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How I Became a Sex Slave Ch. 02

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A young Blonde is forced likes it starts fucking like a slut.
2.9k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/26/2018
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Harry walked out of the bathroom naked, rubbing his hair with a small towel. His flaccid penis bounced as he walked. And Ella mused at how such a small thing was the tool of Harry's forceful conquest and domination over her pussy. Harry smiled down at her in a fatherly sort of way, and he jumped onto the bed, laying down next to her. He then grabbed her and pulled her on top of him, clasping her tightly to himself so she couldn't move. She looked up at him from his chest, and a wave of euphoria washed over her at his sudden affection.

"You're still wet," she teased.

"Are you still wet?" he teased back, popping a finger into her vagina.

She giggled. He rolled her back onto her back, and leaned over her, his soft penis pressing onto her thigh.

"I had a real rough day today at work. There was an issue where a customer had bought a piece of furniture, and it wasn't properly labeled, and it was sold to someone else. I wasn't on shift when it happened, but my asshole manager chewed me out right in front of the customers. I could have fucked him up right there, but I had to think about my job. So afterwards I just went out and smoked a cigarette. Then I purposefully ignored him the rest of my shift, and took off 15 minutes early. He didn't say anything to me, so I think he got the fuckin' picture."

Harry was visibly angry and shaking slightly as he told this story. He grabbed for his cigarettes and lit one. Ella had been smiling sweetly and nodding with appropriate "awws" when needed. She had a mixture of feelings. Part of her was loving the attention from him. Another part of her felt like his story made him seem kind of pathetic. And seeing him in that light, made her remember him fucking her differently, where she was kind of ashamed for letting a man like this fuck her.

But, her disgust was also mixed with a strange kind of arousal. She partially liked the idea of seeing him as a pathetic, undesirable man, who she was giving the best pussy to. He must see her like a goddess, like the perfect little sex slave he was unbelievably lucky to have. She smiled at him and he leaned in, forcibly kissing her with a tongue bitter with cigarette smoke. As she felt his tongue manipulating hers, she felt his penis move on her thigh as it started to stiffen.

He pulled away from kissing her, and looking at her in gratitude said, "You're a great friend".

"What?" she started in disbelief.

Ella and Harry had been having sex for two weeks now, and had not yet discussed their relationship. Ella knew their relationship was primarily sexual, but she was jarred to hear Harry labeling her as nothing more than a friend, especially after the sex they had just had. Harry rolled over to pick up his cigarette from the ash tray and took a drag. Ella noticed him cool, and that his erection was gone. She panicked slightly.

"Didn't you say this pussy was yours?" She asked him coyly, taking his hand and putting on her crotch.

He broke a smile, "It is mine," he said blowing smoke at her teasingly.

"Well, would you be jealous if another guy fucked it?" Ella said, biting her lip.

"No..." Harry said carefully, ashing his cigarette. "Not if you let me watch," he smiled and took a long drag as Ella laughed part in disbelief, and part out of shock.

"Seriously, you wouldn't get the least bit jealous if you saw another man having me?"

"Maybe it would make me wanna fuck you too, but I wouldn't get jealous," he stated matter-of-factly. "Would you get jealous watching me fuck another girl's pussy?" He grinned mischievously, feeling he had hit a nerve.

Ella wasn't sure how she felt about where the conversation was going, so she changed the subject.

"So, how has the rent situation been with Mike?"

Harry sighed and crushed his cigarette in the ashtray. "I'm still behind. I owe him about $400. I keep giving him what I can a week, and I know he says it's fine, but I can tell he's getting impatient. It gives me anxiety about my living situation because I know he could have someone else here that could pay. Maybe I could help him out with his photography work a bit to make it up to him."

Ella blurted without thinking, "Maybe I could take some photos with him."

Harry got the same conflicted look on his face that he got every time the subject was brought up to him.

Ella quipped almost triumphantly, "Jealous?"

"No," Harry said quickly, "It's just... Mike does erotic photos."

"I know that," Ella rolled her eyes, "like lingerie and stuff."

Harry paused and then seemed to force out his words, "Some models have worked with him, and didn't understand that he does erotic work, and sometimes artistic nudes. And later they freaked out on him because that wasn't what they were looking to do. So if you work with Mike, you have to understand the kind of work he does and expect that. I don't want you changing your mind about the kind of work he does, and then making my living situation more precarious."

Ella scoffed, "I'm a grown up, remember, I think I can decide for myself if I want to take a picture in lingerie."

Harry grinned, "You're cute when you're mad."

"I'm not mad just because I need to remind you that I can make my own decisions," she said pretending to be annoyed with him while she enjoyed the attention.

