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I Found My Sister Stripping Ch. 08

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Dixie apologizes, and a dispute is settled.
5.2k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/21/2011
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I looked down at Amber as she held our daughter.

The gambit of emotions as I gazed upon her, holding Anna, our fragile little daughter in her arms, was almost too much. I wanted to cry I was so happy, weep for all the problems I knew she would face in her life, dance that she was finally here, and go running up and down the halls screaming that I was a dad.

Amber's red hair was matted to her head, but she was smiling as she looked back up at me. "Can you believe she is finally here?" She asked almost dreamily.

"Well, it took you long enough," Geo said behind me. I spun around to face my sister, who had been ignoring me for some time now, and was only now showing up. "Relax, John. I'm not here to fight with you. I'm here to show my support." I still watched her, though, not warily, but maybe with a little regret. For a moment, I pictured Geo laying there in the bed, holding a child we had made together. I shook my head to block out that image. I wasn't going to go crawling back to her. She had left me in a way, and I figured it was up to her to come back.

"Did I miss it?" Dixie announced her presence, and then pouted for only a moment, before rushing to the bedside and cooing over the new life.

I stepped back to admire these three women, and Dixie noticed me watching. She gave me a smile for a second, and then looked at Geo guiltily, before looking to me with a determined expression. Geo was absorbed with Anna, and didn't notice at all.

Dixie stood up straight, and walked over to me. "You look tired. When was the last time you ate?" I wasn't sure what the two notions had to do with each other, but I suddenly realized I hadn't eaten since the flight early this morning. "Hey, we're going to go eat. Geo, do you want us to bring you anything?"

My sister just waved us away, and we started looking for the cafeteria. We walked in silence, as I didn't really have much to say to Dixie. She was in on my sister's plot, and I wasn't too happy with her for it.

"I've missed you," Dixie finally said, as we stood in line at the cafeteria.

"I've missed you, too," I told her honestly, but didn't say any more.

Dixie looked like she was waiting for me to say more, but when I didn't she spoke up. "I don't know why Geo wants to get pregnant so badly. Don't get me wrong, Anna looks beautiful, and Amber looks happy, but I don't want to get pregnant myself." She kept her eyes locked on me as she spoke, and I just continued to listen, not sure where she was going with this. "I... I've been thinking... It was wrong for us to gang up on you like that." I just raised one eyebrow, as I continued to look at her. "I'm really sorry, and hope you'll forgive me."

I sat down with my food, thinking about what she'd just said. I'd had to fight with Amber to get her to see reason, but Dixie had come to it on her own. Dixie had been the most distant of the three, Geo being the angry one, and Amber trying to show her love, while still supporting Geo. I'd been hurt by how easily Dixie had seemed to be handling things.

Dixie spoke up, as if reading my mind. "I know I have stayed away from you a lot lately, but it was because I knew I couldn't trust myself to be near you, and not want you. I love you, John, and I truly hope you can forgive me."

"Do you still plan on staying away from me?" I asked as evenly as I could.

"Not... Not unless you wanted me to," the brunette said, and I could see that she was starting to tear up. My heart broke at the sight, and I reached forward to cup her cheek in my hand, rubbing away a tear with my thumb as it started to fall.

"That is the last thing I want," I told her, and happily watched as her face lit up. "But I won't stand for anymore of this boycott or whatever you want to call it, either. I love you too, Dixie, and I truly mean that. But you need to decide if I am important enough to you to end this farce."

Dixie nearly leaped out of her chair as she flung her arms around my neck, and kissed me. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but more of a loving one. I felt her hot tears on my cheeks, and pulled her back for a second. "What's wrong? Why are you crying now?"

"I'm a woman," she informed me with a grin, "and a woman doesn't need a reason to cry, she just does." Her grin turned wicked, "And this woman also has a need that hasn't been satisfied in far too long. Hurry and eat, I have some apologizing to do."

I don't think I've ever eaten as quickly as I did right then. I have no idea what I even ate, and wouldn't have been surprised if I had eaten the plastic-ware in my haste. Dixie seemed to derive some immense pleasure from watching me, as she kept giggling, and biting her lower lip. As soon as we were done, and our plates in the trash, Dixie nearly dragged me down the hallway, looking for an empty room.

