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I Found My Wife’s Black Dildo Pt. 01

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I discover my conservative wife is into interracial sex.
12.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/26/2024
Created 10/16/2023
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This is the part one in a three-chapter story series. This is my first-time publishing in the Exhibitionist & Voyeur category--this chapter is heavy in voyeuristic elements. The second part is in final editing, it will be published very soon in Interracial Love. It is titled: "I Found My Wife's Black Dildo Pt. 2 - I find a black man to test my wife's BBC resolve." I hope you'll check that one out too.

I do not give permission for this story to be edited, copied, or published anywhere else without my consent. I hope you like it.


I stood there with my mouth agape, staring at the object as if it were some kind of lost ancient artifact. Could I really be seeing what I thought I was?

My heart was in my throat.

Allie, my wife of eleven years, was the last person I thought would have something like this. But there it was, buried in the back of a random drawer in a rarely used chest in our home office. Still in its packaging and wrapped in a non-descript plastic bag.

There sat a huge black dildo.

Allie had taken the kids to her parents for the weekend, and I was using the alone time to catch up on a few odd jobs around the house. I hadn't rummaged through the old dresser in years, but I was looking for wall hangars to finally mount a couple of pictures Allie had been bugging me about for months.

My hands trembled as I slowly extricated the package from the bag. A million thoughts coursed through my brain as I pulled it from its clandestine hideaway. As I did so, a little white piece of paper fluttered to my feet. I knelt and picked up what I quickly realized was the sales receipt.

My eyes returned to the dark phallus. My heart felt like it might pump out of my chest. Long, thick and possessing deep veiny features, the rutted surface had a foreboding look to it--but the writing on the package belied my thoughts, it was called "Chocolate Decadence". Further description detailed it was 9" long, waterproof, and featured multiple vibrating modes.

Before my legs gave out, I sat down on the small twin bed, trying hard to catch my breath.

Allie bought this? My Allie?

Everything about this was incongruous with the person I was married to.

My wife and I met in college and married not long after we graduated. We were both from the San Francisco Bay Area and each landed good jobs in the tech industry right out of school. We settled into a nice neighborhood in Silicon Valley and were lucky enough to get our financial situation in order before having kids. Both now in our mid-thirties, with two great kids, 7 and 5, we have a pretty damn good life!

We are both active in everything from kids sports to company social groups to church activities. Allie takes an active role in the parent-teacher association at the elementary school a few blocks from our house. We have an amazing group of close friends with whom we spend most of our free time. It's not uncommon on weekends for us to spend long hours at our country club. I play golf with the dads and Allie and the ladies play tennis or hang out at the pool with the kids. The daytime activities often spill into the bar and grille at night, and on most occasions, Allie drives home.

But despite the partying, we prioritize raising our kids first and foremost. There's rarely a weekend where we aren't out on the sports fields supporting them.

In addition the family commitment, we also make time to focus on our own well-being too. We're both into personal fitness--especially Allie. My wife is at the gym at least four days a week. My work travels, and perhaps my less focused commitment make it harder for me, but while certainly not ripped, I stay in decent shape.

And while I have a great job and still look good for my age, my friends still constantly tease me that I outkicked my coverage with Allie. At 36 and after two kids, she can give any 27-year-old a run for their money. My blonde wife's pretty face has that kind of girl next door cuteness about it, but her body certainly isn't like the girl next door--it's more like the Victoria Secret model next door.

Great genes I guess, her mom is still quite the cougar--even in her mid-fifties. It doesn't surprise me that Allie's legs and ass are every bit as good now, perhaps better, than when we met in college--her relentless commitment to fitness insures that. But the fact her beautifully shaped C-cups haven't lost a bit of their full youthful perkiness after two kids, is like a gift from the heavens.

Unfortunately, despite my wife's wonderful assets, I would characterize our sex life as good, just not as exciting as it could be. It isn't from a lack of effort on my part. We still make love once or twice a week despite my desire for more. My frequent business travel also contributes to our challenges, but it's only partially to blame for our sporadic schedule. Allie is the rigid gatekeeper when it comes to the frequency and depth of our lovemaking.

