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How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 14


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I chuckled and turned Emily around by the arm, admiring her shapely, well-trained booty where it swelled enticingly beneath the gentle drape of her sundress.

Lifting her skirt to admire the curves of her nethers, I was charmed to discover a pair of simple, plum-colored panties trimmed with a discreet black lace, which rose softly from between her round cheeks and rode their curves perfectly in a flattering bikini cut.

I slid my finger tip beneath the demure lacy trim where it lay stretched across her bottom, following it inward to where it dove between her buttocks and enjoying her shiver as she felt my touch inside her underwear and on the sensitive, private inner areas of her plump cheeks around her soft gusset; and I ran my hand over her backside and down her hamstrings, impressed with her toned lines and healthy musculature.

'Well, if I didn't know better, I honestly wouldn't know from how she's greeting me that she'd started her training career with such difficulty,' I said, appreciatively squeezing her buttocks and registering my enjoyment with a raised eyebrow and approving nod as her father beamed proudly. 'She's being quite friendly and well-behaved, and very nicely compliant, and I would have imagined she was always a natural at sharing her body by how she's responding to me right now. Just a delightful little creature.'

Dave cleared his throat.

'Yes, well, and on that note, I think she might be a little too taken with your handling style, Robert—she seems to have forgotten the special greeting we have been practicing to help her get more accustomed to sharing all of her, not just the parts she is comfortable with...'

Emily's head spun around, her face chagrined, and looked pleadingly at Dave.

'Mr. Kendrick, do I...do I have to?'

Dave nodded seriously.

'Yes, Emily, you do. This is exactly the sort of situation where it's warranted, and I need you to push outside your comfort zone a little right now and do what you know you should do. Mr. Stevenson has taken time out of his day to train you with me, and you need to practice relaxing and trusting that he will like what he sees. Don't make this more difficult than it needs to be, sweet girl—I'd rather not have to discipline you on your birthday.'

Slowly Emily turned to face me, her expression pained and embarrassed. She mustered her composure, and spoke in a careful, dutiful manner.

'It's good to meet you, Mr. Stevenson,' she said, laboring mightily through her next words. 'Would you...would you like to view my...my vulva, sir?'

It was clear now how needed Dave's steady hand was for her; girls her age, while sometimes still fighting traces of their native, innocent modesty, and not always fully confident in the attractiveness of their reproductive accoutrements, were typically far from this conflicted about exposing their genitals for the appreciation of eligible men, and my heart went out to her a little as I witnessed the struggle the girl was going through to obediently offer her cunny for my inspection.

I knelt in front of her, attempting to assure her with a kind smile.

'Why, thank you, Miss Emily—I would very much like to view your vulva. Would you show it to me, please?'

Her face fell a little as she'd evidently hoped, against all odds, that I would turn her offer down, but she caught Dave's eye telling her this was not optional, and she took a deep breath, bit her soft, full lower lip, raised the front hem of her sundress high above her perfect belly button, and tortuously tugged the gusset of her purple panties to the side so I could see her treasure between her legs.

She was lovely; her outer labia were cleanly-defined and symmetrical, and the perfect size to hold gently in my teeth and nibble on; but they served mostly as a setting for her luxurious, frilled inner lips, which spilled from between her sensible outer labia in an exuberant profusion of tender, richly-pink girl-flesh that hung enticingly heavy, and enclosed the insistent bud of her healthy, generously-proportioned clitoris within their extravagant petals.

She was impeccably groomed; as far as I could tell, her carefully trimmed patch of soft, dark fur was the only hair on her nethers, which appeared perfectly smooth and soft all about the rest of her privates.

Her breath came raggedly and overwrought, punctuated by adorable, tiny whimpers of mortification as she bravely showed me her most personal parts, glancing in barely-contained alarm from me to Dave as she worked to control her breathing and accept my cool gaze on her naked pussy until she was instructed to cover herself again.

I must have licked my lips without realizing it, drawing a laugh from Dave and Emily's father as they watched me discover her secret bits.

'In answer to your unspoken question, Robert,' Dave chuckled, 'Yes, she is very tasty, and a delight in the mouth. She's really remarkably sensitive and responsive, so you can imagine how fun she is to tease and torture with your tongue.'

Emily uttered a shuddering moan and a pleading, desperate, 'Oh...nooooo...' as Dave and I discussed the best ways to enjoy her body and get the most pleasure from training her.

