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I Dream of Angels Pt. 02


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"So our son saved you?" my dad asked in amazement.

"Yes, though I don't remember ever being outside or anything before. I just woke up with Marcus holding my hand, and even without my memories, I knew I was safe."

Her nervous murmur melted the hearts of everyone in the room.

"Emily, can Angel barrow your coat?"

She jerked as if awoken from a trance and quickly pulled off her jacket and handed it to me. I put it around Angel and held her close.

I turned to my parents. "All right, let's go to the hospital."

With Angel using a pair of my sister's shoes, my parents and I brought her outside and we got into the car. I sat in the back with her, keeping my arm around her at all times. The drive into the city was silent as the sky darkened with its usual winter speed, and as we maneuvered through the snow-caked city, Angel stared out the window with wide eyes, hoping the scenery would trigger some dormant memory. I didn't say anything about it, not just because my parents were in the car with us, but because I knew there weren't any memories for her to recover.

As expected, the emergency room was almost completely filled with people, the majority of them having suffered from car accidents or other injuries brought on by the extreme weather. While my parents dealt with the paperwork at the front desk, I sat with Angel. As before, I had my arm around her to comfort her, and she had her head on my shoulder. I'm not sure how long we waited, if my parents had written a possible rape in the paperwork and it sped up the process, or how many people we saw entering or leaving the ER, but we were all relieved when a nurse finally came up to us.

"Clive?" she asked. I nodded and the nurse turned to Angel. "Please come with me."

We all got up and followed the nurse. Unlike the people who were just getting casts for broken bones and stitches for large cuts, we were all brought into a hospital room like the one I had woken up in after my first seizure.

"Just wait in here and the doctor will be right with you in a minute," said the nurse before walking away.

Angel and I sat on the hospital bed, while my parents sat in two chairs. They didn't take their eyes off of us for a moment.

After a few minutes, a doctor walked in. "Hello, I'm Dr. Anderson. Due to the nature of your visit, the police have been contacted and we've been asked to perform certain tests, including a rape kit. This will be an overnight visit. I suggest one of you stays, simply to keep her comfortable and to answer any questions that she can't. Now, could you please give me a detailed recant of everything that has happened?"

Making sure I avoided any deviations in the story, I retold the lie that Angel and my family had heard: I had found Angel at the back door, naked, covered in blood, and crying for help. I pulled her inside, managed to warm her up, cleaned her off, and let her take a bath. That was all there was to it.

"If that is everything, then I shall go and tell the detectives outside everything you have told me, then we can commence with protocol. I'll send in a nurse to bring you a hospital gown."

Once the doctor left, I turned to my parents. "Mom, dad, you two can go back home. I think I'll stay here with Angel tonight."

"But Marcus..."

I held Angel close. "Mom, please."

"Son, can we talk to you outside?" my dad asked, but it was more of a demand than a request.

My parents and I stepped out into the hall.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" my mom asked. "I really think it would just be best if we tried to limit our involvement with her. With everything that is going on... with you... we should try and prevent further complications. You saved her, you protected her, and you did everything right, but we're all strangers and it's time to let the state do its job."

"Mom, dad... she needs me... and I need her."

"Marcus we should really—"

"I haven't been in any pain since I met her."

My parents became silent.

"Ever since I found her, I haven't had to take a single pill or experienced a single seizure. I don't know why, I don't know how, but it's like my cancer has vanished. When I'm with her... I feel happy, happier than I've ever been, even before I was sick. I didn't just save her, she saved me, and I can't abandon her to return to my agonizing excuse for a life. I'm staying with her."

Still not liking my decision, my parents accepted it and left. They would come back the next day. Over the course of the night, Angel changed into a hospital gown and underwent several tests. We learned everything from her age to her blood type. She was both the same age and blood type as I was, augmenting my thoughts about her supernatural existence. During the rape kit examination, I stayed beside her and held her hand, never leaving her side. By the time all the tests were done, it was past midnight and Angel and I were in her room, mentally exhausted. The majority of the test results would be given tomorrow.

