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I Know

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Sparks between me and the cute but shy T-girl next door.
9.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 11/19/2022
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I am 25 years old and living in a high-rise apartment in Los Angles. I have a very pale color skin. I am unable to tan, I simply burn in the sun. I have black hair and green eyes. I am six feet tall, with a runner/swimmers toned body. I swam and ran competitively in high school and college. I continue to run and swim every day to keep myself in shape and because I enjoy the exercise. I had all of my body hair, besides the hair on my head, eyebrows, and eyelashes, removed via lasers. So I don't even need to shave my face either.

Coming home from work, I rode the elevator with my neighbor Catherine (Cat). She is a cute little black-haired girl who tends to be a bit of a homebody. I had never seen her entertain visitors or stay out late. I could usually set my watch for when she would come home. Our schedules seemed in sync, so we passed each other almost every day. We always exchanged pleasantries, but she always seemed too shy to want to carry on any conversations with anyone. I had never even seen her talking to the other neighbors, so I figured she was just a shy girl and not just uncomfortable with me. She is cute, about 5'7" tall, slim athletic body, and has a short haircut that I never saw styled or done up in any fancy way, but it looked cute on her.

She always wore some type of pants, some form-fitting to show off her bubble butt and sometimes loose-fitted that didn't show off her figure. I never saw her in a dress or skirt, but she seemed to always wear a blouse or button-up shirt. Her breasts were about a C or D cup, not too big and not too small, and seemed to fit her figure well.

The only time I had ever seen her act outgoing was one night 6 months ago when she had come back to her apartment obviously tipsy. She wasn't falling down drunk, but she had definitely had a few drinks. As it happened we rode the elevator together that night too, as I had come home late from work. I was tired and just wanted to go to bed. She seemed very happy and a lot more adventurous than usual. She stood with her back against the corner of the elevator and stared at me with a devious smile as she bit her lower lip. She began a conversation and quickly started to hit on me. We flirted playfully for the rest of the elevator ride until we reached our floor. As the doors opened I held out my arm dramatically like I was chivalrously saying "ladies first." She shook he head and said that she was hoping that I would go first so she could stare at my cute ass as I walked. I laughed and said, "Whatever your pleasure, ma'am."

I then walked out of the elevator towards my apartment but was caught off guard when she asked, "Would you like to come to my place for a drink, or anything else?"

For some reason, I felt like an asshole when I said, "I don't think my girlfriend would appreciate that, Cat."

I watched her whole posture change, as her shoulders slumped and her arms hugged her small frame. She then whispered an apology before running back to her apartment and quickly shutting the door. I sighed knowing that I had probably killed her night and any confidence she may have worked up. I have never felt so bad about being in a relationship in my life. I even considered joining her as friends but given her behavior and alcohol-induced honesty, I had a pretty good idea of what she was suggesting. The next day she was even more withdrawn than normal. She apologized profusely for her inappropriate behavior (her words) and promised not to try anything like that again. I wondered at her fearful behavior and couldn't understand why she was so worked up over an innocent mistake. I told her that everything was fine and that there were no hard feelings or anything like that. I even added that her behavior wasn't inappropriate because she had no idea I was dating anyone. She thanked me profusely and apologized again. I tried to make her feel better, but she seemed to have withdrawn into herself again. She never seemed to get over that incident and I actually feared that she might move out of our apartment building out of embarrassment. I continued being polite to her whenever I saw her to show her that there was nothing wrong with her behavior, but she went back to her usual withdrawn personality.

After that incident, I had tried, unsuccessfully to make her smile or even laugh from time to time, but I had never succeeded. After my relationship ended, I wondered if I should try to work that fact into a conversation somehow, not that the two of us had any conversations other than brief pleasantries. But I decided against it, thinking that she might think I was propositioning her or that I would make her uncomfortable by reminding her of the night she seemed overly embarrassed by. I then accepted her shyness and tried not to push her or make her uncomfortable. Back to the present, knowing she was normally so shy, I wished her a good night and went to my apartment as she went to hers after she had wished me the same. I didn't see her again until the next afternoon. Now it was Friday and storming pretty hard. She had her arms full of various clothing bags and seemed to be having trouble. She was at the door to our building, becoming more and more soaking wet as she tried to use her key card at the front door without putting her bags down on the wet sidewalk. She looked like she was on the verge of breaking down in tears when I ran up and opened the door for her. She quietly thanked me before practically running to the elevator. I joined her and we started riding up in silence. She was soaking wet and her wet clothes clung to her body. I could tell she was upset, but couldn't tell if she had been crying or if her face was just wet from the rain. I continued to look at her as I asked, "Are you ok?"