I looked up at her, charmed by the great effort she was making to be a good trainee for Dave, and by her troubled, gentle eyes that shone in a heady tonic of shame, embarrassment, and arousal that fairly shook her small frame with its startling vehemence.

Although she was a willing and eager trainee who was deeply committed to embracing her purpose, and to mastering her difficult sexual training as she strove to become the best girl she could possibly be, it was clear that it was still a big step for this sweet thing to allow men to please themselves with her body, and I was touched to see her trusting, obedient nature as she made the hard choice to do what was right, rather than refuse or run away.

'Oh my goodness, Miss Emily, your vagina is very lovely. I'm now quite looking forward to playing with it today. Thank you so much for being such a good girl and offering to show it to me.'

Her eyes lit up, and she basked for a fleeting moment in my praise; unfortunately, however, I wasn't quite finished.

'Can you be a good girl one more time and spread your lips for me please, Emily? I would love to have a sneak peek at what I'll be enjoying later.'

She only needed a moment to battle a fresh wave of apprehension as I requested that she share more of her intimate area with me, and we were pleased to see her set her chin resolutely, nod her head graciously, and gasp softly at the sensation as her own fingertips made contact with her swollen labia and she carefully spread them apart for me.

'A little wider, Emily,' Dave instructed quietly as he observed closely, and with a mentor's keen eye, how she behaved while I handled her. 'Mr. Stevenson deserves to see a little bit of your insides if we want him to train you later.'

'Yes, Mr. Kendrick.' She nodded and immediately complied, blushing furiously as she spread her little wings far apart until they were like glossy, pink pillows on either side of her clitoris, pinned in place by the colorfully manicured nails of her delicate fingers.

The light pouring through the open front door instantly caught the rich, dark pink of her interior, and she glistened in the sunbeams, her slit already drenched in her juices and her clitoris, a tiny rosy bead nestled snugly in its dark, velvety hood, shining proudly as it dripped with her clear nectar, and the sweet, earthy scent of her femininity tickled my amygdala.

'My goodness, she's already so wet. What a sweet girl...this is really quite a lovely cunny, James,' I said to her father admiringly. 'She's got a beautiful little clitoris on her. Congratulations—she's delicious.'

Her father thanked me, and pointed out encouragingly to Emily that I was yet more proof that men truly did find her vagina attractive and enticing, as Dave nodded in agreement.

'Do you find her acceptable, Stevenson?' He asked.

'I do,' I grinned. 'I'm quite looking forward to playing with this little kitty.'

I stood up and kissed her, and gave her permission to release her pussy lips and put her vulva back in her panties, and told her she had been a very good girl; but without even bothering to cover herself again, her bare cunny still out in the cool air of the entryway for anyone to see, she returned my kiss with a fervent relief which took me aback as she pressed her lips deeply against mine and offered her tongue sweetly to me, her hands gently clasping my face.

Dave chuckled again as he saw the pleased surprise on my face at his trainees's eager kiss.

'I have rarely seen a young female so responsive to being called a good girl,' he mused pleasantly. 'It seems to be some unusually deeply-rooted conditioning, and I've found that she's willing to attempt any act, receive any instruction, and is never happier than if she has simply the prospect of hearing those words.'

Emily finally pulled her lips away from mine, gazing deep into my eyes for a surprisingly touching moment before releasing my face from her hands, tugging her panties back into place over her adorable vulva, and throwing her arms around Dave in an ecstatic hug.

'Thank you so, so much, Mr. Kendrick,' she said, her eyes alight with hurry to commence her lesson. 'This is the best birthday ever! Are you going to train me in the living room like normal, so daddy can watch, or do you want to go upstairs to my bedroom? I cleaned it and tidied it and everything for you and Mr. Stevenson, in case you wanted to use my bed.''

Dave's booming laugh filled the house.

'Oh my, no, sweet girl!' He grinned with anticipation for the program of birthday activities he'd put together. 'This is your special day, cutie, and I have lots of fun planned. Let's go get a coffee, and then we'll go to the museum to see the new exhibition; then we'll get a nice lunch, and in the afternoon I've reserved a suite at the Rylsky Hotel downtown, where we'll train you. I think Mr. Stevenson will be going home this evening, but you and I will sleep there so I can give you a good solid morning lesson, too. Does all that sound like fun?'