"Well, if you really want to work with Mike to help me out, I'd really appreciate you choosing to do that. I just feel like I would owe you..."

"Oh stop" Ella said "I'd get free pics, so it's a win, win."

"Are you really sure about this?" Harry asked, seeming reluctant and concerned, "I don't want you doing anything you don't want to do."

"It's my choice, I want to do it," Ella insisted.

"Okay, I'll let him know tomorrow that you're interested." The look of concern was replaced by a satisfied look on Harry's face. Ella felt a slight sense of unease, that she wasn't sure what to make of. Like there had been some sort of exchange of power she was unaware of, and she was on the losing side.

Harry spoke to Mike the next day about shooting Ella as repayment for his back rent. Harry told her that they had arranged for Mike to shoot Ella while he was at work. Ella was a little nervous. She hadn't interacted with Mike that much without Harry with her. She also was a little embarrassed of her fantasy of him. Thinking about seeing him again in real life, made her remember he was the same, stocky, greasy older man he had always been.

As Ella changed into a set of bra and panties in Harry's bedroom, she wondered if this was really a good idea, remembering the sort of creepy feeling that Mike gave her. She told herself that she was imagining it, after all, hadn't she been the one thinking about Mike fucking her, not the other way around? Mike was a professional, he had shot hundreds of models. Besides, Ella really liked the idea of Harry seeing her in the type of photos Mike took. Ever since what he said about her being a "friend", she was determined to do whatever it took so that he wouldn't even think to fuck anyone else.

Ella wrapped a robe over her bra and panties and went upstairs to the living room where Mike had his studio gear set up facing an antique couch.

"In here!" he called out, looking her up and down, "No need to be shy! Glad Harry finally convinced you to take some photos with me! I can tell you got the talent."

Ella beamed at the compliment, "I've seen the work you have around the house, I just hope I can look half that good," she said timidly.

"Don't you worry, I'll do all the work!" he said, gesturing Ella to come in.

Ella sat down on the couch and started to untie her robe.

"Here, I'll take that," Mike came over and took the robe, putting it down near his tripod, "Okay, just relax and I'll take some practice shots for the lighting."

He took a few shots and adjusted the settings. Ella felt a little nervous. She had never modeled before and wasn't sure if she could do it, she must have looked nervous, since Mike offered to make her a drink

"Would you like a drink to relax a bit? I'll have one too!"

"Yeah sure!" Ella said relieved.

Ella looked around at the otherwise bare living room, while she heard Mike clinking around in the kitchen. There were large pictures on the wall, blown up photos that Mike had taken of models. Some of them clad in lingerie, some nude, or partially nude. There was something, slightly trashy about them, and less artistic. Almost like images from a porn website. Mike came back in the room with two mojitos and handed her one. He took a sip of his and put it down on the floor. Ella took a couple big gulps before she handed it back to him, his warm hand overlapping hers on the glass.

"Alright! Let's take some photos." The buzz helped Ella relax, and she arched her back looking into the camera

"Beautiful", "sexy" Mike was saying as he clicked. Ella started looking at him instead of the camera. He was wearing a stripped polo shirt tucked into his kakis, his wide overlapping belly contained in his shirt tightly by a belt. His sneakers were old and dirty, and his hairy arm was adorned by a garish gold watch.

Mike called her over to look at the photos on the camera. When she had walked over, he put his hand on her waist as he started flipping through the photos. She didn't think much of it at first, but his thumb started to work in circles as he gripped her waist, and he was toying with the elastic band of her panties with his fingertips. She went back to the couch feeling drunker than one drink should have made her. She figured it was because she had drunken it so fast. She shook her head, and tucked away a loose strand of her tied up blonde hair. She felt someone standing over her; it was Mike standing there with her drink. He cupped her face, and pressed it to her mouth as she looked up at him and finished it submissively. He went back over to the tripod to take more photos.

"Wow, really beautiful, about we take some a little more artistic? I think Harry would like that. We'll have you take the bra off, but we'll only shoot you from the shoulders up."

Mike walked over to Ella and started pulling her bra over her head. Ella helped him and then lay back on the couch at his direction. She felt really dreamy, and kind of horny. She started to get turned on by Mike clicking the camera at her bare breasts and she felt her nipples harden.

"That's it, that's right..." Mike was cooing.

Ella noticed that he had an erection pressing on the front of his kakis, and her pussy started to pound. She felt herself wreathing for him, pressing her breasts together, and pouting her lips seductively. She felt her chest rising and falling with excitement about her effect on him. Mike walked over to her again, and she watched him slide his hand into her panties, she felt him insert two fingers into her pussy and pump them in and out. She was surprised by how wet she was. He pulled her panties off, and went back to the camera.

