by gizzard
With fantasys like these you should get professional help, people with these feelings often kill themselves.
But thinking about it not so strange, at least not on this site. Every story is written by Dykes, Gay men, Sluts, Wimps, Cuckolds, Nonmen and Nonwomen. So I shouldn't be surprised really.
Why does this stuff end up in Loving Wives? It has no place here... They shuld create a seperate category for stuff like this.
I see the same comments all the time from people. They complain about stories like these being in the loving Wives category. They then complain about wimps, gays, etc... and act like this is the worst thing in the world. So why the hell did they read the story? Seriously? The title was "How I Became a Chastized Cuckold". What the hell did they think the story was going to be about? I have to believe these reviewers are all closet wimps or gays and they are afraid to face the truth. If you don't like these stories then stop reading them.
The wife really never has loved the husband. She loves the power over him and he is too weak to resist her. She is suppling him with lip service so she has the best of all worlds, any lovers she wants, a weak husband to torture at home and support her. Her sister, Mistress S. and herself have help make a reality from his fantasy and channeled him to believing that this is Nirvana. It is a well written story and I think the wife should triple the doses of bags of ice on his family jewels and to give him that interracial child they can both raise. Thank you for sharing, enjoyed this story.
This is the chapter we've all been waiting for. Very well written, and very hot! Loving Wives is the perfect category for it, as anyone who has been here a while would know. Please continue!
Your story keeps getting better and better and I hope this was NOT the final chapter.
Thank you
This is gay and it belongs in fetish or gay, not loving wives. Do that and you will be amazed how the comments change. Dilbert's, stright guys don't fucking find this hot, thats a fact.
I really like her comment about how she appreciates his devotion to her...what about her devotion to him? Talk is cheap, when does she have to choose to serve him the same way he serves her? Otherwise, it's not's about power.
the husband might as well just cut his balls off to really please his wife.
Thank you for writing this amazing story.
Enjoyed every bit of it, please do write more stories.
Uh...past that dontcha think? The only thing I can't determine is who is more sick, he or her. On the one hand, no one would willingly cause that much pain to someone they supposedly loved. On the other hand, no one would accept that much pain and humiliation from someone who supposedly loved them. I'll confess I read shit like this just to see how fucked up people can make it...jerry springer like, or like a bad car wreck, you can't believe how fucked up it is. I honestly hope the writer is just having fun with writing and doesn't actually believe in any of this horseshit, it's a sad life with no future and no happy ending for anyone concerned.
To the comment regarding this story being 'gay' and how the life of an individual involved in humiliation of a loved one is dead end...have they ever tried it? Obviously people have different tastes. Who are they to say that hubby wasn't enjoying every minute of his humiliation? And pain versus pleasure is interrupted by an invisible line. When hubby is allowed to finally orgasm, it will likely be mind-blowing and intense. Man/woman in a vanilla relationship is not the be all end all of fulfillment. Alternative lifestyles are not for the faint of heart and I give this story multiple stars 1) the fact that it is a marriage and they are making it work by using what works for them and 2) for the author having enough guts to tell the story.
There's no end to the depths of depravity that the cheating slut wife will lower herself to. Of course any man would be proud to have this cunt as a wife right? Don't make me puke.
Again reading previous chapters. Your story has me hooked on what will happen. Where will this go? Will she fall out of love for him? Will she drop the condom? Will she never have sex with her husband? I would like to know! I just pray that this story is continued.
I am sure now that she see's you even eat other real man cum, she will have no problem with a stud like me fucking her bareback. In front of you. Then she can sit on your face after you have cleaned my cock. You will love your new life cuckold.
I have had dreams of my wife doing this but when I joke to her about girls night out and no men and or flirting she gets all insulted and yells at me as she has when I ask her to be more Dominant she really has no want for sex she truly find sex nasty I believe. God how I wish she was this damn Sexy!
I wonder if Jerome gave her any support when she was on top. You should have her go reverse cowgirl since black men love asses. Could have the wife face the husband when he finally watches them while Jerome, without a care for their relationship, watches that sexy ass bounce up and down on his cock.
While it is not ideal how it happened, it was ultimately worth the wait.
I first off want to say, I am glad they still have limits and while no safe word, can speak to each other if anything is too much or needs to stop. Let us hope that attitude persists in the upcoming chapters.