Emily could hardly contain her excitement, and she twirled around, her yellow sundress rising about her hips and flashing her purple panties as she thanked Dave for planning such a lovely afternoon for her.

'This is going to be amazing!' She danced about, jumping up to kiss Dave again. 'And look, Mr. Kendrick, I remembered what you said about practicing being more comfortable with men being able to see my body, and so I didn't wear a bra today—look, everyone will totally be able to see my nipples—and it feels kinda crazy going out in public like this, but also kind of cool...'

I could tell she was touched, as it was rare for a mentor to spend such personal time with a trainee outside of her actual sexual lessons, and she clearly understood that this meant he was very proud of her, and happy to be her mentor, and she was beside herself with joy.

'Well, I'm glad you're excited, Emily—I am, too,' Dave said, taking her by the shoulders to refocus her on his voice. 'We're just about ready to go, but there's one more thing—this is your birthday, but it is still also training, of course.

'You've come so far in your confidence and poise, Miss Emily, and I'm proud of how much more comfortable you've gotten with sharing your body with your trainers, but we still have a ways to go, as we all just saw when Mr. Stevenson asked you to show him your vagina.'

Emily's face fell as Dave mentioned her shortfalls; she was clearly a very sensitive girl who only wanted to please, and it was a cruel irony of fate that she should also be stricken by such petrifying shyness when it came to letting her body be used and enjoyed to its potential by her trainers.

'Now, Emily, I know this next lesson will challenge you, probably more than any of the lessons we've had together so far; but I also know you are strong enough, and brave enough, and obedient enough, to accept it as necessary, and to do your best in it.'

Emily's eyes searched his for his meaning.

'Yes, sir. What do I need to do?'

'Emily, I want you to begin to understand how your naked body is the most beautiful, captivating thing anyone could imagine, and for you to feel how your own skin—your wild, natural, skin—is everything you need to be your true, wonderful self.

'If a girl isn't comfortable being naked in the first place, her lessons will always be a struggle for her; so today, it's time for you to practice being at ease while naked—in any circumstances.'

A shocked gasp came from Emily as Dave explained the lesson she was to learn today, and she realized the cruel truth that her efforts to show her improvement by going braless, while already uncomfortable for her, didn't go nearly far enough.

'Emily, sweet girl, I'd like you to undress so Mr. Stevenson and I can take you out for your special day, please. Completely.'

There is little as absorbing as watching a girl struggle through the throes of a sexual conundrum, and the three of us men stood quietly, patiently, captivated by the series of emotions that chased each other across Emily's sweet, intelligent face as she looked from one of us to the other, hoping for some sort of addendum or reprieve.

'You mean...I have to be naked all day, sir? Like, in town and at the museum?'

Dave nodded.

'Yes, sweet girl. It's time for you to learn how to comport yourself as easily and confidently while in a state of undress as you do while clothed. You're a beautiful girl, and you have nothing that should be hidden—today you need to learn how to share that beauty freely. Go ahead and take your clothes off, and we can get going,' he said, with a gentle but unyielding smile.

Despite his daughter's beseeching gaze, James refused to offer her solace, and nodded in agreement with Dave's instructions.

'Sweetheart, you remember what you promised when Mr. Kendrick agreed to be your mentor?'

Emily nodded glumly.

'Yes, daddy. I promised to obey him in everything he says, and to trust that he will always teach me the best things for me to learn.'

She looked at Dave.

'Yes, sir. I'll do it, Mr. Kendrick.'

'Good girl.'

Feeling the weight of her duty, she slowly untied the bow at the front of her dress, loosening it and letting it fall from her shoulders.

It slipped easily down the gentle slopes of her breasts, revealing the top portions of her dark areolas before the hem of her neckline caught momentarily on her clearly swollen nipples, hanging on them and pulling them down under its weight before they sprang triumphantly free into the sunlight, and her dress fell to the glossy hardwood floor of the entryway in a tumbled heap around her white heels.

She stood now in only her purple panties, and I raised my eyebrows and shook my head in amazement at how lovely she was.

Her cheeks were flushed a bright pink, and her hips flared away sleekly below her toned waist, her breasts heavy and succulent above; her legs were splendid, with excellent muscle and smooth, sweeping curves that beckoned the hand.

