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I Didn't Mind Losing This Bet


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I just froze there in silence as I stared directly into his eyes. I had heard every word he had so softly spoken to me. He had moved his mouth right next to my ear and had whispered everything he had just said to me. He moved his head back in front of me when he had finished speaking and resumed our eye contact once again. He had spoken those words with so much love, and beauty and tenderness, that I could actually see his eyes dilate and beckon for me to come inside. My clit was so swelled up it felt like it was going to explode from the pressure. I instantly moved my finger back inside of my sloppy wet hole. That is what actually convinced me to say yes. At that moment, I knew that I wanted to become his submissive. I was already acting as his submissive by obeying what he had told me to do with my finger in my pussy and on my clit. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind right at that moment in time. That was what I wanted more than anything in the world. It didn't seem to matter that I was scared shitless and shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. But I had to ignore those emotions. I needed to put my finger back on top of my clit. Since I had another question, I had to leave it in my vagina.

"You leave in a month Sir. What can you do in a month and what happens after the month is over and you are gone and I no longer have you in my life? What does all of this mean? You get free use of my body to do anything you want to do with it and then go home? What do I do then?"

And my finger moved back into my juicy wet crack and onto my now very swelled up clit but then put it right back into my hole because he hadn't begun answering my questions yet.

"Hold on there little slut girl. I told you that you would have to pay to ask more questions while we were in here and you just asked me four of them in one breath. If you have once again proved beyond all doubt that you are a submissive and your finger is back inside of your pussy, take your finger out of your cunt and rub it in circles over the top of your clit. You cannot, and will not, cum. If you feel yourself getting too close, stop moving your finger and tell me about it. Never forget that cuming without my permission at any time, whether I am there or not, is one of the most serious violations of your required personal conduct that you could possibly commit. The punishment is severe and it could very well mean your rejection as my submissive trainee if I determine that you acted in pure defiance of my wishes."

I slowly removed my soaking wet finger back out of my pussy once again, and had no trouble putting it back on top of my clit. My clit was still fully erect and sticking its shiny little head out from under its fleshy hood. If I could have lifted my dress up at that moment, my clit would have been clearly visible, sticking its little whitish pink head out in the open. My entire body jerked when contact was made by my finger on that perfect orgasmic triggering device. I quickly looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to us. There were now about 10 customers and none of them were paying any attention to us at all.

"Is your finger on your clit?"

"Yes it is Sir."

"Good. Keep your finger tip circling around your clit head and don't stop until you can tell me that you are getting close to cuming."

I did exactly as he told me to do. The more aroused I became, the faster I would go with my fingertip and the more sexually stimulated I became. If I pushed down on my clit, the stimulation doubled instantly so I made sure I kept a very light touch on my pussy's nerve center. Sir stayed silent until I whispered that I was getting really close to cuming and he whispered to me to stop moving my finger. My face was still only inches from his and I was still completely mesmerized by his endless green eyes when he leaned forward and kissed the end of my nose. For the next minute or so, we just stared in silence, as before, until he spoke once again.

"You can start moving your fingertip again but move it all around your clit and not on top of the head."

"Yes Sir. I am doing that now."

"Good. Now I will answer your last four questions. At the end of my month of vacation, I'm going to take you with me back to California. Unless there is something more important that would keep you here, of course."

I was stunned. My heart almost stopped beating. For a moment, my finger even stopped moving around my swelled up clitoris. Ooops....I mean clit.

"No. There is nothing to keep me here except that I have never been anywhere but here. I don't know anybody but here. The furthest I have ever gone from here is an occasional bus tour on a weekend with some of my girlfriends. I went to Vegas once. Otherwise, I have never left the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts in my entire life."

"You mean 19 whole years?"

"Well......yes Sir. That's my whole life."

"Are you planning to go to college?"

"Not right away Sir. I plan to do that someday when I have money. My parents are gone. My grandmother raised me. Her sister lives with us too. I'm not exactly a part of their community. I work as a secretary in a law firm and spend most of my days typing until my fingers go numb."

"Are you telling me that you have no problem about coming with me to California?"

"Do you want me to go? Just like that? You want me to pack up, move to your house, and become your submissive, your sex slave and your property? You want me to become your permanent live-in toy to play with whenever the urge strikes?"

"Only if you qualify during the next month. You may discover that this lifestyle is not for you. Or you may discover that you want nothing else."

"So..... What you are telling me then is, that I have to spend a month proving to you that I am willing for perform for you, willing to do anything you tell me to do no matter what it is, and beg you to do anything that you may want to do to me?"

"That would be the gist of it. That's several more questions you have asked me. Put your fingertip back on top of your clit head and put a finger from your other hand into your pussy and slowly fuck yourself with it until I tell you otherwise."

I didn't even think about it. I just snaked my other hand under my dress and pushed a finger into my cunt and started fucking it really slowly. We were still face to face and only inches apart and still locked onto each other's eyes.

"You know Sir. I just did what you told me to do without even thinking about it. I just did it because you told me to do it and I wanted to do it. And I do want to please you so much. I'm not embarrassed at all to tell you that. As a matter of fact, it is making me very happy to tell you that I do have a craving need to please you in every way you want me to. Oh. There is one other thing Sir. I'm about to cum."