While possessing a spectacular body, my wife is not what I would call hypersexual. I sometimes feel like she does it more out of obligation than desire. She often experiences orgasms when we make love and makes sure I do too--but even in our early years together, she was conservative in the bedroom. Rarely does she initiate, but I wouldn't call her a prude either.

She still surprises me with lingerie or candlelight bedroom settings on occasion, but generally we make love with the lights off. As for the sex itself, most of the time it's missionary or her on top, but once in a while I can talk her into letting me take her from behind. I love those moments, but they are fewer and farther between than I wish. Most of the time we climax together and snuggle for a few minutes before rolling over and falling asleep.

Still, despite her lack of sensual proclivity, I sometimes wonder if Allie doesn't have some hidden desire for better sex. She never gives me any reason to suspect that, but the question still lingers in the back of my mind despite the fact she claims I am all the man she needs.

But still, on occasion when she is in the shower or at the gym, I access her computer or her phone to see if she has been reading erotica or surfing porn. I've never found anything. I'm confident I would if it were there--despite a career in tech, albeit HR, she isn't the savvy techie type to cover her internet tracks. In addition, I would imagine porn sites are terrifying to her for their propensity for launching computer viruses etc.

Yet despite the fact I've never found anything on her devices, and probably because I travel regularly for my job, on occasion, I also hunt in Allie's personal places like her dresser and closet to see if she has secretly acquired sex toys or lubricants to suggest she plays while I'm away. To my disturbing dismay, every search I've ever conducted has produced empty results.

Until today.

I sat on the bed holding it in my hands. My breathing was sporadic as I considered the possibilities.

Not only had she done it, but my conservative wife appeared to have not just dipped her foot in the water. She had done a full-on cannonball into the deep end of the pool.

A Big Black Dildo! Holy Shit!

Surprisingly as I sat on the bed holding it, I felt like I should've been angry or betrayed, but I didn't. I could barely control my excitement--my cock was like steel in my pants.

I stared at the huge dildo, trying to imagine Allie stuffing it's huge head and rutted veiny length into her pristine pussy. I thought to myself, I know she has delivered two kids, but that fucking thing is huge! At nine inches it's three inches longer than me and the girth? Shit, it has to be at least twice as thick, maybe three times. The fucking head alone is two and half inches long and looks like a damn doorknob!

Then the inevitable questions entered my mind. Why is it still in its packaging and clearly not yet used? Hmm...is there any chance it is some kind of gag gift from a friend or perhaps one she bought to give to one of her friends or work colleagues?

I suddenly found myself strangely disappointed. A scenario like that was far more plausible than the possibility she had purchased it for herself. I looked more closely at the receipt and discovered the purchase had been made only ten days previously at 10:20pm. 10:20pm? Why wasn't she home with the kids?

I thought about it for a minute and realized it was the same night she went out with some old friends from a mommy's group she belonged to when our youngest was a toddler. I was in LA on business that week and she'd hired Jenny, our sitter, to watch the kids.

She went to a sex shop by herself? At night?

Countless other thoughts raced through my head.

As I rose to try and figure out what to do next, another object in the back corner of the drawer caught my eye. I reached inside and beneath a stack of holiday place mats was another bag. My heart raced as I pulled it out and emptied the contents on the bed. Two DVD cases popped out and landed face up. Both showed scantily clad white women and muscled black studs.

I picked up one of the cases and immediately noticed that unlike the dildo, it had been opened. I studied the images on both cases, trying to imagine my wife watching this stuff. One was titled "Horny Housewives Love BBC", the other was "Slut MILF's Go Black".

I can't believe what I'm seeing right now!

I had tried to get Allie to watch porn a few times over the years when we were on vacation or staying at hotels for weddings etc. but had rarely been successful in my attempts. And to top it off, these weren't just sex videos, they were interracial sex videos!

OMG! My sexually conservative wife, the mother of our kids, bought a big black dildo and watches IR porn?

I wouldn't consider me or my wife racist in any way. We both have lots of Asian and Indian friends, but neither of us had been around a lot of black people in our lives. Growing up and going to school where we did, just hadn't afforded us many opportunities to interact with them.

