikini brief. "Tara, I think the back of your legs might need some as well."

"Yes, please."

Tara spread her thin legs a bit and I squeezed out a line of lotion along the back of them. I needed a better angle so I positioned myself at her feet, straddling one leg. I placed my tumescent crotch on her foot, then I began spreading the lotion.

Tara groaned, "Make sure you get my entire leg."

I slid my hands up and made contact with her fabric covered pussy. I heard a groan. Back down to her foot, then back up again. This time I slid my hand under the fabric and fondled a butt cheek. A little butt massage, then back down the length of her leg. Next time up I slipped a finger under the fabric and felt silky labia.

Tara said, "Belinda, he's really good at this."

"I'm thinking I'll have him lotion up my boobs."

Jeffrey appeared, "I can lotion your boobs."

"I can lotion my own boobs. What I need is for you to make me cum."

"Right now? In front of Dan and Tara?"

"Jeff, I'm not talking fucking. I'm talking licking."

Jeff looked confused, "Licking?"

"My snatch! My muff! My pussy!"

"You want me to lick you there?"

"Do you like it when I give you a blow job?"


"Then you need to return the favor."

"You want me to lick you down there?"

"Jeffrey, this is real simple. If you don't eat my pussy, then we're no longer engaged."

Tara rolled over, "Perhaps Dan can demonstrate how it's done."

I stood up, "I would be happy to. Unfortunately, I think I'm overdressed."

Tara sat up, "Let me help you."

She immediately went for my pants while I unbuttoned my shirt. She pulled them to my ankles and my erection sprung up, "Oh, Belinda! You were right. He is nice."

She grasped my cock and began sucking on the head.

I looked down at her, "I thought I was the one giving oral sex."

She mumbled with the head in her mouth, "You are. I just got carried away."

"Why don't you lie down for me."

She looked up with an evil grin, "Gladly."

Tara moved to the top of the lounger making room for me. She pulled her bottoms off and spread her legs. I nestled in between those luscious thighs. She had a nicely trimmed muff topping her slit. Her clit was just peeking out of the top.

I put my nose into her pubes, "Oh Tara, you smell so nice. Jeff, the key to bringing a woman to orgasm like this is going slow and taking your time. One needs to listen and observe how she reacts."

Belinda positioned herself on her lounger as Tara had done. She was already naked, "Come on Jeff. Lie down here. I'll show you what to lick."

Whenever I'm between a woman's legs my mind typically goes back to Dr. Miller's Human Sexuality class at university. One of the topics she taught us was about cunnilingus and how one could use a woman's g-spot to enhance and extend her orgasm. She then encouraged us to find a partner after class and experiment. I had a wonderful partner named Hannah. If we wrote a reflection on our experiences, we could use that as an alternative assignment to the regular assignment. I think Dr. Miller secretly got off on her students essentially submitting erotica to her, but those were lessons I would never forget. I will forever be grateful for what I learned in that course.

I now put that knowledge to work to bring Tara as much pleasure as possible. My goal was to tease her to the edge a few times and then push her into the orgasmic gorge. I began by lightly licking around the outside of her vulva. With each orbit I moved closer. On about the fourth pass, I found her juices were flowing across her perineum. I stopped and licked them up, tonguing her anus. Her juices were a sweet, tangy nectar. I received an appreciative groan in response.

Next, I parted her labia with my tongue, stopping to probe into her opening. I continued licking, but stopped short of her clit. Tara entwined her fingers in my hair. Again, I slowly licked the length of her slit, missing her clit. I continued like this for at least five minutes.

"Please, Dan. Please."

I had her begging, "Please, what?"

"My clit. Please."

I said, "Jeff, a woman's clit is really important, but you don't want to overdo it. Go slow."

I continued my teasing, this time circling her now swollen bud. Up and down the slit, round and round her clit. She pulled on my hair in attempting to get my tongue where she wanted it to be. I reached up and took a nipple between my fingers. She jumped like I had applied an electric shock to her breast. I rolled her nipple while circling with my tongue. She let out a long moan.

Jeff asked, "What are you doing to her?"

I laughed into Tara's pussy, "I'm teasing and licking everything. See what I'm doing to her nipple?"

Jeff stopped licking and watched us. Belinda was vigorously rubbing her clit while she watched. It was so cool having an audience. I took my free hand and began circling Tara's opening, occasionally probing with my finger.

Again, Tara begged, "Please, Dan."

I gave her clit a single lick and her body jumped.

I heard Jeff, "Woah."

Now with each circuit I gave her clit a lick. I probed into her vagina and her g-spot was primed. Time for fireworks. I focused exclusively on her clit while rolling her nipple and rubbing her g-spot. Her orgasm began soon after. Her back arched and her vagina began contracting on my fingers. I heard her panting. Goosebumps stood out on her flesh. I had her going. Now to sustain it.

I eased off the licking, returning for a single swipe every so often. I kept stimulating her nipple and g-spot. I looked up and her mouth was open. Tara was pulling hard on her other nipple. Now rather than use my tongue, I would rub my thumb on her clit. Each time her body would buck as if I had applied a defibrillator to her heart. I looked over. Belinda was in the throes of her own orgasm. Jeff knelt there, awestruck.

