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How to Cuckold Your Husband Ch. 02

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Other fun things to do.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/16/2008
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Now that you've cuckolded your husband, your job as mistress is only beginning. From now on you have full control and you'll need to use it. Your husband will need a strong hand to guide him. You'll be telling him what to wear, what to eat, and how to spend him time and his money. His only purpose will be to serve to you. Here are some ideas on how to keep up the dominance.


On the surface your husband's semen can seem like an annoyance. It's messy, it tastes bad, and it stains linens. But actually it is a great tool for dominating him. The most common way to use it is to force him to eat it. Normally after a man ejaculates he wants to just relax and not think. He wants nothing to do with sex for a while. So having him deal with his cum after an orgasm is something unnatural to him. He absolutely won't want to do it. Therefore it will require a command from you and an act of submission from him - great practice for more advanced cuckolding. This is great training since he will be doing many more "unnatural" things later.

Do this by making the rule, "From now, on every time you cum, you have to eat your semen." If you let him jackoff, make him lick it up. If he's wearing a condom, pour its contents into his mouth. If he cums in your pussy, make him eat a creampie. You can get creative too, like making him cum in a glass then drink it at dinner. Or save each one of his cums in the freezer to eventually make a cumsicle for him.

He doesn't have to necessarily eat it either. If you really feel like humiliating him, you can make him cum all over his face and then not let him wash for a while. As his semen slowly dries on his face, he'll become uncomfortable and wish he had never cum.

Another related rule to make is that you no longer want his cum touching you. Say, "It's dirty". The contrast of him eating and wearing his own cum while you refuse to even touch it will speak volumes. You're obviously too good for his lowly seed.

His Penis

Another seeming headache for you will be you husband's penis. It's small, it cums too fast, and it doesn't give you pleasure. If you're smart though, it can be a useful tool in humiliating him.

Feel free to openly make fun of his penis. Call it demeaning nicknames like "Dicklette," or "Pee-pee." Don't call him by his real name either, refer to him by his penis, like, "Come here, Tiny". Let him know constantly that you think his cock is inadequate. Contrast this to praising your dildo. Let him be in the room with you as you masturbate with it. Let him know how good it feels to be fucked by a "real cock." Make sure to cum real hard on it. After you're finished pleasuring yourself, show him you used and pussy and tell him, "This is what my pussy looks like after a real cock has been in it." Then make him lick the dildo clean and to treat it like a holy object.

He will always want to be using his penis too, either by fucking you or by pleasing himself. It will be easy to deny him sex, but him secretly masturbating will be a problem. If you let your husband masturbate, he won't crave for your pussy and therefore the sexual power you have over him will be reduced. His release must be only through you. Forbid any self pleasure. Let him know that his penis is your property and that he's not allowed to sexually touch it without your permission. Definitely realize that he will masturbate no matter what you do unless you put him in a cock cage (see below).

Be openly suspicious about his masturbation. Constantly ask him if he's jerked off and let him know that you're on the watch for mischief. Also don't be afraid to spy on him to make sure he is obeying you, even if you don't suspect anything. Men are notorious for hiding masturbation. Setup a secret camera pointing at the computer, buy a program that will track all websites he visits, even look through the trash for sticky tissues. If you catch him, severely punish him. Masturbation is explicitly prohibited, his penis belongs to you and he is not allowed to use it.

Cock Cages

A cock cage is a chastity device that denies a man the ability to become erect, though he can still urinate and wear normal clothing. Most look like a little plastic cage that locks around the penis. It's impossible to keep your husband from masturbating without one, even if you could watch him 24/7. Men, if horny enough, can masturbate in seconds. You'd never know. In order for you to completely control your husband's sexuality you'll need this device.

To start, try to catch him in the act of masturbating. If you can't do that, find some porn on his computer. All you have to do is search for "Jenna Jameson" or search the cookies for porn sites. You should already have a rule that he can't masturbate, so once you catch him, you're perfectly inline to confront him, and then punish him with a cock cage. Tell him, "Since you can't control yourself, I'm going to do it for you". Once he's in one, you should control the key by at the very least hiding it. A great idea though is to keep the cage's key on you at all times as a necklace. The symbol of your dominance, right there, dangling in his face, is a great way to taunt him. If anyone asks about it, you can say your hubby gave it to you as the "key to his heart". Let him out for a cum every 3-4 days if he's been good and 5-7 days if he's been bad. Don't keep him locked up forever. The point of a cage is control, not torture.