She nodded and mumbled out a quiet "yes."

I nodded but wasn't convinced. Hoping to break the tension and possibly get her to smile, I added, "Are you sure, because I'm about one second from offering you a hug."

Instead of smiling, she turned her head to look at me and just stared at me in wide-eyed shock. Then I noticed her lips begin to tremble like she was fighting back her tears and failing. I turned my body toward her and quickly pulled her in for a hug. She stiffened at first but then practically melted into my body, as I began to rub her back and offer her comforting words of encouragement and that everything would be ok. Not knowing what was actually wrong, I asked if she wanted to talk about whatever was bothering her. She shook her head and mumbled out something about a long day that had gotten to her, before pulling away from me and practically running to her apartment. I watched her go with a frown on my face, hoping that she was telling me the truth.

Shaking my head, I walked to my apartment and went inside. I cooked dinner and went about my normal routine, but couldn't seem to relax after Cat's behavior. Deciding to check on her, I walked to her apartment and knocked. She answered the door but fearfully kept her chain latched so the door only opened a few inches. She looked better but her obvious fearful behavior had me worried. I said that I was just wanting to check on her to make sure that she was ok. She nodded and assured me that she was fine and had just had a long day that caught up to her all at once. I nodded, not sure if I believed her but seeing that she didn't want to talk, I stated that if she changed her mind and wanted to talk or needed to talk that she could always come talk to me. She quickly nodded and thanked me, but then quickly said good night and shut the door again.

I shrugged and walked back to my apartment and began watching tv. About 10 minutes later I heard a quiet knock at my door. I quickly answered it and was greeted by Cat standing there as cute as ever, looking like she might run back to her apartment at any second. She had changed clothes into what I assumed was her normal loungewear, black leggings and a tight-fitting T-shirt. I greeted her with a quick "hi" and asked if she wanted to come in. She looked at her feet a then shyly looked back up as she worried her lower lip. I was considering just reaching for her hand to lead her inside when she suddenly threw herself into my arms.

She smashed our lips together in a passionate kiss. We both moaned at the feeling. I pulled her to me and shut the door. Without a word, I turned us around and walked us to my couch. Our mouths still attached in our deep kiss and our arms gripping and caressing each other, I laid her down on her back on my couch and followed until I was on top of her.

She moaned louder as her hard nipples rubbed against my chest. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me closer to her. We began to grind our pelvises against each other, desperately needing more stimulation. I felt her reach one hand to the back of my head as her other hand grabbed my ass. Taking her initiative as an invitation to do the same, I snaked one hand to grab her lovely bubble butt while my other hand grabbed the back of her head. Our moans grew in volume as our bodies ground against each other and our hands pulled each other closer. Not wanting to squash her, I flipped us over on the couch and positioned her on top of me. My cock was rock hard and she moaned into our kiss as she ground her crotch against my raging hard-on.

Breaking the kiss momentarily and gasping in pleasure and desperate need, Cat looked at me through lidded eyes as she asked, "You single now, right?"

I chuckled as I said, "Very single, baby."

Cat smiled and moaned in joy and desire at this before latching her lips back to mine to continue our make-out session. Deciding to up the ante, I let go of her head and pushed up her shirt and bra to expose her luscious breasts. She looked adorable like this with her shirt and bra bunched up under her chin to leave her breasts exposed underneath. I then began to tease her nipples between my fingers of one hand as I gripped her ass cheek tighter with my other hand. Cat's moans grew louder and she gripped me tighter with her legs as she ground harder into my crotch. Feeling her nipples were as hard as they could get, I began groping her breasts and running my thumb along their undersides. Cat was practically hyperventilating into my mouth as she enjoyed my arousing stimulation of her breasts and nipples.