I can't believe Allie is aroused by black men and big black cocks?

I peered into the bag and saw another receipt. It was from the same sex shop but was dated six weeks previously--this time in the morning while the kids would have been at school. I checked my phone calendar and determined I had been in Portland that week.

Damn. This is crazy. But why DVD's? It's so easy to surf free porn these days, I assume she knows how to open incognito windows on her computer? I would never know if she did.

I suddenly had an urge to see what she'd been watching. I started to get up, but then remembered we didn't even own a DVD player anymore. The kids streamed all their stuff these days.

Did she not even think about that when she bought these?

My brain was numb trying to process it all. But then I suddenly recalled a conversation I'd had with her a few months previously where she asked if our old Dell laptop still worked. I asked why she wanted to use that old dinosaur? She said her boss asked her to review some old HR materials to see if there was any content they could use for comparisons. She said the files were all on DVD and since neither of us had a player on our current machines, she wondered if that one still worked. I told her I had no idea, but remembered thinking it was a weird request at the time. But I hadn't given it another thought since.

Was she searching for an undetectable way to watch porn?

I adjusted my pants so I could walk and made my way around in search of the old Dell laptop. After striking out in the office, the family room cabinet, and the workspace in the kitchen, I went to our bedroom. I opened her nightstand cabinet door next to the bed and sure enough, there it was sitting on top of some old books.

My heart skipped a beat.

I pulled the heavy device from the cabinet and set it on our bed. Sure enough, it was free from dust and looked like it had been cleaned recently. The power cord was right nearby. I plugged it in and turned on the power button but was immediately faced with a login screen.

Damn. I have no idea what the fucking username and password are!

I tried several combinations, but eventually gave up. I decided I would try and figure it out later, but right now I had another idea.

I packaged the dildo in the bag and stuck the receipt in my wallet. I went out to my car and entered the porn store location in Google Maps on my phone. It popped up quickly, confirming as I suspected the store was in the southeast part of town about twelve miles away. It wasn't the nicest part of the city--certainly not an area where my wife would typically go.

I wasn't sure exactly what my plan was when I arrived, but if nothing else I wanted to see where she had made these incredulous purchases. The whole way there I contemplated how this had possibly come about. I wondered if my wife was truly the person I thought she was or whether this type of behavior had been going on under my nose for a long time. The unnerving possibility entered my mind that perhaps she had acted on these desires with something other than a toy.

Would she really fuck a black guy? And would she do it behind my back?

I pulled up to the non-descript adult entertainment store and noticed a sign for additional parking in the back. I turned my Tesla into the driveway and parked in the rear. There were only a couple of other cars in the lot--neither as nice as mine.

I grabbed the bag from the passenger seat and did a quick perusal to make sure no one was watching as I exited and made my way across the parking lot. A bell jingled on the door as I entered. I'd only been in one of these places a few times, but not for a long time. The distinct scent of burning incense instantly captured my attention.

The place was larger than it looked from the outside. Rows and rows of sexual contraband filled the shelves and cluttered walls. A large section of adult videos filled one whole corner of the store. A couple of creepy looking older men were picking through video boxes. Sex toys and BDSM devices in every shape, color, and size occupied another area. I made a quick perusal of the vibrators and dildos--there must have been three hundred of them in all. I noticed several black dildos, but I didn't gawk, I wanted to familiarize myself with the place first. Another whole section of sexwear and women's slinky footwear was on display near the front counter.

I had to admit I was getting kind of aroused looking at all the kinky eye-candy.

Moments later a petite young woman came out from a curtain behind the counter. She looked like a rocker kind of chick with long kinked hair and a loop nose ring. Her skin was pale white, but she was still pretty hot. Her full tits were spilling out the top of a wife-beater style white stretch tank top.

In a cute perky voice, she welcomed me to the store. "Hey there mister, welcome to Happy Tails, I'm Trish, first time?"

"Uh...yeah...how could you tell...uh...Trish?"

"I can spot newbies a mile away!" She laughed. "Are you bringing something back, we have a 10-day-return policy for unopened items. But if it has any dick or pussy cream on it, it's yours to keep!"

