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I Didn't Mind Losing This Bet


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When he does finally cum in my mouth, I keep it there without swallowing for as long as possible. I coat my tongue and the entire inside of my mouth with his thick cum. I get thrills and chills when I open my mouth and show him how much I crave to keep his cum in there for as long as possible. I will always ask him to tell me when he wants me to swallow all of it. Even if he waits for a long time, it makes it that much more enjoyable. When he tells me to swallow, I like to make a big production out of it to show him how grateful I am that he is allowing me to taste and swallow all of his white creamy cum. I love to lay my head on his thighs, after all of that, and just stare at his cock after it softens. I like to use a finger to just touch and pet his shaft and to cup his balls long after he has cum. I don't do this with the intent of trying to get him hard again. I do it because I am in such awe of everything his cock does, hard or soft. I even like to hold it when he is pissing and lick up the last drops when he is finished. I have been told that I am a cock worshipper. That may very well be true. I don't worship cocks in general, but I do worship Master's."

"Wow. Look at this little girl. That was said in excellent detail. Did you feel unusually embarrassed or humiliated by telling me all of that?"

"No I didn't, I didn't at all. I was so happy to be able to tell you everything with Master listening. I wanted him to know exactly how I feel about his cock and what I pray he will tell me to do with his."

"You have a winner here Master. How in the world did you find her?"

"My cousin invited her over to meet me and fuck me last night and it was instant Master/slave. I could see it in her eyes."

"I know about your looking into eyes. You looked into mine and I ended up being a switch. Well.....that's enough for now. I have to get back to work or I'll have to suck the boss's cock all afternoon. You two have a good time together today and I will definitely be seeing more of you. Time wise that is. I couldn't possibly see more of you physically than I do now."

Tracy gave my right nipple a hard squeeze, blew me a kiss, and returned to the store she was working in.

Once again, we were headed off down the road. I was still completely naked, but this time Master wanted me to sit up extra straight, hold both of my boobs up with my hands, and squeeze the nipples as we were driving to the lake. I really didn't think that there was much left in the world that could cause me humiliation. I was wrong.

There was one small little town we had to drive through before we got to the lake. It's a two story town a few hundred years old and there was nothing but small little Mom and Pop stores the entire length of Main Street. It had only one single stoplight and we got it red with three or four cars ahead of us. The town had a small high school and it had let out a while earlier but there was still a group of teenagers, boys and girls, standing on the curb straight out from where we were stopped for the light. There were at least ten of them. I saw one of the girls suddenly point in my direction and a few seconds later, every kid standing there was looking in my direction. The light turned green and all the cars but the one directly in front of us moved on. The guy driving the car in front of us must have thought all the kids were pointing in his direction because I could see his head swiveling around trying to figure out what everyone was pointing at. Master honked once and the guy took off and so did we. Master told me that my blush went all the way to my tits. We both started laughing and couldn't stop for another mile.

We finally turned off the main road onto a two laner for less than a mile. Master pulled onto a dirt one lane driveway that popped up out of nowhere and stopped. He told me to put my new shoes on, which I did.

"Check the third mailbox from the left while I go open up the cabin."

"You're going to leave me here naked Sir?"

"You're only going to be 'here' naked long enough to check the mail. Then you're going to be there walking down the driveway to the cabin."

"How long is this driveway Sir?"

"It's a little over a quarter mile."

"There are four mailboxes there Master. Does that mean that there are four houses down here?"

"That it does my smart little naked slut."

"Are people going to be at their houses......Sir?"

"I doubt it in the afternoon but you never can tell."

"As you can see, the driveway is lined on both sides with small trees and other growth that is about 5-6 feet high and fairly think. Not too easy to get through but we used to play out there all the time when we were kids. The three cabins are way off to the left. The one we will be using in right next to this driveway on the right. The think growth goes right up to within about 30 feet from the cabin. I see your options as two. One: If anybody is outside in the yards where the three cabins are, you can wave hello and walk to ours. Two: If there are people in view, you can duck into this stuff on the right and make your way to our cabin without being seen. If there is nobody there, then you will have worried yourself into a big frenzy for nothing. I just give the commands. You have to figure out how to obey them."

