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Husband Has a Limit


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By the time he got home it was about 7 PM and then he made dinner for them and cleaned up. His evenings were spent attending to Olivia's needs which often included time spent giving her a massage or pampering her in some way. In amongst that he took care of the housekeeping chores, laundry and anything else that must be done before his shower then another round of oral sex. A couple of times a week he was invited to put his cock in her pussy to have an orgasm. It was always fantastic to cum inside her pussy. That made it all worth it. Jacob loved his beautiful wife.

A year into their marriage, things were going well. Olivia kept to the weekly schedule of discipline sessions and every time they had great sex after. She was very aware that she had to reward her husband if she was to keep him fully committed to a female led marriage. There had to be something in it for him too. She knew that, but she also knew that over time he was coming around to fully accepting his role in the marriage. Olivia made the decisions at home and Jacob was fully committed to his wife and her rule of him and their marriage.

Jacob wanted to be a father and he frequently thought that it was a good time for them to become parents, for their family to expand. But Olivia was taking the birth control pill every day and the few times that they did discuss having a child she told him that she was not yet fully ready for that. She told him that she would consider it and let him know when it was a good time to think about children. Right now, she was not entirely sure when she would want children. Jacob quietly thought to himself that if they were to have children that they should not wait too long. Olivia was in the prime child-bearing years and Jacob was ready to have a family. He believed that he would make a great father. Olivia believed that as a Female Supremacist she was not going to permit pressure about children and would make the decision about when she would have a family. She would let Jacob know when it was time.

And so, their lives went on. Jacob continued to receive his weekly discipline sessions. Olivia increased the intensity and number of the strokes to his ass and legs. She added a leather strap along with the paddle that she started with. Jacob experienced increasing pain and suffering, but each time she praised him in his ability to take his discipline and he was learning to be a better husband. She professed her love of him and would hug him, kiss him passionately and caress his ass with her hand and massage skin cream into his bruised and wounded flesh. They would make love after almost every time.

There was only one time in the first year of their marriage when Jacob was punished by his wife.

It was because of a social event at the Women's Studies department of the university that she had planned for them to attend and he made the mistake of complaining to her that he did not have the time, what with all the household chores to do, he was under pressure to keep on top of his work and make sure that all of her needs were met.

He didn't like the social events at the university where she taught and especially some of the women in Women's Studies department. He thought they were just angry lesbians who took great pleasure in blaming everything wrong with their lives, and everything else buggered up on planet, on men. When Jacob balked about going, he was met with an immediate order from his wife to strip and get ready to be punished.

He had never been punished by her before but had received weekly discipline sessions with the paddle and the leather strap. That strap hurt when she applied it to his rear and legs. So, he figured that she might add extra strokes to the strap. He could handle it.

Jacob did as he was ordered and took off all his clothing and assumed the position on the punishment bench. Olivia went into great length to tell him that he was being punished for being disobedient and that it was going to hurt much more than his normal weekly discipline. He could hear the swish of something in the air as Olivia was waving it about. He realized that it was a birch rod; then his fear level went up fast. He had never been disciplined with a birch rod and he was not looking forward to that at all.

"This is going to hurt me as much as it will hurt you Dear, but you must learn that you cannot disobey me, ever."

With that she began.

Swish-Crack! Oh my Jesus, that hurt a lot!

Jacob shouted a loud and pained "Ahhhh, One, thank you Ma'am," there was a brief pause and then Swish-Crack, "Ahhhh, Two, thank you Ma'am."

It went on for twenty strokes of the birch rod.

Jacob was in tears and could barely speak to count out the number of times he was hit. His face was beet red, snot running from his nose, saliva from his mouth and tears flowing steadily from his eyes. The pain from the birch rod was unbearable.

When it was over, she told him to stand and put his hands behind his back. Olivia lectured her husband about obedience to her rule and then she praised him for taking his punishment bravely. When she asked him if he had learned his lesson, he was quick to respond, "Yes Ma'am."

