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Husband Wife and Incest with Sibling Ch. 03

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Third and final chapter, Husband Wife and Sibling incest.
1.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/26/2022
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Third and final Chapter

you really have to read chapter two for this chapter to make sense.

My wife came over to the bed and sat on the edge she then looked me in the eyes. She stared me in the eyes for a while and said, "go on then, if you have tears flowing down your cheeks it must me pretty extreme for you to hold it back from me. I mean, we have been married for two years and you could not tell me about what is bothering you before this, it must be hard to handle?"

I let her eyes penetrate me for a while and said, "scoot closer. I need you next to me when I tell you this" I really wanted her close as I began to tell her my darkest secret, I needed her touch in order to get through this, so I began.

My chest was in my throat and my nerves were stressed as their full level. I knew my blood pressure was going up.

"My sister and I had sex before you and I met, it was passionate sex. My father caught me when we were both in the middle of our orgasm as he slammed to door open and ripped me off of her by my hair. He stopped paying for my college and that is why I had to drop out of my classes. It is the reason why I could not finish the schooling. I just didn't have the funds to continue".

I continued to tell her about the story of what happened, (Reference Chapter 2 for the whole story). As I continued I noticed she started to finger her pussy, she was starting to have an orgasm without much work on her part to make it happen. She was really enjoying this, my nerves began to calm down, my blood pressure I could tell was also calming down. I stopped for a minute and gave her a kiss. She stuck her tongue in my mouth and we began to French Kiss.

She reached over and closed her fingers around my cock. Then she turned her mouth to my ear and whispered in my ear, "Fuck me like you did your sister". That is not hard for me because much of what I have been doing when I have sex with my wife is the same as what I did with my sister.

So I moved on top of her and slid my hips up toward her's. My penis slipped into her vagina without any problem at all. She hadmade herself that wet listening to me. I slid it back and forth in her pussy, deeper and deeper I would go. I hit her cervix and just held it there for a while. I was getting closer and closer to my orgasm. Then my wife whispered in my ear, "suck on my ear lobe while your Cumming. Please suck on my ear lobe. This is what my brother used to do when we would have sex.

I paused for a moment, it was then that I realized I had truly married the perfect woman. She under stands me, she knows me through and through. So I sucked her ear lobe in between my lips, then I rolled my tongue around her ear and stuck my tongue into her ear opening. Then I sucked her ear lobe back into my lips and she began to scream, Yes, Yes, Yes.

It was my sister that I heard screaming, I opened my eyes and I saw my sister under me not my wife. She spoke to me, "Yes James just like before, let us pick up where we left off"! My cock got rock hard, I started grinding my penis into her cervix, then I exploded my cum into her pussy.

It was amazing, it felt like I had relived the moment with my sister. The difference is my father did not slammed the door open and ripped me off her so hard that my cock would make a pop sound as it came out of her vagina.

I rolled off my wife and I saw my wife again not my sister. I looked her in the eye with the most love I have ever had for her. She looked at me, "Thank You honey, you know my brother is still alive. Would you consider us ever having a threesome together? A mad passionate sexual adventure?"

Wow, this is really turning out to be some night! Then the phone rang, my wife picked up the phone. "Hi Randy", she paused and listened for a moment. Randy is her brother so I let her have the time to have her conversation. "Sure Randy come on over, I will make up the couch for you, you can stay for as long as you like".

Tonya looked me in the eyes, "His wife just kicked him out of the house and told him he could never come back". I looked at her and knew things were going to take another step in our relationship. Would I be able to handle this? I did not know, but I knew I had to try because I did not want to loose Tonya. I was just getting started to truly know her.

About a half hour later Randy knocked on the door, he came in with three suitcases and a 24 pack of beer. He sat on the couch and Tonya went over and sat next to him. She kissed him on the lips, Randy was taken a back some and just looked at her and glanced at me. Tonya spoke up, "not to worry Randy, James knows all about you and me when we were young and he has some secrets of his own as well".

Randy sported a knot in his pants immediately, he kissed my sister back and dropped his pants to the floor. Tonya dropped her panties to the floor and took her top off. What the hell I thought to my self, I dropped my pants and took off my top. Randy then took off his top, we were now all naked. Tonya took his penis in his mouth and starting giving him a blow job. I started to stroke my cock, Randy began to play with Tonya's tits. She began to moan and and grunt with that 6 inch Dick of Randy's in her mouth.

It didn't take long and Randy climaxed, sperm was dripping down the corners of Tonya's mouth. She stopped with Randy and took my Dick in her mouth. Randy put his Dick into Tonya's pussy then I climaxed a second time, Randy then climaxed and filled her cunt with sperm. Then she took Randy's Dick in her mouth again and I stuck my dick into Tonya's pussy. We climax again all at the same time.

"Gee I think that is the most I have cum ever in a long time"! Randy spoke up, maybe this is something we could continue with Longterm? I looked at Randy with a crooked smile, "that is just what Tonya and I were about to discuss when you called tonight".

Tonya spoke up, "if we are going to continue with this we are going to have to move, somewhere we will not be afraid of the law. It is illegal for a Brother and Sister to have relationship like this. You and I James are OK but not Randy and I. How do you suppose we tackle this? Leave that to me Tonya, I will take care of it all. We are going to make this work, I will see to it.

Then I saw my sister standing behind the couch with a big smile on her face. She winked at me and took her top off. I immediately got a big knot in my pants. Tonya turned to look behind the couch and looked back at me. "It will be OK James, I will take care of you also.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I Rated this one a 5 because it sounds believable. Do add an abundance of pussy hair to the ladies in your future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You need to proof-read - you have Randy kissing James's dead sister...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There are 2 and 1/2* states where sexual relations is legal with ANYONE over the age of consent.

New Jersey and Rhode Island, incest between consenting adults (16 or over for Rhode Island, 18 or over for New Jersey) is not a criminal offense, though marriage is not allowed in either state. New Jersey also increases the severity of underage sex offenses by a degree if they are also incestuous, and criminalizes incest with 16-17 year olds (the normal age of consent in New Jersey is 16). *Ohio allows incest between consenting adults only when one party is not a parent or parental figure.

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