She twisted about, attempting to behave and let us enjoy viewing her body despite the pounding in her chest.

'...Mr. Kendrick—not my...my panties, too?'

'Yes, Emily, your panties too.' Dave nodded. 'I said completely.'

'But sir,' she protested, 'Everyone will see my...my vagina? Everyone...oh my gosh...'

Despite her desperate desire to refuse, she knew this was an important lesson, and she painfully pulled her panties down and stepped gingerly out of them, and stood quietly, her eyes closed and her breasts heaving, letting the three of us enjoy looking at her body in its natural state.

A low chuckle came from Dave as he watched his trainee perform beautifully.

'Good girl, Emily,' he said, as she blushed again, her tummy tumbling a little from hearing her favorite words from her mentor after such a challenging test. 'You're very beautiful today. Open your eyes—I have a present for you.'

He'd produced a small white box from his jacket as she'd disrobed, and he handed it to her with a kiss, wiping a stray tear from her eye; obedience to a good trainer was often an emotionally cathartic experience, and it wasn't uncommon for a young girl to shed a tear or two as she experienced breakthroughs in her training.

She took the box with a giggling sniffle and opened it, and she was rendered nearly speechless by what she found.

'Oh my gosh, Mr. Kendrick, this is so beautiful!' She said, holding up a perfect string of pearls made into a simple, elegant choker. 'I love pearls, sir, they make me feel so pretty and feminine and grown-up—oh my gosh, these are so beautiful...'

Dave stepped behind her and took the necklace gently, securing it about her throat with the tiny golden clasp, wishing her a happy birthday and telling her she was a very good trainee. She was radiant, and we all agreed that she was now perfectly dressed for our day.

'How are you feeling, Emily?' Dave asked. 'Are you ready to go?'

Emily took a deep breath, a delicious shiver running through her naked body, fluttered her fingers nervously for a moment, and calmed herself, nodding her head.

'I want this day to be special for you, too, Mr. Kendrick—and you, Mr. Stevenson—and I want to do everything I can to please you and make you both feel as good as I can with my body, whatever that means, sir. Yes—I'm ready to go.'

She kissed her father goodbye, and he patted her bare bottom and wished her a happy birthday, reminding her to be a good girl for Dave and me, and to make sure to listen and obey, and do her best to please us and let us enjoy her body, and he confirmed that Dave would have her back home tomorrow morning in time for church.

She gave a little disbelieving squeak of exclamation as we stepped outside into the sunshine and she felt the first gentle whisper of the fall air against the bare skin of her most sensitive bits, and she giggled at the audacious experience of going outside her house in nothing but her heels and a perfect string of pearls.

Her hands reflexively wandered toward her cunny and her breasts, to cover them from both the fresh air and the appreciative eyes of anyone who happened to be nearby, and Dave firmly reprimanded her, reminding her that she was to behave like a proper young lady while in public today, and was forbidden from touching her breasts or her vulva until we got to the hotel and began her training there.

'I know you're already wet, dear girl, and no, you are not even to touch your vagina to clean yourself there,' he said in answer to her unspoken question.

'I want you to pay close attention to how you respond to different experiences today as we're out and about; every time someone looks at you or discusses your body, or you are suddenly struck with the reality that you are naked and sharing your beautiful self with anyone who happens to want to appreciate you, I want you to associate those moments with your arousal, and to consider what it means to be a vessel of pleasure, and to try to let yourself get as wet as possible.

'Mr. Stevenson and I will be checking your vagina periodically through the day to observe how much of a mess you become until we're ready to take you to the hotel to begin your lesson there.'

Emily's white strappy heels, while hardly extreme, were a little higher and narrower than she was accustomed to wearing, and Dave and I each took her by a hand and helped the beautiful nude girl unsteadily descend the stone staircase to the street below, her shoes clicking delightfully against the granite and her breasts swaying and bouncing lightly with each stair step.

Dave opened the front passenger door of his SUV and helped Emily as she climbed up in as ladylike a fashion as she could manage, though the inescapable anatomical mechanics of entering a vehicle meant we were still treated to a couple happy flashes of her beautiful bare vagina before she was able to primly close her thighs; he'd already turned on the heated seats the way he knew she liked, and she purred delightedly as she sat down and felt the low thrum of the massage feature vibrate up through her bare bottom.


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