I stood by the door and turned off the light. "All right, Angel, you should get some sleep."

"Marcus, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done," she said tenderly, the two of us alone in the darkness.

"You'll never need to."

I walked over to the chair beside her bed, preparing myself for the uncomfortable night's sleep, but before I could reach it, I felt her hand clasp mine. She sat up and leaning against me, her voice a crystalline whisper. "After everything you've done, I can't let you spend the night sitting in that chair. Here, the bed is large enough for the both of us. Besides, I want you close to me."

"Angel," I said softly, stroking her long crimson hair and thanking every deity I could think of for allowing me to be with her.

Happier than ever in my life, I discarded my jacket and shoes and climbed into the bed. I lied down next to her and held her as close as I could with her back pressed against my chest and the blanket around us sealing in the warmth of each other's bodies. I held her so close that we could feel each other's heartbeats.

"Angel, I promise that I will watch over you forever."

She rolled over so that we were facing each other and I kissed her on the forehead.

"Thank you, Marcus, and I'll watch over you too," she whispered, placing her hand on my chest.

Angel and I were eating breakfast in bed and talking.

"I'll go call my parents, then we can head home."


I smiled. "Well, you'll need to stay somewhere."

Leaving the room, I found a payphone and called my parents, asking for them to pick us up. My mom sighed when I used the word "us". As I rounded the corner on my way back to Angel's room, I saw Dr. Anderson and two detectives by the door. They were both men, late forties with peppery short hair.

"Oh hell no," I growled.

I stormed over and put my hand on the door before the doctor could open it. "Excuse me, what is going on here?" I demanded.

"Relax, son, we're just here to ask her some questions. I'm Detective Francis, this is my partner Detective Baum," one of the detectives said with a pen and small notepad in his hand.

"She and I have already told our story a dozen times, there is nothing left to say. I heard her crying for help at my back door, I found her naked and passed out with blood all over her body, and I brought her inside. I didn't see anything outside, I didn't notice anything unusual, and I have never seen her until now. She can't answer any of your questions; she doesn't remember anything other than her name, and we aren't even sure if that really is her name. Now I heard the results from the tests. Her rape kit showed no signs of assault, there were no drugs in her system, and she didn't have any injuries. There is nothing else I can tell you."

"Well there are two test results that you haven't heard. We found traces of the blood on her, as well as a certain other fluid. It was mostly scrubbed away in that bath you gave her, but we found small amounts all over her. It is impossible to get a match on the blood because it is devoid of white blood cells, which are the only cells in blood that contain DNA. We also found amniotic fluid," said Dr. Anderson.

"So what are you saying?"

"The blood on her had to have been treated to have the white blood cells removed, and unless she was just born yesterday from a giant cloned uterus in a lab somewhere, there is no explanation for why she would be covered in afterbirth."

"We're hoping that by telling her this, it will jog her memory," Detective Baum stated.

"All right, but I want to be in there with her."

"Actually, how about you and I wait out here, have a little talk between men," Detective Francis grunted.

It was not a suggestion. I could feel the blood boiling in my veins with the desire to stand by Angel and protect her, but this was out of my control.

"Very well."

While Anderson and Baum stepped inside Angel's room to try one last time to jog her memory, Detective Francis and I stood out in the hall face to face.

"So I've heard from the staff that while you two have been here, you and Angel have been quite cozy with each other. The two of you are complete strangers, but no one has seen you separated for more than a minute and you two slept in her hospital bed. The horniest teens on the planet couldn't get that close in a single night when one of them only knows her name."

"I'm telling you the truth, I've never seen her before. The relationship we have (I use that word carefully due to time constraints) is simple: I want to protect her and she feels safe and comfortable around me. Yes, we get along really well, amazingly well even, but yesterday was the first time we met."

"So when we get the dogs to search your property for any scent trails, we won't find something surprising or contradicting to your story?"

"Disregarding the fact that it snowed all night and anything that your tracking dogs could have found is long gone, no, you won't find anything."