Your Pussy

While you are busy making your husband's penis inconsequential, you should be doing the opposite with your pussy. Let him know the new center of his universe will be your vagina. His life should revolve around pleasuring it. He will be eating your pussy constantly and let him know it. Even if you don't feel horny have him lick your pussy. Have him talk to it, compliment it, and explain why it's so beautiful. After a long day out have him soak it and caress it. When you come back from the gym shove his face into it for a good long whiff. Let him know you'll no longer be using an alarm clock because you expect his tongue on you every morning.

The contrast of how he treats your pussy (the alter on which he worships you) to the way you treat his dick (something useless and to be forgotten about) will speak volumes.


A strap-on penis can be a great tool to use while cuckolding your husband. Nothing quite says, "You're my bitch" like fucking him hard in the ass. Buy one that you are comfortable with then bring it home and show your husband. Tell him, "Since I'm man of the house now, I figure I should have a penis to fuck you with." Prepare him with butt plugs for a few days before to make him ready for a sizable one. Let him cum when you're fucking him, at least for the first few times. Even encourage it. You want him to equate getting fucked by you, i.e. being your bitch, to being a pleasurable experience. When you fuck him, make sure you use lube.

If you really have a need to get fucked, you can put the strap-on on him, over his penis. Then you can either ride him or have him on top. Doing this will satisfy you while driving him completely insane because all the other sensations of sex will be there. He'll be able to smell the sex in the air, he'll feel your hot body, and sense the passion in your orgasms, but he won't be able to feel anything down there. This will leave him extremely horny and frustrated.

The bathroom

Of course the house is now your domain, but this is one area you might have forgotten about. Allow him absolutely no privacy. Require him to keep the door fully open at all times when he is in there. If you have opaque shower curtains, get clear ones. Make him pee sitting down like a woman. If he takes a shit, make him apologize for the smell and if he doesn't apologize before you have smelled it, punish him. If you're feminizing him, he should be shaving in your full view.

Future lovers

One of the more challenging aspects of bringing home another man is picking the right one. Try to pick a man that is younger, good-looking, and more well-endowed than your husband. You want him to struggle with some jealousy. Before you chose one, sample a few. Inspect not only their obvious traits like penis size, strength, and stamina, but also their personalities. You want a man that is not to hot and not too cold, that is, he has the will to take control of you and your husband at home, but won't cross the line. He should be physically more prow than your husband in all ways and you should enjoy having sex with him.

To start, be honest with your lover immediately. Let him know you are married and that your husband is a huge wimp. Don't be completely honest with your husband though at first. You'll always want to keep him guessing. When you go out, allude to your husband that you'll be fucking someone else, but don't actually say it. Say, "I'm going out tonight with some friends, I might not be back till late..." When you don't come back until late, or not at all, his imagination will run wild. All sorts of emotions will run through him, concern, anger, lust, helplessness, etc... While you are out on the town flirting and dancing with other men, your husband will be at home in a state of mental anguish.

Before you actually bring another man home though, you'll have to let you husband in on what's been going on. Though don't have a conversation with him about it - show him. Start coming home with hickies, bite marks, or scratches. Have your hair be a mess, and your clothes on wrong. If he asks, feel free to tell him, "Oh that's from my new boyfriend. He's a little rough", but deflect any questions he has about specifics. Then after a while come home late one night, wake him up, and force him to lick your stretched pussy. He'll know immediately what you've been up to, but will not have time to think about it because your pussy will be right in front of his face. He'll have no choice but to eat you. Once he's gotten used to that, bring home your pussy filled with cum. Taking these steps will get your husband used to your infidelity and make it less of a shock when you finally bring a lover home.

Once you finally bring him home, introduce your hubby to him as your boyfriend. By now your husband should know everything about your boyfriend and what you've been doing. Let your husband know that he is to be respectful at all times when your boyfriend is here and to do anything he says. Let your hubby know, "Tonight a real man will be fucking me, not you". For the first couple times, go to the bedroom with your lover and lock out your husband. Make sure you are noisy though. Having him comfortable with the sounds of you being fucked will make it easier for when he has to watch. He might even begin to anticipate watching you.

When you finally let him watch, do all sorts of nasty things with your lover that you'd never do with your husband. Worship your bull's penis, voraciously suck it, deepthroat him, comment on its size and how much larger it is than your husband's. Let him fuck you roughly, let him cum inside you, give him your ass. Transform yourself into the slut your husband can't have and let him know that this all could have been him, but he willingly gave up his chance like an idiot.

Keep your husband actively involved in his own humiliation. Make him beg your lover to fuck you. Make him suck your lover hard or have him put your lover's dick in your pussy. Talk to him too, like, "Oh he's so much bigger than you," or "This is how a real man fucks your wife". Whenever your husband is idle, don't let him touch his penis, a good way to do this is to make him sit on his hands. Once your lover is finally finished with you, have your husband clean the juices off his penis with his tongue. Have him thank your bull for the great fucking he just gave you. Then make him crawl to you and clean up your used pussy....