It took us awhile to find one that was away from any nurse's stations, and empty, but she nearly threw me in as soon as we found one suitable.

Dixie pressed her body to mine, squeezing me against the wall, and clumsily fumbling with my pants. I pulled her shirt up over her head, and quickly undid her bra, before groping her smallish breasts. Having the medium sized ones of the three (Well, until Amber had gotten pregnant and her's had grown some), I enjoyed playing with her sensitive nipples. My pants finally hit my ankles, and I spun us around as I stepped out of them, and pressed her to the wall. I leaned forward and lifted one of her nipples to my mouth, smiling as her hand gripped the back of my head, while her other hand busily slid up and down my hard shaft.

"Oh, I have missed this!" She said quietly, not wanting to attract any outside attention to this room.

I reached down to undo her pants, and found that she had already beat me to it, so instead I slid my hand to her wet snatch, and was surprised at just how horny she was. I couldn't remember the last time she had been this wet, but it only served to increase my own ardor. I slipped first one, then two, then three fingers into her in rapid succession, smiling as I looked up at her with her teat in my mouth, as she tried valiantly not to moan loudly.

I pulled my fingers out, and thrust my arm between her legs and behind her, and placed my hand on her back. With my other hand, I pulled her sideways while I lifted with the first, and soon had her in an awkward carry, eliciting a surprised yelp from Dixie. It had worked better in my mind than reality, and so quickly carried the petite brunette over to the bed, laying her down.

Her wonderful nipple had never left my mouth, but now I started kissing my way across her flat stomach. I could easily smell her arousal, and relished the scent as I started to lap up her leaking fluids. I nibbled lightly on her inner lips, until her hands gripped my ears and pulled me up. "I love what you are doing, but if you don't shove that cock in me now, I'm going to lose it!"

I grinned as I reached down, and started rubbing my head between her sensitive labia, occasionally slapping my cock against her clit. I could see she had been serious about losing it, by the fiery lust that burned in her eyes, and so slid my length into her. She was so wet I was able to make it all the way in, in one stroke. We both moaned loudly as I felt her completely surround me. I felt her legs lock behind my back, and her arms around my neck. Our lips met, as I started to buck my hips. I noticed that the bed rocked slightly on its wheels, with each powerful thrust, but was glad we weren't near a wall.

I brought my hands down to her small ass, and gripping a cheek in each hand, started moving her in counterpoint to my thrusts. Her moans grew slightly louder, and she sucked my tongue into her mouth forcefully as I felt her start to cum. Her vaginal muscles rippled around my cock, as I did my best to not only stifle her moans, but keep mine down as well.

When she had finally finished, we swapped positions, with me on bottom this time. She squatted over me, and reached down, aiming me for her tight hole, then sat down hard, impaling herself in one swift motion. "Oh, Gawd, I'd forgotten how deep that goes!" She said a little too loudly. She started to rock her hips, and I could feel my tip hitting the deepest parts of her.

I reached down, and used my thumb to rub against her clit, and reached up with my other hand to tweak her hard nipples. She climaxed again, her upper torso collapsing on me as she shook. I threw both arms around her, and started thrusting as hard as I could, trying to make it really last for her.

I knew my own was approaching, and I tried to muffle my moans against her neck, as I shot glob after glob of my seed into her sucking pussy.

"Damn," she said as we caught our breaths and started getting dressed, "remind me never to go longer than a couple days without you again!" She gave me a quick peck on the lips, and then said, "I think I may be a little sore tomorrow, but it was worth it!"

When we got back to the room that Amber was in, Geo glared at us. "Where have you two been? I went down to the cafeteria and you weren't there."

"We decided we didn't like the food in there, so we went out," I quickly lied.

"Uh-huh... And is that how Dixie got that hickey?" Geo argued.

Dixie's hand flew to her neck, but not before I noticed that I had given her a hickey. It must have happened when I was trying to muffle my own moans.

Geo stormed out, and I just let her go. I wasn't sure if she was jealous, angry, or what, but it was her fault, not mine. "I'd better go with her," Dixie said and I turned back to Amber, to see how she was doing.

"I take it everything is good between you and Dixie again?"

"Looks like it," I told her, as I kissed her forehead. "Where is Anna?