Olivia sent her husband to the shower to get cleaned up then she told him to lay face-down on the bed and she applied a numbing antibiotic cream to the wounds on his ass. Jacob's ass was criss-crossed with red stripes and the skin looked broken in two places where the birch rod had landed more that once. After, he dressed they went to the university cocktail party.

Jacob was silent all night, speaking only when he was spoken to. He made sure that Olivia had a drink and got finger-foods and did his normal husband duty to her. His mind was a million miles away as he realized that the FemDom Marriage Contract had greater implications for his life than he had realized. He made a note to pull it out that night to reread it and make sure that he hoisted in what it really meant.

Jacob's level of obedience went up quickly in the days following that punishment. He was moving around the house with a degree of urgency that he did not have before. He now called his wife 'Ma'am' all the time except when they were in the company of people that were not aware of the type of marriage that they had.

Olivia subtlety reminded him every day that her rule of the family was always with love and concern for his welfare and to increase the harmony that their marriage needed in order to be a success. That everything she did was for the benefit of them both and that she was proud of him and that their marriage was stronger because of his submission to her control.

It would be several months before the idea of babies came up again. When the discussion about babies did come up Jacob was overjoyed. He would be a father, at last.

Jacob got home on a Friday after work and was greeted by his wife who ordered him to start with oral sex that night before they would eat dinner. While Olivia was orgasming, she told her husband that she had decided about having a baby. Jacob stopped what he was doing and looked up to her face and smiled thinking that they would make a baby soon. He filled her womb with his sperm that night, he was so ready for fatherhood and wanted their relationship to move to a more equal balance. What he didn't know was that she had already made a baby.

Olivia proudly announced two weeks later that she was pregnant. Jacob was ecstatic with the news. He wanted to be a father so badly. Olivia had kept from her husband the little fact that she was fucking another man. And in her logic and thinking, why not. Jacob had agreed in the FemDom Marriage Contract that she could take a lover if she wanted and that Jacob would have no say in the matter.

What Olivia failed to remember was some aspects of basic human nature. Her beliefs as a Female Supremacist had made her blind to reality. There is a great degree of importance placed on a man passing along his genes to his children. Men will fight and die for their children. They take a dim view of their wives when they casually dismiss the importance that men place on being a father.

Not all men want to be fathers or are suited to be fathers. Jacob was ready to be a father and wanted to be a father. In his mind he believed that once Olivia was pregnant, she would want to live in a more traditional relationship where the wife and husband were more equal partners. He thought that was the foundation that made for a stable home and good parents. She would see the logic of the natural order of life as a family. They would love each other and raise their child together.

The time Olivia was pregnant were busy days. They got the house ready, outfitted and decorated a baby's room. They went together to pre-natal classes and read-up on all the important things that new parents needed to know.

So, eight months later the baby was born. And then Jacob's world changed as he knew it.

As the baby appeared it was quickly revealed to Jacob that he was not it's father. It seems that Olivia's lover had been the one to score that touchdown.

Jacobs head was spinning. The doctor put the baby on the mother's chest and Olivia smiled and beamed with joy. Jacob was stunned. He thought, 'why is my child black?'

Of course, he was a smart man and it took about a half a heartbeat to realize that his wife had been fucking another man and he had gotten her pregnant.

Olivia looked over at Jacob and said to him, "Look at how beautiful our new baby boy is Dear."

Jacob couldn't breathe. The air had been sucked from his lungs and his brain did not recognize the words that anyone was saying to him.

The doctor and the nurse looked on in amazement thinking that clearly this couple had some hard discussions in their future.

Jacob was dizzy and needed to get some air and a drink of water to avoid passing out.

Two days later Olivia and Jacob brought her baby home.

Olivia quietly explained to her husband that yes, she had taken a lover. She had the right to do that since it was clearly spelled out in their marriage contract. Olivia said that she loved Jacob, he was her husband after all, but that this was her business and it was the end of the discussion. He would be the father of the child and raise it to be his and that was her final decision. Jacobs name was on the birth certificate as the father.

