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Hypnosis Doesn't Work


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"Thank you, Bonnie." John spoke, surprising everybody. Then he sat down on the couch, squeezing between Christy and Wendy. To all indications, John appeared not hypnotized. Except for the fact he was completely naked and exposed without caring.

"... Thank you?" Bonnie asked quizzically.

"Yeah, you were absolutely right. I think I started to zone out from the heat -- I don't recall much of the movie. I'm glad I changed into something more comfortable."

"Oh yeah, you look comfortable all right. I don't think you could get any more comfortable. What are you wearing?" Lisa probed cautiously.

"What do you mean? It hasn't been that long since I wore my college athletic gear, has it?"

"Ooooh, right! I had nearly forgotten about those! I thought we threw them out ages ago!" In point of fact, Lisa had thrown them out 15 years ago. They had been so well worn they were nothing but a pile of rags.

"Me too, but I found them in the bottom of my dresser! These always were the most comfortable clothes I've ever owned." John beamed.

Lisa quickly got an idea. She hadn't planned on the idea that was now forming in her head, but she wasn't about to let a golden opportunity slip by. She snapped her fingers and said "Sleep."

John's head instantly slumped to the side, and his breathing became a rhythmic pattern. Even his erection started to subside.

"John, you've found your most favorite comfy clothes. You're wearing them now. Nothing else you've ever worn has made you feel half as comfortable as you are right now. Whenever you're home you want to be comfortable. You want to be as you are right now... down to every bare detail. It doesn't matter if you are home alone or if we have company over -- it's your home and you want to be comfy whenever you're home. If you're not wearing your favorite comfy clothes, you will find whatever you are wearing to be scratchy and unpleasant. When I count to three you will not remember anything from while you slept, you will only know you're the most comfortable you've ever been right now, and you will want that feeling to continue. One. Two. Three."

John opened his eyes. "Y'know, I'm really glad I found these again. They have got to be the most comfortable clothes I've ever worn."

"We're glad too, John, believe me." Lisa smiled in response.

"Well, let's carry on with the movie. Where was it? Ah right. I was proving to you hypnosis doesn't work," John said with smug satisfaction.

Lisa exchanged a knowing smile with her friends. "Yes, and you're doing an admirable job, dear. Thank you for being such a good sport and humoring us."


Back through the recorded window into the past, John sat back down on the couch, having just removed his outer shirt, leaving a plain white t-shirt underneath.

Lisa got up and sat beside him. "I almost forgot... we need to give you a trigger to let you remember. It's important to me that you feel in control of your circumstances-- at least subconsciously, if not directly."


"Let's cut to the chase already." Bonnie said impatiently. "Skip ahead to last week, when we conditioned him to jerk off! I wanna see him cum tonight!"

Everybody held their breath, shocked at Bonnie's brazen statement. Everybody was thinking the same thing, but nobody wanted to risk being so overt and risk knocking John out of his trance.

John sat with a smug look on his face. "You ladies are something else. You just won't give up and admit defeat, will you. Bonnie, there's not a chance on this earth that you'll make me bark off like a dog or cluck like a chicken."

Everybody exhaled a collective sigh of relief. John's weeks of conditioning had been strong enough for his mind to deflect Bonnie's overt remarks. He had heard her words through a filter that made them much tamer than reality.

The anticipation in the room was almost palpable. "This is really going to work!" Christy whispered to Marjorie.

Bonnie was emboldened knowing how effective John's self-inflicted filters were. "Y'know John," she coo'd. "If you're so sure you can't be hypnotized, how about we make it interesting. A little wager."

"I'm listening. What do you have in mind?"

"I bet you will be hypnotized and you will jerk your big fat cock and cum all over yourself while all your wife's friends watch."

"Okay, and what do you get if I do bark and cluck?"

"You clean my house this weekend while I watch. I'll even let you wear your comfy clothes -- no, I insist on it. After all, 'mi casa es su casa.'"

"And what do I get when I win?"

"It literally doesn't matter. I could agree to strip buck naked myself and let you fuck me all weekend long--"

"Hey!" Lisa shot an annoyed look at Bonnie for her suggestion.

"No, wait..." John stood up and put his hand out to calm Lisa down. "That does sound worthwhile. I've been wanting to ride your motorcycle for a while. A whole weekend, you say? I could wager a couple household chores for that. You're on!" Before anybody could stop him, he grabbed Bonnie's hand and shook it, signalling his agreement to their bet.


In the recording, Lisa was finishing her instructions to John, "... will remember everything with crystal clarity and you will be fully aware of your surroundings. After sixty seconds those memories will fade away, down, down, down into your mind. Every time you hear 'hypnosis does work' you will remember..."


John stopped mid handshake. "Waitaminute, did you say 'cum'?" He felt the warm air from the room against his naked body, recognizing it for what it was the first time tonight. When he realized he was standing stark naked before his wife's friends he let out an unmanly yelp, and quickly grabbed a throw pillow off the couch. He held the pillow over his crotch.

"You do realize it's a little late for that, right? You've been strutting around for nearly an hour now." Marjorie commented. "We've seen everything."