I kept Tara going for several minutes. Then I decided I needed some action. My cock was hard and I would be able to go for a while. I crawled up and sucked on each of her nipples. A jolt passing through her body each time.

We were face-to-face, "I'm going to put myself inside you. Is that cool?"

Tara nodded; her eyes wide. I placed my erection at her opening and slowly pressed myself in. The contractions immediately gripped me. I took her legs and brought them up, placing her ankles on my shoulders, bending her in half. I began long, slow thrusts, occasionally bottoming out. Tara's eyes going wide when I did. I felt her hands on my hips.

With each thrust Tara gave a little pant. I gradually increased the speed with which I was fucking her. Her pants turned to grunts. I could still feel her pussy churning on my cock.

"I'm going to cum inside you."

She reached up and grabbed my face, pulling me into a passionate kiss. She was bent in half with her ankles next to her head. I thrust one last time and shot my seed. Tara groaned into my mouth. Her tongue continued wrestling with mine. Two more thrusts and I was done. She spread her legs and I felt her feet on my back.

Jeff whispered, "Holy shit."

Belinda slapped him, "That's what I want."

Tara gazed up into my eyes, "That's what I got."


One afternoon in late June, I received a letter from my partner in Human Sexuality class, Hannah. I plopped down on my pull-out bed and opened it.

June 22

Dearest Dan,

I hope this finds you well. To get right to the point, I've got four days off for the Fourth of July (July 2-5). If it is okay with you, I'd love to come down and see you. If you like that idea, please write back as soon as possible and provide your address. I sent this to your college address and I hope it gets to you in time. If you have to, you can call my apartment. and leave your address on our answering machine if I'm not there.

I'll drive down on the Second and head back on the morning of the Fifth. I'll get to spend three nights with you. I'm really excited about that. I hope you are too. I still don't have any plans for the future. I don't know how you and I will fit together, but you are a dear friend that I truly cherish. Plus, we have amazing sex together!

Your past and future lover,


She provided a phone number.

How cool was that! Hannah was going to come and spend the weekend with me! With me! Shit! When is the Second?

I ran upstairs and Johnny was sitting at Belinda's Bar eating an ice cream cone.

"John, what's today's date?"

"The thirtieth."

"Shit. I'll need to call her."

"Call who?"

"A girl from college. She's going to drive down on the second, but she needs our address."

John nodded, "Better call. Post Office will never deliver in time."

I pulled out my long-distance calling card.

John asked, "The long-distance rates are high right now. In another 90 minutes they'll be less than half that."

"I don't mind. I want to at least get our information to her."

I dialed Hannah. There wasn't an answer, but the answering machine picked up. Two female voices spoke in unison, "Hi, this is Terry and Hannah. We're not home right now, but leave a message at the beep and we'll get back to you. Bye!"

The line beeped, "Hi Hannah. This is Dan. I'm psyched for you to come down." I left our address and phone number and hung up.

John looked up from his dish of ice cream, "Who's Hannah?"

"She was my experiment partner in Dr. Miller's class."

"As in the fuck and suck class? Human Sexuality?"

"Yeah. I think you ran into her in the dorm shower one afternoon."

"Oh." Then I could see that John remembered his interaction with Hannah back in college. He blushed.

During the Spring Semester, one afternoon Hannah and I decided to take a shower before working on our alternative assignment for Human Sexuality. Rather than use the women's shower, she went into the men's shower with me. Johnny was coming out as we were going in and he got to see her in all her glory.

Then his eyes lit up, "Oh! She's cute. Well, I know what you're going to be doing all weekend. That's cool. I'm going to spend the weekend with Amanda."

About eight that evening the phone rang and I ran to answer it, "Hello, this is Dan."

"Dan! This is Hannah! I'm so glad you called."

"Yeah, me too. Do you have a paper and pencil? Let me give you directions." I quickly told her how to get to the house. "So, bring your bikini. We have a pool."

"Wonderful! Who are you living with?"

"John and Jeff from the college."

"I love teasing guys."

"Jeff's fiancée, Belinda, lives with us."

"That will be nice to have another woman around."

"Johnny won't be here for most of the weekend. He's going to see his girlfriend. You should probably know that we don't have much of a dress code here."

Hannah laughed, "Good to know that I won't have to bring any special clothes."

"No, I mean often we don't wear a lot of clothes, like none at all. Belinda has taken to walking around topless most of the day."

I could hear her laughing, "Oh, Dan. I'm going to really enjoy this."


July 2nd

The day Hannah was going to arrive, I talked to my boss and I got off several hours early. John drove in with me. He planned to leave early to see Amanda. Jeff said he didn't mind because he was going to buy some fireworks at a bootleg fireworks vendor on the other side of the city. Technically, fireworks were illegal, but it seemed like half the city would be firing them off.

Belinda had tidied up the place and so when I got home there wasn't a lot to do. Hannah thought she would arrive some time between two and three. About 2:10 I took a seat on our front stoop to wait for her. About ten minutes later, she pulled in and came running to meet me.

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