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Human Android Ch. 01a

Story Info
Anne is mistaken for an android.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/29/2017
Created 09/12/2011
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Ch. 01

Anne is mistaken for an android


In the twenty-second century much had been achieved, yet marriage was still the same old precipice walk.

William had put up with an attractive wife who was either too busy, or too tired for sex. He travelled on business, and she ran a university department. Both of them had a high workload.

Anne was thirty-six with fine porcelain skin, nice legs, and a pretty face. She looked sexy, though inhibitions held her back in the bedroom. His recent cool behaviour was an incentive to keep trying. A divorce wouldn't look good for a university professor, especially when competing for a position on the board that ran the university.

Typically she took a scientific approach to the problem, rather than bother with a therapist. A contact in the university hospital talked her into trying an implant. An hour of her time was all it took to have a device fitted into her brain. It seemed drastic, but the device was smaller than a thumb nail, and the operation was safely carried out by a machine.

The device had been designed for patients with brain damage, though enterprising individuals soon found other applications. The device was usually programmed with everyday functions, which anyone needed to carry out. This device was programmed with a range of roles to be played in a game, with appropriate rules of behaviour. A role of sexy maid, cheerleader, erotic dancer, and many more were available.

It was almost a complete success.

For too many years their love life had been miserable, until last week. William was very pleased with the results. It felt as though he had a new wife. A wife willing to play games in the bedroom! That was one of the strict rules agreed between them; that they only activate the device at home, while they were alone.

Anne enjoyed throwing away her inhibitions and letting the role-play game take responsibility for her actions. She could be a naughty girl, even a slut, without feeling guilty. It pleased her husband, and that pleased her. Especially when he made love to her with a newfound vigour.

She activated the device by pressing the skin at the back of her neck, just above the hairline. A rush of excitement thrilled her, while wondering which game he would choose for her to perform. Until he summoned the game, with a certain phrase, she had to stand there waiting. Once the game started she would be committed to performing under the rules of the game, no longer a free person. She would be a pawn in his sexy fantasy. ***

Professor Draper dashed from the kitchen into the garage, looking desperately for somewhere to hide. It was worse than being naked, and she felt so very vulnerable.


Only a few minutes ago she had a wonderful sex session, during which she played at being William's sex android. Pulling on the android suit was difficult, but it had been worth it. The game had been planned knowing William couldn't resist this particular role-play. She wanted to give him something special to remember during his business trip, as he would be away for awhile.

They enjoyed it so much, he was late, so dashed off to the airport, leaving her suited up. There was no-one in the house, and the skin tight android outfit was difficult to remove, so she padded down to the kitchen for a desperately needed drink.


Anne gulped juice, then gulped in fear. Rebecca, her daughter, had arrived unexpectedly with friends. Thankfully eighteen year olds don't have a stealth mode. Anne was in the kitchen wearing a flesh coloured sheath, hiding nothing of her hourglass figure.

She just had to keep out of their way until they got bored and left. She could hear her daughter telling two boys what to do, and how to do it. They were collecting items for sale in a charity drive.

Showing off a near naked body to her daughter's friends would be humiliating. Wearing an android suit would provoke embarrassed laughter, as they were sure to guess its purpose. Her daughter would be disgusted with her.

As she thought about it, why else would a control skin be sold, except to a paraplegic? Thinking it must be helping so many marriages around the world left her feeling much better about it. It wasn't sleazy, it was keeping their relationship going, saving their marriage, and their life style.

When first married, long before they started this game, William convinced her to get a breast enlargement. This lasted awhile, before he talked her into another. It was easy enough. A medical check to see her back could stand the extra weight, followed by a course of pills. That was about it, no side effects, and no problems.

Now they played these naughty games, the enlarged breasts weren't so important, so she was thinking of getting them reduced. They had felt top heavy and slightly ridiculous, as they dominated her small frame. They stuck out straight and perky like everyone else's breasts these days, only far too much. So much so, it was difficult getting an android skin to fit.