"Well until this matter is taken care of, she'll be put up in a public shelter. You don't need to worry about it anymore."

"I'm not going to let you take her away. You can perform your investigation, but I'll take this court if she isn't released into my custody. She needs me."

"If she's put in your custody, then she's your responsibility. If something bad happens, then it's your fault."

"That's all that I ask."

The door was opened and Dr. Anderson and Detective Baum stepped outside. "No luck, she remembers nothing."

"We'll be at your property later today to begin the search. Thank you for your patience," Francis said dryly before he, his partner, and the doctor walked off.

I stepped into the hospital room, seeing Angel sitting on the bed with a shaken look on her face. Blood devoid of DNA and amniotic fluid... so she hadn't just materialized in my bed, she had actually been born. I walked over and wrapped my hand around hers. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let them separate us, I promise."

As my parents signed the temporary custody papers, Angel and I sat in the car, just enjoying being close to each other. I could tell that she was happy about having a home to go to. We both knew that eventually she would become a permanent member of the family, even after the police had performed their investigation.

"I don't have to stay, do I? If I have to waste my time, I'd rather it not be in the freezing cold," I said dryly to the police.

I was standing with a squad of cops at the edge of the woods behind my house. The dense forest went for miles and it was the only direction Angel could have come from if she was found at the back door. Without even looking, I could sense her watching us from the windows.

"We need to make sure that you aren't lying and maybe destroyed some evidence," one cop said with a bloodhound next to him.

"Look around, Mother Nature destroyed your evidence. A monster truck could have rolled through here and you wouldn't know it."

One of the cops pulled out one of the towels I had used to clean off Angel when she was in my bed. He held it up to the bloodhounds and the dogs immediately seemed confused as they sniffed the ground, unable to pick up the slightest scent other than the slight trace Angel left at the house when returning from the hospital. I certainly didn't expect them to find any traces of her, and I had to hide my relief when they finally gave up.

"Feel free to search the area, but if you need me, I'll be with someone who needs me more."

Angel and I stood in the guestroom. It was the early afternoon and the house was empty. My dad was at work, my brother was at a friend's house, and my mom and sister were out shopping for clothes for Angel to wear while she stayed with us. The cops had quickly left, unable to find any evidence to confirm or deny my story, but they would eventually come back.

"Now this is your room."

I looked at Angel and could tell that she was tired. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "You should get some rest; you had a long night and woke up early."

A small smile crossed her face. "I am tired, but I slept so well last night. I think it's because you were with me. Will you stay with me again?"

"Of course," I whispered, feeling like I was finally on the right path.

With the shades drawn to keep the room dark, we both climbed into the bed and I put my arm around her. Underneath the blankets, our bodies pressed together like two puzzle pieces, I felt so warm and comfortable that my eyelids suddenly weighed as much a pair of dumbbells.

"Marcus?" Angel murmured.

I could only hum in reply.

"I think I remember something."

My eyes bolted open. "What is it?"

"I was supposed to meet someone, I was supposed to meet him and bring him happiness, just like the happiness he would bring me. I can't remember who it was, but I think... I think that person is you. I think we were supposed to meet and make this world paradise."

She tightened her hold on my arm, clutching it against her chest like it was a lifeline. I knew that it was pointless to say anything; she had already fallen asleep. There was nothing to do but join her.

I woke up a couple hours later, my body feeling like it weighed a thousand pounds simply from how cozy that bed was. We had separated during the nap, there was about a foot and a half of space between us, and we were on our sides facing each other. I felt a shiver crawl up my spine, realizing that Angel was in the exact same position as when I would wake up to see her as a dream. I looked upon her beautiful face, unable to form a single thought. Slowly, her eyelids opened, and her blue eyes held a faint glow. Her face was stoic, but her eyes were filled with love, inviting me to come closer. I felt a pulse of warmth crawl throughout my body as a light seemed to shine in my mind. This was the moment I had been waiting my whole life for.