"Down to the nursery. You know Geo is going to be angry with more than just you, right?"

"What am I supposed to do? She at least has Jason to fiddle with. Is it so wrong for me to have the women I love?"

Amber frowned, and I wondered what I'd said wrong. "Actually, Jason refused her this weekend while you were gone."

My eyebrows rose at this news... So Geo had been rejected, huh? I wondered who she was going to try to get her pregnant now.

"Look, I know how you feel, but would it really be so bad to give her what she wants? It would make our home a happy one again. You should have seen her with Anna. She was so cute!"

"I won't give in to her blackmail. I might consider it otherwise, but she has to apologize for what she did first." I couldn't believe I was even considering it, but I had to agree that I wanted us all to be happy again.

I stayed at the hospital for a few more hours, until Amber kicked me out to go home. She told me I stink of sex too much, and needed a shower. I stopped to visit Anna in the nursery on my way out, still surprised that I was a daddy now.

On the way home, an idea started to occur to me, and I called up Joe at the club. He quickly told me everything was fine, and business was booming. I told him what I needed, and he told me he would stop by later to drop it off.

When I arrived home, Dixie met me with a kiss and a hug, but Geo had locked herself in her room.

"She won't talk to me," Dixie informed me sadly.

I knocked on her door, but she just yelled at me to go away. From her tone, I knew I was better off following her advice, and so left her to her self-made misery.

* * *

Amber came home with Anna a couple nights later, and I found out why new parent always looked so tired. Luckily there were four of us willing to help out, and I was surprised at how quickly Geo stepped up, and was always there to help with Anna. Geo refused to talk to me, but Dixie told me that my sister had forgiven her, stating that it had been unfair to bring Amber and Dixie into our fight.

As I watched my sister, I caught myself smiling from time to time, and she caught me a few times as well. Every time she caught me, she would stare at me real hard for a couple seconds, then walk away, cooing to my daughter. I would usually walk away shaking my head.

I started to study the subject of incest on the internet, predominantly children borne of such relations, and that put my mind at rest a lot more. First generation incestuous children apparently rarely ever suffered from genetic defects. I decided that I would get my sister pregnant, but only if she apologized for her behavior first. I had an idea of how I might make that happen, but I was going to have to wait a couple weeks first.

The club was doing great, but after my weekend off, and then Anna being born, there was a backlog of work to do. I tried to do as much of it at home as I could, so that I could be around Anna and the girls, but much of it still had to be done at the office. I started implementing what I had learned at the conference, and noticed an immediate up-tick in the girls' tips. I decided that I needed to go to that conference every year, and if I was lucky enough to run into Angel again, then all the better.

About a week later, I had my head buried in the books, when I heard a knock on my office door. "Come in," I yelled, slightly frustrated at the interruption in my work, but I tried to maintain an open door policy, and it wouldn't do to act otherwise.

I smiled at first as Betty and Suzy walked in, but it soon soured as I looked at their faces. Both mad, and I knew I was about to be in the middle of it.

"Betty has been stealing my tips!" Suzy accused as soon as they were both in front of my desk. She looked down at me with her almond shaped eyes in frustrated anger.

"Don't blame me, if you're not making enough. I'm no thief."

"Ladies," I interrupted, "Mind starting from the beginning?"

"Ever since she started working here, my tips have gone down," Suzy snapped. I knew this wasn't exactly true, as every girl had to report their tips at the end of the night, though it was true that her increase hadn't been as big as some of the other girls, Betty Included. Betty still wasn't stripping, but she was making good tips behind the bar; enough so that I didn't have to augment her paycheck in any way.

"John, I earn my tips fair and square. I'm no thief." The beautiful black woman repeated.

I was at a loss for how to handle this, until something I had heard at the conference struck me. At the time I had thought it a ridiculous thing to do, but now it seemed my only saving grace.

"Suzy, I know your tips haven't gone down, but if you want, we can settle this in 'stripper court' style." They both looked at me blankly, and I hoped I wasn't about to make a mistake. "You both agree on a judge and then do a strip for them. Whoever does a better job, wins."

They looked at each other for a moment, thinking, before Betty turned to me and asked, "But how will we agree on a judge? We will each try to choose one that either favors us, or is against them."

"I choose you, John," Suzy told me, and for a fleeting second I felt like a Pokemon.