"You're being mean to me Sir."

"No I'm not trying to be mean to you JoAnne. You are a gorgeous, beautiful, delicious, intelligent woman far beyond most of the country folk around here. I have complete faith in your ability to observe and act accordingly. I wouldn't bother with you if I didn't. You are an extremely real person. You probably are a 'nympho' but I am going to redirect that in a much more positive direction. I want all of your sexual lust and drive directed only at the two of us. I want it all at my command. The obedience you demonstrate to near perfection has always been there, but you never had any way of making use of it. Now you do. Trust has more than doubled just since last night. Your confidence will come with practice. You were safe in your former world. Everybody wanted to fuck you and you controlled who did and who didn't. In your case, most everybody did. You just didn't understand that everybody wanted to fuck you because they could. You are a loving, caring, giving, responsible woman who made sure that nobody ever saw that in you because you didn't think anybody would want you if they knew that about you.

You have all these wonderful emotions and feelings inside of you but you are scared to death to experience them or let anybody else experience them. That's going to change drastically as long as you are with me my little cock worshipper. You are going to learn about, and then experience, everything there is in your heart and in your sexual and emotional being. You are going to ask me to train you, guide you, use you, own you, and teach you everything necessary to be able to wake up and go to bed happy beyond your fondest dreams. I will protect you and keep you safe every step of the way.

That's the only speech you're going to get out of me for a long time sweetheart. Except that I'm probably going to fall in love with you before the month is up."

I just sat there open mouthed and dumbfounded and looking silently at Master Bill. How could he say all of that about me having known me for less than 24 hours? And, be absolutely right about all of it. And that was a short speech. I'm not sure I ever want to hear his long speech.

"I forgot one thing about your walk down the driveway. You are going to count your steps out loud to yourself and stop every 50 paces to play with your pussy for one minute. No cuming allowed. Don't forget that. Stay on the very edge of the driveway. Cars driving by on the road will be traveling too fast to see you down this skinny driveway they don't even know is here. But, if you should hear the screeching of tires, as in a car suddenly jamming on the brakes, just jump into the brush on the side and wait. I will be watching you the entire time. You won't see me, but I will be watching."

I'm not a public exhibitionist by any stretch of the imagination. I love to have a man looking at me without any clothes on and playing with my naked body, but not in public. I got out of the car and Master Bill drove off down to the end where the cabin was located.

I was petrified that someone was surely going to see me. That sure looked like a long ways to the end but I began my walk after checking the mailbox. I did that that very quickly so I could get away from the roadway.

I obeyed Master to the letter. I had to and I needed to. I counted 50 steps out loud and then stood with my legs spread and played with my pussy for what I could only estimate was a minute each time. I hadn't realized just how many 50 step pauses there were in a quarter mile. There were an awful lot of them. I walked, counted, and then played with my pussy all the way down that long dirt car path. I slowed down to check the other cabins when I was getting close to the end. I kept myself in low profile until I was certain that no one was there and headed toward Master Bill's cabin. My last masturbation stop was in the middle of the side yard.

Master was sitting on the steps of the side entrance of the cabin watching me with a big smile. When I arrived at the steps, he gave me a huge hug and a tongue twisting kiss and whispered in my ear that he knew I could do it.

We ended up staying for four days at that cabin before we decided to just stay there for the entire month with me commuting to work. It would take forever to write down everything we did so I will just give a quick summary of the most interesting or unique scenarios we played out.

