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I Am My Master's Slut Ch. 10

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Ron and Sara grow more intimate in their relationship.
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Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/09/2022
Created 09/27/2005
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A lovely and wonderful month passed as Ron continued to teach Sara how to properly serve a Man. What she found completely fascinating was that her business endeavors increased. As she used the tools Ron taught her, her business dealings changed representatively. Her dress reflected the joy she found in her femininity, and this rubbed off on both the men and women with whom she associated. Other women also began to dress more beautifully. The men responded to the change in the office ambiance. It wasn't just a matter of more cleavage or skin showing, but an attitude. It was like, at least in their office building, the unisex stigma was broken, and men and women were allowed to once again reflect their natural gender.

At home, Sara was seldom clothed, and Ron had arranged for her to be waxed as often as necessary to maintain smoothness on her legs and bottom. He loved taking care of her, of tending her feminine needs. He had hired a seamstress to create a wardrobe for her according to his design. No more slacks ... ever! She would always be clad as the beautiful female she was. Lots of pinks and reds. Lots of lace and soft shimmery fabric. Lots of deep necklines in front and back, and lots of slits up the sides or the middle. The essence was she was covered yet accessible, a feminine delight.

He continued to work with her on such elementary things as her walk, often using the anal pony tail just because he liked it on her. As her nipples healed, he experimented with different rings, decorative weights and chains. He even had the designer create several slinky tanks with holes for the gems to poke through for special occasions. For her part, Sara had never smiled as much in her life.

Ron was completely delighted with Sara's growth and development. She carried herself elegantly whether clothed or not. He admittedly enjoyed seeing her tantalizing nipples through her silky white blouses, of which she had many. On these days, he required her to wear the largest of gems or decorative clips on her nipples. Sara's entire posture was different as she grew daily in her feminine charm, captivating the attention of every male in the building and many of the females. It wasn't that she was perfectly gorgeous, but rather that her beauty was so deep and soft. Ron proudly owned her, and every man in the building knew it.

Sara was taught not to resist the attention of any Man, but she should, in fact, welcome such, and she did. She loved the way Men looked at her, their eyes glued to her pierced and protruding nipples or deep cleavage. She was quite certain it was now general knowledge that she wore no undergarments, and somehow, this thrilled her. She wondered how many of the men she encountered fantasized about her in some lovely way. Even as she showed homes to perspective buyers, she wondered if the Men were inspecting the home or her.

Ron's affection for Sara deepened, and a few weeks after her luscious nipples were pierced, Sara's Master began to teach her how to welcome guests properly into their home. He explained that a well-trained slave will open the door and immediately kneel open. If the guest has outer garments to shed, they will be placed over her outstretched arms. The slave will quickly hang such garments appropriately, and as inconspicuously as possible, assume her place at the right hand of her Master. If, however, the guests wish to be served in some fashion and has not brought his own slave, it is the joy and pleasure of the house slave to oblige in whatever manner seen fit whether in refreshment or sexual service.

One particular Tuesday morning, Ron instructed Sara to cancel her appointments for the day. She looked at him quizzically, but obeyed. Ron said nothing further to her as she knelt by his side. His right hand absently toyed with the heavy crystal that hung from her nipple, her fingers laced behind her back as always.

"Come, love," he said when he had finished reading his paper. "Let's go for a stroll, shall we? Put on your sweater jacket. It should be quite sufficient."

"Yes, thank you, Master." She did as he wished. The jacket of which he spoke had no buttons or fasteners, but only a belt which he secured. He then attached a long leather leash to her collar. He could see her apprehension. They had never gone out in public with her on the leash before. It had only been used in their home or a private club. Ron arranged the hem of the sweater nicely, so it hung to a few inches above her knees. There was an unavoidable slit in the front, so her steps would have to be small. Ron clipped a shiny delicate gold chain to the rings on each nipple and instructed her to circle the room. She did and he nodded his approval.

"Sara, we are going to walk several blocks. You will have no inner stimulation, however, you will feel my fingers examining and exploring you as we walk. I also wish for you to eye every male we meet along the way and smile beautifully. You are a slave, a beautiful, sexy slave. Convey this truth to every male we pass. It should be as clear as if we hung a sign around your neck. Do you understand, pet?"

"I believe so, Master." She smiled and he kissed her deeply, pulling her close to him. He loved how the nipple clips dug into his own chest, and the softness and aroma of her flesh was always a pleasure to him. He felt her heat.

He picked up the end of the leash and off they went. He held the leash taut as they walked, and he watched the faces of those they passed, mostly in vehicles. All eyes drank in her feminine grace, then looked at him with envy. He led her down the quiet street near his cabin toward town. As she walked, Sara grew more confident. She loved the way the elegant chain pulled and danced with her nipples, and she enjoyed that her Master walked so fast she had to work to keep up with him. She enjoyed being owned by him. She still didn't really understand why this was true, but nevertheless, she knew it in the deepest parts of her. She knew she was a slave, his slave. She could feel his fingers stirring inside of her as they walked. She loved the way the sweater pulled open with her fingers duly laced behind her. She thrilled at the look on her Master's face. They reached an intersection and stopped for the light. He stroked her bare bottom affectionately.