She mounted her husband and wanted to ride his cock at punishment for one year in chastity and from how she described, Bondage Torture from Sara. This is not appropriate as Sara and the husband have no relationship besides being strictly professional and even then, she have a distaste/dislike for him as she has shown him zero respect even on business terms. She will not care if the pain is overwhelming or if he is enjoying it. This is what should ultimately stay with Jana and the husband as they respect each other boundaries so far it seems.
Now for the climax (Heh), it was erotic and well written. While she did consider her husband and put a condom, its only a matter of time before she takes it off as husband is interested in creampies and previous chapter is clearly telling us that husband will clean wife after her lover shoots off inside her. She kept to her word and greatly described it in detail. The pictures were the icing on the cake, im surprised she didnt record a video. Now the extra punishment was a bit much as they both got what they ultimately wanted and she was not being honest on her end either. Let us see where this goes now that their relationship will "change our life forever."
Have Jerome be an ass man to fill in that stereotype. Especially since you described Jana having near perfect ass and we know Jerome wants to tear that ass up badly. We all know he is looking if even the husband is drooling over it. Maybe build up to her losing her anal virginity to him.
Fucked his wife. Took her panties and took pics. Should have recorded fucking her white ass. Good job man. Nice story. Bitch gonna get nutted soon I can just fucking tell LOL
Is when his last thought becomes untrue. When the sleepovers, cuddling, affection, and companionship begin to accrue more to the fuck toys than to the husband.
We shall see where this goes, pretty good so far, I am always a little concerned with the stereotype of the black bull as I feel it contributes to the climate of fear/loathing toward black men from some parts of our society.
PA--Like almost all cuck stories it shows an appalling lack of knowledge and understanding of S/m and D/s in a healthy loving relationship.
it don't matter if it was BBC or a Big White Cock, or even a Strapon, this was well written and erotic as hell. i would love to be the voyour in this.
Absolutely fantastically done. This echos my own personal experience of being a cuckold in the past as well as the conflicting emotions and desires including chastity. You've really captured it oh so well. Applause.
Another amazing chapter!!! I want my wife to do this to me, I already have the chastity cage!
One of the best chapters and I loved the scene with the condom taped in his mouth while his wife told him of her infidelity. There is no reason not to just get a divorce if you're not happy with the relationship. The cuckold could have walked away anytime but he chose to stay while his most erotic lifelong fantasy was fulfilled by his loving wife.
I can't imagine being a cuckold and never having any angst, yet I never hear anyone mention it. Makes me think most stories are just fiction.
The most erotic chapter when she tells her story. And my stomach would turn to mush if my wife found all my secrets lol.
A very nice story. The development is very good, and the wife's power and the husband's lack of it is exciting.
I'd like to point out a couple of things though.
...she was a very dominate woman...
"dominate" is a verb. It means having a commanding influence on. "dominant" is an adjective. It fits in the phrase above.
...allot larger...
"allot" means to give or apportion something. ...a lot larger fits in the above phrase.
There again would be some suffering besides me.I would have to be overpowered or drugged. Unless they killed me they would have to sleep with their eyes open. This will be the last of this shit I read. Thanks for letting me know that you really write real shit.
Like the guy in this story i love being a chastity cuckold. My wife has been black only for a good while now and I think the author has done a good job of capturing the sometimes conflicting emotions that go through a cuckolds mind as your wife is being fucked. In my case I'm locked up denied sex completely sometimes get to watch and perform cleaning duties. I get to orgasm once a fortnight though as neither of us fancy milking.
I have become quite invested in this story of Angie and her unnamed husband, even though not being a fan of cuckolding. The story is riveting, and moves along well. 3 areas of comment.
The session on edging was powerful. Most descript- ions of edging, and videos too, have a more or less continuous session, with the stop-times only 30 seconds or so. This works because the height of arousal falls rapidly when stimulation stops. Also I had wondered why no one uses ice? Angie does. The ice would be an extreme shock and would shut down arousal completely in just a minute or two. No need to wait 15 to 20 minutes. Seems Unnecessarily cruel to keep the ice on so long. Also a waste of time.
I did not understand the punishment with the bag of marbles hung around his balls. Was it functioning like a parachute? The writing did not seem to indicate that. The pain seemed to be from crushing somehow. I could see this if the bag were strongly elastic, and maybe more marbles were pushed into it after attachment. But it’s canvas. Or if the seal around his scrotum were very tight and suction could be applied. No matter, the level of pain described was way to much for his crime of not folding his clothes.
The lack of a safeword is unfortunate. Madam Sara should have instructed Angie about safewords when she taught her about the CBT techniques.
I still love the story! J.