Going further I slipped away from her pants-covered ass and slid it down the back of her leggings to grip her ass cheeks. Cat moaned deeply into my mouth, thrilled at the feeling of my warm hand gripping her ass cheek. I began to grope and massage her ass cheeks as I continued to grope and massage her breasts and nipples. With all of the noises and heavy breathing Cat was making, I wondered if she would orgasm right there.

Cat then slipped her hand down the back of my pants to grip my ass cheek. I moaned louder into our kiss as I remembered her description and admiration of my "cute ass" from months earlier. Apparently, this kitten was an ass girl. I smiled into our kiss as we continued to heat up our make-out session. I'm usually not a make-out kind of guy. For me kissing is something you do to say hello, goodbye, to show affection, or to move the passion forward, but Cat was a damn good kisser and neither of us seemed to want to do anything but enjoy each other's kisses.

Feeling my cock throb and begin to get almost painfully hard, I decided to kick it up another notch. I removed my hand from Cat's breasts and began snaking my way downward. Cat suddenly stiffened and stopped all movement. With a squeak, she let go of my ass and quickly grabbed my hand stopping its downward journey. She pulled back her head from our kiss and with fear in her eyes pleaded, "Wait."

I stopped, wondering at her sudden wish to stop, knowing how worked up and hot we both were. I quietly asked, "What's wrong?"

Cat took a moment to catch her breath as she continued to hold my hand away from the front of her pants. She seemed to be thinking very hard and growing more afraid by the second. Letting her take her time, I waited for her to continue. She finally took a deep breath and began to stutter, "I need to tell you...You have to know that...I'm...I'm not...I mean, I have...I..."

Knowing exactly what the issue was and hoping to curtail her impending panic attack, I removed my hand from her ass and gently gripped the back of her head to shift her gaze back to my face, as I said, "I know."

Cat looked at me with a wide-eyed mouth-agape fearful expression, as she let go of my hand and placed her hand on my chest, and asked, "You know what?"

I smiled up at her in reassurance and kept eye contact as I let my hand travel down the front of her pants to cup her small but erect cock. I cupped her cock gently but obviously unsurprised as I reiterated, "I know, baby."

Cat looked down at me in surprised shock, as she asked, "How did you know?"

I smiled, quirked an eyebrow, and explained, "You have worn some tight pants that show off your cute ass beautifully, but they also fit you tight right here," as I said that last bit, I gently massaged her hard cock.

Clearly shocked and amazed at my actions and acceptance towards her, Cat finally whispered out, "And you're ok with this?"

I nodded and smiled as I answered, "I'm more than ok with ALL of you. I've known for a while now. I don't want to stop, but if you think you need to..."

I trailed off and let Cat make her own decision. She looked from me to the door and then back to me before dropping her head in thought. I pressed forward, fearing that she may be overthinking this development and on the verge of leaving, and asked, "Do YOU want to stop, baby?"

Cat immediately shook her head "no" then peeked up at my face trying to gauge my reaction better. This kitten was so cute when she got shy, especially now when her shirt and bra were still bunched up over her breasts, leaving them exposed. I looked at her nipples and saw that they were both still hard and pointing out at me. But I let her think and hopefully come to the right choice.

Biting her lip in her cute little way, Cat finally raised her head to look me straight in the eyes. She seemed to have come to a decision. She started to bring her face back to mine but then stopped halfway, showing her hesitation and unwarranted fear of my rejection. I gave her an encouraging smile as I gently stroked the back of her head, showing her that I was willing to let her decide what if anything happened next.

Making her decision, Cat slowly brought her face down to meet mine and tenderly pressed our lips back together. I kissed her back and immediately deepened the kiss to show her that I had no hesitation or compunction with her whatsoever. She breathed a sigh of relief into our kiss as she reached her hand back to my ass and pulled us closer together. I continued to hold her head to mine as our passions reignited.

Cat seemed to have cast away her fear and hesitation as she now gripped my ass cheek and ground her hard cock into my hand. Taking this as an invitation, I snaked my hand down the front of her pants and into her panties to gently massage her hard cock. Cat moaned deeply into our kiss as she felt my warm hand on her hard cock and finally let herself go.