"One more block, my dear, how do you feel?" he asked his slave.

"Like I could walk all night, Master, by your side." She smiled deliciously.

"Good girl." There were more people walking on the next block, and Sara felt the stimulation of many eyes drinking in her availability. She wondered if they all knew she was his slave. She wondered if they understood. She felt naked, and she felt beautiful. "And do you feel my fingers inside you?"

She smiled a big, warm smile. "Yes, Master."

They continued to walk closer and closer to the town center, and small though it was, there were numerous people milling about the businesses. They stopped for another light, and Ron's hand reached across her for her right nipple. He tugged playfully on the chain, and heard her purr in response. Just as he released her, a Man approached.

"Ron, my God, how wonderful you look! How long has it been?" Ron grasped the Man's hand heartily.

"It has been a few years, Paul. How are you doing?" Sara stood as taught, eyes lowered, fingers still laced behind her, her left hip turned slightly forward toward her Master.

"Still in the top 100, just like you!" The men laughed. "Paul's eyes were glued to Sara as he enjoyed her feminine charms.

Ron smiled. "She is a lovely female, yes?" Paul nodded. "Her name is Sara. She is my slave. Do you have time for a quick visit? My cabin isn't far from here."

"Your slave, hm? How did you manage that?" He laughed.

Ron's face grew serious, though he remained polite. "She is who she is," he paused, "and she's a beautiful and valuable possession."

"Ah, I see." He obviously didn't understand.

"If you wish to understand more fully, you are welcome to stop by anytime." They shook hands, and Ron and Sara continued their walk. Someplace deep inside of Sara, she reveled in his protection and his pride in her with his old friend.

The sidewalk was actually crowded in a few places as Ron led Sara along. Ron's hand was now steadily on her bare bum cheek under the sweater jacket. Sara glowed with pride. She was wonderfully owned and fully possessed.

They turned the corner and saw a group of young high school boys. One had a basketball he tossed from hand to hand.

Ron greeted the young men. They grunted in reply, but were captivated by Sara.

"You guys kinky or something?" one of the boys asked.

"Nothing kinky about owning a female. It is their nature to be owned. You guys should know that by now. I really should start a class for young Men. So many do not understand how to treat a female. What they need and what they really want. You guys be interested in such a class? FREE!" He laughed.

"Well ... sure, I guess." one said. "Hey, are her nipples pierced?"

"Yes, Sara show the boys, please." Ron ordered.

She pulled her sweater jacket open to reveal her decorated nipples. Ron lifted the weights and let them fall. "You see? She belongs to me ... completely. She is my responsibility. I did not pierce her nipples just because I liked the idea, but because deep inside of her, she wanted them done as a sign of her devotion to me. In another month or so, she will also have her labia pierced. Perhaps you boys would like to come and watch?"

"Oh shit! Are you serious?"

"Yes, of course. You see, Sara also enjoys showing off, but would never do it on her own. It is my duty, my joy to expose her, to display her and stimulate her as she honestly craves." He pulled out a business card and handed it to one of the boys. "Give me a call or email me, and I'll send you the time and date. Bring anyone you wish. It will be a celebration, right Sara?"

She looked up to him, her face radiant with love and arousal. "Yes, Master."

"Now, dear, adjust your sweater please, and let's get home. G'night boys!"

"Ah we must make it a party, indeed. I will have to give some thought on who we should invite, hm?"

They arrived at his cabin, and he waited while she removed her sweater and hung it correctly. Quickly, she was on her knees before him.

"Sara, dear, there is yet another ritual I wish you to perfect. Tonight, you will have 3 minutes to demonstrate how skillfully you can disrobe me using only your mouth. Should you fail, you will be disciplined accordingly. Is that clear? You may begin."

Ron stood patiently, as Sara struggled to unbutton his shirt, her fingers laced tightly behind her back. She got each button, grabbed one sleeve in her mouth and tried to pull it off. Finally, it came free. She hurried to hang it in his closet and return to her task. She removed his T-shirt and placed it in the clothes hamper in the bathroom. Next, she untied his shoes, and managed to remove them and his socks.

"Time is up, Sara, and you have failed. Go to the dungeon and prepare to be disciplined."

The "dungeon" was the large room added onto the back of the cabin. It was filled with various kinds of tables and apparatus used as teaching tools for Sara. The floor was covered in rubber matting, the back wall solid glass out to the backyard. Along the other two walls, were a number of implements such as manacles and leather cuffs, wooden paddles, a huge feather and three leather floggers. There was also one terrifying whip. Ron and Sara had been spending more and more time in this room as Sara grew more accepting of her true nature. She knew that when sent here for discipline, she was to stand on the red circle in the center of the room, her feet 3 ft apart, and her fingers laced behind her head. Her posture should be perfect and feminine.