She closed her eyes and rolled onto her back and I slowly moved over to her. Shaking from head to toe but knowing that everything was as it should be. I leaned forward and kissed her, gently at first, but her quick reaction and mirroring of the act drove me to proceed with more passion. She kept her eyes closed the whole time, as if half asleep even while kissing me. I placed my hand on her collarbone, feeling her body becoming hotter and hotter as the kiss continued. I moved my hand down and cupped a warm breast. Angel let out a hum of pleasure as I squeezed, unable to hold the entire mass in my hand.

I slowly pulled up her shirt, brushing the tips of my fingers along her slim belly. Angel raised her arms and pulled off the shirt. While we kissed, I moved my hand down to her waist. She let out another hum as I pulled down her panties, admiring her naked beauty without ever ending her kiss. While sporting a truly powerful erection, I calmly but hesitantly ran my hand between her inner thighs, completely at awe at how soft and smooth her skin was. I brushed my hand against her virgin slit, the vertical lips feeling like velvet beneath my fingers.

At my touch, Angel gave a soft whimper of pleasure and her legs slightly spread. I continued to tease her, caressing her womanhood with gentle—almost ticklish—strokes by my finger. Soon, I decided to go further, settling my hand like I was using a computer mouse and swirling the tip of my middle finger at the first level of her interior, where her soft flesh was moist from arousal with a vibrant pink shade. Feeling my finger probing such a sensitive place, Angel began to tremble and pant through our unending kiss. I continued my advancement, including my ring finger into the stimulation and working the two digits deeper inside of her. Burying them up to the second joint, I stirred her sleeve while rubbing her clit with my thumb.

Angel's body was now moving like a wave, with a soft whine passing through her lips as I pleasured her. Taking it one final step, I ended our kiss and moved my head down, wrapping my lips around her right nipple and tugging on it gently. No longer bound by my lips, Angel's whines of pleasure were now free to be heard, but I was certain that with the door shut, no one in the house would hear her. I didn't even know if anyone had come back yet. I pushed that thought and worry out of my mind, focusing instead on pleasuring Angel. My attention was well directed, as within minutes, Angel arched her back and released a gentle but shrill holler of euphoria. While she tried to catch her breath, I pulled my fingers out of her and licked them clean. Her wetness, her essence, it tasted as sweet as I imagined.

I quickly undressed, knowing what was about to happen, but before I could move on top of Angel, she suddenly pushed me onto my back and climbed on top of me. Sitting on my lap, the wet lips of her pussy kissing the shaft of my rock-hard cock, she gazed at me with tender loving smile. Beautiful, she was so beautiful.

"Marcus, I remember."


"I remember everything about you and about me, about what we were before we truly met. We were like this, just like this, when I promised you eternal happiness. I remember you're touch, your taste, your love, your pain, and your heart. I remember the undying strength and passion in your eyes when you finally realized and cried out my name. I remember it all, Marcus. I love you so much that I can't even describe it! I'm so happy, I think I could cry!"

The air was pulled from my lungs and my body froze. This couldn't be real, this had to be a dream! There was no conceivable way that my life could become so... perfect. Angel gave me a long and passionate kiss, once again reaffirming that she and the world around me was real. Before she could end the kiss, I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.

"I love you so much, Angel. You're the most important thing in the world to me. You're the light of my life, the only reason I've been able to hold on this long. Without you, I was nothing. Without you, I am nothing. You saved me from the darkness of my own mind. You reached out and saved me. You gave me a home in a world I despised and was disgusted by. You aren't just my Angel, you are a true angel," I said, letting tears of happiness fall from my eyes.

Her cheek against mine, she whispered in my ear, "I told you before that if you named me, I would exist solely for you. Now I will fulfill my promise and make myself yours. No matter what you desire or what I must do, I will live for no reason other than to love you and bring you happiness, just as I know you will do the same for me. I will be the embodiment of your will to live and you will cherish me just as I will cherish you."

She raised her head, keeping her face hovering over mine with her long crimson hair hanging down and sealing us within our own private space.

"I love you, Angel," I said, placing my hands on her cheeks.

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