Feeling Cat pulling me closer, I released the back of her head and snaked my hand back down her pants to grope and massage her ass cheeks. Cat moaned louder into our kiss and continued to grind her hard cock into my hand. She then let go of my head and snaked her hand down the front of my pants to grip my very hard cock. She smiled and sighed into my mouth as she slowly stroked my hard cock, as she whispered, "Your cock is so hard."

I smiled as I moaned out, "So is yours, kitten."

Cat giggled at my use of her new pet name, then arched her back and gasped as she felt my fingers gently caressing her puckered asshole. She moaned louder and deepened our kiss as she pressed her ass back into my fingers. I whispered out tauntingly, "You like that, don't you kitten?"

Cat mumbled an affirmative as she whispered back, "I like all of this, baby."

I smiled and moaned out, "So do I."

Wanting to continue this elsewhere, I broke the kiss and asked, "Do you want to move this to the bedroom?"

Cat nodded vigorously as she leaned back in to recapture my lips. I then let go of her hard cock, pulled her legs tighter around my waist, gripped both of her ass cheeks to support her, and stood up off the couch. Cat squeaked in surprise and then giggled into my mouth as I carried her into the bedroom, kissing her deeply as I walked. She sighed into the kiss and placed her arms around my neck as she felt me lay her down on the bed.

I then pulled back slightly to take off my shirt and throw it to the ground. Cat watched me do this and quickly pulled her shirt and bra over her head before casting them away. She sighed again as she ran her fingers over my pecs and abs, licking her lips in anticipation and arousal. I crawled into bed on top of her and kissed and licked my way up her body. She giggled adorably when I licked into her belly button. I continued my journey upwards, kissing all the way, until I reached her luscious breasts.

Cat gasped, moaned, and then arched her back as I took one of her hard nipples into my mouth and began to suck gently. She placed a hand on the back of my head to hold me in place, as her other hand gripped my back to pull me in closer. I licked and sucked her nipple, as I moved my hands to grope both of her breasts. I began to massage her breasts and run my thumbs along their undersides. I then switched to her other nipple and continued the stimulations of my little kitten. Cat moaned again at my successful efforts to arouse her further.

Growing anxious and ready for more, Cat then pulled my head up to capture my lips for another passionate kiss. I let go of her breasts and snaked my hands around her back with one gripping her ass and the other holding her head. Cat did the same but snaked one hand down the back of my pants to grip my ass cheek. She then moaned into my mouth pleadingly, "I want you, baby."

I moaned into her mouth, "I want you too, kitten."

With our minds clearly on the same thing, we broke our kiss at the same time and began frantically shedding the rest of our clothes and flinging them aside. I finished stripping first and helped her pull her pants and panties down her legs. I smiled in appreciation at the little sexy wiggle of her hips that she did, to get her tight leggings past her hips and ass. I smirked as I looked down at her naked firm displayed and waiting for me on my bed, before crawling up her body for another passionate kiss.

Moaning in pleasure as we embraced naked, Cat then snaked a hand between our bodies to grip our hard cocks and gently stroke them together. We moaned into our kiss as we enjoyed her ministrations, loving the feeling of our hard cocks being stroked as they rubbed against each other. Placing a hand on my shoulder, Cat gently indicated for me to roll over as she whispered, "I want to taste you."

Smiling at her declaration, I eagerly rolled us both over and maneuvered her on top of me. She giggled at this before kissing her way down my body. She lingered for a few moments to lick and suck my nipples before continuing her downward journey. Settling herself between my legs, Cat stroked my hard cock as she smirked up at me before taking it in her mouth. She moaned in pleasure as she tasted my precum and spent a few minutes sucking my hard cock head as she stroked my cock shaft and massaged my balls. I moaned as she lowered her head to take my entire cock into her mouth and expertly deep-throated me without gagging or showing any discomfort.

She then began to bob her head up and down as she sucked my hard cock. I moaned in pleasure, loving the feeling of her warm mouth stimulating my cock. I could tell she was enjoying herself by the look of complete bliss on her face. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were being sucked inwards and outwards by her glorious technique. I just hoped that I would be able to return the favor as well as she was doing to me.


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