Sara took her place and trembled as she waited for Ron to join her. She did not tremble for fear, but because she understood she had failed him. When he entered the room, he, too, was naked. He approached with purpose, and circled her slowly, examining her body and her soul. Sara felt transparent, that he could see her every thought and feeling. She knew he felt her shame.

"Sara, you will learn to disrobe me in the allotted three minutes." He spoke sternly. "To encourage you to move more quickly, I am going to do three things. First, I am placing heavier weights on your nipples. You will feel the difference immediately and see your nipples being stretched. You will know it is for my pleasure that you are enduring pain. Second, both your anus and vagina will be stuffed with oversize dildos which you must keep within you while you give me a complete and thorough tongue bath. If one or both of them should fall from you, you will be immediately whipped. Is that clear?

"Yes Master. Thank you, Master!"

"Now, present your holes to me, please." She turned away from him and bent over grabbing her ankles. He presented her anus with and fat dildo, pumped it a few times, then did the same with her vagina. "Are you well filled, slut?"

"Yes, thank you, Master."

Ron then laid himself on a cushioned bench, face down. "Show me your heart, girl. You may begin."

For the next half hour, Sara lavished her affection and devotion on her Master. She licked his neck, his shoulders, his armpits, his back, his buttocks, all the way down his muscular thighs and calves to his feet. She asked him softly to turn over and he smiled secretly. She sucked each toe into her mouth lovingly, the weights dangling from her nipples beginning to sting while her bottom burned with desire for him. She licked up each leg around his stiffened genitalia. He felt her hot, moist tongue on his belly, up onto his chest as she sucked his nipples. His fingers caressed and teased her burning nipples, and her groans became audible. She softly caressed his face with her tongue, enjoying a moment's kiss as her tongue slid between his lips. His penis was quite rigid, yet she knew special permission was required before she could minister her love and affection to his member. For several additional minutes, Sara devoted her attention to serving her Master by licking him sensuously. At last he gave her permission to clean his erect penis. With feline agility, Sara maintained the dildos in her owned holes and licked Ron's penis and testicles in utter and complete adoration. She was forbidden to take him into her mouth, but much attention was bestowed upon his organ before he interrupted her.

"Thank you, Sara." She stood and quickly displayed herself as taught. Ron arose from the bench, walked to the wall and slipped one of the floggers from its place on the wall. "Let's go over to the wall, Sara," he directed. He pointed to the stocks across the room. This was an old-fashioned punishment from the days of early America. It secured the offender's head and both wrists in a vulnerable position. "You will have another chance this evening to undress me. Let's hope you improve. Please place your head and wrists in the proper positions." She obeyed.

"You are encouraged to cry out or make whatever noise you wish, my girl. You will be flogged thoroughly for your disobedience." He removed the twin dildos and placed them in the soaking pan of sanitizing liquid. With skill and precision, he began to flog her back, gently at first, then more severely. He flogged her buttocks, parting her legs, he flogged her female parts. She squirmed and tried to avoid each thrash to no avail.

At first, she was shocked that he would do such a thing to her, his pet. She felt betrayed. As he continued to flog her body, she bit her lips, withholding her cries. He continued, his skill was rather amazing to her. The leather bit into her flesh just enough to burn, but not enough to tear the skin. He continued, and her willfulness began to weaken. Tears streaked her cheeks as the humiliation of her failure crashed in on her. She cried out as the flogger licked her swollen labia.

"Yes, my dear. Sing of your repentance." The leather straps pawed at her body, softening it, possessing it deeper still. Finally, she broke. Sobs choked her as she cried out her deep remorse. He stopped, and almost immediately, his penis rewarded her submission. He pushed into her open vagina powerfully claiming what was his. Her body responded as a hot slave, giving in to his ownership of her innermost parts. Her cries became groans of pleasure as he pounded his strength into her.

She was bound to him. He cried out her name as his masculine seed pulsed into her female cavern. She shuddered and cried out his name to her as she exploded in warm waves of passion, "Oh I love you, Master!"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Sadly disappointed

I loved this story until this point. I just don't buy the ending. He had been so protective of her, so caring and so aware of what she really needed as a slave. Now he does a 180, flogs her, emotionally breaks her, and then bangs her. I don't think this particular chapter's ending adequately caters to Betsy's/Sarah's mental requirements, not a slip I expect from your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Your series had me a little confused. However, I continued reading to resolve some of my confusion. I did not see a true transitions form Sara to Betsy or visa versa. It was never explained how and why she was shaven. However, I enjoyed the storyline. Please continue.

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