To say that Jacob was emotionally crushed was an understatement. This was not 'loving' female domination. This was betrayal beyond anything that he could imagine. He needed to think about what he was going to do. He needed to think and needed to do it quickly.

Three days later Jacob contacted his lawyer. He explained his situation and the lifestyle that he and his wife had been living and gave him a copy of the marriage contract that he had agreed to. His lawyer read it over carefully and then turned to Jacob and tore it up.

He shook his head and explained that it was not a legal contract, not even a pre-nuptial contract that many couples might create before they marry. Prenups usually lay out rights and responsibilities regarding property and wealth that the wife and husband had coming into the marriage and what they will take if they leave the marriage. Prenups do not give either wife or husband the right to take lovers while they are married.

For Olivia to think that Jacob would not care that she was having a baby being fathered by another man, well, she was deluding herself with too much nonsense being repeated by her female supremacist heroes and others who believed that men were weak and incapable.

Every time Jacob looked at the child, he got a throbbing headache and an emptiness in his stomach. But it was not the child's fault. Children are completely innocent in these matters. Babies don't get to decide who their mothers and fathers are, they grow up and live with what they have. In his heart Jacob knew that the real father of the child had a right to know that he was a father and to be given the opportunity to be a father.

A man's legacy is expressed through his children. For Olivia to dismiss or negate that was corrosive to their marriage, and no matter what the FemDom proponents wrote, when the wife decided unilaterally to have children by some man, other than her husband, that signaled the beginning of the end of the marriage.

No marriage can ultimately withstand the effect of the woman having a baby, fathered by someone else, especially when she gets pregnant without telling her husband what her plan is.

Jacob was unsure of what to do but he knew he had to listen to what his instincts told him.

Two Months Later

Jacob's lawyer had hired a private investigator to help determine who the father of Olivia's baby was. It didn't take that long for the investigator to get the information that he was looking for and she even got photos of Olivia and the man having sex, just a few weeks after the baby was born. Olivia had left the baby with a sitter so that she could spend time with her young lover.

Jacob went to see the man and took the photos that the investigator had taken, and he took a photo of Olivia with the baby. The young man was an assistant football coach at the same university where Olivia taught. At first the young guy was hesitant to talk to Jacob; he figured that Jacob might have tracked him down to beat the shit out of him for fucking his wife and getting her pregnant, but Olivia had told him that it was her decision, not her husbands, and she made the decision to have sex with anyone that she wanted to have sex with. Now he wasn't so sure that Olivia hadn't lied to him.

His name was Jeffrey. He was about 25 years old, tall, very fit, and handsome in a very masculine way. They had a good if not somewhat guarded conversation. Jacob told Jeffrey that he was the father of Olivia's baby. Jacob was careful to not tell him his bigger plan because he was afraid that the young man would share too much with Olivia the next time they got together for sex.

Jacob gave a photo of the baby to Jeffrey. "This is your son. Have you been able to hold your son yet?"

Jeffrey was very nervous as he looked at the photo and answered. "No, she hasn't brought the kid with her when we meet. I thought that it was your kid. She didn't tell me anything to let me know that the kid is mine. Fuck!"

Jacob could see that Jeffrey was visibly upset that Olivia had not shared with him that he was the father of her baby. His mind was going a thousand miles a minute trying to figure out what all this meant for him.

"What is it that you want from me?"

Jacob answered. "Right now, I don't want anything from you. I figured that you were owed the courtesy of knowing that you have a son. I can't speak for Olivia, so I won't. I'm not sure what is going through her mind."

"Are you dumping her?"

"I don't know Jeffrey; I have to figure that out. I'm sure that eventually you'll find out. You have a nice day pal."

Jacob left and went to a coffee shop near his office to sit and think. One of his co-workers, Kelly, saw him and stopped and asked if he was alright. "Jacob, are you okay? You look you're a million miles away."