"Then you had better cum quietly or all of these people will be watching you orgasm."

He just casually told me to cum right there in the restaurant. With all the people sitting here eating their lunch and the clean-up girl walking around from table to table picking up the trash. The intensity of looking into his eyes increased tremendously. My body began to experience the flow of increased sexual pleasure emanating from my pussy and getting more powerful by the second. How the hell was I going to cum without all of these people in the restaurant knowing what was happening to me? I didn't have any time to think about that. My orgasm began in my clit and spread down my legs and up my body and into my head. My nipples were standing straight out and the material of the dress rubbing on them increased the orgasmic energy even more. I normally yelled, moaned, twitched, body jerked, and occasionally squirted during an intense orgasm. I have never had to remain perfectly still and perfectly quiet during a good cum. I wasn't sure I could even do that.

I slowed the movement of my fingers to a near dead stop. The orgasm peaked and my entire body went nuclear. But I remained silent. I don't know how. All of my muscles twitched a little but I kept my body almost completely motionless. I began to perspire all over and every exposed inch of my body became shiny with sweat. Then I heard Master speaking to me.

"I'm watching your orgasm in your eyes. It is beautiful. And it is even more special knowing that you are cuming for me. Let it flow smoothly. Let it follow its course but keep it controlled. Don't let it get away from you. That's it Babe. Let it finish and start taking slow deep breaths. Take your hands away from your pussy and put them back up on the table. Hold onto my hands until it all over and you begin to feel both the exhaustion and the fulfillment at the same time. Let everything come down and slow down and get back to normal. Your eyes are showing me everything. I can see your heartbeat. I can see everything that is you. And now you are mine."

"Yes Master..... I am yours. Maybe we should leave now if you so wish Sir. I have a feeling that there are a lot more things that you want to do with me for the rest of the day. And I want you to do anything that comes to mind and I will do anything to please you. It doesn't matter what it is or where we do it. I just want so much for it to happen. I am yours to do with as you please. I'm turning every part of me over to you. My emotional being. My physical body. And all that I can do or have done to me sexually. I am yours and I won't let you down or fail you to the best of my ability. I'm begging you to accept me as your submissive. I am giving you complete ownership of my life and well being. I am willingly turning my being over to your care and protection. And I do this with a commitment that cannot and will not ever be broken by me."

I can't believe I said all of that. I don't even know where the words came from. I can't believe everything that has happened today or since I met this man last night. What I am totally convinced of is that this man knows what I am, who I am, and what I need to become. And I'm going to trust him and my instincts completely.

"Let's go out to the car. We will leave yours here for now and take mine. First, before we get out the door, go into the restroom area, go into the men's room, remove your panties, and leave them on the sink."

When we got to the front of the restaurant, I went through the door that said 'Restrooms' and stood outside the 'Men's Room' door and listened for any noise indicating that someone might be inside. It was silent. I opened the door and stepped inside. As the door closed behind me I heard a noise coming from the stalls and instantly saw the two feet of someone sitting on the john. I only hesitated for a second before reaching under my sundress and hooking my thumbs in my panties. I pulled them off quickly and tossed them on the sink counter. I ducked out the door and I'm sure the guy in there never had a clue that I had been in and out while he sat doing his thing. I have actually wondered, for the last forty years, what that guy did when he came out of the stall and saw my thoroughly soaked panties lying on the counter.

We walked out into the parking lot and to our cars on the far outside edge. Master unlocked his car with the remote and I slide into the passenger seat. Everything was fresh leather and smelled wonderful. Master got into the driver's seat and looked at me from top to bottom.

"Obedience is always to be instant and without hesitation. When I tell you to do something, you will do it immediately. You will not pause to think about it. You will not be able to decide whether you will do it or not. There will be no argument or questions about the command or what it is that I want you to do. You will just do it. Anything but instant obedience will be cause for punishment. Punishment for learning purposes is entirely different then punishment for disobedience. Deliberate disobedience is met with more severe punishment and can be grounds for your rejection. Do you understand and fully accept what I have said to you?"

"Yes Sir. I do. May I ask you a question Sir?"

"Certainly. What would you like to know?"

"I am scared Sir. I am so frightened that I could pee. I know I want to learn and experience real submission. I guess I have always been submissive at heart but just covered it over by attempting to control everything. I have always been an honest person for the most part. I love to play games with sexual encounters but I try to be totally honest when talking with someone about most anything. I am feeling so much fear right now just thinking about having to tell you the truth about everything. Personal things. Secret things. Humiliating things. Anything you might possibly want to know. Yesterday, at this time, I was just your normal average sexy girl who loved to fuck. Today I am a girl who has agreed to give my entire life to you without question. How can this be happening? You are the first person who has not only recognized my secret fantasies and desires, but now has complete control of them. That totally scares me Sir. Am I some sort of a freak or a sick psycho pervert?"