Her frankness caught me off guard. "Uh...this?" I stared down at the bag in my hand. "Yeah...um...this is kind of a weird request. My wife...uh...I think...bought this and I was hoping to ask a couple of questions about it."

She gave me a suspicious look. "I'm not sure what you're after mister, but that sounds kind of sketch. Do you have a receipt?"

"Sure." I handed it to her.

"Hmm, a week ago Wednesday at 10:30pm...yeah...I was working that night. Black dildo. Cash sale. What do you want to know?"

"I...uh...any chance you remember her. Pretty lady, medium length blonde-hair, mid-thirties..."

It took a few seconds, but I could tell by her reaction the description of my wife registered with her.

"Yeah...I think I remember her..."

"Can you tell me anything about the transaction? Was she alone?"

"Uh...yeah, she was by herself, but to be honest with you Mr...uh..."

"Jack...Jack Bradshaw."

"Yeah, to be honest with you Mr. Jack we aren't supposed to discuss customers with other customers. In a place like this, I'm sure you can understand the need for discretion."

"Sure, but I'm her husband. I'm not some perv off the street."

"I don't know how you can prove that to me, she didn't even pay with a credit card. And even then, we aren't supposed..."

I pulled a hundred-dollar bill from my pocket and slid it across the counter.

She looked at it uncertainly before reaching down, picking it up and slipping it between her tits. "Rents due soon, what can I tell you?"

I smiled, trying my best to convince her she'd made the right decision. "So, you say you remember her?"

Now it was her turn to smile. "Yeah, she wasn't easy to forget. We get housewives in here occasionally, but not many who look like her!"

Her response made me feel confident we were talking about the same person. "Thanks for the compliment, I think she's pretty unforgettable myself."

"Yeah, she said she came by after being out with friends. She said she'd had a few glasses of wine but was still okay to drive. I could tell she had a pretty good buzz going, but most of the people who come in here at night are fucked-up. Your wife wasn't bad."

"Do you know how long she was here? Did she just walk in and buy this or did she shop for a while?"

Trish giggled. "Oh, she was here for at least an hour. I remembered her from when she'd come in to purchase some videos about a month or two earlier. As I said, she makes an impression!" The rocker chick said while giving me a flirtatious wink.

I noticed a tongue stud in her mouth that I hadn't seen before. "Oh wow, you remembered her from when she bought the black and white...uh...interracial porn?"

"Yeah, that day she looked twice as nervous as you just did walking through that door! I let her wander around for about fifteen minutes before I helped her find some IR porn."

I felt my cock swelling in my jeans. "Okay, so tell me about that first time she came in."

"Well, like I said, she made quite an impression. She came in here dressed in shorts and a tight tee-shirt, so I obviously noticed her. Don't take this wrong Mr. Bradshaw, but I like girls as much as boys, so I couldn't help noticing her amazing body. Let me guess, 32C?"

I was caught off guard again, first by her bisexual admission and then by her accuracy. "Uh...yeah...did she tell you that? And please call me Jack."

"No Jack, but I have plenty of experience in important matters like that!" She giggled. "Remembering back...I'd say 5'5" and about 120 pounds?"

I could feel my eyes widen. "Damn Trish, you are like the sex store Nostradamus!"

She laughed. "I have no idea who Nostra-what's-his-name is, but anyway, I watched her when she came in. She glanced around nervously, obviously hopeful no one she knew was in the store. As I said, I can easily spot the newbies and what was likely going through her mind. She first went over to the vibrator/dildo section. I pegged her as an egg girl, but she surprised me when she congregated in the dildo section--specifically the black ones."

Trish continued. "Eventually she made her way to the video area. Again, I noticed as she perused the section with primarily interracial covers--that's when I walked up and asked if she needed any assistance."

"What did she...uh my wife...what did she say?" I stuttered, trying to disguise the excitement in my voice.

"Like most of the MILF's who come in here, she stumbled over her words, trying her best to not answer truthfully. But I've been around this block long enough to see through the bullshit with married chicks like her. I said, 'It looks like you're spending most of your time here in the interracial section and I noticed you over by the black dildos, can I assume you are into black bulls?'"

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