Jacob snapped out of his temporary stupor, shook his head, and looked at Kelly. She had sat down with him.

"Hi Kel, yeah sorry, I'm trying to figure some shit out and haven't got a clue what to do."

"It isn't that government account is it? They haven't given us any goals or objectives yet but expect us to work miracles."

"No, it's not that, it's more personal."

Kelly was mystified with his comment. She knew that Olivia just had a baby a few months ago. "Is everything okay at home, is the baby fine, is it something about Olivia?" Kelly was concerned that Olivia might have post-partum depression; it was a common issue for women and was serious stuff.

Jacob responded, "Ah, you know, we're getting used to having a baby in the house. A baby is a lot of work."

Kelly realized that Jacob had not even shown folks at the office a photo of his new son. "I haven't even seen a picture of the baby Jacob; can I see one?"

Jacob knew that eventually the secret of the child's parentage would be out and that he would have to deal with it. Maybe now was as good a time as any. After all, Kelly was a close work associate, and really a friend, and if he couldn't share this with her, who could he share it with. He pulled out his cellphone and opened a picture of the baby and passed it to her.

Kelly took the phone and looked at the picture of the baby being held by Olivia. The expression on her face was one of shock and surprise. Her eyes got wide and her mouth formed a circle as she breathed in and held it.

"Oh, Oh my."

Kelly looked at the picture again and then handed back the phone to Jacob.

"Oh my Jesus, Jacob. Did you know?"

Jacob shook his head back and forth. "Not until the baby was born. I thought that I was the father."

"What are you going to do? I mean, are you going to stay with Olivia and raise the child?"

"I don't know what the hell to do. Do I stay and be the child's father, or do I go? I'm really hurt that Olivia has been other men."

He had paused to take a sip of his coffee, "I found the father of her child, you know. A guy that works at the university that she teaches at. I just went to see him and told him that he has a kid. He didn't know"

Jacob and Kelly spent three hours talking through several options for Jacob and what he might do to come to some possible solution that he could live with. He left the coffee shop feeling better now that he had been able to talk it through with someone. Kelly was a good listener. She was able to give Jacob another person's perspective.

From Kelly's point of view, Olivia had done something unforgivable and didn't deserve a man as good as Jacob. But in the end, it was Jacob that had to be one to live with the outcome.

Before he went home Jacob went for a walk around the neighborhood where he lived and thought about what he wanted for his life and where things got off track in his relationship with Olivia. Was she the woman that he wanted to spend his life with?

That crazy FemDom Marriage Contract that he signed before they got married was really a screwed-up concept. That he should agree to be in such a lop-sided relationship that gave all the power to one person was...really fucked up. That's the only thing he could say about it. That and how Olivia could think so little of him that she could have a lover behind his back and then...and then, steal his right to father the child that they wanted. Robbing him of his dignity and the humiliation of having a child with your lover was bad enough. This whole thing hurt a lot; too much to forgive.

After a couple of more hours he knew what he had to do.

The first part of his plan was the reclaiming of the control of his life. When he had married Olivia, he had agreed to give up that control; personal, financial and sexual, to her, but now, he had to take all three back. And all of them had to be done at the same time.

The first was financial. The next morning, he set up a new bank account and arranged to have his salary deposited to that account. That was easy.

The second was personal; a week later he rented an apartment close to his office and arranged to move in right away. That very night he started packing his things and moving them to his new place. It was a one bedroom and one bath, small, but it was all that he wanted for now.

Olivia was not home that night, she was out with her baby, so Jacob was able to get a good start on moving out. She didn't notice anything when she got home.

Last was the divorce documents that Olivia would be served with. Before she was formally handed the petition for divorce, he had planned to sit with her and tell her that he was divorcing her and why he was divorcing her. Jacob was a reasonable man and felt that she deserved to be told to her face why he was leaving.


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