"You were never just a normal sexy girl who just wanted to fuck. You were always a very special girl who desired a very special lifestyle and had absolutely no idea how to become that girl in real life. You have never had anyone to lead you in that direction and the fear was always too overwhelming to ask anyone to experiment with you. You successfully covered up every need, craving, and desire that burned inside of you since your first sexual awakening by becoming the town 'Whore'. Guys love pussy. You have a pussy. To them, you were just another cunt who spread her legs for anybody. In reality, they controlled you. They used you. They could get pussy anywhere but they didn't have to work for it with you. You just stripped, spread, and moaned. You have actually been a slave since your first sexual encounter four years ago. Blowjobs, pussy and ass anywhere they wanted it, any time they wanted it, and any way they wanted it. I don't even have to ask if you have ever gone to a party and fucked every guy in the place. I know you have. I have no doubt you have done that several times. And you have always thought you were in control. You thought you were the beautiful sexy girl that everyone was in love with and dreamed about having sex with. The truth being that you have never been in control. You have walked around town for four years with a 'Please Fuck Me' tattoo on your forehead. I would have had no trouble at all last night getting you naked and on your hands and knees with your ass in the air so that I could stick my cock in your cunt and your asshole and then have you suck me off with your mouth. That's what the town 'Whore' does best.

I had no idea that Master was going to say those harsh cruel things to me. The more he spoke, the more the hurt and the pain grew in my heart and in my gut. I just stared out the front window and didn't move. Every word he was saying was so true. I have known it all along. I just never admitted it to myself. I couldn't admit that to myself. I was the most desired woman in the entire town. I wasn't a whore being used by everyone. Not such a beautiful and intelligent girl like me.

And the tears began to fill up in my eyes. My hands were folded together in my lap and my head was now bowed down and I was looking at my knees. As he talked, the tears began to run down my cheeks. Then they formed a stream of salt water that flowed over my cheeks and down to my chin. And the tears began dripping off my chin into my lap. And I couldn't stop them. And he kept talking. The hurt and pain started turning into an emotional agony that I had never experienced before. Why was he doing this to me? I'm not this horrible person that he is describing in such detail. In such truthful detail. How did he know that I had done all of these things that he mentioned. How did he know that I once had a cock in my ass, my mouth, and my cunt at the same time? And one in each hand that I was keeping erect to replace the cocks already pumping in and out of my body.

I started sobbing as the pain of realization overwhelmed me. I felt like I needed to shrivel up and disappear before the emotional pain totally destroyed me. The sobbing kept increasing. If a stranger had walked by right then, they would have been convinced that I was having a seizure. My entire body was racked by this sudden uncontrolled emotional release. I lost all contact with reality. I just cried my heart out for I don't know how long, until I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me to my left. The center console had been folded back from the seat and another arm wrapped around me from the front. They pulled me across the seat until I was being held tightly against Cousin Bill. Sir. Master. Whoever this miracle man was who had suddenly come into my life and had instantly turned it upside down and inside out. And I buried my face into his chest and just cried until there were no more tears left. 5 minutes? 20 minutes? An hour? I have no idea.

I slowly raised my head back up and looked into his face. Our eyes met again. I noticed that his eyes were wet and didn't understand why. We just sat there looking into each other. All the way into our hearts and our souls. And I experienced intense wonderful love for the first time in my life.

"You are going to love California," was all he said.

We sat there in the parking lot a while longer. Believe it or not, we started talking about monkeys. Cute ones, big ones, little ones, colorful ones, and we ended up taking about the internet video clip that showed a monkey swinging on a vine and poking the noses of two totally frustrated tigers as he swung by. Master asked me if I thought there was a moral to that video. I had told him I didn't know but that it looked like as long as the monkey was confident in himself and was totally aware of the tigers and everything else around him that he would be OK. I added that if he got overconfident or arrogant and lost his edge of awareness by being careless, he would become dinner for the two big cats.

"If you can see all of that in a simple funny monkey video, you are way past being 19 years old my little toy slut."

I know I'm not a blonde, and I did take that as a sincere compliment. And I apologize if I have offended any blondes by that comment.

"Take off your sundress."

That just came out of nowhere. We were still parked on the outside of the parking lot by the shopping center and the hot dog stand. I must admit that I did think about that for a moment, but just for a moment. I had made the decision earlier that Master would never deliberately tell me to do something that would cause me harm in any way. Embarrassment and humiliation was a different story though, but not any harm. This obedience thing was going to take some serious practice before it became completely automatic. I pulled the shoulders of the dress downward over my arms and down until the top half was bunched at my waist. My tits were standing up proud, as were my very long nipples, as I thrust them out for Master's very first view of them.

Master reached over and began squeezing and fondling each tit one at a time. He told me that my tits were firm and perfect in size. He said that these tits were going to get a lot of play time in the near future. I felt a thrill rush through my body as he played with them. He told me to turn toward him and he also turned toward me so we were facing each other as best you can while sitting on a car seat. Using both hands, he put each long hard nipple between a thumb and forefinger and began rolling and squeezing them. My nipples are super sensitive. I can actually cum from nipple stimulation alone when it is done in the right way under the right circumstances. I had been watching his hands the entire time he had been playing with my tits but lookup up instantly when he told me he wanted to look into my eyes.

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