Slowly he replied, "Yeeeah, I guess I do. I'm not dropping the pillow though. Oh shit, this means I've already lost the bet... you've clearly hypnotized me."

"Buck up, Champ! You haven't lost yet!" Bonnie said with mock enthusiasm. "You haven't cum yet!" John winced when Bonnie said 'cum' "But, yeah, I wouldn't hold out hope."

"So I'm gonna be cleaning your house this weekend, in my comfy --naked. I'll be naked."

"Yup. Mom'll be happy." Bonnie grinned.

"Hold on, you weren't putting your motorcycle on the line! You were going to let me fuck you!!"

"Watch it, mister!" Lisa said, jealously. She yanked John's pillow away.

"Yeah, wasn't gonna happen." Bonnie stated matter of factly.

John stood with his hands over his crotch, trying in vain to cover his privates. He continued to stand in awkward silence, thinking about everything that had happened that evening. Despite himself he realized he was getting turned on reliving the experiences in his mind, and his cock responded appropriately by growing in size.

John's posture immediately changed, as if a light has been switched. He relaxed his shoulders and let his hands fall by his sides. "I'm going to enjoy riding your motorcycle, this spring, Bonnie. Anybody want a beer?" He asked as he strolled out the living room to the kitchen.

When he had left the room, Christy spoke up. "Well, that was memorable."

"Not for John," Bonnie quipped.

"It's like one minute he knew exactly what was going on, and then the next he was completely oblivious," said Wendy. "And it was so cute the way he got flustered and embarrassed."

"It was, but I'm just as glad he's not trying to cover up anymore," Bonnie said. "He really does have a nice dick, Lisa."

"Thank you," Lisa said with pride.

John walked back into the living room empty-handed. "Y'know, I completely forgot why I went to the kitchen. Ah well, doesn't matter. Let's carry on with this bet. Do your worst, ladies."

Lisa grabbed the remote then looked at John. "Remember this hun: you asked for it." Lisa pressed fast forward on the remote once again and everybody watched as the scene (and time stamp) sped by. When she stopped it, the time stamp read 12-1-1987. Last week.


John had just been put under and was in a relaxed trance. He was still wearing his clothes.

Lisa was getting ready to implant the final set of hypnotic suggestions she and her friends had prepared. These were the big ones, the grand finale, after months of laying the proper hypnotic foundation. "John, you're very relaxed and comfortable right now; you've never been more relaxed than you are right now. Whenever you're naked and hear the phrase 'clean house' you will become extremely aroused. You will feel an irresistible urge to masturbate, regardless of whatever else you are doing. You will give in to that urge. In fact, you won't be able to take both hands off your cock. Your mind will try to focus on your cock, but no matter how hard you try, you will be unable to realize that you are jerking off. Because of this, two things will happen: one, you won't be able to cum by yourself, and two: you will obey any suggestions made to you. Do you understand, John?"


When Lisa said 'clean house' on the TV, the naked John's cock began to rise once again. A half-second later, in response, his left hand creeped towards his cock. He told hold of his member and started to slowly move his hand up and down along the shaft.

There was no urgency in his wrists movements, just a slow and steady up and down. The ladies immediately took notice.

"Really?" John said, gesturing the tv with his free hand. "You all think this is all it'll take to get me barking off like a dog? You guys are delusional."

"John," Lisa asked sweetly, "would you be a dear and refill my wine glass?"

John stood up, his left hand still slowly jerking his cock. "Of course." He took the glass from her with his right and set it on the table, then grabbed the last wine bottle with his right, to pour her glass. "Oh, this one's empty. I'll open a new bottle for you." Still tugging his dick with his left, he walked towards the kitchen.

When he made it to the edge of the living room, Lisa called out "Nevermind. Maybe just a glass of water."

"... while on your knees." Bonnie called out to him. To the rest of the ladies, she shrugged and said "I'm curious just how impressionable he is."

Without glancing to see who ordered him on his knees -- really without any acknowledgement at all -- John got down on one knee then the other, never loosening his grip on his cock, and continued shuffling on his knees into the kitchen.

Bonnie was positivity giddy. "I gotta say, I was as skeptical as John about all this back when we started, but you've done an amazing job molding your husband, Lisa. If I'd thought to hypnotize Larry to be this obedient, maybe he wouldn't have slept with his whore of a secretary. You don't think I'm taking this too far, do you?"

Lisa answered "Bonnie, John is an adult. And as we've already gone over, whether he realizes it or not, he has the power to snap out of it at any time, so he's a completely willing participant." Lisa narrowed her eyes and took on a more serious tone, "That said, if you try and fuck him, let's just say he won't be the only one following my every command. Capisce?"

"Loud and clear."

John hobbled his way back into the living room on his knees; Glass of water in his right hand, his cock still in his left. He stopped when he got to Lisa, and handed her the glass. All the while he was casually jerking off.

"Thank you, Dear." Lisa smiled.

"You're welcome, Hun," he replied.

"I can't resist..." Bonnie began quietly, then raised her voice clear enough for John to hear. "John, you will only speak in barks."

"Woof, woof. Bark." John replied then waddled back to the couch, where he sat down and continued to masturbate.