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Again, like part one, this is bullshit.

Don’t do this. This destroys relationships.

The assholes claiming this is good shit? Assholes. Or sick. Or both.

Why do this to anyone you care about? You do this to people you hate.

lovecucks is a troll writer, looking for a response and attention. Ignore this writer.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is how a cuck wants feel but without the chaotic cruelty.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah this is silly. Theatrics lol. Way over the top. Hate when porn is like this. Way much hotter for your wife to admitted another man's cock is stretching her and deeper than me. Look at me feeling slightly ashamed and worried it'll hurt my feelings too much. And be reassured when I moan and say good. That's so hot. And she moans and is free to enjoy her little humiliation kink she feels guilty for having. So hot. Just like it is playing on her fear/kink of being to loose for me. She came so hard when I first told her I love how she feels when she's loose and used and I slide right in. But don't worry if I ever miss feeling something tight. I'll fuck you in the ass. You ass will be all mine. She loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Bull weighing in...

While some this of this is certainly true, cuckold relationships are much different in reality. This is a work of fantasy clearly written from a horny cuckold's perspective.

One area where they are correct is controlling the husband's ability to receive sexual gratification. You need a fully functional Female Led Relationship for it to work though. He has to want to obey and not displease you. Most men are fine with their wife telling them that their genitals are the wife's property, including the testes and all the fluids there in.

If you control his sexual release, you will control him.

Not fucking your husband though is a very bad idea in most cases. You will both need to stay emotionally bonded. Sex releases oxytocin and without it, he will become more distant from you and eventually you risk him leaving the marriage. You will also become unattached to him if you don't fuck him.

Ever wonder why "reclaiming" is such a big part of cuckoldry? It renews the bond between cuck and hotwife.

You can control a cuckold without doing any of the cruelty. This methodology will likely end in divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Awesome! I’m locked until it rains an inch or more! If it rains, and it’s less than an inch, I have to call my friend and invite him over to spend the night with my wife. Of course we’re in a drought…with several pop up showers…none of which have made an inch of rainfall or more since March! This is July!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This seems more like a BDSM, in which case there should be a section about Safewords. Also, there is a very VERY thin line between cuckolding and cheating and I would say this literature crossed said line. Whether it's the "hotwife, cuckold, open marriage," scenario, the husband always knows what is happening. So the whole "I'm going out/be back whenever," is all fine and dandy because that's obviously part of the humiliation. Hell, even flirting or dancing with someone else is fine. But actually fucking another person without your husband/partners knowledge, when you're out late or all night is cheating. Knowledge or lack there of is the difference between cuckolding and cheating; between betrayal and humiliation. As a bull, we're not advertising to be homewreckers. So stick to the "hotwife," scenario and leave this for the folks that need and want it. Makes our lives a lot less drama focused.

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

This is not cuckolding. This is fetish or BDSM, with cuckolding as a byproduct, because the traditional cuckold relationship has little or none of that.

How do I know that? I have been involved in many cuckold relationships over the years as a bull, never once saw a cage. Creampie eating yes, sucking my cock yes, denying him the opportunity to reclaim his wife no.

Properly categorize your stories

SomehowyouSomehowyouover 1 year ago

I really enjoyed part 1 but part 2 is a bit over the top. I would like to do many of these things for my wife and it would be a great game but i want to fuck her too. Of course, I never took this too seriously. I understand that there is game night and reality and that this is all pure fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why be cruel. If you love your husband you need to make him your partner in the cuckold enterprise.

You both can improve your sex lives over the rest of your life together. I don't agree with belittling my soulmate.

Anallicker01Anallicker01over 2 years ago

Amazed there are men out there wanting to become a cuck! If my wife ever pulled that shit on me, both she & her "boy friend" would end with 9 mm slugs in their heads 2200 ft per sec. I'd plead insanity & sit in a rubber room & jerk off all the time without a cuck cage!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Cuckold hisband

My wife has been cuckolding me before we were married. I watch her fuck three stranger on our honeymoon. My wife has denied me her pussy for five years. She gave birth to four bastard children. We do not know who the fathers are. My wife is knocked up with the another baby. She slowly introduce me to chastity belt, and I have not had an orgasm in four years. Pride, she would encourage me to master are to porn. My wife would lease me for masterbating six time a day. Now since I'm locked up, l lust all the time. She has sit in chair watching her being fucked by men. The more I lust, the more orgasms she has. I ask men to please fuck my wife.

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