The suit was skin tight, like flesh coloured stockings. It was damn difficult to get into and much more so getting out of it. It fit over her sex lips and bottom, and was a little intrusive. Once on it was comfortable enough, as her skin could breath, and it acted like a second skin. Her body looked smooth and blemish free.

The little shocks to her body were disconcerting at first, though they were hardly discernible now. They were designed to stimulate an injured persons muscles. With the right program, the suit would enable them to walk, and perform tasks almost normally.

For her, the suit controlled her body during love making. She was no longer a prude in the bedroom. Her morals could be abandoned, with the excuse it was the game program controlling the suit, and her.

Wearing a mask of similar material, left her feeling distant from who she was. The suit, combined with the implant, allowed her to abandon all her moral convictions. It didn't matter how badly she behaved during the game, for it wasn't her fault, it was the program controlling her.

Different faces and hairstyles meant more daring play could be tried out, while in disguise. She could be a different woman for him every night. He forget she was his wife, and treated her enthusiastically, like a new lover.

What really got him going, was that her usual habits and boundaries were pushed aside. It was a surprise to find she enjoyed being dominated, being told what to do, and ultimately pandering to his whims. It was so exciting, he performed like a young stud. It switched her on too.


In the garage she listened to their excited chatter, over how they were going to win charity week at the university. There was nowhere to hide in the garage despite the piles of junk. No-one had a car these days, as everyone just hired an electric vehicle appropriate to their needs.

A cunning idea struck her, evoking a brief devious smile. The best place to hide was out in the open, where everyone could see you. Dressed like this she certainly wouldn't go unnoticed, but in the poor lighting she might get away with it. Anne pulled off the baby-doll nightdress and shoved it in a corner. She was covered from head to foot by the suit, but it was so very thin she might as well have been naked.

She pulled out an old sack of handbags, and gave them a shake above her head. The skin was covered in dust. She moved to the back of the garage and stood up against the wall, in the shadows.

There were three of them in the kitchen, and they had settled in to plan their campaign. It sounded if they were going to be some time. Anne's legs were already aching from sanding so still.

"Well, the suit has another advantage," she whispered.

A hand felt for the control button, at the back of her neck in the hairline. When she found the right spot, her arms slowly subsided into position at her sides.

Not only was the suit now primed in android mode, the implant was too. The suit would hold her up in this position for ages without effort. She was now just an android waiting in storage. She could take the opportunity to relax, and clear her mind of university business. It was a demanding post, head of business studies. Many on the faculty thought it a soft option, but it wasn't.

If someone saw her, they would dismiss it as an old model left in storage. These youngsters were only interested in the latest gadgets, not yesterdays worn out domestic appliances. She closed her eyes and relaxed. They were young and would soon become bored, and move on to someone else's house.

Anne heard the door between the kitchen and garage open. Suddenly the plan seemed stupid. She was a near naked woman standing in the garage, so of course she would be noticed. Her heart rate increased so much, they were sure to hear it thumping away like a hammer.

A guy shuffled in then shuffled out again. "Nothing in there of any use," Larry shrugged.

Anne let out a controlled sigh of relief. The young guy had looked around, not noticing her. It had been a good plan! The lazy youths would soon be on their way, as quickly as they arrived.

"You didn't look! I'm going to find something in my room, and you two had better make some effort," Rebecca complained, and stomped off in a mood.

The door hadn't been closed so Anne clearly heard her daughter remonstrating with the poor guy. Anne wanted to tell her to leave him alone, and that he did a good job. Just move on somewhere else. She couldn't even laugh, let alone speak without being told to, or do anything else either, while in this state.

As soon as they went she would shut the program down and run upstairs to change. The one drawback of the game was struggling to get the damn suit off. Why was it always the woman who had to make all the effort, while the man merely contributed a bit of huff, puff, and a squirt?

"Well, what are you two planning on doing then? Sloping off upstairs together?" Larry accused his friend.

"Come on Larry, play along at least," Vernon cajoled him. "You were invited to join us, why?" he asked.