Betty just stared at the Asian woman before adding, "Yeah, that makes sense. I also choose you. When do we do this?"

I had been most worried about Betty agreeing to this, as she wasn't yet stripping, but figured I was getting off easy. "I want this done as soon as possible. I don't need you two fighting out there tonight." They both nodded their heads. "Good, now go pick your costumes, and return to my office. As soon as you are both here, we will begin." The two women nearly ran from my office in their haste to get to their costumes.

I quickly checked the schedule, and verified that neither Geo nor Dixie was working today.

Suzy beat Betty back by only seconds, and my jaw nearly hit the desk as they came in. Suzy had put on a school girl outfit, complete with lollypop and pigtails, while Betty had chosen the naughty teacher outfit. I almost laughed at the irony of their choices, but thought better of it.

"Who goes first?" Betty asked, reminding me why they were there.

"Suzy, you are accusing Betty, so you go first. What music do you want?" She told me the songs, and I started it on my computer, before rolling my chair around my desk to watch.

Suzy started by my office door, and did a high stepping walk towards me, sucking on her lollypop seductively. Her hips swayed, and her chest heaved as she walked, but with the hairdo and outfit, it all looked so innocent, that it increased the sexuality of it. Suzy definitely knew how to play that outfit.

There the innocence ended, though, as she started to lick the lolly very suggestively, and turning around, bent over in front of me. Her slender legs stayed straight, and her short plaid skirt rode up, revealing pink panties with the word "SEXY" written across them. Suzy shook her ass, shoved the candy in her mouth, and then placed both hands on her ankle. Looking me seductively in the eyes, she slowly slid her hands up her calf, knee, thigh, hips, and then threw them over her head, just as some loud base played through my office sound system.

She turned back around, and took the two steps to get to me, before placing her hand on my left shoulder, and walking clockwise around, dragging her hand along my chest and the back of my neck. Where her fingers brushed, goose bumps rose. When she was again in front of me, she put her left leg on my armrest and started undulating her body. She let her leg fall, as she sat in my lap, and reached between us, to untie the middle of her shirt. Shrugging it off, she ground her thighs atop mine, our pelvises mere inches apart.

Suzy had on a lacy white bra, but I could easily see her long nipples trying to poke out. She grabbed my head, pulling it to her chest, and plastered her body to mine, still moving her hips. I couldn't stop myself from nipping at the soft flesh at my lips.

There was no doubt that Suzy was a great dancer, and knew her stuff, but sometimes she seemed stiff, and at other times she seemed to be off from the music playing. Despite these faults, I was still rock hard, when she stood, unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the ground, revealing her pink panties to full view. She bent over in front of me, offering me a great view of her cleavage and ran a single finger from my lips, down my chest, to the bulge in my crotch. She winked at me as she pushed against it for a second, and then spun away. Reaching behind her back, she unsnapped the bra, letting it fall from her shoulders.

When she turned back around, she was covering her breasts with her hands, but had let her long nipples poke out between her fingers. I grinned at the ploy, knowing that she usually got quite a few hoots and hollers when she was on the dance floor.

Almost with the timing of two base beats, she showed first one breast, then the other. A couple beats later, she dropped her panties, finally standing in the nude.

She sat in my lap, facing away from me, and pressed her ass hard against my groin. I barely stifled my moan as she did this. I had to be a judge here, and remain impartial, I tried to tell myself.

She grabbed my hands, and brought them around to her large nipples. I started to twist them between my fingers, and she plopped her head back on my shoulder. "If I win, you'll get a special treat afterwards," I barely heard her whisper over the final crescendo of the music ending.

"My turn at defense," Betty said, and I reluctantly let Suzy go. I didn't like that she was trying to bribe me, but I wondered how Betty would do.

I played the requested music, and sat back in my chair, while Suzy watched, still naked, from the side of the office on my couch.

Betty had a long pointer in her hand, that she beat against her other hand in time to the music. She did a slower step than Suzy had done being hampered slightly by the longer skirt. When she was in front of me, used the pointer to tap against my arms, chest, thighs, and even groin, again, in time to the music. When she touched the stick lightly to the bulge in my pants, she put on a fake surprised look, and covered her mouth with her free hand.


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