Ella blinked dreamily at the camera, Mike was more than cooing now; he was panting and moaning. His pants were unzipped, and his was vigorously stroking his erection. His penis was average length, but very thick. Ella watched him put the camera on auto and he strode over to her pulling on his erection with each step. Mike sat down on the couch next to Ella, and pushed her head towards his crotch, forcing his penis into her mouth. He gripped her hair so the flashing camera would get her face as he bobbed her up and down on his erection.

"Yeahhh...that's it...that's it...suck it real good..." he moaned as she suckled on the head of his penis. He let her suck on him for a moment, before gripping her hair, and forcing his cock in and out of her mouth rapidly, grunting loudly with each thrust. He put his arm underneath her and started finger fucking her pussy again. Mike then pulled her head up by her hair and started kissing her. His mouth and tongue were small and soft, and his stubble scratched her face. His tongue moved much slower and gentler than Harry's did. Mike fondled her breasts as he kissed her. She felt her back arch, and she let out a moan. This seemed to encourage Mike, who quickly put his mouth on her left breast, and started gently sucking her nipple and swirling his small tongue around it softly.

All the while, the camera continued to flash. Ella heard herself moan, "Fuck me" and Mike immediately pushed her on her back and grasping his erection, pushed it slowly inside her. Mike always made sure the camera could see the action as he fucked Ella. The pleasant buzz had totally relaxed Ella, and Mike's thick penis was hitting her pussy at every angle. It felt so good, she didn't want it to stop.

Just then, Ella heard a familiar sound. It was the backdoor to the kitchen opening. Ella started coming to her senses a bit as she realized it was Harry back from work. Ella suddenly realized what was happening, and her heart raced, but she couldn't move. All she could do was lie there and let Mike thrust his penis into her. Mike didn't stop fucking her as he heard Harry approaching.

"Oh hey, welcome back," She heard him say, all the while feeling the pleasure of his penis thrusting in and out, "Her pussy is just as good as you told me." With that he smacked her leg as if to say "good job" and gave her pussy a couple of quick deep thrusts.

Mike continued his conversation with Harry "Definitely worth the $400 in back rent! Consider it paid. Oh by the way, can I cum inside her? I didn't use a condom, you know me!"

Ella finally saw Harry come around to where the tripod stood. He had the same look on his face that he had when she had previously brought up shooting with Mike, this time he was searching her face. Harry seemed to relax when Ella just dreamily looked back at him instead of greeting him.

"Yeah, you can cum inside her, I made her take the morning after pill yesterday, so it's safe. Do you want me to film it?"

"Fuck yeah! Just take it off the auto click setting, and put it on film."

Harry took the camera off the tripod and walked over to the couch, filming as he circled Mike fucking Ella.

"Get some real close up penetration! This will do great on the website." Harry zoomed in on Mike's cock going in and out of Ella's pussy.

"That's really hot" Ella heard Harry say grinning.

Mike started rapidly fucking Ella "I'm gonna cum, oh god I'm gonna cum in this fucking bitch." Mike let out a deep groan as Ella felt his thick penis flexing inside her. He pulled it out as he was still cumming, and hot semen splurted onto her pussy and stomach. "AOghhhhh..." Mike groaned before thrusting his still ejaculating erection back inside her for a couple extra pumps. "Aoggghh...aogh!"

Mike held out a fist for a fist bump with Harry while still inside Ella. "Mmm! Ugh!!" He said giving her pussy a couple of last good fucks. "Can't wait to upload this shoot! Lots of horny men are gonna jerk off to this slut." Mike got up and grabbed the robe off the floor, and casually threw it over Ella.

"You know..." Mike said as he zipped up his kakis. "You could make some real money with this cunt of yours. I know some guys, some real good guys, who would pay top dollar to fuck her pussy. Especially if you let them do it raw and cum inside the bitch. That's where the real money is. If you want, I could arrange a party at the house, and we split the profits 50/50."

Harry waivered.

"Listen, just think about it. She won't remember a thing, and just make sure she takes the morning after pill afterwards, no harm done! My boys are clean. It's an awful lot of money, you'd be stupid not to do it when you own a pussy like this." That was the last thing Ella heard of the conversation before drifting off to a sleep that would last several hours.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Mixed Review

OK, so far you've painted a vivid picture of the dark side of erotica. The characters are believable. I've known a few that are like them. I would seriously advise using spellcheck or getting editing help. The misspellings detract from the story like the spikes the cops throw down detract from car tires.

That said, the story is entertaining. I'll give the sequels a try.

MisGMisGover 6 years ago
great start

hi, your off to a great start, what you just wrote can happen to anybody, looking forward to your next chapter.

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