Larry shrugged his shoulders.

"You know what she's like, always wanting to be in charge. You were brought in to the top team because there has to be three members. I picked you because you wouldn't be any trouble," Vernon stated.

"Thanks, that makes me feel really wanted!" Larry objected.

"Do me a favour, keep out of her way, and I'll make it up to you. OK?" Vernon cajoled him.

"So, I get to do all the work while you get it off with lady high and mighty, Rebecca," Larry angrily said.

"Well said buddy. Only you left out the bit where I get you a, Stack X, forty-five mark two," Vernon said, with a big smile on his face.

"You can't afford one, and if you could, there are so few you'd have to wait six months just to touch one," Larry grumbled.

"My uncle has one," Vernon smiled. "Oh! Yes! He has a distributor in his debt, and was given one to keep him quiet. He doesn't know what to do with a sophisticated games machine, so it's abandoned in his den. Still in the box. I only know what it is because you raved over it for two whole tedious hours, last month on that boring trip," Vernon complained.

"I'll clear the garage, my parent's whole house, and keep out of your way! Deal?" Larry eagerly asked.

His whole face was alight with a zealots gleam. The bright shiny look on his face meant he was sorted out. It was just a matter of getting Rebecca convinced that he was the one for her.

"The charity dance is next month, and I want her as my partner, so you need to give me time alone with her. I want to get her into bed to make sure of it. OK?" Vernon asked.

"You sure it's a mark two, Vern?" Larry asked.

Not listening, or thinking about anything else.

"Did you show me pictures covered with your slobbering kisses every five minutes, or not? I'd recognise a mark two from a mile away, I don't want to know, but I do. Just get a big box and clear out the garage to make Rebecca happy, and I'll be happy. You'll be happy with a mark two. Got it?" Vernon promised.

"Well, I'm going to the bedroom to seduce, I mean help, the stuck up bitch," Vernon stated, with a conspiratorial wink.

"Vernon Taylor you're a wizard," Larry said.

He didn't know how Vernon did it, but despite a bad reputation, the girls fell for him every time.

Anne heard the conversation, and fumed in silence. How dare they talk about her daughter like that! Talk was one thing, but to treat her like a disposable item of convenience, was disgusting. Hoping it was all talk, she tried to relax. She should know better than let young callous eighteen year olds get her angry. Besides, Rebecca took after her, so she could look after herself.

Practising a yoga contemplation routine to become calm, she almost missed hearing the boy's name. Vernon Taylor! That rough piece of work was a menace on campus. Already this semester a girl had to leave after becoming pregnant, because of his stupidity. She was partially to blame of course, but why did it have to be the woman who carried the can, or baby even? Well, obviously it had to be so.

The poor girl was devastated on finding he was still playing the field, despite her condition. He just abandoned her when it all became too inconvenient. To keep the population down there were strict rules about pregnancy, so he was lucky not to have been expelled too.

The young bastard wasn't going to get away with mistreating her daughter. Naked or not, she was going to throw him out of the house, however embarrassing it would be for Rebecca.

Without a vocal command there was just the one movement she could make, and that was to reach behind her neck. With a hand slowly rising to switch off the implant program, she heard Larry tromp back in.

The thought that it would be highly embarrassing, overrode the slow hand movement. Stories circulating about her being naked in the garage would be just too ridiculous. She could wait a little while longer, until this lad gave in and went on his way.

That Vernon guy wouldn't be able to work on Rebecca that quickly, so there was plenty of time. She would cover herself with something before confronting them, then throw him out.

"Hello, Professor Draper! Eh?" Larry exclaimed in surprise.

He had been deep in thought, imagining what he could achieve with a mark two. He just noticed a figure out of the corner of his eye, and reacted to the silhouette. The large bust was known and recognised by everyone in college, and of course he knew perfectly well he was in the professor's house.

Anne watched him muttering to himself, completely oblivious to her presence. When he drew level and spoke it was such a shock, she nearly jumped out of the skin in fright. Unable to do anything, she merely kept the pose of a deactivated android, standing to attention.