The very first thing he did, when we walked inside, was to handcuff me and pull my arms loosely above my head with a nylon rope tied to the cuffs and thrown over a rafter above us. He attached ankle cuffs and then brought out a spreader bar that forced my feet nearly 3 ½ feet apart. Now my arms were pulled tight over my head. For an entire hour, he teased my entire body from head to toe. He played with my nipples and tits, tickled me until tears came to my eyes, spread my pussy open and licked my inner pink and clit, fingered my clit, finger fucked my vagina and my asshole, and brought me to the very edge of what I know was going to be a monstrous mind blowing, body twisting orgasm. I begged and pleaded with him to let me cum but he wouldn't do it. My pussy juices were flowing. My inner thighs were soaked with my shiny wet stuff. He used as many as four fingers in my cunt and three in my asshole. Sometimes he used both holes at the same time. I screamed out in sexual agony and ecstasy at the same time and constantly begged him to let me cum.

"I'll let you cum when it pleases me to do so cum slut. I will never let you cum just because you want to feel the pleasure of an orgasm. That's not what a submissive should ever desire or expect. You will hold your orgasm inside for as long as I choose. You will control it and hold it back because I have told you to do so. I will allow you to cum when I want to watch you explode in orgasmic bliss. You have begged and pleaded with the best of them to get me to let you cum. I was expecting promises and bribes of infinite proportions at any moment. They are probably next on your list. You have totally ignored the most important part of your wanting me to accept you as my submissive. Not one single time have you asked me if it would please me to watch you cum, did you? You made no offers to cum for me. You have only wanted to cum for yourself. Because of that, I'm going to let you stay tied to the rafter while I make myself a sandwich."

I felt ashamed. Master was absolutely right......again. I just wanted to get off and that was all there was to it. Master made his sandwich, put a chair right in front of me, told me to be absolutely silent, then sat down and ate the sandwich with a can of Diet Coke to wash it down. When he was finished, he just sat there looking at me and told me I could speak if I wanted to.

"Master, I am so sorry and ashamed. You are right Sir. All I was thinking about was having a huge wonderful orgasm. I don't know how to be your personal submissive. I want to learn more than anything else. Please teach me how to please you without fucking everything up along the way."

"I know you are a novice my little cum slut. You have just learned a very important lesson. This was your first real lesson. I'm going to play with your clit now. I'm not going to touch any other part of your body. I'm going to use my thumb and forefinger to tease your clit until it stands up in full view and then I'm going to roll it, squeeze it, pinch it, and pull on it until you are on the edge of orgasm again. What you say to me at that point will determine whether or not I let you cum. If you don't do it properly, I'm going to leave you stranded on the edge again. Do you clearly understand this slut?"

"Oh, yes Sir. I most certainly do Sir."

Master moved the chair right up next to me. When he sat down on it, his face was only inches from my hairless cunt. Then he began fingering my clit until it popped out from under its hood. When it did that, Master began doing everything that is possible to do with a clit when only using a thumb and a finger. It didn't take long to get me right back up to the very edge of another orgasm.

"Master, you have brought me back to the edge of another orgasm. I know I will cum even harder with you watching me so closely. Would it please you to watch me cum for you or would you rather I wait until you are ready?"

"It would please me very much if you would cum for me right now. I'm going to count down from 10 very slowly. When I get to zero, you are to cum instantly. You will not cum before I say zero and you will not cum if you can't do it within three seconds after I say zero."

"Yes Sir."

Master began squeezing and pulling my clit in a rhythm that took every ounce of my mental and physical control to keep from cuming. He started at ten. By the time he was down to five, I didn't think I was going to make it. At two, I knew I wasn't going to make it. I asked God to help me hold back. He must have heard me because I heard Master say 'zero'. I was cuming before he got to the 'o' in zero. An explosion occurred in my clit and began to spread all around my pussy. It moved into my ass, my hips, my legs, my stomach, my tits and nipples, and then into my brain. I don't remember much after that. Master told me that I began with a long continuous moan that got louder and louder. Then my body began to shake. He said my entire body began twitching and jerking and the top half twisting in a different direction than my bottom half. Then he said my body suddenly looked like it was having a full blown seizure. I turned red all over my body and every inch of me became covered in perspiration. The last thing I did, in his words, was to pull my knees all the way up to my chest, spreader bar and all, and that I just held them there until the shaking and jerking in my body began to slow down and finally come to a stop, which is when my legs straightened out once again. He told me proudly that he didn't lose his grip in my clit one single time.