"It was his idea," Bonnie defended herself to her friends. "And I'm not going to lose his bet on a technicality!"

"I think it's time we wrap this up for tonight then." Lisa said. "There'll be plenty more opportunities to play with John next week, especially now that we know how far he'll let us push things.

Lisa powered down the VCR and TV, and spoke to John. "When I count to three and snap my fingers, you will cum. It will be the biggest cum you've ever experienced and..." she looked at Bonnie, "the only sounds you make will be chicken clucks." She faced John again. "It will be so big that you'll instantly go to sleep. When you wake up you will remember all your new hypnotic suggestions but you will not remember any event since being hypnotized tonight. One. Two. Three." Lisa snapped her fingers.

John began pumping faster and faster. With each pump he would make a chicken "buck." Faster and faster he masturbated, until finally with one loud "bu-cock!" he came in multiple bursts. The first rope of cum hit him squarely in his chin. The next two landed on his chest, and the remaining cum dribbled onto his knuckles. He tilted his head back and fell asleep.


A few minutes later, John awoke feeling quite refreshed, but with an unexplained sense of embarrassment. He sat up and wiped the cum from his chin. "Oh, I'm sorry, ladies. Guess I was more tired than I thought tonight. I hope my snoring didn't ruin the show."

The ladies shared a knowing look before Lisa answered for the group "No, your... noises complimented the, uh, show nicely. Besides, we were just about finished anyway. The girls were just about to 'head out'."

The subliminal message worked its magic, and John's cock once again rose to impressive proportions. Even more impressive to the ladies knowing how much -- and how recently -- he had cum.

John stood up, still believing himself to be wearing his 'comfy clothes' and not the reality of being stark naked dripping his own cum.

"Well, I'm sorry I missed it, but I'm glad you all had a good time. I'll help see you out." John walked with Lisa to their front door, turning on the foyer and front porch lights.

With the winter darkness outside, the porch and foyer lights turned their open front door into a beacon for their neighbors, if any of them were still awake to witness.

Lisa stood behind John, making sure he was still front and center for her guests enjoyment, as they gathered their boots and coats.

Lisa nudged John to open the door, then nudged him so he was standing outside on the porch, fully illuminated by the porch lights, easily seen by anybody on the block.

Lisa secretly hoped one of the neighbors was awake and watching. "That may have to wait until spring," she thought to herself.

One by one Lisa's friends hugged her, then went onto the porch with John. Each one then grabbed John's cock, and gave it a tug.

Bonnie was the last one to leave. After hugging Lisa, she stepped outside and lightly touched her fingertips to John's mushroom head. Then she tickled one finger under his dick head. She then grabbed the whole shaft and give two slow pumps before grabbing his balls and squeezing.

While squeezing his balls tighter, she looked him right in the eyes and asked "John, describe what I'm doing right now. What would you call it?"

"What... the handshake?" John replied bewilderedly. His filters were still at full effect. "I dunno... it's just like a sort of Roman gladiatorial handshake, right?"

Bonnie tugged on John's balls twice in succession. "Exactly right, John. Just a fun little handshake between friends; my favorite kind!" Without loosening her grip on his balls she looked at Lisa. "I can't believe this worked! How long can you keep him like this?"

"That's entirely up to John." My wife replied. "Or at least his subconscious."

"I think I'm going to have to start coming by more often, now."

"Ha ha," Lisa laughed. "You're always welcome. Bring your Mom, next time. I'd love to hear how retirement's treating her." Lisa offered.

"Ha! I love it!!" Bonnie gave John's cock one more pump before running her finger along his dick hole, scooping some of the remnants of his cum. She licked her finger as she entered her car and drove home.

John was still standing just outside when he asked his wife about Bonnie's 'unusual' behavior.

Holding back her laughter, Lisa replied "Well honey, 'Hypnosis does work.'"

The memories of the evening rushed back to John. "Oh my God!! I can't believe I did that!! And, shit, I'm standing outside naked with a hard on!"

He rushed back inside and slammed and locked the door.

"Holy shit. Tonight was amazing! I can't believe I spent the whole evening naked in front of your friends. And if I'm remembering correctly, this won't be the last time either, will it?"

"Honey, I don't think they're going to see you wearing clothes ever again!" Lisa hoped.

John replied, his memories starting to re-fade. "I'm so turned on right now. Let's go upstairs, so I can get out of these comfy clothes."

The End

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LedmunLedmunabout 2 months ago

Unique. Nice cfnm. Everybody won

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I can't believe the negative comments. This was well written with great detail. I'd love to read what Lisa and her friends have in store for John ... night after night ...

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel894 months ago

I was going to read this, but then remembered the author's "Game Night" story and worried he would try to once again trick us into ready a heavy BDSM story with untagged cock cages hiding the man's penis.

1Martiniman1Martiniman5 months ago

Great story, very good plot…erotic. However, would love to have some context for why the wife did this.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

CFNM stories are ok. This one started by his wife. Why would a wife do this to her husband? Just to entertain her friends and his mother-law. Since he is an exhibitioinst and likes being naked good E/V fantasy. Include his mother and other female family friends next time may be.

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