"Well, well, what is it about this house," he whispered. "Everything has big tits, even the maid android," he smiled.

He was thinking the husband must have a thing about breasts. If he could prove it this might win the betting, on whether Professor Draper's tits were natural, or artificial.

Half the campus believed they couldn't possibly be natural, while the other half couldn't believe the strict woman, always perfectly in control, would have had such an obvious enhancement. A stalemate had arisen with a large pot waiting for the brave soul to ask the harridan. No one dare. She would have bitten their heads off.

Anne was mortified when he took hold of her breasts. There was some control left, but not much, and it didn't include telling a young man not to fondle her breasts. After all, sexual contact was the point of the program, although it hadn't been intended for one of the students to molest her.

He had her breasts in his hands, playing with them, as though testing their weight and consistency. It was agonising just standing there, letting a complete stranger fondle her breasts. It reminded her of that awful episode with the delivery guy, a few weeks ago. At least a game program hadn't been invoked this time, so she could remain neutral, rather than play along.

They looked bigger than Mrs Drapers, though that could be because these were on show, rather than covered by several layers of clothing. These didn't feel real, but that was because they weren't, they were just android tits.

"Nice knickers!" he said, with a leering smile.

She was wearing red panties, as part of the baby-doll outfit. There were certain arrangements made with her husband, and one of them was not to be completely naked. Despite that, she was highly embarrassed that a young man was enjoying playing with her breasts, while she was almost naked. It wouldn't have helped keeping on that baby-doll thing, for it was completely see-thru.

It was almost too much to tolerate. She wanted to shout at him. All she could do was look into the distance over his shoulder, while he fondled them. Damn! He was giving them a good working over. Surely he would notice the nipples growing, and guess she was human. It was infuriating not daring to move, or make the slightest complaint, even if it were possible.

They hadn't thought of this while playing their naughty games. Perhaps her husband would enjoy it when she told him about this young lad. He was playing with her breasts as though he hadn't ever felt a pair before. Certainly not ones this big he hadn't. If he found out he was fondling the Head of Business studies, what then?

At least she wasn't being turned on by it. It was so annoying that a stranger had her in this helpless position, she wanted to bawl him out. Damn! It was her fault too! When it was her husband doing this it was exciting, very exciting, for he was taking complete charge, letting her negate all responsibility for whatever they did together.

Larry patted her between the legs, and finished with a stroke of her crotch.

"Bugger!" Larry exclaimed.

He felt the crotch of the panties, and reacted to a wet patch by pulling his hand away, as though the thing in them had bitten him. After the initial surprise he dismissed it, thinking it was probably an oil leak.

For a moment she thought it might be a command, and inwardly cried in fear. If she had bent over for him to bugger her, would he have taken advantage, or jumped away in fright? Was she that helpless? If her husband had commanded her, she would have been unable to refuse him anything. Being buggered was a taboo he strictly honoured. He wanted too keep her playing along, so always kept to the rules.

She hadn't thought to ask about building restrictions in to the program, or applying limits to who could play with her. There shouldn't have been anyone playing with her body, except her husband. It was all too frightening to think about.

"Maid, are you ready to obey?" he asked.

"Yes, Master," Anne responded.

Damn! She knew that was the implant responding, but it was connected to the suit as well as her mind. The game program, and the suit, were designed for paraplegics so would bypass her motor control. This damn youth was now effectively in control of her body!

What damn game he had in mind was too terrible to contemplate. He could have her performing in all sorts of embarrassing ways. A young fit man was capable of screwing her all day, with just a rest between each session. Thinking she was just a maid-bot, he wouldn't consider her feelings at all.

"Collect all the small stuff in here, and load it into a box," he told her.

A small sigh of relief escaped her lips, sounding like a machines movement after a long wait. A sprinkling of dust fell from her body as she walked to a shelving unit to pick up the abandoned handbags. It was infuriating and demeaning for a professor to be used this way, though far less so than being his sex-bot.

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