And that was my introduction to the cabin.

While at the cabin, I was required to remain totally naked at all times. He locked the new clothes I had in the trunk of the car with the old ones, except for my sandles. I played badminton and horseshoes, explored the immediate area, sat on the dock with my feet in the water of the seven mile long lake that came right up to only a hundred feet from the cabin. I sunbathed lying on the end of the dock. I went swimming. Master took some close up photos of me floating on my back with my tits sticking up in the air. I cleaned the cabin and did all the cooking. Master always helped me do the dishes. The entire lake was mostly empty this week and neither of us knew why. That very first evening, we dragged the canoe to the water and washed out the cobwebs and spiders with lake water and then went canoeing around the immediate area. We were never more than a few hundred yards from the dock. I had never been in a canoe so he taught me how to paddle from the front and steer when in the rear. I did all of this absolutely naked.

It was almost like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with no apples or snakes. It's nearly a mile from the cabin, going east, until you reach the next set of houses. The entire area in between became our Enchanted Forest. Nothing but trees and pine needle and leaf matted ground cover. I explored that forest several times by myself and with Master. We were both naked each time we did that. We took food and a blanket and stayed out there for half a day one time. When I had to pee, I just squatted and peed. Master used a tree. I held his cock one time and wrote my name on the ground. Someday I will get to do that with snow. We made passionate love in the woods and he once tied my hands to a tree limb and fucked me in the ass while he played with my tits and clit. I came many times in those woods over the first four day period.

On the morning of the second day, Master produced a bikini from one of the drawers in the cabin. I tried it on and it fit somewhat. It was pretty tight on the top and squished my boobs. He took my hand and led me down to the dock. He took the cover off of the really nice boat that his family had there. He called it a BayLiner. It was like a large speedboat with a small tiny cabin added to the front half. We took off on a tour of the lake. When we got toward the middle of the lake, straight out from the cabin about a half mile, Master took my bikini top off and told me to take a beach towel and carefully climb out the narrow railing and sunbathe with my back against the angled front window of the cabin while he fished for awhile. I was enjoying myself with my tits on display and the main four lane highway was only a half mile away and filled with hundreds of cars. The State Park was crowded also and I just pictured people watching me through binoculars.

After a half hour of this, Master yelled up to me to throw my bottoms back to him. I obeyed instantly of course. Then he told me to lie back down and lightly play with my pussy with my legs spread wide open. We were anchored and the water currents somehow kept us pointed straight toward the highway and the State Park. This really turned me on something crazy.

After a while of playing with my pussy, I yelled back to Master for permission to cum for the State Park. He laughed and told me it was the patriotic thing to do. I had two very nice cums doing that.

Master ordered me back to the rear of the boat, flashing my ass all the way. He went forward and pulled up the anchor and we headed off down the center of the lake toward an island that sat all by itself just off the center of the lake about two miles down from where we had first stopped. I sat in a lounge chair, still naked, for the entire ride to the island. Master nosed the boat up to the shoreline and told me that there was only one Maple tree on this entire island. Well.....the island was only 200 yards across at best. He told me that the Maple was a young one and blended in with the rest of the trees, making it nearly invisible to the eye. He brought out a nature book from the cabin and showed me what a Maple leaf looked like. The next thing I know is that Master is ordering me off the boat, totally naked, to go search for that Maple tree. When I found it, I was to pick a leaf from it and bring it back to the shore. I didn't even have shoes but Master told me that the forest floor, which covered the entire island, was soft and padded very deeply. Then he told me that he was going to move the boat a few hundred yards out from the island and fish while I looked for the tree. Then he added in that I was to walk on the beach around the entire island two times before I even began my search.

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